Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 31

Chapter 31: Class President

The opening ceremony was no different than Eastsea and in fact, this one was way shorter. He found out that Elder Cai was the headmaster of the outer court.

Not only that but that the old hag was his class teacher. She also seems to have gotten her arm back, which surprised him and Zeref.

They all had to go to a school a building. It was a lecture theater large enough to hold three hundred people. The room felt warm welcoming but with Elder Cai, class zero could only feel dismayed.

Elder Cai ascended the platform and stood behind the lectern. On the side, Shen Yi said, "Students, please take your seat according to what I announce. Tang Wulin, row one seat one."

Tang Wulin lips twitch, as he stared at the old hag who kept on giving him a mocking smile. Even Zeref himself made a comment about it.

"I'm impressed, she isn't even being subtle about it."

'What would be the point. She knows I know, she still mad about me blowing off her arm.'

"I'm curious about that. Do they have a machine here that can regrow someone arm or is it someone here who can do that?"

Zeref comments as he been staring the arm that Acnologia blew off. Tang Wulin watch as the rest of class zero was seated beside him. It was Xie Xie, Gu Yue, and Xu Xiaoyang in that order sitting beside him.

"Are you still mad, you old hag?" Said Tang Wulin, looking at her with amusement.

The silence was the answer, as the audience saw someone actually insult an elder in the open.

Elder Cai just smiled as if she never heard anything and Shen Yi lips twitch, as she turns to her senior brother for help.

Wu Zhangkong didn't say anything as he could feel the gazes of Elder Cai and Tang Wulin clashing.

Elder Cai motion for Shen Yi to continue with the seating, all while thinking of ways for revenge.

She could already tell to suppress the brat directly or with force was a fruitless option and had to think of another way to get her revenge.

"Hmm, she isn't taking the bait."

'I know.'

Tang Wulin wishes she took the bait because then it would mean he could deal with her in a straightforward fashion. But with her position and power, she had the ability to screw him over indirectly.

"Elder Cai, there should be 101 students in this year's new class, and I've counted 101 students. Everyone is present."Said Shen Yi.

Shen Yi desperately hopes that Tang Wulin and Elder Cai, don't end up killing each other by the end of the semester. Elder Cai gave her speech and then made to leave the classroom but then replied back to Tang Wulin.

"Tang Wulin for speaking out of turn, you lose 90 contribution points and will have thirty percent dock off every time you gain more."

Elder Cai left the room not looking back at Tang Wulin. Xie Xie turns to Tang Wulin, as he was sitting beside him and saw him smiling.

'Is that old lady crazy! Why would you come between this heaven-defying monster and his food.'

Shen Yi lips twitch as she saw this but felt a sense of chills when she turns to Tang Wulin direction.josei

'Why does that smile feel out of place…'

Shaking her head, she begins to give the student of Shrek the basic rundown of what will happen.

"I'm sure you're all curious about what you can use contribution points for. Simply put, they can be used for anything in the outer court. You can exchange them for cultivation resources, spirit souls, time in special facilities on campus, personal guidance from a teacher, and entrance to the spirit ascension platform. Working students, in particular, need them to buy food. Within reason, you can exchange them for anything and everything you want." Said Shen Yi.

Shen Yi talks about how punishment is dealt with you by Shrek and not the federation once you join Shrek. Classes are held in the morning, while the evening and afternoon for their uses.

"You will have to pay for your own meals. No one will stop you from going off-campus to eat, but I advise that you consider how much time would be wasted if you did."

'Guess I am eating off campus.'

"You should be able to make up the time lost in cultivation with the Space Between Time."

Tang Wulin nodded at Zeref words, knowing with Space Between Time he could easily gain levels in his cultivation. That if he can find the next set of items to break his next dragon seal.

"Alright," Shen Yi said. "I've finished explaining the important stuff. Let's move on to the topic of this morning's class."

"Today's first topic is battle armor masters."

Tang Wulin disregarded her when she begins to talk about battle armor master. He has no interest in gaining a battle armor nor any in making one for that matter. Although Zeref interest did get peak when she said.

"A mecha pilot puts clothes on their person, but a battle armor master puts clothes on their martial soul because at their core, they are still soul masters. This is the fundamental difference between the two." Said Shen Yi.

Zeref begin to pay extra attention to her now, he finally was beginning to understand the difference between them.

"Only at two words, when you're one with your armor and it becomes an extension of your body and martial soul, are you truly considered a battle armor master. It is for this reason that you must fuse your battle armor with your martial soul first. They must resonate with each other, attract each other until they become whole." Said Shen Yi.

Tang Wulin raised a brow when he saw Zeref eyeshine. It was then Shen Yi said something that causes his eyes to twitch.

"Anyone capable of becoming a one-word battle armor master at twenty-five years old or younger will be eligible to join the inner court."

"Must you be a battle armor master to join the inner court ?"

Shen Yi blinks when she heard the question and was surprised it came from Tang Wulin. She saw most of the class move their gaze to him, but he ignored them, as he kept his gaze on her.

"Shrek only accepts monster above monster in the inner court, so yes you would need a battle armor."

"If Shrek only accepts monsters above monsters. Does that mean as long as you're stronger than a battle armor master, you can join?" Tang Wulin questioned.


Shen Yi trembles uncontrollably when she heard Tang Wulin words and the class started an uproar.

Some were looking at him strangely, with disdain or mocking him. Tang Wulin just nodded and leaned back with his glittering.

'This rotten boy… What is he trying to pull.'

Shen Yi felt a weird premonition as she gazes at Tang Wulin.

'Will we see someone actually enter the inner court without a battle armor.'

Shen Yi still continues her lecture on battle armor, after she instantly quiets down the class. But even as she continues, Tang Wulin words were still playing in her mind.

'If Shrek only accepts monsters above the monsters. Does that mean as long as you're stronger than a battle armor master, you can join'


"You can thousand refine?"

Tang Wulin looked up and saw the person who Zeref said was at the eighth trial. He was a slender youth, considerably handsome with flowing red hair and dark eyes. He nodded his head, which causes the person eyes to look at him with fierce determination.

"Alright, I will treat you for the month for a first-grade thousand refining."

Tang Wulin was using his blacksmithing skill to get a month worth of meal. Because of Elder Cai scheme, he knew he would have to find a way to get a free lunch meal ticket. Xu Xiaoyan and Mu Xi can only pay for his dinner mealtime, plus he has to pay his tuition.

'That old hag sure knows how to strike where it hurts.'

Tang Wulin eye unconsciously turn into golden slits, causing the person in front of him to flinch back. Shaking his head, he accepted the deal and asks the person name.

"You can call me Yuanen."

"Call me, Tang Wulin."

Getting a nod from his meal ticket, Tang Wulin forcibly drag him to get a meal. Yuanen was surprised at Tang Wulin strength but also became more confident because of this.

They went to the dining hall, which was more luxurious than the one at Eastsea. Whether it be because the meals look more delicious or the equipment seems on a higher class.

"I have a question for you, Tang Wulin."

Tang Wulin motion Yuanen to continue as he finishes his meal. Yuanen asks if he was human, which he promptly replied with a maybe.


Yuanen felt he may have made a mistake. Looking at the amount of food Tang Wulin ate, he was starting to wonder if he could even afford a meal for both them for a month.

Tang Wulin didn't say any more as he started getting up. He took his soul communicator to call Mu Xi and told Yuanen to tell him to wait.

Yuanen nodded his head and waited, while Tang Wulin waited for Mu Xi to pick up. Zeref appeared across from him, leg cross and chin on his fist while saying.

"I wonder why she is cross-dressing."

'Like I care. I just got myself another meal ticket.'

Tang Wulin could easily tell she wasn't a boy both from Zeref being able to see through her illusion and him being able to smell her.

Surprisingly it was the fallen angel that he heard was battling that angel guy. Too bad he didn't care enough to ask why, though.

He heard the communicator connect and then he could hear Mu Xi voice.

"Little demon!"

"You sure like calling people names huh. Well anyway, I need you to make a thousand refinement first grade for someone."

"Can't you do that ?"

"You're the blacksmith here, so stop trying to dodge it. Or is it that you can't do it."

"Who can't do it! Hmp I know you haven't heard but I'm close to becoming a fifth rank blacksmith, a Master Craftsmen."

Tang Wulin nodded his head, as Mu Xi started to explain her stay on Shrek. She told him her dad, was coming over to Shrek to visit and wanted to see both of them.


"He didn't say, any way you should avoid that crazy Feng Wuyu. He has been looking for more Blacksmith genius after he found out about me."

"...Right. Anyway, where am I meeting you?"

"Just come to the Blacksmith Association. I will meet you at the entrance."

Tang Wulin nodded his head and then told Yuanen to take him to the Blacksmith Association place here in Shrek. Yuanen raised a brow and couldn't help but ask.

"I thought you could thousand-refine?"

"I can but my student needs more training and this is perfect for her."

Yuanen was surprised he had a student and one that could produce a first-grade metal.

Yuanen nodded and they begin their journey, it was on the fourth level. They saw the blacksmith association sign and then Mu Xi standing in front of it.

Mu Xi quickly told them to follow her, as they move through the association and reached the workshop she was in.

It was neat and tidy, some of the shelves had a variety of metals in it. There was some dust but it seems most of has been cleaned recently. In the center of the room stood a forging table

Mu Xi then turns to Yuanen and ask him what she wants. Yuanen look around the room for a bit before she said.

"I need a full set of armor, so I'll just go with whatever you recommend," Yuanen explained, causing Mu Xi to furrow her brows. Mu Xi then begins going through the various amount of questions.

Tang Wulin found out her martial soul was the Titan Giant Ape. Mu Xi and Yuanen were able to come to an agreement. Tang Wulin decides he might as well ask, something that has been bothering him.

"What so special about working students?"

"Thier freaks."

Mu Xi commented, while still focused on refining the metals. She then started telling him about what makes a working student so special.

"Those with extraordinary qualities are admitted as working students, those who do exceptionally well in one area of the trials become a working student. That is why to an ordinary student a working student is unpredictable and absolutely must not be offended. To them, the name alone is demanding of respect and it's why their more pressure on them."

Tang Wulin nodded his head, then ask if she was one. Mu Xi nodded her head, saying she was being hailed as a genius that may surpass even the previous greatest blacksmith of Shrek Fang Wuyu.

Tang Wulin nodded, then he gave Mu Xi her training regiment for the day. Mu Xi flinch, while Yuanen threw them a confused glance.

After Mu Xi and Yuanen were done, he left with Yuanen to go back to the worker dorms. Mu Xi said she was staying in a room, that Fang Wuyu got her because he was afraid she would be taken.

Once they arrive, Tang Wulin saw the blond guy from the other day. He didn't know what happened, he was too busy with eating but from what heard this guy called, Yue Zhengyu's bought out the whole drinking shop.

'Meal ticket number 5.'

A plan started to form in Tang Wulin head, as he didn't care with what the boy wanted.

Yuanen not wanting to deal with his presence begin to leave but then the Yue Zhengyu's touch his chest. As expected this enraged her and causes him to ram him, sending Yue Zhengyu's flying.

He sadly didn't know her martial soul was Titan Giant Ape, causing him to lose the collision even when he tried ramming back.

A burst of radiance later, wings unfurled behind Yue Zhengyu's back and he fought to steady himself in mid-air. Finally, his body righted itself. Yet, tremors still ran down his right shoulder.

"Alright, that enough."

Yue Zhengyu felt a hand on his shoulder and then felt like a terrible mountain was press down on him. Tang Wulin wave off Yuanen who nodded, then he turns back to Yu Zhengyu who was looking at him with surprise and shock.

"Hey, since your rich, you have many contribution point right?" asked Tang Wulin, with his hand still on him.

Tang Wulin ignored the fact he went on a rant about is Holy Angel clan. After a while, he was able to make a deal with Yu Zhengyu. He would pay him contribution point and he will have Mu Xi refine metals for him.

He knew Yu Zhengyu was skeptical but he also knew Yu Zhangeyu would rather take the off chance that someone new the genius 4th rank blacksmith than misses it.

"Why are you making her life harder?"

'She is getting stronger and better, so what use in complaining.'

Tang Wulin comments back to Zeref, as he heads into the dorm to go sleep.


Next Day.

Tang Wulin was in class, listening to Xie Xie ranting about his encounter with Yu Zhengyu and Yuanen. It seems, Yu Zhengyu was still looking for the fallen angel girl because he believes she is an evil soul master.

Everyone got quiet when Shen Yi walks into the classroom and headed up to the platform.

"Today we will be electing the class representatives." With Elder Cai absent as usual, Shen Yi took charge of the lectures while Wu Zhangkong stood to the side in silence. He swept his icy gaze over the entire class.

"A class battle will be held, and the final victor will be the class president."

Tang Wulin interest peak when Shen Yi said that. He begins paying attention to what she said now.

"There are seven representatives in total. One class president, two vice-presidents, and a council made up of the four secondary professions."

"Don't look down on the position of the class representative. Each representative will be in charge of different parts of the class and receive bonus contribution points. The president and vice-presidents are the leaders and represent the whole class"

" Each month the class president will receive one thousand contribution points, the vice-president six hundred, and the members of the profession council will each receive five hundred points." Shen Yi explained.

Everyone in class zero but Tang Wulin turned to each other, already knowing what to do. They refuse to divide themselves up if they can.

"The contest for the president and vice-president seat will start in a moment. We're going to a practice field where you can fight to your heart's content. There's only one requirement to become the class president: survive until the very end. The two runner-ups will be the vice-presidents. Let me remind you, it's not a fight to the death. As long as your four limbs or your torso touches the ground, you will be eliminated"

Shen Yi said some more stuff but that all he cared to listen to anyway. She gave everyone fifteen minutes to form their groups. Everyone in the class was talking to each other and getting up to go form teams.

Tang Wulin got up from his seat, after moving the paper that was in front of him to the side and begins to walk up to the platform, attracting some gazes. He then turns around and claps his hands loudly, attracting everyone's attention.

Shen Yi and Wu Zhankong turn to him while wondering what he was up to now.

"Listen up."

"The reason why I am speaking to you all now is that I need to clear this false illusion that the teachers gave to you guys. There will be no multiple teams but only two teams."

"What that means is it will be me vs all of you. Now I usually don't entertain insects or vermin but this a special occasion."

"So to help give you countless insects a fighting chance, I want every single one of you to come at me. Now I think some of you may have misheard me, I don't mean some of you or a few but for all of you to come at me."

"But don't worry, after I completely and utterly demolish you all. I will leash all of you, who deems yourself monsters before my very feet."

"To make you into something worthy for me to lead as your class president."

"So, Prepare for your subjugation and domination."

"For it is inevitable."

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