Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 115 - The Lion City

Chapter 115 - The Lion City

DDay + 40 Singapore

Singapore, the Lion City, is a small-but-prosperous island nation, is both a city and a country located just off the southern tip of Peninsular Malaysia in Southeast Asia. With a population of 5.6 million people, packed into a 722.5-kilometer square total area it is only one-tenth the size of Bali. Singapore is a highly developed country in Southeast Asia with one of the world's strongest economies, it is known for its epic population density and its reputation for cleanliness, the role model of a futuristic city.

40 days after doomsday, Orchard Road, which was the country's most crowded street, now looked like a ghost town. Only a few undead could be seen roaming the streets of the once lively street.

On one corner of the streets, a group of armed fighters can be seen moving silently across, there are about 50 men. Most of them are carrying melee weapons such as; sabers, spears, axes, metal bats and many more. The man in front, who appears to be the leader, is anxiously waiting.

Suddenly, another group of 50 people arrives.. Unlike the first group, the second group is wearing dark blue uniforms, bulletproof vests and firearms. They are the Singapore police force.

The leader of the first group, a big guy holding a huge butcher knife, welcomes the police force cheerfully,

"You guys are finally here!"

Two uniformed men approach him,

"Are you Corporal Tan of the 1008 militia unit?"

"Yes, sir!!"

"Ok good corporal, I am Lieutenant Choi and this is Colonel Ronny."

When corporal Tan heard that the other person is of the colonel rank, he was startled and quickly ordered his men to give a formal salute to the Colonel.

"At ease men, that is no longer necessary. We are all comrades today."

"Are you joining today's raid, Colonel?"

"Yes, I am. Our new mission objective today is quite unique. There is an important item that we need to retrieve inside one of the building from the area we are sweeping today."

"May I know what is the item's description, sir?"

"That is classified, corporal."

"I apologize, sir. Sorry, it has been a while since my formal training."

"It is ok, corporal. Just follow Lieutenant Choi's instructions, and you will be fine. I believe that is something you can handle."

"Sir, yes sir!"

"Good! Follow us and we will clear out the buildings from here up to Scotts Road."

"Yes, sir!"

Similar to the other countries, Singapore's population also suffered an 80% casualty rate. When the first 24 hours began, more than four million people got infected by the plague. But even with the worldwide EMP and the mass infection, the government was able to quickly quarantine the infected and dispose of them when they turned undead.

The higher up decisions were determined and decisive, even if most of the people, especially the families of the infected, were against it. The infected people died and turned into monsters within 24 hours, this gruesome transformation had been seen by their families and relatives. Although the Singaporean citizens were devastated, they once again put their trust in their government. Some even praised the government's timely response.

When the dead had started rising, more than two million zombies were eradicated immediately. There were also people who hid their deceased family members from the government and protected them. But there were also some that were not handled properly and were now roaming the streets.

To this date, there are more than 600,000 survivors in Singapore. That is more than 10% of the remaining survivors in one place. If there is a competition, Singapore would probably win first place as the city with the best survivor rate on the doomsday era award.

The government's decisive response is one of the reasons for its success. The other reason is the country's compulsory national service policy.

It is a policy first instituted in 1967, that requires all male Singaporeans age 18 and up to serve two years period of compulsory military service. Upon finishing this service, these men become an operational-ready reservist for Singapore's army in times of war or disaster such as now.

On the third day, the country had experienced a crisis due to the attacks of the undead, the reserved army was activated to help Singapore's army and police force.

The combined force exceeded 200,000 people, that's more than 1/3 of the surviving people of Singapore. The government's combined units were then divided and dispatched to Singapore's 28 city districts. The dispatched surviving citizens were in charge of cleaning up their own district with the support of the police force. The army, on the other hand, were being sent to defend the borders and the beaches. With this brilliant strategy, the surviving citizens teamed up together in clearing out the undead on their own neighborhood. By the third week, zombies were rarely found on the streets again. The city was gradually recovering its former glory.

As time passed by, small specialized units had been formed. Each unit had a number between 20 to 50 men. They were divided into three categories, army units, police units, and militia units each had their own chain of command.

The group led by Corporal Tan is the eight militia unit who lives in District 10, hence the number on their unit registration of 1008. The second group is the police unit led by Lieutenant Choi.

The two units have a total of 100 men, they are clearing out zombies inside the buildings on the way to orchard street. Most of the buildings are shopping malls and hotels. They are going through room by room and are making sure that all of the remaining zombies are dead.

After a few hours of clearing out zombies, they have finally reached their area of objective.

It is the ION Shopping Center, one of the famous Singaporean malls.

"Corporal, we are going to scout and clear out the hotel, your assignment is clearing out the shopping center."

"Sir, yes sir!" josei

The group separated into two and went to their respective destinations inside the mall. When the outbreak happened, some people decided to hide in the mall for protection and its supplies. There should be hundreds of zombies inside, but surprisingly there were only dozens that can be seen.

"Mr. Tan, I have a bad feeling about this."

"Don't worry, it's possible that another unit had already passed by and cleared out this building."

"If that is the case, then where are the bodies?"

"I agree that it is odd, but what choice do we have? Do you want to say to the colonel that we didn't finish clearing out the mall because we were scared?"


"The first level of the mall seems to be clear, let's go to the basement. The subway station should be down here. I remember that the station on the other side was blocked, so I guess there should be some action down there."

"Ok, sir. Let's go."

- - - - - - - -

On the reception of the hotel on top of the mall, the police unit has finished its clearing operation and has already retrieved the mission item. It's a small cube-shaped safe made of steel, although it's small, it weighs at least 30 kilograms.

Almost all of the people in this police unit had already taken a few spirit stones, most of them were in between of the mid-stage to high stage mortal realm. But even for a high stage mortal realm, the safe still feels heavy.

"Can't we just open the safe sir?"

"No lieutenant, the order is to retrieve the safe in its current condition."

"I understand, sir."

"Let's go down and rendezvous with the militia."

Lieutenant Choi took out his radio.

"Corporal Tan, this is Lieutenant Choi, come in, over..."

"Corporal Tan, come in, over..."



Hearing the response, the police unit hurries over to where they are. When they are closer to the shopping mall, they can hear loud noises and screams from the direction of the basement. The police unit quickly runs towards the basement entrance to the subway station. But before they can jump inside, a dozen men run out of from the basement's entrance.


Colonel Ronny can see the waves of zombies behind this dozen men. Hundreds of them are killing all of the ones left behind and chasing the ones that are running. What shocked them the most are the majority of these undead are the mutated red zombies. A few dozen more are probably on their way. The scene that is unfolding in front of them can only be called a massacre. The militiamen are being chased, grabbed, pinned down, and being gobbled up one by one. Some are trying to help their fellow comrade, but only to result in meeting the same demise.


Colonel Ronny quickly orders the 50 armed policemen to create a defensive line facing the entrance.

"Shoot them down!!"

"Sir, what about the militia units?"

"Can't you see there's nothing we can do for them! Hurry up before those monsters start closing in. FIRE NOW!!!"

Tratatatatatatta Tratatatatatat

Bullets are being fired from the M16 assault rifles, raining down onto the masses, humans and zombies alike are both getting pierced by the bullets. A man with a big frame tries to rush out from the chaos, only to be welcomed by the hot steel bullets. That big man is Corporal Tan, half a dozen bullets pierced his big body. He falls to his knees and looks at his men, all of them lying down, dead on the ground. The man slowly loses his consciousness. He gathers all the strength left in him to burn the image of the police officers who are supposed to help and protect its citizens. He looked with such a deep grudge and disappointment. But there's nothing he can do...

At the final moments of his life, a red mutated zombie walks closer and opens its mouth for a big bite on his neck...


Head rolls...

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