Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 283

Chapter 283: For a period of March, there will be smoke and sandstorms.


A roar of tigers sweeps across the forest,

At this time, the invincible tiger with a body of more than 20 meters, jumped to a height of four to five hundred meters, and then landed with a crash, stirring up countless gravel and dust!

It stands quietly on the side of the red tail, with a pair of tiger eyes blooming with a soul-stirring brilliance!

After the invincible tiger,

Xiaohui, Meihu, Ice Bear, White Bear, Xiaobai, Purple Eyes, Long Tail, Short Tail, etc., are all rushing here!

Followed by nearly 10,000 flying birds, thousands of huge arctic foxes, thousands of male wolves, hundreds of bears, human special forces and eight field regiments driving various technological killers!

In particular, the elites under the command of Nighthawk and Xiao Hui, who are fully equipped with first-class mechas, even directly drive the mechas across the sky!

These two elite wolves with a sci-fi atmosphere were also displayed in front of all the new humans who watched!

This is the first time for the wolves under Su Lin's command to step out of the Arctic ice field and come to this Siberian plain with a wide variety of species!

After the wolves were fully displayed, all the new humans watching felt their hearts tremble!

Only now do they fully understand what kind of terrifying pressure the top leaders of the empire are facing!

Not only are there countless terrifying mutated creatures making trouble in the territory, but even there is such an arrogance pack of wolves on the nearest arctic ice sheet!

Tens of thousands of wolf pack members gathered together, stretching for more than ten miles, and there were nearly ten thousand alien species mixed in, its momentum was far from what tens of thousands of human troops could match

Just now, many new humans who thought jackals and warm bears were a complete pack of wolves only felt pain in the face.

At this time, the wolves gathered together, their unparalleled arrogance rose and spread wantonly in this strange Siberian plain, and the species with a radius of dozens of miles were also under this suppression, and they were shocked and did not dare to speak out. No sound.

Even if it was the king-level bison that wanted to rely on its sharp horns to break out of the encirclement just now, when it saw the whole picture of the wolves appearing in front of its eyes, there was a sense of despair in those purple-blue bull eyes. !

This king-level beast, which once roared proudly in this Siberian plain, knew that its life might end here.


At this time, the buffalo that had been promoted to the king rank couldn't help but howl full of sorrow and desolation.

The low and desperate roar of the bull seemed out of place amidst the noise of the wolves fighting and killing.

This made many members of the wolf pack who were closest to the distance immediately set their sights on this king-level bison!

Now this king-level bison has been severely injured by the seventh-generation invincible fighters controlled by Wen Xiong, Moxue Cuscuta, Jackal, One-eyed Wolf, and Wen Sen's humans.

The cowhide, which was originally tougher than a block of carbon, had already been torn through its defenses, dripping with blood, and even several ribs were broken and exposed.

In addition, there is still a lot of flesh and blood on the back that was bitten off by the vicious one-eyed wolf!

This makes this king bison look even more miserable!

It's just that the king-level bison is still maintaining a defensive posture.

It doesn't want to die, it wants to find a glimmer of life in a desperate situation,

But at this moment,

Its keen eyesight suddenly saw that behind this pack of wolves, a majestic white wolf with a size of forty or fifty meters, which looked like a giant beast in the world, was coming from the north at a leisurely pace!

This giant white wolf did not reveal the slightest breath,

But the bison's deep intuition was crazily warning it.

Even the muscles that were still tense couldn't help but tremble after seeing this giant white wolf!

Its breathing also became rapid at this moment, and its body couldn't help but backed up in horror.

Arctic wolf king!

At this time, not only the king-level buffalo saw the giant white wolf, but also all the new humans watching.

Not to mention the fact that the bison, which was already hunted by the wolves, backed away in terror, even these new humans who were watching could no longer care about watching the excitement, and began to flee in a hurry!

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree!

The strength of the Arctic wolf king was fully demonstrated when it entered the Siberian plain last time.

However, there are still a very small group of determined, bold and careful humans who are still watching.

Because they had seen the video of the **** battle between the arctic wolf king and the purple lynx, the speed of the arctic wolf king was appalling.

It has replaced the jaguar that came and went without a trace, and has become the well-deserved number one among the land speed beasts!

With such terrifying speed, the wolf king really wants their lives, so what's the use of running away?

In this group of bold and careful human observations, they soon discovered another very shocking fact.

That is the Arctic wolf king broke through again, and its size is bigger than the original video screen!

With a body length of forty to fifty meters and a shoulder height of more than 20 meters, human beings are like ants and bugs in front of it.

The most important thing is that such a giant beast also has the speed that is unmatched in the world. It can fight and walk, and it is invincible!

At this time, thousands of miles away in the capital of Great my country, many high-ranking officials of the Great China looked at the Arctic Wolf King whose size had skyrocketed again in the satellite shots, and their hearts were heavy.

This white wolf broke through again, and no one can guess what its true peak combat power has reached.

While watching with heavy hearts, they found that as the Arctic wolf king approached,

The huge pack of wolves that were restless, exuding cold murderous intent and raging flames, all quieted down, and tacitly made way for the wolf king.

Then all the members bowed their heads to show respect when the wolf king passed by!

Thousands of arctic wolves, arctic white foxes, birds in the sky, hundreds of bears and tens of thousands of human beings all bow their heads and ears in unity, which can be called an unprecedented spectacle of prosperity!

This represents the incomparable fanaticism and respect of this wolf pack for the Arctic wolf king!

As long as their king gives an order, even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, I am afraid they will not hesitate in the slightest!

It also means that this pack of wolves has a truly unified core, which is monolithic. If you want to defeat this pack of wolves, there is probably no other way to go except for a head-on **** battle!

Such an arrogance pack of wolves, plus such an invincible wolf king!

At this moment, there is a feeling of despair spreading in everyone's heart.

It’s just that many high-level self-control abilities are very strong, and this kind of despair is only fleeting.

Next, they discussed in a heavy tone how to get along with this pack of wolves in the future?

"Using the power of wolves to sweep away all the mutant creatures in my territory, I don't know whether the Supreme Commander's move is good or bad, but I just want to ask, once we turn against the arctic wolf king in the future, how will we fight against the arctic wolf king And his wolves?"

"For help from the Science Alliance, the ultimate battle armor and genetically modified fighters developed by it can compete against the speedy golden wither, so it is bound to be able to compete against the Arctic wolf king!"

"What I am most afraid of is that the Arctic wolf king and his wolves can develop to such a degree in the Arctic ice sheet where species and resources are scarce, and what kind of height will they reach when they reach the Siberian plain? We really have to be able to compete ?"

"The future is unpredictable, and the past cannot be repeated. Now that the wolves have teamed up with the self, it is better to let them help clean up the mutant creatures first, which is better than the current internal and external troubles!"

"Okay! That's how it should be! What does it sound like to be timid? And this pack of wolves can also accept humans, which is better than other mutant creatures that feed on humans!"


In the discussion among the high-level officials in Great Russia, after a while, they all agreed with the Arctic wolves stationed in Siberia!

As for the future relationship between the self and the wolves and where it will go, they don't know.

But the words of one of the high-level executives pierced everyone's hearts!

That is such a pack of wolves that is inclusive of all rivers and can accept humans, which is better than other mutant creatures that feed on humans and live with humans endlessly!

After the discussion was over, all the high-level officials left the meeting room and went to their respective positions.

How to stabilize the hearts of the people and how to explain to the general public the things about the Great Self and the Wolf Pack Alliance began to be busy.

And that is to say, after many high-level officials of the big self have finalized their attitudes towards wolves,

At this time on the Siberian plains,

As the giant white wolf approached, the king-level bison finally couldn't bear the boundless depression, roared and charged with red eyes.

I want to make a final desperate fight!

However, the invincible tiger moved very quickly, and directly swooped down and pressed the king-level bison to its claws. Even if the king-level bison struggled desperately, it could not shake the invincible tiger!

This means that the Invincible Tiger lost more than a year of rapid growth due to serious injuries, otherwise this single swoop would be enough to shatter the back of this king-level bison!

And as Su Lin came to the front, he just glanced at the dying king-level buffalo and then looked away.

Because this bison was seriously injured and dying, it didn't deserve too much attention.

Then he jumped up and came to a huge rock.

He looked down on all the members of the wolf pack from a high position, looking at the huge wolf pack under his command which had grown to tens of thousands of members!

Su Lin knew that in the next **** battle, this group of members who had followed him from the Arctic ice sheet would inevitably have a lot of bloodshed in Siberia!

But jade cannot be made into a weapon without grinding,

These members of the pack of wolves need **** battles and life-and-death fights with all their strength to break through their own limits and break free from the shackles in their bodies!

Even new species such as arctic terns, invincible tigers, black blood dodders, etc., need a lot of fighting to make their transformation faster!josei

On this vast continental plain, there are tens of thousands of monster-level mutant creatures, and even double-digit king-level mutant creatures!

So this is a **** battle that can make the whole pack of wolves hearty and crazy!

The members who have survived will definitely improve their own strength and combat power by several levels!

Those who can't make it through will bleed on the plain and become a corpse on the plain!

This is a very fair thing!

No waste among wolves!

With the advent of the Dark Era, the strength and number of wolves under Su Lin's command will increase rapidly!


Accompanied by an earth-shattering howl of wolves, powerful mental fluctuations instantly exploded in the minds of all members of the wolf pack.

With all the members of the wolf pack present, Su Lin began to explain the mission of entering Siberia this time!

During this period, the wolves can let go of their temper to fight and kill!

Just like when the bloodbathed adventure is three hundred miles away, anyone who doesn't submit to the wolves will die!

Even this time, the rewards and military exploits given by Su Lin are so high that these wolf pack members are crazy about it!

Whenever the members of the wolf pack hunt the prey, they can share one-third of the prey first!

As long as the species that the members of the wolf pack recruits are expanded, they can first serve under its command!

If a member of the wolf pack expands to 200 species or 20 different species, he can be directly promoted to a second wolf!

A member of the wolf pack who has expanded to a thousand species or a hundred different species can be promoted to become a high-level second wolf!

If you expand to 5,000 species or 500 different species, you can be promoted to become a wolf!

If 30,000 species or 3,000 different species are recruited, they will be directly promoted to become the third high-ranking wolf after the little lone wolf and wolf father!

The status and power of the high-ranking wolf is second only to the wolf king in the wolf pack!

Even the wolf queen can't directly order the high-ranking wolf!

So when the wolf king gave such an unprecedented reward, all members of the wolf pack went crazy for it!






All of a sudden, tens of thousands of members of the wolf pack shouted wildly excitedly for this shocking reward given by the wolf king!

However, as Su Lin's mental fluctuations continued to flash, he was still explaining what he should do to the members of his wolf pack!

Human beings are not included in the hunting targets this time, but if there are blind humans hindering the actions of the wolves, they will be killed without mercy!

The wolves' campaign and killing this time, in order to pursue the greatest results in the shortest time, no longer restricts whether to hunt in groups.

Those who feel strong can go out hunting in groups of three or four, or even go out alone to hunt and expand!

The strong go up, the mediocre go down!

In this large-scale **** hunt, the wolves are bound to have a big reshuffle!

In the past, Su Lin looked at which alien species in the wolf pack had good growth potential, and rewarded them with flesh and blood for their growth!

Now it is really hunting and devouring by oneself!

Su Lin would like to see what monsters among the wolves are there that he has not discovered?

He tentatively scheduled this **** hunt for three months!

For three months, the wolves can kill and expand as much as they want, and after three months, they will gather on the banks of the Ob River not far from here!

At this time, the excited howls and hisses of the members of the wolf pack rose and fell in this area, endlessly.

The new humans who were still watching in the distance looked at this scene and felt their hearts beating as if they were about to jump out of their chests!

They don't know what meaning the arctic wolf king conveyed to the wolves under his command when he arrived at the scene?

But they could personally feel the overwhelming arrogance of this wolf pack, and UU Reading once again abruptly raised the bar!

Even the cold killing intent pervading the wolves has reached its peak!

Under this killing intent that rose to the peak, no matter how calm and daring the new human beings were, they finally couldn't restrain their panic and began to flee crazily.

Because they have already personally felt that the wolves in the distance have entered a state of madness!

Even if the wolf king didn't bother to attack them, such a pack of wolves that had entered a state of madness and showed extreme killing intent would probably tear apart all the species standing in front of them!

Corpses are strewn all over the field, galloping across the world, blood is flowing, smoke and sand are blowing in the wind!

At this time, all the fleeing new humans seemed to have such a picture of troubled times in front of them!

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