Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Shrek City

In a flash of light, the examinees found themselves in a space filled with darkness. Then a world started to come into view in a blink of an eye.

Class Zero appeared in this world together, and after exchanging glances, they immediately shifted into battle formation. Xie Xie quickly went to go pick up Tang Wulin and then he motions for everyone to head out.

They proceed cautiously with Gu Yue sending out wind birds to scout ahead.

Xu Xiaoyan was the vanguard, guarding against anything that tries to attack Xie Xie or come from behind.

They were getting even more anxious when the wind bird wasn't picking up on anything. Xie Xie knew since Wulin was out, he had to take charge and keep everyone safe.

'Yet, there hasn't been one soul beast. Not one footprint or sign of life.'

Xie Xie knew something strange was going on, but he didn't alarm is teammate yet. A while later, they chanced upon a hill with a large field of view.

They took a break, with Gu Yue passing around the steam buns and everyone begins to eat. Xu Xiaoyan had Tang Wulin head in her lap, while Gu Yu and Xie Xie was checking the area.

She was rubbing his hair while looking out for anything that can give them a clue on what was going on. They decided to wait till nightfall, so she can fully utilize her abilities.

'Is it like the exam that teacher Wu Zhangkong had us do? Is this why he wanted us to survive in the spirit platform?'

The visible sun gradually sunk beyond the visible horizon. Xie Xie and Gu Yue came back, with Gu Yue taking Tang Wulin body to provide her some time to move around. They were all on edge, still not understanding what was going on.

The situation couldn't be taken lightly not because of this stupid test but because of Tang Wulin. They know he was still injured and were unsure what would happen if he died in this platform.

Gu Yue gently started to gently caress his face, as her face started subtly changing between worry and concern.

Then a howl shattered the silence and flipped the forest upside down.

All of them broke out in goosebump, while Tang Wulin furrows his brows but otherwise didn't move.

"Was that a soul beast?" Questioned Xie Xie in slight worry as he glances all around.

"I don't know." Mutter Gu Yue as she too was a little bit worry, considering how Tang Wulin was still knock out.

Xie Xie grimace with legitimate worry, if it was a soul beast then they may be in big trouble. Just it roars alone was able to undoubtedly cause them to feel a split second of genuine terror. Gu Yue put Tang Wulin on Xie Xie back and then they went to go take a look.

At least if they knew precisely what they were dealing with, they could come up with a plan. It was better than letting it try and find them.

Gu Yue released her wind birds to scout far ahead of them and they begin to carefully trek ahead. Xu Xiaoyan was in the lead while Gu Yue was carefully guarding Xie Xie and Tang Wulin.

A lush valley lay before them as soon as they exited the forest. They could feel the closer they got, the more they could feel the power from before.

They were able to use their spirit power withstand, while Xie Xie continuously checks on Tang Wulin to see if it became too much for him.

Inside the valley, extraordinary booms resounded as two lights over thirty meters in diameter clashed countless times.

Xie Xie promptly uses Purple Demon Eyes and was genuinely shocked at what he discovered.

He found a Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear, that he could tell it was a ten-thousand-year-old one. Xie Xie became even more nervous on what could even put up a challenge against it.

It had body translucent like crystal, its form similar to that of a lion but with flaming draconic claws and a longer snout. Fine golden scales peeked out from beneath its fur.

Most peculiar of all, it had a vertical slit on its forehead wherein its third eye rested.

"Three-eyed Golden Lion."

Xie Xie grimaced hard and turn to tell his teammates what was going on.

There was shock on their faces but then started to come up with a plan for the two soul beast. They moved cautiously to an area where they thought it was secure and started to observe the continuous battle.

The familiar sounds of fierce battle continued to grow quieter and quieter as the two clashing beasts disappeared into the distance.

They started discussing if this was the reason why there was no soul beast in the forest. Xie Xie suggests they go farther out and explore the valley out with Gu Yue voicing her concern.

Xie Xie knows what she means, but he tried appealing her that, they may be able to find something that could help Wulin.

It took Xu Xiaoyan making a compromise with both. They will check but if something bad shows up they will sacrifice each other to protect Wulin. Gu Yue sighed but nevertheless agreed and went to go explore the valley.

Not far from them was a cave, the entrance of which was about five meters tall. Impenetrable darkness shrouded this cave, and its destination was a mystery.

They turn to each other and then nodding, begin to walk inside the cave. After they came around a bend, twinkling lights appeared.

Gemstones littered the ground, shining with a myriad of brilliant prismatic lights. They all saw a mountain full of gems lying around and then they all saw a figure shrouded in light.


Gu Yue quickly summon a fierce gust of wind to push them back and push the figure shrouded in light away.

They saw a Three-eyed Golden Lion that stood less than one and a half meters tall, and its shoulders were about two meters wide. Its third eye wasn't open either.

"Let's escape."

Xie Xie knew if they killed the Three-eyed Golden Lion, it had a chance of dropping a soul bone but right now they needed to protect Wulin. Compared to Wulin, that soul bone isn't worth crap. josei

The Lion roared at them and charge but Xu Xiaoyan appeared in front of it with an ice hammer. Gu Yue was able to soften the earth, causing the lion to stagger and then Xu Xiaoyan smashes the lion back.

They then started to run with Gu Yu creating an earth wall and Xu Xiaoyan freezing the wall. Off in the distance, three eyes appeared, two golden and one a demonic red.

Xie Xie, Gu Yue, and Xu Xiaoyan instantly froze as the space around them hardened, locking them in place. The Three-eyed Golden Lion pounce on them, smacking them apart and their body promptly hitting the cave wall.

The Three-eyed Golden Lion didn't kill them instantly, it felt rage when it saw them escape the cave. It was wondering where its innocent child was but feared the worse and started to hurt the group.

Xie Xie tried standing up to get to Tang Wulin but was smack to the against the wall. Gu Yue tried to summon up a storm but instantly found a hole in her sides and fell down.

Xu Xiaoyan was able to freeze the Three-eyed Golden Lion for a second to allow Xie Xie to get to Tang Wulin.

But Xie Xie felt one of his arms get taken off. He gritted his teeth, as he tried to not scream out in pain. The Three-eyed Golden Lion started to walk to Xu Xiaoyan who was struggling desperately to get back up but then.


It instantly turned its head and saw a huge Golden Dragon staring fiercely at it. It couldn't move its leg and then it merely heard the Golden Dragon speak authoritatively.

"...Beat it."

The Three-eyed Golden Lion roared in instinctive fear as it began to burn everything around it. Killing Xie Xie, Gu Yue, Xu Xiaoyan and Tang Wulin.


Xie Xie woke up and saw everyone else getting out. He hastily got out and ran to Tang Wulin capsule to check on him. He was still unconscious, and there seems to be no extra damage done to him.

'He's fine."

They didn't blame the Three-eyed Golden Lion because they understand the feeling of rage and protecting. They turn and saw the interaction between the lions. Then turn to each other and Tang Wulin with a smile.


Xie Xie laughed as he took out Tang Wulin hand, to put his on top. Xu Xiaoyan smiled as she put hers on top of his and Gu Yue next. All of a sudden, steady clapping resounded throughout the room.

The four of them instantly turned to see Shen Yi watching at them, eyes filled with admiration. Shen Yi started to explain to them the trial and what would happen if they did something different.

She told them, even before the test begins she could tell they would have never endangered their captain.

The point of the trial was to test their character, first was to see if you had the patience to find the valley. The second halfway see if you could recognize the danger of the Three-eyed Golden Lion and the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear.

Finally, the last one was to see if you had the courage to enter the cave. She wouldn't blame them if they deiced to not enter the cave.

'After all, they were willing to push themselves so hard.' Thougth Shen Yi as she recalled the effort they put into passing the trials without their other teammate.

Shen Yi finishes telling them about the trial and then told them their points. Then told them to follow her, with Xie Xie carrying Wulin on his back.

Shen Yi led them down the hall and up another flight of stairs to the roof where two people awaited them.

In the center, there was two elderly gray-haired men.

"The tenth trial is also known as the Three Hall Review. These three elders will evaluate your previous performance in the trials and give you a comprehensive score that will be added to your total." Said Shen Yi.

Shen Yi began to explain the tenth trial to the kids, causing them to worry about Tang Wulin score. The elder to the right side called up Xie Xie, who gently put down Tang Wulin and made his way over.

"Your talent is above average and your ability to lead is amazing. But above all us, your care for your teammates, even in the face of treasure and riches is astounding. From what I heard and seen, you have done a marvelous job of being the team leader while your captain was out. We give you 9 points." Said the gray old man.

Xie Xie thank them and quickly went to pick up Tang Wulin. The elder chuckle seeing this, smiling kindly.

"Xu Xiaoyan"

"Your mastery over ice that allowed you to take down the Earth Demon Rhinoceros was nothing short of remarkable. You also seem to an astrological attribute martial soul, but you didn't even use it. Then there is the bond with your teammates. I notice how you choose to do both yours and Tang Wulin set of exercise. Even when there was a chance you would be tired of the next one you held on. Bravo young lady, Bravo. You get 10 points." Said the Elder with a kind smile.

Xu Xiaoyan thank the elder and then went back, standing in front of Xie Xie.

"Gu Yue."

"What else is there to say? You seem to have the most talent out of all your teammates. Took on the challenge of taking on all of the Shrek students by yourself to give your teammates a chance to rest. Bravo young lady, 10 points."

"You're wrong." Said Gu Yue with a shake of her head.

"I'm wrong?"

"Yes, compared to him. My Talent shouldn't even be mention." Said Gu Yue as she glances at Tang Wulin.

Gu Yue smiled gently at Tang Wulin, who still is sleeping. The elder didn't say anything, already hearing about the boy on Xie Xie back.

He was secretly glad Elder Cai wasn't here, god forbid the amount of trouble she would create.

'Although lucky for them because she not here, they don't have to anything extra.' Thougth the Elder.

The elders turn to leave, telling the four to follow them. He waves his hand as Tang Wulin body was lifted up into the air.

Zhuo Shi's eyes flashed crimson as the scarlet light around him unleashed a dragon's roar. The redness condensed, the roar becoming clearer, a change proceeding over Tang Wulin.

Then Zhuo's eyes widen when he saw the scarlet light shattering when it touch Tang Wulin body and then being absorbed into him. This cause Shen Yi and the other elder to be dumbfounded.

'Brat, can't you be normal for once.'

Zhou Shi's lips twitch but his eyes were shining with new vigor. He shook his head and carried Tang Wulin in his hand, as he started walking ahead. Class Zero quickly followed behind with Shen Yi in tow.

The three had to run after Zhou Shi's as even though he was walking, he was moving too fast. It wasn't until after a while that they notice he was slowing down but before they could say anything, they saw their teacher.


Wu Zhangkong trembles but didn't move or say anything. While he was glad, his students were ok and if their with teacher Zhou Shi's, it means they have passed.

Xie Xie and Xu Xiaoyan went toward Wu Zhankong to bow before Zhou Shi's. They even drag Gu Yue, who knew she can't be too stubborn now.

"Stand Up."

Zhou Shi's told Wu Zhangkong and then he started to walk away but then Wu Zhangkong did something shocking in front of class zero. The Ice-cold emperor apologizes and then he went to go have a talk with Zhou Shi.

Wu Zhangkong did move straight to Tang Wulin, as ever since he got here, he has been examining Tang Wulin condition. Zhou Shi informed them he is going take Tang Wulin to his place, so he can recover and heal faster.

They all wanted to raise complaints but Wu Zhankong silences them with him saying the area Zhou Shi lives has the benefit of allowing one to recover fast. They all reluctant agreed and began following behind Zhou Shi with Wu Zhankong coming along.

Green grass covered the ground of the inner court, and various trees and shrubs encompassed the area. A set of majestic sculptures stood a bit farther in.

They saw depictions of the first generation of the Shrek Seven Monsters. The children follow the adult's example as they bowed before the sculptors and then followed Zhuo Shi.

As he walked, they discovered an azure lake lay beyond the towering trees. The lake was clear as crystal. Night had already fallen by now, and the lake water glistened under the moonlight as mist hung around the surrounding plants to create a scene of pure tranquility.

Zhuo Shi waved a hand, sending out a wave of red light that enveloped everyone. Everyone was now on a small island in the middle of the lake.

Zhuo Shi led them farther into the island. After climbing two hills, they arrived at a two-story wooden house. He opened the door, and warm light flooded from within.

Zhou Shi put Tang Wulin down on one of the beds. Zhou Shi gave them some advice and told them to rest here tonight. They all headed to their bed and started to cultivate before, going to sleep.


Tang Wulin opened his eyes, he started to get up. He notices his body wasn't sore and was fully healed.

"Your up."

'What happened?'

Before he lost consciousness he had Zeref keenly watch the events unfold. Zeref typically gave him a brief summary of what happened. He turns his head to Xie Xie and got lost in thought.

"Thier pretty good kids."

Tang Wulin didn't say anything as he started getting up. Xie Xie heard the sound of the bed creaking, he snaps his eyes open and jumps up looking around wildly. He then saw Tang Wulin standing up near his bed.


Tang Wulin rolled his eyes, conveniently ignoring the fact that Xie Xie charges forward to hug him.

The wooden table in the living room held a spread of food. The others were already eating when the two boys arrived. Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan also rocketed towards him to join in the hug.

Tang Wulin not wanting to deal with this, grab Xie Xie and instantly threw him at the girls' charge. As expected they weren't happy as Gu Yue send out a kick toward the flying Xie Xie.

Tang Wulin walk to the table and saw a basket with odorless, black objects. He picks one up and threw it into his mouth. He was surprised, as his blood essence reacted and surged, with warmth instantly dispelling some of his hunger.

He started munching on more them, ignoring Shen Yi and Zhuo Shi look of surprised. After eating only a few, he stores the rest into the basket, causing everyone around him to smile wryly.

He turns his head to the old man, who was staring at him for a while, and Wu Zhankong introduces him.

"Young man, what do you think about Elder Cai?"

"The old hag? Nothing much. Although I am thankful because of her, I was able to get a grasp on the strength of Title Douluo."

Tang Wulin didn't care he lost consciousness because of her, although it has been a while since he has gotten knockout. Zhuo Shi was surprised at the boy calmness and felt he needed to re-evaluate it him even more.

Zhuo Shi told him Wu Zhangkong to bring him back here because he wants to talk to him about something. He then told them not to bring shame to the worker students and then send them off.

Tang Wulin says only if he has a basket of these, next time he visits. Wu Zhangkong didn't say anything as he already knew how are disciples were. Shen Yi said goodbye and took the kids to the administration office.


Nothing much happened, other than being forced to do their required jobs to pay off the tuition fee for Shrek, as working students.

They gain 100 contribution point for completing the task but they found out it was barely enough to pay for dinner. Tang Wulin didn't worry because he had Mu Xi, Xu Xiaoyan and Xie Xie as his meal tickets.

"Haven't you heard of Shrek's Sea God's Fated Date Festival?"

Tang Wulin ignored Xie Xie speech about the festival, too invested in his food. They were all happy about making it into Shrek if they ignore the problems that occur in the exam.

"Give me your number."

Xie Xie was surprised there was someone being so demanding in Shrek Academy. Then he turns to Tang Wulin and realizes it, not a stretch. They all turn their head to see a young man sitting down.

He was a handsome man wearing a white suit, golden hair comb back and golden eyes. His existence seems to radiate light itself. The only person who could rival in the looks department was Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin ignored the commotion, even when they started talking about it. Tang Wulin saw Xie Xie runoff. He could feel the strength of that guy and knew Xie Xie would be no match for him at the present.

'Well Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan went with him, so he should be ok.'

While Tang Wulin would love to fight that boy, his food takes priority at the moment. He was surprised they came back so fast. They told him what happened, the girl had a fallen angel martial soul, the guy had the angel soul and she was a worker student.

'Fallen Angel and Angel huh.' Thought Tang Wulin with a raised brow.

As he was able to pinpoint a considerable variety of strong students in the working student dorm. Zeref pointed out one of the students who were at the eighth trial but never got to fight was there.

Thought what surprised was Zeref said he felt a weird sense of familiarity on him. He was curious, considering Zeref actually felt a familiarity with something but for now let it go.

The next day was the opening ceremony that was held within the sparkling clean Spirit Ice Plaza.

Just like any other academy, they had six grades. Each grade had around one hundred students give or take ten or twenty, and together they totaled a little over seven hundred students.

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