Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 32

Chapter 32: The Gathering

In the first grade classroom, was two people sitting down on a coach. There was a portable screen pulled down on the decorative wall.

"Senior brother, did you pick up a little demon?" asked Shen Yi.

Wu Zhangkong lips twitch as he gazes at the massive screen on the wall. To say their direct reaction to Tang Wulin was controlled would be a flat out lie.

As expected, as soon as Tang Wulin properly conclude his speech the whole class exploded with passionate rage. He could already tell that some view Tang Wulin in mutual disdain or felt he was an idiot. But after his speech, they all must be instantly thinking he is the biggest retard here.

Wu Zhangkong didn't care if those kids underestimate Tang Wulin because they would be sufficiently punished by his savage brutality.

'Hmph. Who cares if your opponent is a retard, wouldn't that mean your even dumber than a retard for losing to him.'

"What do you imagine is the most dangerous thing about Tang Wulin?" Asked Wu Zhangkong.

"His monstrous strength combine with his rank and childlike look?" Said bluntly, Shen Yi.

Wu Zhangkong solemnly shook his head while thinking about the time he had spent with Tang Wulin.

"It is his monstrous ability to see through and understand his enemy techniques, skills, movement, flaws, and weakness. Tang Wulin knack for predicting his opponent next move, is accurate to the point where it might as well be clairvoyance or precognition," Said Wu Zhangkong with a look of unusual concentration.

Shen Yi didn't say anything, already having a past event replayed in her mind. The complete and utter beatdown of Ye Xinglang, something that she naturally thought no one at Ye Xinglang age could do.

"What is he doing?" Said Shen Yi, as she concentrated back on the screen.


"Did you really have to rile them up?"

Zeref merely comments as he looks around him. The grassy area where he and Tang Wulin transported was a lush forest, with fragrant shrubs all around.

They were precisely in an illusionary world similar to the spirit ascension platform at the Spirit Pagoda, but the forest boundaries are vastly smaller.

Tang Wulin himself had his Blue Silver Grass out, that was keenly enjoying the forest and he was naturally taking his time. He was planning on using his Blue Silver Grass the most in this place.

"You should wait for more people to come." Tang Wulin idly comments as he was leaning back on the mature tree with his eyes merely closed. The shrubs rustle but nothing came out, as if nothing was there.

He could tell people already send out scouts to find him but he didn't care.

"You do realize your teammates aren't going to let you fight them alone." Zeref Idly commented wryly as he floated up in the air to look out for people.

'I know. They sure have become more protective than usual. So I already gave out the orders to them.'

"Why did you piss off everyone if your only going to fight a few?" Zeref thought Acnologia didn't care for anyone he regards merely as insects, which means most of the class. So why would he piss off all of them or even acknowledge them.

'It's very simple, to force all the capable people to not target each other so soon. This test is essentially a free for all, meaning I have no real control over who meets who in the forest. It would be very bad if the strong people already took each other out before they met me.'

'That is why I gave that speech, to divert their attention and anger to me. To them, that speech I gave is no better than me insulting their hard work and talent, So of course, they won't take it lying down.'

Tang Wulin started to get up, as he begins moving through the lush forest while listening to Zeref telling him where to go.

'As if I care for being class president, I'm only in this to fight the people I could tell were strong.'

Zeref directed him in a direction and he then sped off in the direction. He couldn't help but smirk.

'This will surely, entertain me.'


"Wait no, stop!"


Xie Xie carefully dusted off his gentle hand, as he saw two dazzling flashes of light. He already understands the plan from when Tang Wulin move the paper across their table before he promptly gave his speech.

'Eliminate everyone from the back, while I do it from the front.'

Xie Xie had to tacitly admit, his boss sure his scary when it comes to planning.

The other students were like a moth naturally drawn to the brilliant flame which was Tang Wulin.

'That was seven people on my part, I can't lose to Gu Yue.'

Xie Xie sped off to a specific direction, they already knew who not to fight from Tang Wulin adequately describing them on the paper.


Bang! Bang!

There were admittedly too many flashes of light, but the person in front blatantly ignore them all and kept on walking.

Gu Yue has already destroyed 10 of the students, she wanted to hurry this up and go over to the area where Tang Wulin was.

She heard a rustling sound and identify a group of students running toward the noise. She jumps into the bushes, waiting for them to come.

One of the students came out of the forest but then slip from the ground being covered in ice. He fell hopelessly on his torso, leading him to be teleported and alerting the other two.

But it was already too late as they felt severely distorted from an overwhelming wave of spiritual power and then a violent gust of wind slamming them down.

'That makes 13.'


"Thank you so much for helping me.!"

"Hehe, no problem. Were all classmates here."

An eager youth said to, to the cute small girl standing at ease behind him. The eager youth was happy he found someone as cute as her and hope by protecting her, she will promptly fall in love with him.

'How lucky am I!'

They were in a group of five, with four boys and one girl. The elaborate plan was to find that arrogant student and teach him a valuable lesson.

"I can't wait to find that asshole." One youth said.

"Trash will be trash. I don't even know how he got into Shrek."Another youth said.

What they all didn't notice was how the twin-tail blue hair girl smile was getting bigger and wider.



"Senior Brother…"

Shen Yi trembles uncontrollably in distinct shock. As Wu Zhangkong other students were taking out other groups. If she didn't know any better, she would think this wasn't all planned.

'But when! No one knew about the class tournament beforehand, and Tang Wulin didn't even turn to talk to them.'

Shen Yi was desperately trying to remember when he communicated with the other people from class zero.

'Did someone from the higher grades tell them? Or could it be something else?'

"It was when you were talking that, he was carefully writing something down. Then when he got up, he gently slid that paper to the side. While everyone was busy paying attention to his speech, class zero was reading the paper he passed."

Wu Zhangkong explained, after seeing Shen Yi fall into thought. He knew his student wouldn't let each other do something alone and was glad that Tang Wulin took the initiative to work together with them.

"But why would they? Wouldn't it be smarter to not have everyone in the class target you?"Said Shen Yi.

"It because Tang Wulin wishes to fight those he deems strong in the class. He knew the only way to get their attention and lower the chance of them fighting each other would be the aggro them. It is undoubtedly a stupid and risky plan but since it him."

Shen Yi didn't need to hear the rest of Wu Zhangkong words to comprehend what he was implying. If it was this little demon, then it may be possible.


Ashen hair. Sickly pale skin. A youth that couldn't be considered handsome wearing a black button up suit. The youth had a large scythe. The handle was no less than three meters long and its blade stretched to one meter, alluring violet patterns etched into the metal. josei

This youth was walking aimlessly through the forest with other people around him. These people were talking incessantly to him about Tang Wulin and his arrogance.

"Don't tell us you're going to let him get away with his arrogance, Captain Xu Yucheng!"


"Be quiet."

The surrounding boys became silent after the youth had told them to. Xu Yucheng did not care about the words of his so-called teammates but not even he could ignore Tang Wulin words.

'Where is he?'


"There he is!"

"That arrogant bastard Tang Wulin is over here guys!"

Tang Wulin didn't even acknowledge them as he heard a group coming behind him. A purple ring scarcely appeared behind him as his Blue Silver Grass appeared.

'Time Magic: Parallel World.'

"What going on!"


The group behind Tang Wulin screamed in terrible surprise as they saw a considerable number of vines erupting from the ground and wrapping around them.

Some of them summon their martial soul to quickly destroy them, but they notice the vines keep coming.

The boys couldn't do anything as the vines wrap around them. Then it allegedly slams them down on ground causing all of them to disappear in flash and not following what happened.

"So you combine the Time Magic with your Blue Silver Grass."

Zeref commented as he was floating up in the air. Tang Wulin nodded, Time Magic Parallel worlds basically allowed him to create copies of his Blue Silver Grass.

That all represents "future possibilities" or "parallel worlds" of its destination or path.

It became even more effective because he was able to control his Blue Silver Grass as if it was an extension of his body, after gaining his thousand-year soul ring.

It wasn't incorrect to say he grabbed all of his classmate who appeared and then slams them down on the floor.

Tang Wulin plan to use his Dragon Slayer Magic less until he can find a way to get rid of the insanity that comes with dragonification. While he didn't mind being a dragon since he was one for over four hundred years. He didn't need his mind going crazy again or insane from the corruption.

"Have you found them yet?"

"Yes, I only found one of them. He is down the path you're going to."

Tang Wulin nodded and then sped off, not wanting to let his prey escape. After a few minutes of running, he came up to an open field and saw flashing of lights as people were forced out of the illusionary world.

He saw a group of seven who turn to look at him, being attracted from the noise he made. Tang Wulin scours the group until he pinpointed his target.

It was a handsome boy. He was slender and had pale skin. He had long flowing blue hair and blue eyes. He seems to be the core of the group.

"Luo Guixing, look it the bastard Tang Wulin!"

Tang Wulin had a smiled on his face, as he saw everyone but Luo Guixing snarling viciously at him. Everything was coming together, but he first needed to get rid of the distractions.

"Begone." Tang Wulin announced as he uses his pressure skill on everyone but Luo Guixing and then he uses his Blue Silver Grass to drag them all down to the floor. Tang Wulin had a spiritual power of over six thousand at his age.

He was practically invincible when it came to spiritual power in his age group.

Luo Guixing eyes widen when he saw his teammates taken stagger and then multiple vines erupting from the ground to drag them down.

There were flashes of light, as only Luo Guixing remained in front of Tang Wulin. But before he could say anything Tang Wulin beat him to it.

"We won't fight yet, we're still waiting for the other victims."

"Victims? What are you on about?"

Luo Guixing didn't care about Tang Wulin wishes to wait as he uses Spatial Lock, is first soul skill. The soul skill had the ability to bind/root a person in place for a moment.

But then Luo Guixing eyes widen in shock, as he felt his skill get canceled.

'What is going on! I know he didn't move but yet the skill had no effect on him.'

Tang Wulin didn't say anything as he stands there smiling with his eyes gently closed, while Luo Guixing became wary of him.


They heard the grass and shrubs rustle as they saw a young man walking out, he had an unbelievably muscular build. He stood over 190 centimeters tall, eyes small enough to be mistaken for slits and dark short hair.

"Luo Guixing!" The young man shouted triumphantly, with his deep voice. Luo Guixing turns his head back to Tang Wulin who had his eyes closed and then the young man naturally followed Luo Guixing gaze.

"You! The brat that was able to piss off everyone!"

"I'm Yang Nianxia!"

Tang Wulin block out everything the Yang Nianxia said while waiting for the others. Yang Nianxia didn't make a move, weary of Luo Guixing and wasn't putting Tang Wulin in his eyes.

This standoff went on for a while before they saw another person come out of the forest.

It was Xu Yucheng coming out with his group of teammates. He was genuinely surprised to see the other continental rankers here and surprised Luo Guixing didn't have a team.

The people around him were looking around the area until they spotted Tang Wulin with his eye closed.

"Hey! Isn't that Tang Wulin!"

"Yea! But wait, why isn't Luo Guixing or Yang Nianxia doing anything to him."

Xu Yucheng was also confused by this but didn't let it show as he waited passively to carefully observe the situation. Tang Wulin then spoke out loud.

"You three, come out here. I can smell the stench of poison on you."

Nothing happened until three shadows jump out of the forest and landing inside the open field. It was a group of two boys and girl but it was the girl who stands out the most.

She had a dazzlingly pretty face and was an even match for Xu Xiaoyan in the looks department, but she was far more arrogant. A dark-green snake coiled around her right arm, surrounded by a gloomy aura. Yang Nianixia yelled out in surprise when he saw her.

"Yang Ziran!"

"Well, well, it seems you have some skill."

Tang Wulin didn't say anything, as he waited for the last victim. For a while, it remained like this.


"Is he really waiting for everyone?" Asked Shen Yi as she continues to stare at the projection.

"He isn't just waiting, he gathers them all there and made it into a situation where no one can act recklessly. Everyone thought must be on the line of, who will support who and who will attack who."

Wu Zhangkong commented as he watches the scene. Shen Yi nodded her head, while it may look like Xu Yucheng and Zhan Yiran had the advantage because of their numbers. The reality is sometimes quite a different story.

The other kids beside Zhan Yira and Xu Yucheng might as well be classified as cannon fodders. Wu Zhangkong then turns to Shen Yi and told her it about time to sufficiently reduce the combat zone, after seeing Xie Xie take out two more people.

Shen Yi started controlling the illusionary word and gave out an announcement.

"Forty-eight students remain. The combat zone shall be reduced by fifty percent."

Then the space around the battlefield started to warp as she reduces the size down. Shen Yi and Wu Zhangkong saw the Tang Wulin and the five other continental people were standing across from each other.

"How lucky is he to have everyone he wanted to appear because of us." Said wryly Shen Yi, with a dry look. Wu Zhangkong gently shook his head with a small smile on his face.


Tang Wulin gently opened his eyes after space shifted and saw a new contender here. It was a beautiful girl, slim build with two cat ears ribbons on her head. She had red hair with two bangs of white hair around her forehead and light purple eyes.

"Alright, everyone is here." Said Tang Wulin as he instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Alright, all of you come at me at the same time."

Profound silence was precisely the answer as Tang Wulin stared at them. Yang Nianxia was the first to recover as he snarled at Tang Wulin.

"Who do you think you are, trash!"

His body expanding and dark-gold hair covering his body as he summoned his martial soul. He charged at Tang Wulin, intending to quickly take him out and then team up with everyone to take down Wu Siduo.


Yang Nianxia eyes widen when he saw Tang Wulin with only one hand stop his charge and force him down kneeling on the ground. He tried moving his body but felt a mighty mountain was being pressed down on him and his capable body refused to move.

"Did I not, command you all to attack at the same time? I do not have time for your pride."

Tang Wulin sends instantly a surge of spiritual power, shocking all those who were present and making them stagger.

"Now, do as you were told and come at me."


Tang Wulin shifted his head to dodge a claw swipe, from Wu Siduo who came at him. He then saw everyone else instantly getting into the action as well.

"That is more like it."

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