D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 634 - 634 Mining The Depths Of The Mind

Chapter 634 - 634 Mining The Depths Of The Mind

Chapter 634 - 634 Mining The Depths Of The Mind

More Lily. I regret nothing.


Before the pair could continue their mental conversation Callisto interrupted them with a call to lunch. It was sandwiches again, though there was meat off to the side for Lily as well. It was two small plates. One contained uncooked ham while the other was a small cut of steak, something Callisto had done to put on some of the other sandwiches.

Kat gravitated towards the simple ones with vegetables on them. She'd been eating well at Enuko's house, and didn't want to waste the food. It helped that she was training but Kat felt like she'd had too much food recently. She was thankful she didn't feel overly full, but there was certain a part of her mind informing her she needed no more food, so small bites and a single triangle was her plan.

Kat had set Lily down on the table, not knowing what else to do about her seating arrangements only for Callisto to give a sigh and grab a bar stool out of another room. Callisto just lifted up so that it was in line with the table and allowed Lily to move over on her own. Once there, she got about trying the various foods in front of her.

First she tried the ham and instantly decided food was weird now. It didn't taste like her brain new ham to taste like. The best way to describe it would be 'good meat'. That was the strange part really, it was hardly a taste as she recognised it. If you asked her if it tasted like steak, or pork, or any other meat she'd have to so both yes and no. Truly a strange thing. So she tried the cooked stake... and it tasted pretty much the same. She could tell it was different to the ham, but that was largely a texture thing.

Finally she tried the sandwich and that was just as weird, though at this point it was quite expected. The flavours didn't really mix together in her mouth, simply registering as 'edible plant' 'edible strange thing' and 'good meat'. *Well. That's weird. I can't even say it's bad. I can't really say it tastes bad either. More… informative than anything else really.*

Kat didn't comment on Lily's thoughts on the food as she didn't really know what to say. Without Lily's control of the bond improving Lily couldn't share the memory as Kat had done, and without that there really was no context to properly explain the sensation of eating with fewer taste buds. Many would expect it to be like looking at a pixelated photograph, simply having less definition when compared to normal. Sadly, that explanation does not account for how other parts of the body connect to the taste buds.

In the end, Lily just ate what was in front of her and put it out of her mind while the rest ate and chatted. She didn't really feel the need to jump in at any point and most of the conversations were pretty basic. Vivian's current jobs, Callisto's current projects, what Sylvie has been spending her time with. Things of that nature.

When lunch was over Vivian headed back to her office, and Callisto and Sylvie left together to continue what apparently had become a daily chess tournament. Each day was a best of three and whoever one two of the matches got a point. If any game went to a tie nobody got the point that day. It was an interesting system and currently they were both on two points.

Kat happily picked Lily up and made her way to her room before leaning back and placing Lily on her stomach, before pausing for a few moments and switching that position to her boobs instead. *Kat?!*

Kat shrugged. [You're my girlfriend and currently a cat. I feel like this is a good way to get you to stop being so embarrassed all the time. They're just boobs Lily, no matter how attractive mine apparently are. You can talk about them without it being weird, and even if you make it weird I'll not mind. Do you really think I agreed to date you for your sanity? Lily I remember the time you spent a week researching how different kinds of socks were made.]

*Hey, that was a valid line of inquiry. I had plenty of socks that kept getting holes in them and a few really old pairs that only sort of fit but didn't have any holes at all. I wanted to by good quality socks for the future and it was more interesting than I would have expected.*

Kat gave a 'see what I mean' look back at Lily, which, along with the accompanying mental imagery was hard to miss. [So do you want to final tell me what the boys opinions on me are? You've been avoiding it for some reason and now I'm interested.]

*Geh… it's just… I dunno, doesn't it make you uncomfortable to talk about? I never liked where I tended to place in these lists…*

[Not really? I guess it would be different if I was asking for your placing, maybe then I'd think it was awkward… but I mostly just want to chat with you. We've been busy and sure we caught up a bit more recently but since school ended I've been off on so many adventures. It's been weird not talking to you so I'm mostly just trying to keep the conversation going. Oh don't get me wrong, the avoidance of the topic makes me interested, but I just want to keep chatting.]

Lily buried her face into Kat's chest and started purring. She felt a weight on her heart she hadn't realised she'd been carrying lift. It was strange, she, unlike Kat, hadn't consciously noticed the fact they'd been talking so much less. Apparently her body and mind had though, because the sheer joy at the knowledge Kat just wanted to talk with her flooding her mind and connection.

Feeling all the emotion coming from Lily Kat pulled her up further to near her neck and sat up so that she could squeeze Lily against her. *I didn't know I was worried about that. Thanks Kat. I suppose it's not even that bad, or good really. You always ranked somewhere in the top ten but rarely in the top five, especially if the bullies were ranked in the top five. I believe the prominent sentiment was that your breasts were on the smaller side… which is weird and untrue but whatever, it's probably just the fact you never wore push up bras… anyway it was that, plus the fact you were one of the people who actually wore correct length skirts…*

*So they never really thought you had 'anything' to display and not enough of them appreciate legs and thighs like I do. Still, with all those negatives you rated quite highly. Not sure why actually. They mostly pointed out the stuff you didn't have… and then gave you somewhere around seventh place consistently. No idea why. Like… if they really think you lack so much why rate you so high? Not that I'm saying you should be lower… but well… yeah you know my thoughts already…*

[Yeah that doesn't make a lot of sense to me either. Hmm…what else do I want to know… oh you mentioned maid outfits before because of Callisto. What other things would you want to see me in?]

Lily let out a chocked sound that as a Memphis sounded more like a mewl. Still, she held back her instinctual reaction which was to deny everything and sucked in a deep breath, preparing herself to give a true answer. *Well… before we get to anything else… I certainly have a thing for kimonos now. I blame you entirely for that. If you didn't wear one all the time I wouldn't have developed it. I know this because I didn't have a thing for them last year. Now I certainly do, and I've have many… many… yeah… it's a lot…*

*Right um… no I can admit this. I have had more than a few dreams about you wearing a kimono a size or two too small so that… certain things spill out. Still, even just your normal outfit now is great. It looks amazing on you, and I wouldn't change it. Other than that… well, maids aren't really my thing but I suppose if we do ever get around to this I'd still like to see you in one anyway, just for completeness sake I suppose.* josei

[Of course, of course] said Kat mentally with a sage like voice, [Purely for completions sake]

*Other than that,* thought Lily pointedly ignoring Kat's prodding, *bunny girl outfits are probably right at the top. They just show off everything I like really well. Sure the stuff up top is nice, but it'll highlight your legs and ass astonishingly well, I'm sure. With or without stockings, I can appreciate both easily. Though… hmm… I suppose it'd be weird for you to have a bunny tail as part of it now you have an actual tail. We can leave that off.*

[Of course, my illustrious girlfriend. What else?]

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