Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 323 <Mission Objective

Chapter 323 <Mission Objective: Extract Nether Beast Organ>

The only reason Lenny was sure this form was not a bad fit for the current battle was because his opponent had more teeth than flesh on her body.

Nevertheless, her next move surprised him.

She suddenly bit into her hand, just like Minnie had done, and as the blood poured on the ground, she chanted; all the mouths on her body chanted at the same time.

"In the darkest hour, under a moonlit veil,

I weave my magic; my words assail.

With my incantations whispered low and deep,

I call forth a creature from the Nether's Keep.

A thousand mouths, each hungry for its prey,

Awaken from slumber, ready to obey.

From the shadows, you shall emergeā€”a fearsome sight,

At my command, come take your flight.

With power untamed and eyes aglow,

The creature roars as fears start to grow.

Bound to my will and seeking your prize,

A force to reckon with, of monstrous size.

Beware the night as I take flight.

For in my grasp, the creature's might

With a thousand mouths, your hunger is unfed.

The Nether's beast, a nightmare's dread."

Hers was longer, but a spell was still a spell.

The blood opened up on the ground.

However, unlike what had happened with Minnie, it did not form other circles.

It only formed one big blood ring.

And from its depths, a creature that looked like a hard-surfaced blob with mouths around its body rose.

However, just as Lenny's attention was focused on the enemy before his eyes, he got alerts from the system.


<You have used the Amulet of the Predatory hunter for 5 seconds>

<Stats increase by 10%, except agility. Agility reduction by 5%. 2 magic points per 10 Seconds used for the amulet.>

<Note: Host is advised not to surpass the 60-second mark or risk the arrival of its Parent Nether Beast.>


<A Nether beast has been summoned. Host is about to face a Nether beast. Host's Rank is too low>

<Mission opportunity detected>


<Mission Objective: Extract the Nether Beast Organ>

<Mission Reward: Title Merge>

A string of information appeared before his eyes.

As it did, Lenny's incredible mind instantly went into overdrive in calculation.

First was the warning about the amulet he had on.

This was the first time he used it. Aside from the requirement for magic points to use it, he did not realize that there was a timer for it.

Then again, he quickly understood why it was so.

He had offended the Nether beast that owned it.

According to the system, if he wore it for more than sixty seconds, the creature was going to come for him.

There was also the fact that aside from magic points for activating the Amulet, he consumed 2 magic points every ten seconds. josei

For one minute, that would be a total of twelve points.

This was quite expensive. Lenny could only imagine what the price might have been if he had not evolved his magic points.

It is important to note that his fireball ability only took 5 points to form, and the damage it produced was a lot. Adding to the fact that once used, it could continue to burn as long as he wanted with no increment done to magic points used, it was a far more beneficial skill to use.

Then again, both were of different caliber and for different occasions.

Lenny could not use a fireball in such a space.

It was not exactly that he couldn't; it was more like he would not be so foolish as to do so.

There were people on the walls.

If he used it now, it could hurt them.

Secondly, he really had been hiding.

Now he could enjoy the fun that the slaughter provided.

Lenny kicked against the ground as he leaped into the air.

His fist came down on the nether beast.


The beast screamed as he pounded it.

Its blood and gut rushed into the air.

However, at the same time, its body, made of teeth, rushed for Lenny's.

Its aim was obviously to devour him.

Goodness saw this and, in her abominable state, also rushed for Lenny.

This was a two-on-one fight.

The use of the Amulet also increased his stamina.

This was something that Lenny already had to a frightening degree.

Even though Goodness added to his pain, he did not care, as he focused his attention on the Nether Beast.

Just then, Ella saw his situation and even the expression on his face.

"LENNY!" She called to him.

"Don't try to take on the Nether; it has a herd. Take out its summoner instead."

Lenny heard her words. It made more sense.

However, so did Goodness.

Lenny turned to face her and fight, but she used the Nether Beast as a cover while still attacking ceaselessly.

The seconds were counting, and so was the reduction of his magic points.

Lenny did good damage to the Nether Beast, but it was a very stubborn beast, and its body seemed to constantly regenerate.

Lenny remembered the first time he crossed paths with Goodness.

Even after that incredible collision and the incredible damage he had done to her body, she had still managed to heal.

That healing factor had come from this nether beast, and it was starting to show itself in this fight.

Soon, it was as if he were punching into muddy water with no result.

The timer on the appearance of the nether beats was drawing close.

However, Lenny was not the only one aware of this.

Goodness was a witch. She knew that Lenny using the body of a Nether without a signed contract was a recipe for disaster, and she was bidding her time for that disaster to come to pass.

Nether Creatures were very vengeful in nature.

If that Nether beast were to appear, death was going to be a swift solution to Lenny's guts and stupidity. After all, Nether creatures on a revenge vendetta always came with their buddies...

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