Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Battle for Class President


Tang Wulin kick Yang Nianxia in his chest, sending him skidding away from him. Just in time to lean back as Wu Siduo attack with her claws.

He thrust out his foot aiming her face but then she leans back and evades it by an inch.

Wu Siduo went for another direct attack but then hastily jump back as an astonishing array of vines erupted out of the ground. They all move to capture her but Wu Siduo showed off her extraordinary agility, as she skillfully dodges them.

He then turned his head to see Zhan Yiran dashing over to him, a bright green haze sufficiently covered her. Tang Wulin threw out a fist, blowing away the mist, but Zhan Yiran still ran straight toward his mighty fist as if intending to take it.

Light exploded in front of Tang Wulin, as a split second later, Zhan Yiran wrapped herself around Tang Wulin constricting him. She then struck out with her dagger aiming accurately for Tang Wulin's neck, while her snake sprays out a green mist towards his face.


Zhan Yiran eyes widen in mild shock when she saw her dagger puncturing a vine and then another set of vine wrapping around her. Tang Wulin instantly struck her in the face staggering her and then pulled her off him. Then he hurls her at one of the trees.

A purple ring sprouted under Tang Wulin as Leviathan use 'Aqua Breath' to dispel the poison.


Tang Wulin duck down as he saw Xu Yucheng's scythe swing overhead but then with a brilliant show of sheer skill. Xu Yucheng's was able to alter the scythe path to that of a vertical slash downwards aiming for Tang Wulin head.

But Tang Wulin push off with his feet to evade it.

Next Xu Yucheng suddenly dashes after Tang Wulin as he started attacking him. Tang Wulin was able to adequately defend against the scythe by smacking its blunt side to deflect.

Then after getting hang of Xu Yucheng scythe pattern. He slams on the side harder than before causing it to move away farther and then dash close up to Xu Yucheng.

Xu Yucheng tried to move his scythe back to guard against Tang Wulin. But because of Tang Wulin smacking it back with too much force for him to handle, he couldn't recover it in time.

Yu Yucheng then shrouded himself in a dark haze but that didn't stop Tang Wulin fist from plowing through it.


Xu Yucheng was sent flying through the air as his fist made contact with his chest.

Then suddenly a whirlpool of silver light appeared near Tang Wulin and was hauling him into its belly. Tang Wulin stomp on the ground and thrust a fist that disintegrated the vortex.

Tang Wulin next heard a howl, turning his head he saw Yang Nianxia's third soul ring lit up as he was charging at him. His already enormous bulk growing to three meters in height. Dark-gold fur sprouted all over his body like a bed of steel needles.

He was trying to smash into Tang Wulin but then rows of vines erupted from the ground and wrapping around him.

Tang Wulin's eyes widen when he saw Yang Nianxia still slowly moving towards him, even with the vines.

The vines on his body were being torn apart as he kept moving.


Tang Wulin delivered a kick to Yang Niaxia temple, staggering him and ruthlessly punch him in the chest. Yang Niaxia drops down on his knee reeling from the punch but then Tang Wulin saw a streak of shadow, as Wu Siduo appeared in front of him.

Tang Wulin struck out with a kick but it went through her. Wu Siduo twisted her body as if she possessed no bones to evade his kick.

Then soul rings rose from beneath her.

Four rings! A total of four purple rings. Her whole body was shrouded in an aura of darkness, she then sends out her attack, as her second soul ring lit up.


Tang Wulin deflected her violent attack and then aim for a counter-attack but she disappeared again into an afterimage. Tang Wulin instantly pivots his foot and struck out with a vicious punch to where she would appear, catching Wu Siduo off guard.

Wu Siduo's fourth soul ring lit up as she split into three clones, his fist smashed through the clone in front of him. Her second soul ring lit up, as terrible claws of shadow struck out towards Tang Wulin.


Tang Wulin was sent flying through the air but before he could land, Yang Nianxia appeared below him and smash into him.

Forcibly sending him flying again but he was able to recover, as he was flipping through the air and then finally landed.

"Well, that was fun."

Tang Wulin started to dust himself off and look towards his opposition. He was genuinely happy that they weren't a letdown or all the work he did would go to waste.

Wu Siduo dashes straight towards him, as he kept on smiling.

Wu Siduo body kept on flickering as she charged at him. Tang Wulin stomp on the ground, as arrays of Blue Silver Grass vines, erupted out again disrupting her charge.

He then deflected a dagger and scythe swing coming from his sides. Xu Yucheng and Zhan Yiran glared at him coldly but then he saw silver vortex appearing again and hauling him in.

He threw out a fist to demolish it again but then he saw Wu Siduo appearing out of it. She brought her an enormous blade of pitch-black light and hack downwards to him.


He was sent flying but then a vine erupted from the ground to catch him.


The vines were cut apart from a dark wave sent by Xu Yucheng, causing him to change his plan. But then Yang Nianxia swung his fist as Wu Siduo was landing and hurl her towards Tang Wulin.

Wu Siduo speed was fast from Yang Nianxia launching her but it increased, even more, when she used her first ring 'Hell Rush' to double her speed.

She instantly reached Tang Wulin before he could land and then as she sees Tang Wulin send out a kick.

She didn't move to dodge but her four purple soul rings vanished and were replaced by a single purple soul ring. White light exploded from her body. White hair appeared all over her, and power surged through her flesh.

She was barely able to withstand the force of grabbing Tang Wulin kick and then threw him towards everyone. Tang Wulin's body was flying through the air as Yang Nianxia came to smash into him again but then Tang Wulin's body twisted.


Tang Wulin smashes is foot into Yang Nianxia face before he could charge into him and stagger him.

He then strikes him in the neck, causing him to wheeze and then ruthlessly struck his stomach, causing him to cough up a mouthful of blood.

Tang Wulin turns and saw Wu Siduo charging at him. Black aura appeared around her, but the golden light didn't disappear.

Both auras fused into a chaotic radiance of dark-gold as the golden hair on her body took on a crystalline luster. Her human form disappeared, and she became a transparent white tiger.

"Is this a fusion skill! She did it by herself!"

Zeref commented to Tang Wulin in his mind. Tang Wulin disregarded him as he saw the white tiger charging at him and a beaming grin appeared on his face.


Everyone saw Wu Siduo perform a Self-Fusion skill by herself and they became genuinely shocked. But then they all became dumbstruck when they saw Tang Wulin halting the tiger charge with his hands.

Tang Wulin arms were shining in brilliant gold as scales appeared on his arms, while he was forcibly holding down the white tiger.


Then the Hell White Tiger snarled viciously and swung furiously its claws at Tang Wulin. Tang Wulin laughed, as his hands grab on to the claw, causing the ground to break asunder and spider-webs crack to form.

Then under everyone's astonished gaze, he merely forces the Hell White Tiger down to the ground and pushing it further down into the ground.

The most unbelievable scene happens, someone who was only a spirit elder was not only overpowering a fusion skill but with just their strength alone.

Tang Wulin subsequently raised one of his fists and then the golden dragon claw appeared. He then struck out at the Hell White Tiger.


The legendary figure of the Hell White Tiger was shattered like sparkling glass, as the dragon claw made contact with it. In its place was the shocked look of Wu Siduo whose face was pale and had blood leaking from her mouth.

"The Self-Fusion skill was stopped! By a Spirit Elder but how!"

"No way should be possible! Even I have to evade it!"

No matter who saw, they all knew that to take that Self-Fusion soul skill would be asking for imminent death. When they saw the Hell White Tiger descending upon Tang Wulin, they all felt a large inward of joy.

Once Wu Siduo defeated Tang Wulin, they would instantly attack her while she was exhausted. After all to use a fusion attack even if it self-fusion naturally takes a lot of soul power. That not even mentioning she been burning soul power fighting Tang Wulin.

But who would have thought that instead of Tang Wulin dying, he would be overpowering the Hell White Tiger and shattering it. They all stood in awed silence as Tang Wulin was laughing joyfully and then.


Wu Siduo's eyes widen and then look down to see a giant hole in her chest. A Flash a light happened and there was no Wu Siduo but only Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin look down, to see his clothing was ripped in places with bruise marks and blood but everything else was fine. He then turns to the rest of the people in front of him and then charged.

They all woke up from shock after seeing Tang Wulin charging at them, Yang Nianxia moves to intercept him.


Yang Nianxia's eyes widen when Tang Wulin simply overpowers him and then started raining down attacks on him. Zhang Yiran appeared behind them but her eyes widen as Tang Wulin foot struck her in the stomach, promptly sending her flying across the field.

He then grabs Yang Nianxia's head and then started to slam it down hard on the ground. Then he raises his foot and kept on stomping on his face.


Yang Nianxia disappeared in a flash of light, as Xu Yucheng came rushing branding his short scythe but then he dives to left as many vines erupted from the ground.

His eyes widen he felt his soul power and health being drained, he turns to see Tang Wulin second soul ring lit up.

Xu Yucheng tried to dash out of range but vines erupted around him. He swung his scythe to slash them apart but then he instantly jumps to the right to evade a fist coming behind him.

'Time Magic: Slow Time.'

Tang Wulin dash toward Xu Yucheng, who tried to push him back with his scythe but his eyes widen in shock when Tang Wulin grabs his scythe. Tang Wulin then pulled Xu Yucheng towards him and smash his fist through his chest.


Xu Yucheng eyes widen, as he saw Tang Wulin fist protruding through his chest. He then disappeared in a flash of light, yet his blood was still rolling off Tang Wulin hand.

Tang Wulin turned to Luo Guixin who face was pale with fright. Two luminous wings of dazzling light appeared prominently behind Tang Wulin. Tang Wulin kick off as he charges directly toward Luo Guixing.

Silver light exploded from Luo Guixing's body, as the extraordinary power of space swirling around him.

'I have to run!'

Luo Guixin was too scared after seeing Tang Wulin forcibly stop the Hell White Tiger self-fusion skill.

He became even more scared as he saw the blood running down on Tang Wulin face. Tang Wulin himself wore a large grin as he begins approaching him at breakneck speed.

'Please! Please! Please!'

Luo Guixing was desperately begging for his space skill to teleport him away before Tang Wulin reaches him. His whole body was trembling with fear and anxiety, the knowledge that this was virtual reality long gone from his mind.


Luo Guixing screamed out in joy when he saw the portal around him closing, as Tang Wulin reach him. He sighed, as he knew he was going to be transported him somewhere.


Luo Guixing eyes widen when he perceived the power of space began to fluctuate and severely distort. Then space began to forcibly break, as a visible crack started to form in front of Luo Guixing and a hole appeared.



Luo Guixing kept on screaming in his mind, as he saw something coming through the hole. Two golden dragon claws instantly broke through the hole, and one went about grabbing on Luo Guixin.

He was too shocked to resist as he was dragged out of his teleportation.

'Impossible! Impossible! Impossible!'

Luo Guixing looks up, seeing one golden eye and one white eye staring down at him. His mind was still in turmoil from seeing Tang Wulin ripping space open to pull him out of his own teleportation.


Zhan Yiran appeared behind, aiming her dagger at Tang Wulin neck but then his luminous wings moved instantly and halt the attack.

Zhan Yiran eyes widen but before she could move away, the Light Wings shines brilliantly with powder-like substances coming off it and she felt her body starting to become heavy.

Zhan Yiran sped off from the battlefield, trying to go back and hide. Zhan Yiran felt her body getting heavier, and she was getting more tired.

She kept on running until she drops to her knee and then fell asleep on the ground. Her body disappeared in a flash of light.

Tang Wulin raised his fist and then slam it into Luo Guixing face, as his body flew straight into the ground.


Luo Guixing instantly disappeared in a dazzling flash of light. There was no one on the battlefield but Tang Wulin, as he started looking around him.

'They weren't so bad.'

Tang Wulin's eyes and hand returns to normal as he went over the battle. Zeref then appeared, looking around the field before saying.

"I'm impressed, I guess they had a right to be arrogant. They were even able to hurt you pretty well, even if their teamwork could be better."

Tang Wulin lips twitch but didn't say anything as he stood on the battlefield.

"Boss, I see you're done!"

Tang Wulin turned his head to see Xie Xie rushing toward him. Xie Xie himself was looking around the battlefield while whistling at the damage. He rose a brow when he saw Tang Wulin clothing, rip in places and purple marks on his body.

"You took out everyone else?" asked Tang Wulin.

"Pretty sure, the forest being reduces helped make the effort easier. People were still looking for you." Said Xie Xie.

It was then when the world bent and distorted. A beam of light shined down on them, warping and rippling as the wave-light particles hit the skin.

Tang Wulin and Xie Xie only saw the darkness before they were able to get a grip on reality.

Tang Wulin blinks his eyes and saw he was back in the cabin, which allowed him to access the illusionary world. He steps out, as the surrounding turn to silence when everyone saw him.

Everyone who was already eliminated saw how Tang Wulin took on Xu Yucheng, Luo Guixing, Zhan Yiran, Yang Nianxia, and Wu Siduo at the same time. If that wasn't shocking enough, they all saw his unbelievable and shocking feats back to back.

He was able to overpower Wu Siduo Hell White Tiger, promptly tore through the team and then something even more unbelievable drag Luo Guixing out of his own teleportation. Tang Wulin tore through space to prevent his prey from leaving, what could they say to that. josei

Did it matter he never fought everyone at the same time? No! Does it matter he had other people taking out the rest for him?

No! What mattered was he dominated the geniuses who are on the secondary continental ranking! It should be known that those five are all on the Genius Youths Ranking.

Gu Yue didn't care what they thought, as she instantly rushes over to Tang Wulin to make sure he was ok. After seeing him ok, she glared at him and pouted.

Tang Wulin lips twitch but he said.

"Alright, I let you fight the tough opponent next time. I will just sit out the match."

Gu Yue smiled then, even though she knew she had an air of profound indifference it didn't mean she wasn't competitive.

She really wanted to fight Wu Siduo but gave it to Tang Wulin. Xu Xiaoyan and Xie Xie came over to have Tang Wulin promise, to let them fight the next tough opponent too.

They wanted to fight someone strong too, causing Zeref to laugh and everyone watching to be stunned.

As for the genius who was on the youth ranking, they didn't see anything. Some were still shocked by what happened or others were too scared of what happened.

"The difference in strength between the four of you is clear, so there was no need for the competition to continue any longer," said Shen Yi who was standing next to Wu Zhangkong.

"Choose who will be the class president."

Gu Yue, Xie Xie and Xu Xiaoyan all step back, as Tang Wulin instantly raised a brow at them. He was pretty sure in the note, he said had no interest in being the class president.

But the three felt it would feel like an old-time where Tang Wulin was their leader and wanted it to stay like that.

Shen Yi lips twitch, she wanted Xie Xie or Xu Xiaoyan to be leader, not because she dislikes Tang Wulin and Gu Yue. It was because they were more likely to care and properly take care of their class than the other two.

"Choose between you two who will be the vice-president."

But Tang Wulin wasn't about to let them off so easy for undoubtedly making him the class president. So he then turned to them all and said.

"Whoever becomes the Vice-President must buy me a nutritious meal every day."

They all flinch, after hearing his words. Xu Xiaoyan quickly backs out with Xie Xie joining her, both thinking.

'As if I can afford to give you another meal!'

Xu Xiaoyan was already paying for his dinner meal with Mu Xi's help, she sincerely doubts she could pay for another meal for him. Gu Yue herself look at him with a mocking smile and then step forward as if the direct threat of paying for his meal was below her.

Shen Yi lips twitch, at the fact the Vice-President rank was decided through who will pay for Tang Wulin meal. Then before she could ask who will be the next Vice-President, they already ran into the spectators.

Shen Yi turns to her senior brother who turned his head to the side. Not even he would want to pay for Tang Wulin meals every day. She gave Xie Xie and Xu Xiaoyan two thousand contribution points to distribute among you two and then turn to Wu Siduo to ask.

"As for filling the remaining vice-president seat… Wu Siduo, would you like to take the position?"

Wu Siduo stared at Tang Wulin. She drew a deep breath. "I'll do it!"

Shen Yi smiled gently. "Good. Then everything is settled. The class president is Tang Wulin, and the two vice-presidents are Gu Yue and Wu Siduo."

"We'll hold competitions for the remaining four representative positions accordingly. We need a blacksmith, mecha designers, makers, and mechanics. Would all designers, makers, and mechanics rank two and above come sign up to compete."Said Shen Yi.

Tang Wulin, Xie Xie and Xu Xaioyan left the classroom after people went to the sign-up sheet.

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