Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 135 - Escaped

Chapter 135 - Escaped

The fight between the 500 army men and the seemingly endless mad people reached its climax. The tanks rained down rockets shaking the ground, bullets traveled the air as its shell became like a waterfall giving the army the push it needed to advance.

Different than the pale men, most of these rushing mad people were just normal looking citizens, some were even kids and some were old men. But they kept running through the rain of fire even though the ground was littered with their comrades.

"This is madness! They are like moths running into the fire!"

The army had hoped that when a lot of their people die, they would turn their tails around and run back to the treeline. But they were wrong, the waves of mad people continued as if they were possessed by something.

Deaths on both sides kept rising. Even a fully armed army, wasn't able to keep these people at bay. Surrounded by ten to one, especially by frenzied masses, casualties started to pile up. 

At the village's entrance Axel, Adam, Rick, and the special forces had been fighting desperately against the dozens pale men.. Same with the rest of the mad people, the thunderous explosion behind them didn't affect their will to kill their prey.

"Lieutenant Axel, what the hell are they? What are we actually fighting here?"

"Focus men! We can make it!" shouted Axel, the strongest man on the field. His body was filled with wounds and cuts, his clothes were tattered revealing his bloodied muscles, but he was fighting valiantly and was able to chop the head of one the pale men while still fighting another two.

Adam had had a bad feeling ever since they were surrounded, he had only wanted to save more people, but his good-willed advice had resulted in their current situation. Seeing the lifeless bodies of his comrades, the Colonel Bernard, he felt responsible.

The fight continued on for a few more minutes, the special forces able the resist because of their tight formation. Adam thought that if they had been fighting one on one, they wouldn't survive for this long. 

The pale men movements were erratic, physically stronger and faster they were, but the most troublesome part was that whatever damage they took, they were unperturbed. Their bodies were soaked with blood from the bullets and cuts, but they kept coming back to fight. Adam felt as if he was not fighting human beings but rather an undead.

Suddenly, the mist started to dissipate, the surroundings became more clear. The fight has gone deep into the village. Gunshots and screams sounded non-stop all over the village. The tanks have also finally stopped its attacks, their ammunition finally ran out.

Adam suddenly heard sounds of running footsteps coming from the village...

Dratatattata!! Dratattatata!!

More soldiers came from the village with guns to reinforce the village entrance and started shooting at the pale men. The reinforcement caused more pale men lay unmoving on the ground.

Adam looked at his surroundings, hundreds of mad people bodies were lying on the ground. Towards the treelines, Adam saw the madman staying still among the burning and falling trees. But to Adam's surprise, behind the treelines, the figures shuffling seemed denser... they were endless.

Seeing this, cold sweat ran on Adam's back. The pale fighters were already very hard to kill, but now, thousands of mad people were running towards them specifically! He can't imagine how many would survive the battle. It seems the final battle about to begin.


Thump.. Thump...

Thump.. Thump...

Adam reached for his heart. It beat oddly. He tried to move his body, his arm, his legs, but was unable to. Every limbs felt heavy and his mind started spinning as the heartbeat reached his head. "Wha-what is happening? Rick! Do you feel something as well?!"

"Yes! Something is wrong... my body feels weak..."

Adam looked at the soldiers and their faces told the same story. The new soldiers that had just arrived were not from the special forces, most were still in the mid-stage mortal realm, and their condition seemed much worse, a few started to drop kneeling on the ground as they grasped for air. 

In his confusion, Adam unconsciously looked to Axel, the guy who stood tall and unbending to any threats. 

Axel turned around to his men, he was frowning. "We are in trouble boys... it seems we are poisoned... I believe everyone in the village is experiencing the same thing..."

Hearing this, Adam's heart ran wild. He looked to the towards the village as if he was searching for his group, his people, his Daisy.

"It looks like peak stage mortal realm people could only move," Axel paused and looked at the dozens of helpless soldiers in front of him, "I can't leave them like this, I will stand here and fight till the end... Special forces! I order all of you who can still move to escape and save as many as you can!"

There were only about a dozen special forces who were at peak stage mortal realm, Adam and Rick included.

One of the special forces soldiers said, "Lieutenant, I have been following you for years! I will not leave you alone. I will stay..."

"Me too, Lieutenant!"

"Same here!"

The special forces soldiers who could move stood up and declared their will. They all held in salute to their leader.

Axel clenched his fist, he turned around so his men can't see his face. He was proud of his men. 

"Men! I am ordering you to leave! Escape while you can!!!"

But the special forces soldiers stood still, their eyes were clear and determined. "We're sorry Lieutenant... just for today, we won't accept your order."

"I need you to save our people and escape! Tell the headquarters our current state! This is an order!"

"Lieutenant, please give that job to our young friend here. We will stay!"

Axel was trembling, his fist getting tighter and tighter, trying to keep his facade of a tough leader. He shook his head, he knew his men wouldn't follow this order, he trained them, he knew them best. "Because all of you disobeyed a direct order. All of you will receive martial court. All of you are no longer my men. But right now, all of you… are all my brothers."

Adam saw the brotherhood of Alex and his men couldn't help but embed it in his memories. From this moment he decided he wanted to achieve that kind of loyalty from his own people. He wanted to achieve it in his life.

Axel gave Adam a glance and Adam nodded. Rick and Adam, gave the Lieutenant and his dozen men a salute to the Lieutenant and then quickly ran toward the two Badak tanks nearby.

The wave of mad people began moving behind the treeline. These men didn't show fear, but rather ecstatic faces for the upcoming next round of battle.

Adam and Rick reached the tanks and found the two soldiers inside were affected by the poison. They put aside the two soldiers and took control of the tanks and drove inside the village. 

Adam looked back as he drove towards the village, he saw hundreds of mad people swarming Axel and the special forces soldiers. Adam gritted his teeth and stomped the pedal to drive faster. He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would stay there to fight and die with them, but he could not let his friends, the misfits tarry in this place any longer.

The tank has a back door and could accommodate 8-10 people inside. He could let some people sit on top of the tank as well, therefore with the two tanks combined, at most he could bring around 30 men. Only 30 people out of the 500 soldiers. 

While driving through the village he saw the other soldiers writhing on the ground and gasping for air, the poison did affected them as Axel had speculated. Adam saw the mad people's crazed expression while killing and capturing the soldiers who were unable to move. There were others who ran towards the tanks screaming for help. 

"Help! Open the door!"

"Hey you! Hurry up and let us in!"

Hearing their pleas, Adam clenched the steering wheel. "I'm sorry! I really am!" He tried to turn a deaf ear and continued driving as he knew he couldn't save everyone. 

"Wait! Don't leave us!!!"

Because of the poison, most of these people were unable to catch up to the tanks. But they weren't going to give up their chance for survival and followed its course.

Adam was nearing where the misfits were located. From afar, he saw that there were also hundreds of mad people swarming them, but since more than half of the misfits were in the high stage and some were in the peak stage mortal realm, their situation was better than the rest in the village. 

Nathan and Nathalie's coordination with each other looked like they were like dancing around the battlefield, Jason was like a mad bull charging his way against the enemies, Romi was following Jason and took the opportunity to kill every enemy Jason tackled, and Tommy, with his two shadows, was running around where reinforcement is needed. The group's tactics complemented each other.josei

As soon as Adam and Rick arrived, they both came out of the tanks and Rick shouted, "The battle is lost! We need to leave now! Misfits, quickly enter the tanks!"

Adam looked around, he noticed some familiar faces on the ground dead. At least a dozen misfits died in this fight. He frantically searched among the living for a particular person, his heart beat faster as he couldn't find her, he grabbed one of the misfits and asked, "Where is Daisy?!"

A figure suddenly approached him from behind and hugged him. "Calm down, I'm here. I'm fine."

Adam turned around and saw her. He hugged her back tightly. The scent of her sweat, the warmth of her touch, everything of her finally made his heart calm down. 

"What happened?" Daisy asked still being hugged.

"Colonel Bernard died. Lieutenant Axel asked us to escape and report to General Rico of what has happened."

Hearing the news, Daisy closed her eyes and felt their surroundings with her abilities. "To the east. I can sense that's the least dense area."

"Ok, gather the survivors inside the tank go right away with Rick and lead the way!" Adam let go of Daisy and turned around.

Daisy grabbed Adam's arm and said, "What about you? There's not much time left!" 

"I'll be right behind you! Now go!" Adam said as he held Daisy's hand. It felt warm, and soft. Adam then turned to Tommy and said, "Tommy, go with Daisy and keep her safe."

Daisy opened her mouth but no words came out. Despite her wanting to stay with him, she understood what needed to be done. 

Both lovebirds gave one last look before heading to their respective tanks.

The tank Rick drove was filled with 20 people and could not carry any more, thus, Rick decided to push the pedal and head east. Adam watched the back of the tank, at least he knew that Daisy would be getting out soon.

Adam, now surrounded by his best people; Jason, Romi and the siblings, was fighting around the area near the tank as the other misfits entered the second tank. 

"Get inside! Get in!"

When the tank was almost filled up, a group of people was approaching from the distance. 

"Let us in!"

"Help us too!"

Most of these people were from the militia army. They didn't have the discipline like the special forces. What's bad is that fear has consumed their mind, they are not thinking straight, they were prepared to take over the tank with force.

"Wait the tank is full! It won't move with more people in it!"

"No let us in! Let us in!"

Adam looked at the people around the tank, and at the people approaching. He knew if he didn't do something, all of them would die. He was ordered to return to the general and save people, and yet, he could only save a limited amount of people. He was torn as he wanted to save everyone. Adam screamed as he took his gun and aimed at the militia.

"DON'T COME ANY CLOSER or I will shoot!!!"


Adam did a warning shot into the air and then aimed at the militia.

The incoming militia stopped on their tracks and everyone looked at Adam in disbelief.

 Adam said to Jason, "Drive right now! I'll be right behind you!"

One of the militias picked up the courage to say something and walked slowly towards Adam. 

"I don't believe you will shoot, please, we beg you to let us in."

Adam lifted the heavy and cold hard steel in his hand while trembling. Before pulling the trigger, he closed his eyes as the sound of the gun echoed in the air.


"AARRGHH, you dare to shoot me!" The man held his shoulder as it bled from the gunshot, filled with rage, he dashed forward with his saber raised.


Two more shots, two straight in the head, the man died. Everyone looked at each other in confusion. Weren't they comrades? Why did things have to be this way.

Adam looked at the dead man and the gun in his hand, trembling he was. Thoughts ran wild in his head. He killed a comrade. He killed an innocent man. Staring at the gun emitting out its hot air from its hole, convincing himself is what he needed to do. If he has to, then he has to.

He turned around hoping to see the tank had already drove away, but to his surprise, he saw a little kid skipping towards the still tank. Adam recognized the boy, it was little kid he talked to before in the village's entrance.

The boy was carrying a huge backpack and was joyfully hopping straight to the tank.

A kid, a bag, and a tank, Adam realized what was happening, "Noo!!!" Adam shouted as he ran towards the boy.

But, the boy had already reached the tank and Adam was still a couple of meters away. The boy heard Adam's shout and smiled innocently. The boy looked up to the dark sky and mumbled his last words. 

"Mommy, daddy, I can finally be with you..."


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