Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 322 Battle On Ella’s Wall

Chapter 322 Battle On Ella’s Wall

Lenny's intervention was a great save.

His use of His exploding fireballs sent meaty chucks of the slimy, slithering creatures in all directions.

It was more effective than even the RPGS.

Then again, these were energy-based beings. Normal weapons were a waste for them.

Lenny suddenly remembered something, and he turned to Ella in the sky.

"I don't know why you are holding back, but I'm sure a person of your caliber has a bit better defense in her arsenal."

Ella heard this.

His words made her grit her teeth.

Lenny could clearly see that she was holding back on something.

He did not know what it was. But an old woman like Ella could not be so easily defeated, especially when it was in the comfort of her own territory.

She suddenly waved her hands, "Richard! Fetch the banana!"

Her voice was loud and thunderous.

Nothing happened at first, and Lenny was starting to think maybe she was getting mad or just confusing the snakes for bananas.

However, he suddenly heard a loud GROWL that came from behind.

Before he knew it, a large beast rushed from behind, and with a few jumps, it landed right in the midst of the snakes.

The moment Lenny saw it, he recognized the beast as that of the giant monkey that had stayed guard at Ella's home, wearing a suit.

The moment it entered the battlefield, it ripped against its own clothes, exposing its chest and thick, vein-decorated muscles.

The monkey, about twice the size of an average human, grabbed one of the snakes, and using his other hand like a knife, he chopped it down.

Lenny saw this and was left speechless.

"Did the giant monkey just karate chop a giant snake?" He laughed loudly, "That is so cool."

The Satan system was analyzing the battle state in real time for Lenny.

Apparently, the Giant monkey produced Holy power from its body.

It was not much, and in fact, it was very faint, but when Concentrated on a particular part of the body, it made for an effective chopping weapon.

This gave Lenny an idea, and he wondered if he could do the same thing. josei

In fact, he was willing to believe that it was possible.

After all, this would greatly affect his physical prowess in one-on-one combat.

The system gave him skills and, in some cases, abilities, but how he used them was up to him.

Richard the monkey was an incredible monkey.

Its effects on the battlefield immediately shifted the tide.

However, the damage to the invisible shield covering the town had already been done.

This allowed the witches to invade.

Lenny did not go down to fight the Giant serpents.

It was not that I did not want to; it was just that picking one's battles was in itself a skill.

A skill at which he excelled exceptionally.

Instead, he thought it a wiser opportunity to take down the little ones.

After all, he had gotten some trinkets the last time he killed two witches.

The possibility of getting yet another was too high to resist.

Apparently, he was not the only one having such thoughts.

A familiar figure landed on the high walls.

It was none other than Goodness.

"It was you! You were the one that took my sisters from me." As she talked, her legs opened apart, revealing that part of her body, but it was decorated with a mouth and a leaking long tongue.

Her body seemed to break open at different points, and mouths with rows of teeth appeared.

They appeared from all sides.

Her elbows, biceps, triceps, stomach, and basically any point he could think of

She was practically a horde of mouths.

Lenny actually doubted if there was any other organ in her body.

Even her fleshy behind had opened up like a mouth.

Her entire sexy naked girl look was totally gone, and there was no longer anything that was considered attractive about her.

Apparently, the entire time, she wore little to no clothes because she didn't need them in the first place. There was nothing to hide—just mouths kept shut.

Lenny waved his hand, and a bronze bracelet appeared from the storage unit.

This bracelet had symbols of eyes littered over its body.

The moment Goodness saw it, she frowned.

"You little Bastard! That Belonged to my sister; give it back."

"Oh! You mean this?" Lenny wore it on his wrist.

"How dare you! You ignorant moron. That is a part of a nether's body. Your baboon mind can't even dream of unlocking the secrets that..."

Goodness was left speechless as she watched Lenny's body change form.

Long bone spikes shot out of his forearm.

His physique got bolder and a bit bigger. Also, the stone underneath his feet sank a little into the earth, evidence of the additional weight he was now carrying.

Lenny's mouth produced two bone spikes that formed tusks.

"You were saying?" He instantly kicked against the ground as his new figure rushed at Goodness.

He made a turn in midair, and his fist came down in a hammer position.


He stroked down.

However, Goodness got out of the way in time, and he only hit the location where she formally stood.

Lenny frowned a bit.

With just this one attack, he could tell that he had not only gotten heavier but that his center of gravity had shifted.

This made his attack clumsy.

A factor that could leave him open for damage.

However, on the other hand, he had gained more strength in his attacks.

This was essentially a trade. A trade of cognitive efficiency for more muscle power

This did not look like a bad exchange. But it was not one that he was most willing to constantly undertake.

The only reason he was sure it was not a

bad fit for the current battle was because his opponent had more teeth than flesh on her body.

Nevertheless, her next move surprised him...

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