Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 116 - Firebirds

Chapter 116 - Firebirds

Tratatatatata Tratatattata

The police unit, under the command of Lieutenant Choi and Colonel Ronny, are still firing at the incoming hordes.

"Reload! Fire!!"

Tratatattatat Tratatattata

More and more undead emerges from the subway entrance. It seems that these hordes of zombie have been locked inside since the beginning. There are thousands of them, and at least dozens of those red mutated ones.

"There's too many of them! We won't be able to hold them off!"

"Let's retreat back! Ask for backup!!"

Tratatatatatat Tratattatata

The police unit retreated defensively towards outside of the mall to the Orchard street. There were a few of them who did not move quickly and got left behind inside the shopping center. .

Once the unit was outside of the mall, the open street and fresh air brought back their depleted fighting spirit. The remaining men started to form another defensive line and the ones who had ran out of ammo pulled out their combat knives and steel baton. As they were preparing, the undead started to move out of the mall and slowly filled the street.

"What a mess! Is there anyone who responded?"

"Two units have responded to the call! One is just around the corner, and the other one ETA in 5 minutes."

Hearing the news, Colonel Ronny calculated their chances of survival. Especially his chance of survival. He actually considered leaving this unit and run to save himself, but he might suffer a big consequence if he did that, thus, he might as well wait for a few more minutes he thought.

The police maintained their formation and slowly moved backwards as they emptied out their last bullets, they needed to hold out until reinforcements come.

Just before they were about to engage in melee, the first reinforcement arrived. A militia unit composed of 50 men, only a few of them were equipped with firearms.

"We are militia unit 1014."

"Thank you for coming. We appreciate the quick response."

"Don't worry sir. It's our duty."

The militia unit didn't think much of the situation and courageously jumped to attack from one side of the street.


It had been 40 days since the doomsday started. Most of the militia units have had their share of fighting the undead without firearms. Thus, the militia unit had more confidence with their close combat skills than the police units.

The situation turned into an all-out fight...

The survivors, in general, were much stronger than the zombies. There were even some people who could fight against a red zombie in a one on one battle. But in this situation, it seemed that for every one zombie they killed, two more emerge from the mall.

"How many more are there!"

A few of the red zombies have managed to push the line. One of them attempted to jump straight Colonel Ronny's position.

The colonel calmly took out his handgun and poured out three bullets right at the incoming zombie.


Three shots were placed directly into the head of the red zombie.

The colonel is an intelligent man, he is not a coward nor weak. He is always good at reading the situation. But he has a flaw, he is a selfish man.

The colonel calculated their situation including the incoming reinforcement. He concluded that with their current condition, all units would not be able to hold against the zombies longer than 10 minutes. There were already a few casualties and when the casualty reached a certain number, the defensive formation will break. josei


"It has been 5 minutes! Where are the other reinforcement?"

"They got held up sir. They are not sure when they will be able to reach here."


The situation upfront was just getting more chaotic. More red zombies came out breaking through the shopping mall windows. The situation made the two units felt despair. They were less than 100 but fighting a few thousand zombies. The defensive line could break any moment.

"We are outnumbered and out of bullets sir."

Seeing the situation, Colonel Ronny finally decided to leave the battle. He slowly moved back, behind the defensive line, and turned around. But when he was about to run, Lieutenant Choi called him.


"!!!.. What?! What is it?"

"Sir, we are saved! The Firebirds is here!!"

"Firebirds? They are here?"

Hearing the name Firebirds, Colonel Ronny feels conflicted. The Firebirds is the nickname of a certain militia unit that's been famous recently. They are the strongest militia unit in district 10. Not only this unit is strong, there are only 30 members and their members are all female.

The Firebirds were separated into three groups; the spear unit, sword unit, and firearms unit.

Their entrance started with a barrage of bullets from the firearms unit. This group was led by a fierce middle age woman with a scar on her left cheek.


The second group was led by a beautiful woman with a very long hair. She held a crescent blade spear. Each swing from the long blade cut the zombies bodies in half.


A group of girls using spears were following the beautiful woman. They created a spearwall and pierced holes into the zombie's heads.

The last group came in charging to the middle. This group was led by a woman taller and bigger than most men. This red-haired woman should be a northerner, her arms and muscles were bulging with strength. She held two large steel rods. With each of her heavy strikes, the zombie's heads were smashed to paste. This group of close combat melee fighters used a mix close combat weapon.

All thirty female were fierce and their teamwork seemed really solid.

A few red zombies were able to pass through the spearwall and charged at the firearms unit. The woman with the scar took out her combat knife, but before she was able to do anything, a beautiful short-haired woman with big eyes rushed in front of her. She held a Chinese short sword and with just a few swings, multiple red zombies were beheaded easily.


Clearly, most of these women had already reached high stage mortal realm and some have already reached the peak stage. The three leaders were even stronger than a peak stage expert fighter; the firearm scarface woman, the long-haired woman with crescent blade spear and the northerner woman with steel rods.

But none of them are stronger than the true leader of the firebirds unit. The beautiful short-haired woman. She is the reason the group was named the way it is.

She equipped another Chinese sword on her other hand. She then raised both swords, closed her eyes and suddenly, both swords turned red and then flames burst out to envelope the metal in a matter of seconds. The woman is apparently a fire spirit enhancer who is able to manipulate fire. She rushed forward with her two flaming swords and performed sword techniques that looked like a dance. A dance of fire that looked both frightening and beautiful. Hence the nickname of Firebirds.

The flaming fire sword cuts through the zombies like a hot knife through butter.


The 30 females unit led by these peak stage spirit enhancers were able to dominate the battlefield.

A few minutes later,

"They are here! The reinforcement from the military is here!"

Lieutenant Choi finally lets out a sigh of relief, a cheerful smile can be seen on his face. It is because the cavalry has come. Behind the 50 fully armed men is an armored vehicle with a machine gun installed on top of it.

Tratatatatattaatatat tratatatataatatat

With the help of the additional reinforcements, the zombies were finally pushed back.

The melee units got their breathing room because of the military. The short-haired woman's flame dance ended near Colonel Ronny's position. When they noticed each other, they were both startled. The colonel and the firebirds leader seemed to be unable to say a word to one another. Looking at the strange behavior Lieutenant Choi took the initiative.

"On behalf of the police force, we really appreciate the help, are you the leader of the Firebirds?"

Colonel Ronny suddenly cuts in,

"Lieutenant Choi, let me introduce you to her. This is Christina the leader of the famous Firebirds team and also my lovely ex-wife."

Hearing the mock of her ex-husband, Christina frowned and decided to leave without a word and returned to help her units.

The Firebirds members are provided by her family, while the three spirit enhancers come from the list of names given by Alex.

The last 40 days have been hard for her, but she was able to push through. Due to that, Alex's heartwarming special friend, who almost died from the ninja's attack, is now lead one of the strongest units in Singapore.

Just when the situation about to clear up, the group suddenly heard a scary and loud sound behind the hordes of zombies.


A huge pitch-black figure slowly emerges from the shopping mall's entrance. A 5-meter tall humanoid monster with huge sharps claw, crocodiles like teeth and a long snake-like tongue...


With the emergence of such a monster, a shivering chill went down in Christina's spine.

All of the people on the battlefield felt a heavy pressure as if they were being pushed down by the monster's presence.

The fighters were paralyzed and didn't know how to react, but the huge abomination did not wait for them and jumped to the armored vehicle. The abomination's huge hands smashed the car into smithereens along with the soldiers inside. It then lifts up the vehicle and threw it into the group of fighters a dozen meters away.

Within that short few seconds, more than 10 people have died.


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