Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 282

Chapter 282: Human beings are shocked, wolves are king!

"The wolves under the command of the Arctic Wolf King leave the North Pole again, do they want to declare war on humans?"

"I want to ask why the authorities haven't acted yet? Is the previous declaration just farting?"

"The Arctic wolf pack is an unprecedented pack of wolves. Not only do they have birds and beasts, but most of them are human beings. I want to ask how dare this pack of wolves do it? The enslaved humans didn't resist. Any ideas? After all, human beings are the master of all spirits!"

"I'm afraid that this human being voluntarily surrendered to the wolves, because a local new human powerhouse sent a message to him to save him and escape, but he was rejected!"

"Even the tens of millions of troops in the Siberian theater have retreated for more than 800 miles. It is clear that the area of ​​​​more than 800 miles is going to be given to the Arctic Wolf King! There are dozens of small cities in the 800 miles. There are tens of millions of people!"

"However, this pack of alien beast wolves is different and did not harm humans."


At this time, public opinion on the Internet was flying all over the sky, discussing news about wolves.

Because after the great changes in the world, the North Pole, the South Pole, the tropical rainforest, Bermuda, the Changbai Mountain of the Dragon Kingdom, etc., all represent mystery and power in a sense!

Especially in the battle between the Arctic wolf king and the purple lynx that broke through the North Pole and came to Siberia, many people felt the tyranny of this arctic wolf king!josei

Now that the wolves under the command of the Arctic Wolf King have entered the Siberian plains, the hearts of those who have just stabilized have long been disturbed again.

In many Siberian cities close to the North Pole, people flee every day.

It was only with the discovery that the pack had harmed no one that the rest stabilized.

The folks have also spontaneously organized many new human teams to observe this pack of wolves at close range, wanting to see what this pack of wolves who have stepped out of the cold arctic is going to do?

It was only after close observation for nearly a month that they discovered that the wolves hadn't taken any action at all during this time, just wandering around in this Siberian plain doing nothing.

He even went to provoke some king-level mutant creatures who were famous on the Siberian plains.

But to everyone's expectation, apart from the well-known arctic wolf king, there is actually a grizzly bear in this pack of wolves that can fight against king-level mutant creatures.

Several long, pitch-black branches suddenly rose from behind it, like a black whip that could split everything, scarring those king-level mutant creatures!

And today, there is a king-level bison with a body size close to 20 meters, which once caused great trauma to the human army, and even had several ribs broken under the black whip!

And was hunted by wolves.

Many new humans are scattered and standing far away, watching the battle of wolves hunting king-level beasts!

During the battle, blood splattered and mountains collapsed!

It was also during this hunt that many people witnessed the strength of this pack of wolves!

Except for the grizzly bear that can fight against king-level mutant creatures, there are several other beasts that should not be underestimated!

A wolf face with a fox face covered in pure white, the mysterious purple fluorescence is like a melody, playing a hymn of death that can take the soul away.

A gigantic peregrine falcon looking down in the sky can shatter rocks with a single cry!

A one-eyed wolf who was blind in one eye might not be strong enough, but his ferocity was not bad at all. He jumped onto the back of the bison, regardless of his own safety, and crazily biting at the bison's wound.

This **** and brutal scene made many onlookers feel a chill in their hearts

If they really confront such a ferocious pack of wolves in the future, they don't know what kind of tragic price they will have to pay to suppress this pack of wolves!

"Is this the power of the pack of wolves in the depths of the North Pole? It can hunt and kill king-level mutant creatures!"

"This buffalo is almost approaching the high-level king-level mutant creature. It ranks 923rd on the ranking list. Its defense is abnormal. It can resist the latest armor-piercing bullets, and it was even more resistant in the hunting last time. More than ten ion cannons did not fall!"

"But it was broken by that weird grizzly bear. How could there be several black whips behind this grizzly bear? It's too weird!"

Many new humans who watched were amazed!

But they all thought that these were all the power of the pack of wolves deep in the Arctic, only the Arctic wolf king hadn't shown up yet!

At the same time, they all secretly guessed in their hearts, what happened to this weird grizzly bear?

What is the black long whip behind that? How could it be so lethal?

Some powerful new human beings with deep backgrounds and strong financial resources also brought an energy fluctuation detector, but found that there were two energy fluctuations on the detector related to the weird grizzly bear!

One wave of energy has reached the s level, while another wave of energy is approaching the sss level!

High King!

A wave of energy is about to approach the high-level king!

At this time, many people know that not only the wolf king is powerful in this pack of wolves, but even this pack of wolves is extremely powerful!

There are so many terrifying beasts, plus thousands of fully armed humans, once hunted wildly regardless of losses, they are enough to hunt and kill high-level king-level mutant creatures!

So if this pack of wolves were to kill in human society, it would be unimaginable what kind of loss it would cause!

But these onlookers don't know that this is not all the power of the wolf pack!

This is just the vanguard of the wolves who came to investigate and gather intelligence!

The real pack of wolves is swarming towards the vast Siberian plain at an extremely fast speed!

And following behind this pack of wolves was the arctic wolf king whose howl could shatter rivers and mountains!

But at this time, the only one who knows the movements of the wolves is the satellite monitoring center in the capital!

Because the wolves had just stepped into the Arctic border and entered a place monitored by satellite signals, the monitoring center knew the movements of the wolves!

Tens of thousands of wolves swarmed out of the North Pole!

Its momentum is so great that even the beast horde on the Siberian plains can't match it!

After the wolves came out in full force, the monitoring center reported the information to Donaldson and the rest of the senior management!

All of a sudden, the entire high-level staff came to the meeting room again to look at the wolves on the satellite image!

These tens of thousands of members of the wolf pack ran mightily across the plain, stirring up endless gravel and dust!

To be honest, even the real high-ranking members of the big self saw the whole picture of this wolf pack in the Arctic ice sheet for the first time!

Including Donaldson who went to negotiate last time!

Because the last time Donaldson entered the Arctic border, he was monitored by wolves!

Surveillance of birds and beasts, including the locking of various technological killers of humans under the command of wolves!

These battles made him dare not go deep into the belly of the wolves' territory?

So negotiations with wolves can only be held on the Arctic border!

In the last negotiation, Donaldson only knew that this was a pack of wolves with unlimited potential for development, who could be educated without discrimination!

But I never thought that the number of this wolf pack had expanded to more than tens of thousands on the Arctic ice sheet where species were scarce!

Tens of thousands of wolf pack members, and this may not be all members of the wolf pack!

This made Donaldson wonder, did this pack of wolves collect all the species on the Arctic ice sheet to form such a huge pack of wolves?

No wonder the wolves often demand millions of tons of food when negotiating with themselves!

But where did the food for this huge wolf pack come from?

Could it be that all species that do not submit to the wolves on the entire Arctic ice sheet will be wiped out?

After thinking of this possibility, even Donaldson, who had seen the storm and waves, seemed to have a picture of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood in his mind. This picture made him feel a heavy sense of depression.

At this time, not only Donaldson felt a heavy sense of depression, but all the high-level people in the conference hall were also trembling when they watched the picture from the satellite!

And the highest commander who has been keeping secret all the time, preparing to see the performance of the wolves before making a decision!

At this time, looking at such a mighty pack of wolves with humans carrying top-notch weapons,

He was silent for a long time before he let out a sigh of relief and said in a deep voice: "Release the news now, so that the citizens on the Siberian Plain and all the citizens of Da I should not panic. The wolves came to help me wipe out the remaining mutant creatures. , I am older... have reached an alliance with the wolves!"

In fact, he has been suppressing this news before and never sent it out!

It's just because at the fourth final meeting, the six major human forces and the Science Alliance have completely reached a consensus!

This made me regain my previous confidence!

Regarding the alliance with the wolves, I am going to find an excuse to give up!

Wolves are alien races after all!

If the news of the alliance with the wolves is announced, how will the hundreds of millions of people under his command think of him?

But now, when the whole picture of the wolves was truly revealed before his eyes, he realized the horror of this wolves!

These wolf pack members, just judging from their running speed and size, knew that this was definitely a tyrannical wolf pack with countless strange beasts!

Especially when he was still in the picture, seeing the invincible tiger that once stirred up boundless turmoil in the territory of the Great Self!

So if the alliance is really torn apart, let alone the world-destroying arctic wolf king, this mighty pack of wolves alone is enough to turn me upside down!

At this time, after the Supreme Commander of the Great Self finished speaking in a deep voice, he thought for a moment before following him again: "Immediately send inquiries to the spokespersons of the other major forces. My Great Self has never given up on any people or territory.

Now it is only a short-term alliance with the wolves to let the wolves wipe out all the mutant creatures in the territory,

Please don't doubt my position! Theological alliance can unite mutant creatures, why can't we? As long as the mutant creatures can be wiped out and the Theological Alliance can be defeated, it is a good decision! "

After saying these words, the Supreme Commander stood up from his seat with a heavy heart, and walked out of the meeting room without saying a word!

No one knows what he is thinking in his heart!

But everyone knows that the supreme commander is not in a good mood,

Because the life and death of hundreds of millions of people and tens of millions of troops in the whole world, as well as the heavy external pressure, are on their shoulders!

And formed an alliance with a foreign race, when the news was fully announced,

I'm afraid that this supreme commander who has the supreme authority in the big self will also attract countless criticisms and infamy!


At this time, the wolves, with tens of thousands of members, rushed into the Siberian plain!

On this plain, Vincent had already informed Sander of their exact location!

The large army of wolves quickly approached the vanguard of Vincent, Jackal, Wenxiong, and One-eyed Wolf!

The wolves really entered the fighting state, and they ran extremely fast!

Needless to say, the speed of the wolves, birds, arctic foxes, etc. running wildly!

Even the speed of the bear clan reached 20 to 30 meters per second at this time.

Because these bears have also eaten the flesh and blood of different species more than ten times, even if they have not been promoted to become different species, their strength attributes have been greatly improved!

When there are really thousands of beasts running on the ground, the vibration it brings is not inferior to the roar of giant artillery!

Tens of thousands of wolves ran wildly, causing sand and stones to fly along the way, and dust was everywhere.

The shaking of the ground made all the species in the entire Siberian Plain horrified. I don't know what happened?

When some daring species poked their heads out to see this mighty pack of wolves, they were frightened and quickly retracted their heads, and began to hide in their caves trembling, never daring to take a step forward!

Even some alien species along the way, looking at this huge and arrogant pack of wolves, all panicked and got out of the way!

As for those who didn't open their eyes, they all died under the sharp claws of Nighthawk!

Nighthawk's current strength has completely broken through to level 20, and with the support of a first-class mecha, it can be said that its strength can directly compete head-to-head against alien species at level 26 or 7!

At this time, the vibration and roar of tens of thousands of members of the wolf pack running wildly can be felt from tens of miles away.

When the wolves passed through some small cities, the vibration immediately attracted everyone's attention.

When they saw such a mighty pack of wolves, they all froze in place, speechless!

Especially after the large army of wolves gradually merged with Wen Sen and Wen Xiong, the countless new humans who were watching were all shocked when they saw the huge wolves swarming from the north!

At this time, many of them realized how ridiculous the thoughts in their minds were just now!

It was also at this time that they realized how much they had underestimated this monstrous pack of wolves from the North Pole!

Hunting high-level king-level mutant creatures?

You must know that just a few months ago, only the high-end combat power of the wolves wanted to hunt down the purple lynx of the ultimate king level!

What's more, now that the different species of wolves are breaking through again and again, their strength is no longer what it used to be!



As two crisp chirps resounded through the sky, nighthawks and arctic terns, who are different types of birds, came to the sky above this territory first!

Two huge birds can be called giant beasts in the air after spreading their wings!

Especially for Arctic Yanou, the wings on one side are more than 30 meters long, and when spread out on both sides, they are 60 to 70 meters in size!

Wherever it flies, it is like a dark cloud covering the sun!

Then came the Red Tail!

Compared with the two giant beasts in the sky, the three-meter red tail is like a small white elf!


However, accompanied by a huge sonic boom, all the new humans present knew that a terrifying supersonic beast had entered the arena!

With its small size, it jumped up and directly landed on top of the tall and tall Wen Xiong Xiong's head!

Regardless of whether it is the leader wolf or the queen wolf, UU Reading has a higher status than Wen Xiong among wolves!

So Red Tail stood on top of Wen Xiong's huge bear's head. Not only was Wen Xiong not the slightest bit angry, but on the contrary, he landed respectfully on his forelegs, making Hong Tai stand more comfortably!

At the same time, the dark black branches criss-crossing on the back, indicating the parasitic dodder in the body, were put away!

Such a scene further demonstrated the supremacy of Red Tail!

This also made the onlookers feel their brains buzzing!

Because they couldn't imagine, what kind of terrifying and boundless strength would this powerful grizzly bear that can suppress and kill king-level mutant creatures bow its head?

And at this time, a group of powerful alien species behind the wolf pack also arrived one after another!

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