D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 633 - 633 More Questionable Thoughts, Ft Lily.

Chapter 633 - 633 More Questionable Thoughts, Ft Lily.

Chapter 633 - 633 More Questionable Thoughts, Ft Lily.

Lily chapter again


[So, if Amelia doesn't rate highly who would you have chosen after me?] Kat asked curious.

Lily's tail flinched. *Don't say it like that Kat. It makes me feel like you believe it was ever close at all. That's like… like asking someone after they finish their favourite meal what colour dirt they'd like to eat. Not only are you easily the most attractive girl I've ever met, your personality is so much better as well. I cannot properly explain how rare having both of those together is, or just how not close others could possibly. josei

It's part of the reason I was so scared to ask you out Kat. If you'd said no… there was no backup plan. No 'she's not as good looking as Kat but I could happily marry her' in the works. I know that some really scummy girls do have like… backups after backups but even most normal people at least have alternatives.

I didn't, and now I happily know that I never will. Sure part of that was because I'm a lesbian. It's not always easy to pick one out of the crowd and because I didn't want to announce it either it's not like I could try to find others using that. So, no. I would not have chosen someone after you. There was no after you Kat, and I don't want you to EVER think there was.*

Kat frowned, feeling rather guilty when she felt the surprisingly intense feelings of pain coming from Lily at this moment. She'd even stopped purring despite Sylvie's scratches and was barely holding onto a growl. Lily didn't want to give away anything to Sylvie, lest questions she didn't want to answer be asked. [Sorry Lily… I really didn't think it would be that big of deal. I just assumed you… well you said they ranked people, I just assumed you'd have someone ranked below me?]

Lily sighed internally. *Sorry. I know. Or well, I should have known. This sort of thing isn't that big of a deal to you. Um… well… honestly Vivian and Callisto both rank pretty highly in terms of attractive girls. I'm not one for blondes, but they have a maturity about them quite a few in school lacked, even the older ones. Your height helps you a lot. Wait… shit do I have a thing for older women? No I can't. I'm older than you so it can't be possible. Yes let's go with that.*

Kat just smiled at her girlfriend's antics. [Right so now that we've established that… I was looking for people at school really. Though at least I can understand why you like the look of Callisto, she's on the taller side though I'm surprised you don't think she hides her legs too much with that dress of hers]

I* can see where you're going with that… but I know she has legs under there, you can tell based on how the dress conforms to her frame and shifts when she walks. She's doesn't quite have as much leg to rest of the body as you, but she does pretty well. The real reason she ranks so highly for me I guess is the maid outfit. Not a big turn on for me, but still one I can appreciate at she wears it really well.*

[So you'd like to see if I look good in maid outfit?] Lily couldn't see the smirk Kat wore at that moment. Perhaps if she had, she would have been able to control her thoughts slightly better.

*Yes! … wait. I mean… shit. I didn't mean to answer so quickly… or at all really.*

Kat giggled out loud and Sylvie glanced over with a look of curiosity. Deciding to head that off, Kat transferred Sylvie to her lap. Now Kat had Sylvie on her lap who had Lily on hers in a stack. Kat was glad that the weight was nothing to her, wouldn't want to be distracted by her legs going to sleep.

[Lily it's fine. I don't know how often you want me to repeat that before you believe it. I'm dating you now. I'm quite happy about that fact. I'm not going to be put off because you want me to wear a maid outfit or something sillier. Especially if it's just the two of us at the time. The biggest problem with the maid outfit isn't my feelings at all, it's getting one that will fit with the wings and tail]

Kat was quite pleased to feel Lily's mood stabilising and the tinge of worry and concern that laced her thoughts receding. *Sorry. I guess… hmm… I wonder if I keep trying to avoid speaking or thinking about these things because I always tried to keep those thoughts locked up before. It really wasn't appropriate conversation back when we were just friends. Or well… it MIGHT have been if I wasn't gay. I've heard other girls like to play dress up but I never did even in the past when I was younger. Stella didn't see the point when she was a kid, and I thought one shirt was much like another for a long time… then she had other friends for that sort of thing as she got older…*

Seeing where that particular line of thought was going Kat cut in with, [You didn't tell me about the boy's opinion did you? What did you hear they thought?]

*Ah yes well… I suspect that whenever we heard about their opinions it was… couched in nicer language. I may not have gotten close with any of the boys but I did overhear some of the things they said about people. It's rarely 'she looks the best' or 'How beautiful does x look today' it's normally crewed things like 'Amelia has the best tits' or 'Susan looks like she put on a skirt two sizes to short today' things like that. It's the sort of thing I feel like they shouldn't be saying about girls they don't really know and aren't dating. I mean… I hardly feel like it's ok to talk about your legs still and I'm dating you AND you know that's my thing.*

Kat gave a mental shrug and wrapped her arms around Sylvie, making sure to go under Sylvie's arms so she still had her hands free. [Well, I can tell you as someone who has looked after plenty of boys in the orphanage… that's just how they talk and think. They don't consider it inappropriate; they just consider it true. To them, there is very little difference between saying 'she has great hair' and 'she has a great ass' the only difference is that they know one is acceptable to be overheard by the girl in question and the other isn't. It seems to be something they sort of agree on as a collective. I know quite a few of them can't even understand why women find it inappropriate.]

*Really? Are you sure?*

[Yup positive. A little eleven year old came up and just outright asked me why girls weren't supposed to overhear it. I was only fourteen at the time, so it was a bit ago but I never forgot. He… he was participating but didn't understand the fascination or the secrecy. So the kid just… came out and asked me. Hmm… what did I tell him… hmm… Ah I know. I told him 'Boys and Girls are silly and don't like certain compliments. So you only let them hear the compliments you know they like. Girls do the same thing just with different words, so don't worry'.]

*But… we don't? Do we?*

[Oh I have no idea but I was able to lie back then and it was easier then explaining that I didn't understand it either. I thought my version made more sense to someone at eleven and he'll likely never learn otherwise. That's one trick the orphanage taught me for dealing with kids. Explain it in a way they can understand.]

*Ok well… that was an interesting tangent. Um… to get back to what I was saying… normally when stuff was relayed it was filtered, because it sounded like the girl's system for the most part. Which of course meant that the bitches three where usually at the top if they were around.*

[Not terribly surprising but a bit disappointing. Was I really the only person who stood up to them?]

*Yeah pretty much. Quite a few people thought you were crazy for it. Huh… I wonder… is that why you never ranked quite so highly? Not because they actually believed you lost out in looks but because the bitches wouldn't like it… or maybe just because they thought you didn't quite have all your marbles…

Wait is that why nobody listened when I defended you either? Because I was only saying that because you stopped them going after me? Dammit how did I not realise that. I REALLY want to brag to them now that I got the best girl in school. It's not like they can really cause too much trouble now outing me so I'm not worried about that… and hmm… I wonder if they'd be jealous or not…

What do you think? I clearly have the best girlfriend but I don't really know if straight girls would be jealous of that fact. I mean, to me you're much better then the rest of them, and certainly better then all the boys… but would they care? I certainly wouldn't care about whatever guy they picked up… but girls are strange sometimes…*

Kat decided to just send approval, not really understanding Lily's desire to show off in this instance.. If Kat was in that position… which she sort of was… she'd be keeping Lily all to herself.

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