Divorce Has Never Felt This Good

Divorce Has Never Felt This Good Chapter 23

Divorce Has Never Felt This Good Chapter 23

Divorce Has Never Felt This Good Chapter 23

After throwing the check, Becky turned around and said to Jessie, “Let’s go.”

Jessie nodded. Before leaving, she glanced at Denise and wrinkled her nose in disgust. “Is she out of her mind?”

Becky shrugged. “Who knows?”

“Her bracelet is worth less than four hundred thousand dollars. Did she seriously think that you couldn’t afford it?” Jessie snorted.

The voices of the two were neither loud nor low, but Denise heard them clearly.

Denise couldn’t control herself anymore. “Stop, Becky!”

As she shouted, she started to chase after Becky. But before she could take two steps, Rory grabbed her by the wrist.

Denise was so angry that when she was forcibly stopped, she turned around to curse her captor. But when her eyes met Rory’s, she instantly stiffened. “Rory…”

“Don’t you feel ashamed of yourself yet? Enough!”

Denise and her friends had falsely accused Becky of sneaking in with a stolen invitation. When that failed, they accused Becky of stealing Denise’s bracelet.

But instead of explaining herself, Becky simply ripped Denise’s bracelet and paid for it. This action was enough to prove that she didn’t give a damn about the bracelet.

Just then, someone in the crowd gasped, “Oh, my God! Becky’s earrings—aren’t they from the Bay Pearl series?”

“Maybe they are fake. The Bay Pearl series is only sold as a set that costs over thirty million dollars.”

“They don’t look fake. Look, the bracelet on her wrist matches the earrings! It’s a set! Oh, my God! I’ve been wanting the Bay Pearl series since forever, but I can’t afford it…”

It was known to all in these rich circles that the Bay Pearl series was made of natural pearls and diamonds from Harry Winston Diamond Corp. Usually, only royalty could afford this luxury, and these pieces were normally reserved for princesses. It was said that each set of jewelry, which included a diamond necklace, a ring, earrings, and a bracelet, was sold at a price of no less than thirty million dollars. Each item wouldn’t be sold separately. There were only three such sets of such jewelry in the world, and they were all sold out.

As the crowd broke into discussion, all eyes were on the bracelet and earrings Becky was wearing.

All the people present were of high status, and they were used to luxurious lives. Thus, it was easy for them to see that the jewelry pieces that Becky was wearing were all made of diamonds and pearls, the quality of which could be observed under bright light. novelbin

The party was held in a big, brightly-lit banquet hall. Becky’s earrings glittered under the lighting, the pearls looking pristine and smooth. Even if they were mere imitations, they were of good quality. The people in the crowd reasoned that her jewelry alone couldn’t have cost less than a million dollars.

“Becky’s wearing at least a million dollars’ worth of jewelry, right? So why would she try to steal a measly bracelet?”

“Exactly! Oh, and have you seen her dress before? It looks very similar to that of Toto, don’t you think? I’ve never seen such a dress on the market. It must’ve been customized. I had something similar made in Toto on my birthday last year. It cost me over three hundred thousand dollars!”

“Interesting. Denise claimed that Becky wanted to steal her bracelet, but that doesn’t make any sense!”

Denise wanted to defend herself, but when she heard those discussions, she felt as though she was slapped in the face—again.

Gritting her teeth, she stared in the direction Becky left.

She would have her revenge sooner or later!

ftr throwng th chck, Bcky turnd round nd sd to Jss, “Lt’s go.”

Jss noddd. Bfor lvng, sh glncd t Dns nd wrnkld hr nos n dsgust. “s sh out of hr mnd?”

Bcky shruggd. “Who knows?”

“Hr brclt s worth lss thn four hundrd thousnd dollrs. Dd sh srously thnk tht you couldn’t fford t?” Jss snortd.

Th vocs of th two wr nthr loud nor low, but Dns hrd thm clrly.

Dns couldn’t control hrslf nymor. “Stop, Bcky!”

s sh shoutd, sh strtd to chs ftr Bcky. But bfor sh could tk two stps, Rory grbbd hr by th wrst.

Dns ws so ngry tht whn sh ws forcbly stoppd, sh turnd round to curs hr cptor. But whn hr ys mt Rory’s, sh nstntly stffnd. “Rory…”

“Don’t you fl shmd of yourslf yt? nough!”

Dns nd hr frnds hd flsly ccusd Bcky of snkng n wth stoln nvtton. Whn tht fld, thy ccusd Bcky of stlng Dns’s brclt.

But nstd of xplnng hrslf, Bcky smply rppd Dns’s brclt nd pd for t. Ths cton ws nough to prov tht sh ddn’t gv dmn bout th brclt.

Just thn, somon n th crowd gspd, “Oh, my God! Bcky’s rrngs—rn’t thy from th By Prl srs?”

“Myb thy r fk. Th By Prl srs s only sold s st tht costs ovr thrty mllon dollrs.”

“Thy don’t look fk. Look, th brclt on hr wrst mtchs th rrngs! t’s st! Oh, my God! ‘v bn wntng th By Prl srs snc forvr, but cn’t fford t…”

t ws known to ll n ths rch crcls tht th By Prl srs ws md of nturl prls nd dmonds from Hrry Wnston Dmond Corp. Usully, only roylty could fford ths luxury, nd ths pcs wr normlly rsrvd for prncsss. t ws sd tht ch st of jwlry, whch ncludd dmond ncklc, rng, rrngs, nd brclt, ws sold t prc of no lss thn thrty mllon dollrs. ch tm wouldn’t b sold sprtly. Thr wr only thr such sts of such jwlry n th world, nd thy wr ll sold out.

s th crowd brok nto dscusson, ll ys wr on th brclt nd rrngs Bcky ws wrng.

ll th popl prsnt wr of hgh sttus, nd thy wr usd to luxurous lvs. Thus, t ws sy for thm to s tht th jwlry pcs tht Bcky ws wrng wr ll md of dmonds nd prls, th qulty of whch could b obsrvd undr brght lght.

Th prty ws hld n bg, brghtly-lt bnqut hll. Bcky’s rrngs glttrd undr th lghtng, th prls lookng prstn nd smooth. vn f thy wr mr mttons, thy wr of good qulty. Th popl n th crowd rsond tht hr jwlry lon couldn’t hv cost lss thn mllon dollrs.

“Bcky’s wrng t lst mllon dollrs’ worth of jwlry, rght? So why would sh try to stl msly brclt?”

“xctly! Oh, nd hv you sn hr drss bfor? t looks vry smlr to tht of Toto, don’t you thnk? ‘v nvr sn such drss on th mrkt. t must’v bn customzd. hd somthng smlr md n Toto on my brthdy lst yr. t cost m ovr thr hundrd thousnd dollrs!”

“ntrstng. Dns clmd tht Bcky wntd to stl hr brclt, but tht dosn’t mk ny sns!”

Dns wntd to dfnd hrslf, but whn sh hrd thos dscussons, sh flt s though sh ws slppd n th fc—gn.

Grttng hr tth, sh strd n th drcton Bcky lft.

Sh would hv hr rvng soonr or ltr!

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