Divorce Has Never Felt This Good

Divorce Has Never Felt This Good Chapter 22

Divorce Has Never Felt This Good Chapter 22

Divorce Has Never Felt This Good Chapter 22

Hearing the commotion, Aiken wove through the crowd and looked at Denise and Becky. “What’s going on?”

“Aiken, Becky snuck in here to steal things! She tried to steal my bracelet just now! Tell security to drive these two thieves out before they steal anyone else’s valuables!”

Hearing Denise’s incredulous claim, Becky couldn’t help but burst into dry laughter. “You’re such a good liar.”

Aiken was torn between the two ladies and tried to mediate. “It’s just a misunderstanding, Denise. We invited Becky.”

When Denise heard this, her livid face turned red with embarrassment.

After making such a fuss, now she was told that it was the Evans family themselves who had invited Becky.

The onlookers looked at Denise and then Becky. Denise’s face was red with embarrassment, whereas Becky was calm and collected. Anyone with a pair of working eyes could’ve told which one was guilty.

But Denise wasn’t about to let Becky go so easily.

Gritting her teeth, she pointed at Becky and shouted, “Then I want her to apologize to me! She tried to steal my bracelet just now!”

It was not the first time that Denise had framed Becky like this. In Becky’s three years with the Casper family, Denise had framed her over three times.

Now, Denise was playing the same trick again. Did she really take Becky as a doormat?

Jessie, on the other hand, was trembling with anger. Just as she was about to give Denise an earful, Becky raised her hand to stop her.

She looked back at Jessie. The latter was stunned for a moment, then nodded and bit back her anger.

“Do you really want me to apologize?” Becky asked calmly.

Denise snorted. “Of course! If we hadn’t caught you, you would’ve stolen it!”

She insisted that Becky tried to steal her bracelet. But ever since Becky entered the hall, she hadn’t even gotten close to Denise.

Becky took three glasses of wine from the buffet table and asked, “Three glasses of wine as punishment. Is that enough?”

Obviously, Denise didn’t think so, but she knew better than to make a scene. As long as she could humiliate Becky, she’d be satisfied.

“Since I’m so kind, I’ll forgive you after your punishment.”

Hearing this, Becky laughed. “How generous of you!”

She paused for a moment and then asked, “By the way, how much does your bracelet cost?”

“It’s a limited edition, and it cost me more than three hundred thousand dollars. Someone like you can’t afford it.”

With eyebrows raised, Becky carefully walked to Denise with the three glasses of red wine in her hands. When she got close enough, she looked down at Denise and said coldly, “I’m sorry, Denise. I’m not the kind of person who would swallow humiliation.”

As she spoke, she raised the three glasses and dunked the red wine over Denise’s head.


Denise screamed in shock, but Becky wasn’t finished. After throwing the wine glasses on the floor, Becky grabbed Denise’s wrist. At this moment, Rory, who had been watching quietly, suddenly reached out and grabbed Becky’s wrist. “That’s enough, Becky!”


Becky sneered coldly, her voice dripping with icy disdain. “Oh, I’m just getting started.”

As she spoke, she pulled the bracelet off of Denise’s wrist.

Before Denise could come to her senses, Becky ripped her prized bracelet before her very eyes.

Denise screamed in agony and wanted to get even with Becky. However, before she could do anything, Becky threw a check at her face and said casually, “It’s just a bracelet worth less than four hundred thousand dollars. How cheap!”


“Aiken,Beckysnuckinheretostealthings!Shetriedtostealmybraceletjustnow!Tellsecuritytodrivethesetwothi evesoutbeforetheystealanyoneelse’svaluables!”


Aikenwastornbetweenthetwoladiesandtriedtomediate.”It’sjustamisunderstanding,Denise.WeinvitedBeck y.”



TheonlookerslookedatDeniseandthenBecky.Denise’sfacewasredwithembarrassment,whereasBeckywa scalmandcollected.Anyonewithapairofworkingeyescould’vetoldwhichonewasguilty.


Grittingherteeth,shepointedatBeckyandshouted,”ThenIwanthertoapologizetome!Shetriedtostealmybrace letjustnow!”

ItwasnotthefirsttimethatDenisehadframedBeckylikethis.InBecky’sthreeyearswiththeCasperfamily,Denise hadframedheroverthreetimes.


Jessie,ontheotherhand,wastremblingwithanger.JustasshewasabouttogiveDeniseanearful,Beckyraisedh erhandtostopher.




SheinsistedthatBeckytriedtostealherbracelet.ButeversinceBeckyenteredthehall,shehadn’tevengottenclo setoDenise.

Beckytookthreeglassesofwinefromthebuffettableandasked,”Threeglassesofwineaspunishment.Isthateno ugh?”

Obviously,Denisedidn’tthinkso,butsheknewbetterthantomakeascene.AslongasshecouldhumiliateBecky, she’dbesatisfied.





Witheyebrowsraised,BeckycarefullywalkedtoDenisewiththethreeglassesofredwineinherhands.Whenshe gotcloseenough,shelookeddownatDeniseandsaidcoldly,”I’msorry,Denise.I’mnotthekindofpersonwhowou ldswallowhumiliation.”



Denisescreamedinshock,butBeckywasn’tfinished.Afterthrowingthewineglassesonthefloor,Beckygrabbed Denise’swrist.Atthismoment,Rory,whohadbeenwatchingquietly,suddenlyreachedoutandgrabbedBecky’s wrist.”That’senough,Becky!”





DenisescreamedinagonyandwantedtogetevenwithBecky.However,beforeshecoulddoanything,Beckythre wacheckatherfaceandsaidcasually,”It’sjustabraceletworthlessthanfourhundredthousanddollars.Howche ap!”

Hrng th commoton, kn wov through th crowd nd lookd t Dns nd Bcky. “Wht’s gong on?”

“kn, Bcky snuck n hr to stl thngs! Sh trd to stl my brclt just now! Tll scurty to drv ths two thvs out bfor thy stl nyon ls’s vlubls!”

Hrng Dns’s ncrdulous clm, Bcky couldn’t hlp but burst nto dry lughtr. “You’r such good lr.”

kn ws torn btwn th two lds nd trd to mdt. “t’s just msundrstndng, Dns. W nvtd Bcky.”

Whn Dns hrd ths, hr lvd fc turnd rd wth mbrrssmnt.

ftr mkng such fuss, now sh ws told tht t ws th vns fmly thmslvs who hd nvtd Bcky.

Th onlookrs lookd t Dns nd thn Bcky. Dns’s fc ws rd wth mbrrssmnt, whrs Bcky ws clm nd collctd. nyon wth pr of workng ys could’v told whch on ws gulty.

But Dns wsn’t bout to lt Bcky go so sly.

Grttng hr tth, sh pontd t Bcky nd shoutd, “Thn wnt hr to pologz to m! Sh trd to stl my brclt just now!”

t ws not th frst tm tht Dns hd frmd Bcky lk ths. n Bcky’s thr yrs wth th Cspr fmly, Dns hd frmd hr ovr thr tms.

Now, Dns ws plyng th sm trck gn. Dd sh rlly tk Bcky s doormt?

Jss, on th othr hnd, ws trmblng wth ngr. Just s sh ws bout to gv Dns n rful, Bcky rsd hr hnd to stop hr.

Sh lookd bck t Jss. Th lttr ws stunnd for momnt, thn noddd nd bt bck hr ngr.

“Do you rlly wnt m to pologz?” Bcky skd clmly.

Dns snortd. “Of cours! f w hdn’t cught you, you would’v stoln t!” novelbin

Sh nsstd tht Bcky trd to stl hr brclt. But vr snc Bcky ntrd th hll, sh hdn’t vn gottn clos to Dns.

Bcky took thr glsss of wn from th bufft tbl nd skd, “Thr glsss of wn s punshmnt. s tht nough?”

Obvously, Dns ddn’t thnk so, but sh knw bttr thn to mk scn. s long s sh could humlt Bcky, sh’d b stsfd.

“Snc ‘m so knd, ‘ll forgv you ftr your punshmnt.”

Hrng ths, Bcky lughd. “How gnrous of you!”

Sh pusd for momnt nd thn skd, “By th wy, how much dos your brclt cost?”

“t’s lmtd dton, nd t cost m mor thn thr hundrd thousnd dollrs. Somon lk you cn’t fford t.”

Wth ybrows rsd, Bcky crfully wlkd to Dns wth th thr glsss of rd wn n hr hnds. Whn sh got clos nough, sh lookd down t Dns nd sd coldly, “‘m sorry, Dns. ‘m not th knd of prson who would swllow humlton.”

s sh spok, sh rsd th thr glsss nd dunkd th rd wn ovr Dns’s hd.


Dns scrmd n shock, but Bcky wsn’t fnshd. ftr throwng th wn glsss on th floor, Bcky grbbd Dns’s wrst. t ths momnt, Rory, who hd bn wtchng qutly, suddnly rchd out nd grbbd Bcky’s wrst. “Tht’s nough, Bcky!”


Bcky snrd coldly, hr voc drppng wth cy dsdn. “Oh, ‘m just gttng strtd.”

s sh spok, sh pulld th brclt off of Dns’s wrst.

Bfor Dns could com to hr snss, Bcky rppd hr przd brclt bfor hr vry ys.

Dns scrmd n gony nd wntd to gt vn wth Bcky. Howvr, bfor sh could do nythng, Bcky thrw chck t hr fc nd sd csully, “t’s just brclt worth lss thn four hundrd thousnd dollrs. How chp!”

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