Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 134 - Village Battle

Chapter 134 - Village Battle

The sound of a sharp knife slashing through the colonel's neck


Blood dripped from the colonel's neck as he fell down on the ground. Adam's mind was denying that the colonel was dead, but the cold hard reality was being shown through the colonel's lifeless eyes. 

"Noooooo!!!" Adam looked at their situation and his mind was in a mess. Should I retreat or take revenge? Was the madman right? Are we nothing without the colonel?

Adam wanted to dash forward and kill the four pale men in front of him, but these men were strong and didn't seem to be afraid of death. They looked around as if they were thirsty for a drink of blood.

He was hesitating when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Axel, the special forces leader and the strongest fighter among them.

"We were careless.... Listen to my command."

Simple words but effective, Adam nodded, seemingly to have found a foothold within his chaotic mind.

The four pale men simultaneously jumped to attack them, Axel was expecting this and shouted an order. "Now duck!!!"

Adam unconsciously followed the order and they all ducked low to the ground. 

Suddenly, a series of gunfire roared from the village.

Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!!

A dozen bullets traveled in the air to the field and blasted the four pale men.


The bullets pierced through the bodies of the four pale men, one of them even received a bullet in the head and died instantly. Adam lifted his head and saw the remaining pale men full of holes as blood flowed out of their bodies.

Axel reached for his radio and said, "Good shot, snipers..."

Axel looked at the two special forces soldiers next to him and they nodded, as if all were thinking the same thing, the two moved closer to the three dying pale men to finish the job.

The special forces soldiers walked to the knife that the pale men dropped. The moment one of the special forces soldiers reached out for the knife, the three bloodied pale men shockingly stood up and jumped to the standing still soldier. 


A pale man held the special forces soldier down as the other two pale men bit big chunks of flesh right from the neck and the body of the poor man. 

The other special forces soldier hurriedly grabbed the knife and stabbed one of the pale men's back, but the stabbed pale man ignored him. The moment the poor soldier stopped squirming, the three pale men jumped toward the last special forces soldier.

Axel and Adam had been shocked at the sight of them 'eating', they only recovered when their last colleague was being pounced upon. 

The two dashed forward to tackle their targeted opponents. But to their surprise, the pale men did not even budge, not only were they faster but their strength were much more overwhelming.

"What the hell?! Are they even human?!"

Adam recalled what these pale men had drank before the fight. He also remembered the last moments of the crazy dying man injected with morphine. He noticed these people seemed to be stronger than a normal peak stage mortal realm fighter. They could even still fight despite heavy injuries. 

Every punch Adam made was returned with an even stronger punch from the pale man. He got careless for a moment and a pale man clasped him from behind. It was such a strong grab that he was unable to move. The pale man's mouth slowly opened wanting to bite Adam's neck.


Blood splat all over the ground as a head rolled down. 

I'm alive! Adam loosened the arms of the headless pale man entwined on his body. He turned around and saw a saber wielding man. It was his friend, Rick, his reliable vice leader of the Misfits. josei

Rick came in rushing with half of the special forces army when they noticed that things had gone sour. Unfortunately, they were just a tad too late.

It was now two dozen men fighting two bloodied pale men. However, the two pale men weren't fazed at all, they charged towards the two dozen men. 

The fight didn't last long, however, the two pale men were so fierce that the two dozen men still somewhat had a hard time killing them.

"Huff... huff... what the hell... was that?" Rick asked while gasping for breath.

"Rick, what are you doing here?! Aren't you supposed to be with the misfits?!"

"Don't worry, your pretty girlfriend is with them. She wouldn't stop worrying about you, so I came here to make sure to bring you back in one piece."

Axel suddenly shouted, "Retreat back to the village!"

Adam looked at the treeline and understood why Axel gave out the order. Along the treeline, the old madman started giving out drinks to two dozen of kneeling men. The kneeling men that drank from the bowl tore their shirts and prayed to the skies before forming a group.

Seeing the forming battle group of the enemy, Axel had a thought and decided to stop the retreat order. If those crazy people were to go inside the village, that'll be the end for us. We need to stop them here. Everyone standing here are the strongest of the battalion. We can do it…

The two dozen special forces soldiers had come earlier fully armed. They handed out various weapons to those who didn't have weapons. Adam received a saber as they formed a single battle line to hold the enemy.

Axel walked forward, opened his radio and looked at the men standing in front of him. "All troops ready your weapons! Everyone, hear my order! Shoot whatever comes out from the treeline. Your lives, no... our lives are on the line! DO NOT HESITATE!"

"SIR, YES SIR!" all shouted in unison.

Seeing Axel stand in front of them with confidence and decisiveness, Adam couldn't help but give his respect to the man. He survived his earlier battle because of Axel. This man was a great fighter and apparently, he also had the charisma to become a great leader.

Behind the treeline, the crazy men were forming up. The army saw these crazy men holding weapons. 

Nothing could be heard except for the rustling of the trees, the night was dead.

After a few moments, a voice resonated behind the treeline.

"My fellow brothers and sisters! Our god is great! We are given the chance to repent by carrying out god's judgment through these infidels! Let us enact the wrath of god upon these sinners! Purge them!"

"Purge... Purge... Purge..." the crazy men continuously stomped their feet as they repeated this single word.

Rick was standing next to Adam and said, "Fuxxxx this is a new level of craziness."

Adam didn't hear Rick's words. His mind was preoccupied as he looked to the other side of the village. I hope they'll be alright.

"Everyone get ready! Remember to not hesitate shooting whatever is in your sight!" Axel reminded.

All the people on the field and the soldiers from the village readied their fingers on the trigger. But then, something unexpected happened.

White smoke came out from the trees. It was so dense that it began to cover the treeline and slowly drifted into the village.

The chanting started again, following it, a warcry. 

Thousands of crazy people charged into the village from all directions!

"They are coming! Rain down bullets at the treeline!"


"Watch out!!!"

"Enemies coming in from the left! All fire to the left!"


These thousands of crazy people looked just like ordinary civilians; many didn't have the expertise or even proper weapons; some wielded sabers, some just knives, some just held steel pipes among other things. But they all have one thing in common, they were ecstatic and had come to kill.

Most of the misfits and the militia soldiers still hesitated and found it hard to fight back, and because of that, casualties started piling up around the village.

The main battle was still located at the village's entrance.

Axel stood tall at the front wielding two huge sabers.

"Here they come! The crazies are here be careful!"

The two dozen shirtless men had the same conditions as the pale men from earlier; pale skin, blood coming out from their ears, nose, and black vines resurface on their skin. They were unafraid to do anything.


Bullets seemed to affect them a little, but they kept on pushing forward. 

"Aim for the head!!!"


The white smoke made the soldiers unable to shoot accurately, as a result, only a few of the two dozen pale men died.

When the pale men finally reached close-quarter combat distance, the special forces soldiers took out their melee weapons and prepared themselves. These special forces soldiers had been fighting together for years, they stood back to back, shoulder to shoulder leaving no flanks opened. They formed a battle formation, it was such a glorious scene. Adam noticed them and wished for the day his misfits would be able to do such techniques.


"Ian! No! Fuxxx you, monster!"

"Henri! Behind you! No!"

As one pale man dies, one special forces soldier would fall as well. Axel was doing his best to ensure his men would live as he fought two pale men simultaneously. 

He then heard a series of ruckus coming from the treeline. It appeared all the rest of the hostile was bringing out their trump card.

It seems that I'll not be able to hold the line any longer. I have to bring out our last card. Axel radioed, "Tiger one, Tiger two move in!"

From inside the village, two Badak tank drove out into the village entrance.

"Blow up everything on that treeline," Axel ordered.

"Roger that!"



The explosion was immediately followed with the roars of the heavy machine-gun on top of the Badak tank.


Heavy fires and explosions thundered around the whole village along with the screams of the crazy people. This spectacle raised the fighting spirit of every soldier within the village.

"This is our chance! Push them back!"

This kind of situation is normal in any types of battle, an effective surprise attack, especially the combination of heavy explosions and machine guns will not only reduce the enemy numbers, but the main effect on the battle is also to give shock among the enemy and bring confusion. This is the best time to counter-attack and finish the battle. 

Everyone in the army and the special forces knew of the advantage surprise tactics, they called up the militia to join and advance to maximize its effect.


Blood splashed everywhere as more and more crazy people died. 

Captain Yonas, the vice commander of the battalion, was fighting alongside the militia inside the village. As the number of crazy people he killed increased, he got more and more excited. But as the smoke started to dissipate and he saw the faces of the crazy people, his heart started pounding.

Although many crazy men had died due to the counter-attack, the craziness in their eyes didn't change as they continued moving by hundreds into the village.

"Something is not right..."

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