D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 629 - 629 Final Checks

Chapter 629 - 629 Final Checks

Chapter 629 - 629 Final Checks

"CONTENT" 'Lily' said. Will be used for when Kat repeats something at Lily's request. Notice the '' around Lily's name. This is mostly just to keep things clean and save repeating things.


Lily let out a cute little yawn at the end of the flashback session and Kat realised it must have been getting kind of late. The room looked the same as it had before, and there were no windows so it was a quite hard to tell how much time had passed. Still, Kat wasn't going to keep Lily up any longer if her girlfriend was already yawning regardless of what time it was. Kat found the light 'switch' which was actually just a button and pushed it in.

With the lights 'off' there was actually still a faint glow coming from the ceiling, it was very soft and Kat could tell she was using her night vision to see properly. It was just barely enough for a normal human to see the edges of things. For Lily in Kat, it was easy on the eyes and they could see practically everything.

Kat smiled back at Lily whose orange eyes stared over at her. Kat could now feel the emotional command for Kat to go back to holding her. It was a little funny and Kat let out a small giggle as she hopped back into the bed and pulled Lily in close. Lily apparently had other ideas because she hopped up onto Kat's stomach and curled up into a ball under the covers. She wasn't heavy at all, and Kat was able to get used to the new weight easily. Like that, the pair were able to easily find sleep.

The next morning, they woke up and got their bearings. Lily found out she was surprisingly ok waking up as a cat if it meant she could sleep buried in Kat's clothes. Just being surrounded by the scent of her girlfriend was a considerable plus, and she could feel that her body wasn't suffering at all for sleeping curled up where it was, Lily was happy to stay resting exactly how she was until Kat woke up. Kat on the other hand woke up and made sure not to move at all lest she disturb Lily, worried that even disrupting her breathing too much would wake Lily… who had awoken at the same time because of the bond. Kat however, had closed both doors to sleep just in case and neither had noticed.

Thankfully they didn't spend too long trying not to wake each other as someone knocked on the door. Clearly the rooms were monitored… but considering it was a hospital that wasn't exactly strange. Lily scampered off of Kat's stomach and out from under the covers so that she could see. Kat, feeling the weight of Lily leave her, hopped up immediately and got opened the door to reveal Nira. "Good morning you two. Would you like to come in for a final check up now? We can put it off of course but I'm sure you're both ready to go home."

Kat instantly glanced over at Lily for confirmation. [Why are you looking at me? It's not like I can respond?]

*That may be true but I'm happy to just hang around here if you want. Sure, we can hang around back on Earth but you might not have wanted to introduce yourself just yet. I know Sylvie will coo over you for a while, probably Vivian as well unless she feels like being a proper adult for a few minutes. Callisto will probably just pretend everything is business as usual but I don't want you to get overwhelmed.*

Kat felt a burst of what she was guessing to be love travel down the link because of the concern she was showing. Kat gave a slight grin at it but internally was wondering if just showing what she considered to be basic care was enough to cause such a reaction that it might be dangerous to go too far out of her way for Lily. The feeling was already exceptional strong in Kat's mind. Still, Kat just kept staring because bursts of emotion were not exactly clear answers. [Oh. Right. Um… yeah I'm happy to get the final check-ups done. No sense hiding away forever. Plus the real people I'm hiding from are my parents and I can still avoid them for a day or two at minimum.]

Kat rolled her eyes at that but scooped Lily up and followed Nira out of the room. They headed back to the room they were in yesterday and found it changed once again. Now it looked like a more standard doctor's office with the extra screens and two desks being the main difference. "Can you just place Lily on that examination table?" asked Slethnoth weird sounding voice and all.

Kat moved Lily over but let her jump out under her own power, a detail Kat didn't even notice consciously but the others in the room did. Lily softly padded around the table before curling up again. She wasn't tired exactly, but it felt right. If she was forced to explain it, she would say 'all of my instincts insist I'm safe so I rest' as her answer. Apparently curling into a ball was her default relaxed position now. Kat took a seat in one of the awkward looking doctor's chairs and was surprised at the fact her wings clipped through and that it was comfortable at all. Praise demonic technology!

Nobody, still in Nira's form, quickly ran through a few tests using the table. It was clear the examination table was also a scanner of some kind because Slethnoth was going through data seemingly from nowhere the table was likely providing. Still it didn't take long for Nobody to give Lily the all clear.

"Well Lily, it looks like everything is fine on my end. There isn't anything wrong with the body part of your new body. Slethnoth?" said Nobody.

At Nobody's prompting, Slethnoth picked up, "Additionally, Lily's soul is about where I'd expect it to be. Not as stable as projected, but after the new data from yesterday it has continued to slowly stabilise with help from the bond with Kat. I think she'll be safe to release"

"Great" said Nobody with a clap of her hands, "Now switch places"

Kat paused and looked over at Nobody who was clearly glancing between her and Lily. *What?*

[Oh don't worry Kat it's just a basic check up. I hardly even felt anything] josei

*I'm not worried Lily just surprised. I wonder why they need to examine me at all.*

Kat felt Lily's disbelief at that. [Ah yes, you totally didn't go through a life changing ritual to bind us together that might potentially cause problems because the whole thing is untested. Nope, clearly you are the perfect picture of health and haven't had any invasive medical procedures since you were born]

Kat grinned, happy to see Lily talking back to her a little bit. Even if it was mostly sarcasm, it was good to see that dating Lily hadn't suddenly turned her into a yes man. It wasn't a big worry, but Lily hadn't really gainsaid Kat all that much recently. Of course, Kat was forgetting that was rather in character for Lily and nothing had changed.

Still, the pair swapped. Lily hopped down to the ground, surprised at how easy it was on her legs before jumping up to take the chair Kat had been on specifically. Kat didn't notice right away, as she wasn't looking, but Nobody and Nira had big grins on their face at the action. "Lay down please" Nobody said offhandedly when she turned to see Kat just sitting. Accepting this Kat lay down and shivered a little bit out of habit.

Despite the table being metal, it was nowhere near cold enough to actually cause Kat to shiver from the cold. Still, it wasn't entirely comfortable either despite letting her wings phase through. In fact, Kat noted idly, this was the most uncomfortable she had been since becoming a demon if you didn't count combat encounters. Still, she wasn't a child, and forced herself to relax while being examined.

"How are things on your end Slethnoth?" Nobody asked as she poked various areas on Kat's body.

"It's a little harder for me. I've never had the privilege of examining a nondem's soul before so I don't really know what it's supposed to look like. I have to make a few educated guesses but I think these numbers look correct? Damn, I might not have been the best specialist for something like this. I have a lot of experience with souls, especially recovering ones, but nondem's aren't my area. I was never involved in nondem tests," grumbled Slethnoth.

Nobody shrugged, "Well on my end she's in better then perfect health. Her regeneration is clearly top quality and keeps her at peak performance. From my point of view she has what might just be the best body any Rank 2 demon could possess. Her bones are strong, her skin is smooth but decently tough. Her horns look healthy. The only thing to note really is that her tail is notably longer then average but that's not a medical condition or an issue. Her instincts clearly have adapted specifically for it."

Nobody shrugged again.. "I guess you're good to go? We can't really examine you as accurately as we can Lily, we didn't exactly run a tonne of simulations specifically for you after all."

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