D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 630 - 630 Cat In The Hat… No House

Chapter 630 - 630 Cat In The Hat… No House

Chapter 630 - 630 Cat In The Hat… No House

Reminder. 'Lily' said is for Kat speaking on Lily's behalf.


Kat waved to the three other demons with Lily in her arms. Lily just meowed at them while saying [Goodbye!] cheerily in their minds. As the flames surrounded them, Kat was rather happy that Lily actually remained there instead of getting sent separately. Lily watched the dancing flames surrounded them, while Kat, instead watched Lily watching those flames. She was able to note that they didn't properly cast light over things, and Lily had the same shadows she had when they left the room, despite the flames looking as though they gave off light.

Kat decided to leave open the door and allowed the sense of calm wonder that normally appeared during transit wash out, while accepting the burning curiosity with a dash of wonder to it from Lily. Of course, feeling these emotions, Lily wouldn't quite put together that Kat was watching her with those emotions and not the flames around them. For Kat, the feeling was surprisingly comparable. They travelled in silence, not even sending mental messages during the journey all the way until the flames receded to reveal Kat's room.

Kat half expected Lily to jump out and go exploring the house now that she was so much smaller. Take everything in from a new perspective. She was pleasantly mistaken. Lily, seeing the flames vanished, decided that whatever she could potentially looking at was less important than curling up in Kat's arms and just enjoying the embrace. So that's what she did. Lily twisted herself around so that she'd curled into a ball with her face against Kat's chest and relaxed completely.

Kat gave a slight smile at that and wished slightly for a free hand to stroke Lily while she was relaxing. It was quite the adorable site and Kat wasn't immune to it in any way. The only thing keeping her from just hopping onto the bed and relaxing alongside the bundle in her arms was the fact that she hadn't seen Sylvie in over two weeks. So, Kat got up and headed for the door.

With her hands full, Kat needed to use her tail to operate the door, and was rather thankful that the doors had lever action handles instead of round ones. Her tail was quite strong, but getting it to grip and turn a spherical metal object would have been a challenge. Stepping through the door, Kat turned her ears to listen for the others. When she heard all three of them downstairs eating Kat glanced out of the window to find the sun had just finished peaking over the horizon.

*Must be eating breakfast. Should I stand up here like an idiot while waiting for them to finish? There isn't necessarily a reason to interrupt them… other than not wanting to stand around doing nothing… but I can just relax with Lily… but Sylvie will be sad if she finds out I didn't go straight to her… hmm… decisions decisions…*

*With my hearing it's possible to not get caught…* Just as Kat was warming up the idea though she made the mistake of imagining Sylvie's face if she found out and really, the decision was made then and there. Kat walked downstairs, taking them slower then usual to not bounce her passenger around and stepped off onto the landing.

With the additional care she put in, nobody heard her coming down the stairs either. There was just a small moment where Vivian, the only one who could see the stairs while eating, glanced over and saw Kat along with the small bundle of fur and wings curled up in her arms. Vivian's face morphed into a large grin before disappearing so quickly even Kat wasn't completely sure she saw it until she reviewed the memory to confirm.

Vivian then started to use subtle hints with her eyes and posture to direct Kat to stand behind Sylvie before saying anything. Kat wanted to shrug and nod, but with Lily in her arms she settled for just nodding. Another few careful steps and she was behind Sylvie. "So when do you think Kat will be getting back?" asked Vivian as if she wasn't looking directly at Kat's face as she said it.

Callisto noticed this slightly odd angle instantly and glanced at the reflective cutlery to get a view of what was behind her and Sylvie. Seeing Kat in the reflection she debated over if it was best to spoil the answer or let Sylvie guess. Of course… Sylvie spent a lot of time around Callisto since moving in. Much of this was just watching Callisto go about her day and chatting.

So when Sylvie saw notably odd movements from Callisto, she made note of that and copied the motion perfectly. Callisto's face morphed into a big smile, watching Sylvie copy her movements, and Vivian couldn't keep her grin hidden any longer. Sadly for Sylvie… while she did know what Callisto did with her hands, she didn't know what Callisto was actually doing, and missed the reflection of Kat in the cutlery.

Wanting to help this play along, Kat moved her tail to sit just above Sylvie's head and channelled some demonic energy. As she did so, she felt the strangest sensation, as the energy flowed out of her she felt energy from Lily rushing in to fill the gaps. The visible light from Kat's flame clued Sylvie in that something was going on behind her, whipping around her eyes going wide as they spotted Kat's figure. "KAT!" shouted Sylvie happily as she bounced off the chair before hugging Kat around the waist. Kat smiled and shifted so that Lily was now more visible. "…cat?" 'repeated' Sylvie with audible confusion.

Apparently Lily's knew ears were good enough to here the difference in those words and pulled her head out of Kat's clothes to face Sylvie. The pair locked eyes, and something strange seemed to pass between them. Kat missed it completely, not understanding the war for the dominant force of cuteness in Kat's life going on right under the demon in question's nose.

The argument was fierce, Sylvie arguing for privilege as a little sister to always be the cute one, with Lily firing back that as Kat's girlfriend she got first priority. Sylvie returned fire with the fact Kat was a surrogate parental figure making her in many ways Kat's daughter, and, if Lily wanted to play the girlfriend card, her daughter as well if Lily's commitment was real. josei

That critical hit sent the silent war that not even the newly founded bond picked up on, to a crashing end with Sylvie victorious. Lily bowed to Sylvie's superior claim to the cutest in Kat's life without further complications. Granted, Lily didn't mind overmuch. Sylvie was adorable as well, and Lily knew in her heart that she didn't want Kat to just see her as 'cute' anyway. Sure it would have been nice, but to her mind it would have hindered her ability to initiate lewd things.

The next thing Kat made note of was Sylvie making adorable grabbing motions towards Lily and asking, "Can I hold her?"

Kat snorted lightly at that, because Sylvie wasn't looking at Lily to ask that request but to Kat. Lily couldn't help the faint bit of amusement she had at the situation, much happier in fact that Kat had been the one prompted and not her. Sadly, Kat would do the 'right' thing and instead of answering Sylvie, she asked Lily her thoughts.

Lily sighed internally and gave Kat an affirmation, mostly because of her loss in the silent war of cuteness. With that decided Kat shuffled Sylvie over to the couch before getting her to sit down and letting Lily free to hop on Sylvie's lap. This was because Kat had no idea how heavy Lily was. Her demonic strength prevented her from feeling the strain, and there was a slight worry that with the wings, and the horns, and perhaps other things separating Lily from a normal cat, she would be too heavy for the small girl. Granted, Kat didn't exactly know how much Sylvie could lift anyway, or if a normal cat would be within that range. It was just better to be safe than sorry.

"So what's it like being a cat?" asked Sylvie brimming with honest curiosity. Previous contention already forgotten… especially because of her win.

"It is both surprisingly comfortable and surprisingly strange. I… I don't feel weird being like this, if that's what you asking. While it would be NICE to have my humanoid body ready, it's not as large of a concern as I thought it would be. Mainly that I have no idea what to say, or rather, what to force Kat to say, to my parents about the whole being stuck as a cat thing. Not sure they really believed me when I told them before it happened" said 'Lily'

Sylvie gave an accepting hum as she started to carefully scratch behind Lily's ears. Lily couldn't help purring slightly at the action… though something that Kat noticed is that it wasn't the same sound as when she did the same.. Something to think about perhaps.

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