Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 45

Chapter 45: It's Too Heavy For You To Carry Alone

"Do you have to go now?"

Na'er was biting her lips as she was in Tang Wulin embrace. Tang Wulin arched a brow but begins to rub her hair and a soft breeze pass by them.

He already knew this would happen, but he thought he had a little bit more time.

"Can't you apply for the inner court! I'm sure your already strong and talented enough."Said Na'er after hearing her brother story, there was no way he wouldn't make it in.

She doubts even her master would look down on her brother and may even praise him.

"You know why." Said Tang Wulin, he already accepted he couldn't leave them behind.

Na'er didn't say anything else, not wanting to trouble her brother. A small smiled appeared on Tang Wulin face as he gazes at Na'er.

"Don't worry, I will continue to come, visit you here." Said Tang Wulin.

"Is that allowed?" Asked Na'er, as she knew not just anyone can be allowed on the Sea God Island. Not even being an inner court disciple would give you that privilege.

"Don't worry, some people owe me." Said Tang Wulin, causing Na'er to giggle at him.

"I will also take you with me when I go outside." Said Tang Wulin. Na'er eyes begin to shine brilliantly as she started to cheer and jump up with excitement.

"You mean it!"

"Yes, I promise." Said Tang Wulin.

Na'er was excited but then it dies down when she remembers her brother still has to go. Tang Wulin lifted up her chin and asked her if she could give him a smile as he leaves.

Na'er showed him a big smile as Tang Wulin begins to leave. Na'er knew they were only saying a temporary goodbye but it still hurts inside, to see him go.

"Your brother left?" A gentle voice sounded beside her. Na'er didn't move as she nodded her head at the voice next to her. Beside Na'er was the Holy Spirit Douluo Yali.

A gentle and fair hand hugged her shoulders. "What a caring brother you have, to even go as far as to say he would take you out with him. Although I doubt that would ever come to be."

"It will." Said Na'er.

"Oh, and why are you so sure?"

"Because my brother will never break his promise to me." Said Na'er, as her eyes shine with complete faith. Yali eyes widen in surprise and then smiled at Na'er.

Yali gave her a hug. "Such faith. Do you think he would mind if we put him in the inner court early?"

"Don't. Knowing my brother, he would rampage or ignored the fact he is apart of the inner court." Said Na'er with a big smile on her face. Yali lips twitch, as she remembers the incident that happened on this Sea God island.

"Mistress, you won't try and stop him from coming back here again right?" Asked Na'er as she gave Yali an innocent look.

"It's ok, he has enough qualification to come." Said Yali, as she really couldn't say no to her daughter.

"We're planning to send you out in another year." Said Yali.

"No way! I want to wait for my big brother before I go out." Said Na'er, as she dives into Yali embrace.


"I'm surprised you didn't call out that person you smelled on the Sea God Island." Said Zeref as he appeared beside Acnologia in the air as he was flying.

"It's fine, she didn't give off any ill intention. Although she is the type of person I wish to avoid." Said Tang Wulin.

"Why?" Asked Zeref with a look of surprise.

"She gives off a strange aura." Said Tang Wulin, as he remembers how weird he felt from it. It wasn't a bad one but one of kindness and holiness. He wasn't good at dealing with those type of people.

It was then he received a call via his soul communicator and it was from Gu Yue.

"Wulin, can you meet me at the gate?" Gu Yue voice rang out at the other end.

"Sure, I want to talk to you about something." Said Tang Wulin.

"Ok, I also brought some good food." Said Gu Yue with considerable excitement in her voice. As the call ended, he saw he was approaching the shore and begin to make his way to the Academy gates.

It had taken a while before he was able to reach the Academy gates and he then he saw Gu Yue. She was standing near the gates with a bag in her hand that she held behind her.

Tang Wulin was feeling strange as he begins walking towards her.

"Hey, I brought you some food." Said Gu Yue as she saw him walking towards her. Tang Wulin nodded his head.

"Follow me." Said Tang Wulin as he begins leading Gu Yue by the hand, surprising Gu Yue. She was surprised Tang Wulin would be the one to initiate any type of kinship with anyone.

They walk a while until they reach the shores where the boat was. Gu Yue threw him a questioning glance but Tang Wulin turned to her with a serious expression.

"I Know." Said Tang Wulin.

"Know what?" Asked Gu Yue.

"You and Na'er." Said Tang Wulin, as his eyes, soften at Gu Yue eyes widening.

"She told me, you guys are both the Silver Dragon King. That she was sent to kill me to regain the other half of the Dragon God and that your mission is to avenge the spirit beast." Said Tang Wulin as he gazes at Gu Yue.

Gu Yue didn't say anything as she held her head down, with her eyes shining. Her body was trembling as she clenches her hand.

"Why? Why did you have to tell him?" Said Gu Yue.

"Gu Yue?"

"If you didn't tell him, then we could have been together longer."

"Damn you Na'er!"

"Gu Yue..."

"I'm sorry Wulin but you have to die." Gu Yue glared at him with murderous intent as the elements started to appear around her.

Tang Wulin visible expression didn't change as he watches Gu Yue begin to shoot fireballs and Icicle at him. The attacks sturk him but easily disappeared once they made contact.

He then watches at Gu Yue power leaked out of her and she summons a staff. It had a long silver handle below and a multi-colored ball of light at the tip

Gu Yue aimed her staff at Tang Wulin, as the ball begins to shines with multiple elements.

Tang Wulin simply begins to walks as he was bombarded with an elemental storm. Blue fireballs, azure balls of wind, water bullets, earth spikes, sharp icicles, and meteorites were being thrown at him.


'I wonder.' Tang Wulin thought as he moved through the explosions.

Tang Wulin felt the blue fire trying to burn him but was nullified quickly. Meteorites were smashing into him but were easily dispelled.

Tang Wulin was impressed by Gu Yue firepower and her outrageous control. If it wasn't for his resistance to spirit power and elements, he would of most likely been pushed back.

'When did I begin to care.' Thought Tang Wulin. Gu Yue started to use the objects around them as weapons. It seems she figured out that his resistance doesn't work against natural things.

Too bad for her, his body was way stronger than a normal spirit master. Although he did get slightly push back from the force of the objects being hurled at him at high-speed.

'About you guys.'

Tang Wulin watches as Gu Yue lifted up the earth to smash down hard on him and then grab stones around them. She then sharpens them with her wind elements and then thrust them towards him.


'Honestly, It seems I can't ignore you guys anymore.'

Tang Wulin felt his clothing getting ripped and destroyed from the attacks. But that did not stop his march towards Gu Yue.



Gu Yue didn't care that her attacks weren't harming him. She didn't care that she was attacking her teammate.

'Damn it.'

Gu Yue moved her staff around her, as she seamlessly combines her fire, light and wind element to create a tornado and then pulled even more object around her into it.

Then she sends it toward Tang Wulin who was still walking towards her.


'Damn it!'

Gu Yue then started to combine the seven elements to create a miniature tornado. Then she thrust it toward the area that Tang Wulin was at, hoping this would hurt him.


'Why did it have to be you.'

Gu Yue then begins to rip open more of the earth and trees from the ground to send it raining down on Tang Wulin.

Her mind was in too much disarray to care about the damage she was causing or the consequences of her action.


'Why did you have to be born with the Golden Dragon King!'


'If only you didn't have the Golden Dragon King.'


'If only you didn't exist'

Gu Yue was screaming in her mind as her attacks changed from coordinate ones into ones out of control. She felt her mind was splitting in half.

'If only I didn't come to care for you.'

Her emotions were conflicting with her sense of duty for her race. This disrupted her control of the elements and caused it to rain down everywhere.

Meteorites were slamming everywhere around her, the blue fire was burning the grass and the icicles were smashing into the trees.

'Please just go...'

She saw Tang Wulin inhales, as he begins to suck up all of the blue fire and then stomp down to smash apart the icicles on the floor.

'You're driving me insane.'

She brought her staff in front of her as she watches as all of the element begins to converge on to the tip.

'Your existence pains me.'

It was as if a miniature storm was being formed as Gu Yue begins to pour all of her spiritual and elemental pours into it.

'It's better this way.'

Gu Yue fired off the attack that was five foot in diameters, as it was able to instantly ravage the earth and engulf all of Tang Wulin.

'Just disappear.'

Gu Yue eyes widen when she saw the impossible. Tang Wulin didn't dodge it, nor did he block the attack or even absorb it. He was walking right through her elemental beam attack.

Gu Yue felt the memory of her and Na'er talking show up. She remembered Na'er asking her something.

*"Can you really kill him?" Asked Na'er as she stared at Gu Yue.*

Gu Yue watches in numbness as Tang Wulin face was still stoic as he simply marches through the attack and the beam was being parted as it kept walking through it.

'I can't.'

Gu Yue watches as Tang Wulin got close to her and formed a fist.

'He may be the only one.'

Tang Wulin punches forward as his fist plowed through the beam and headed towards Gu Yue's face.

'The only person I couldn't bear to kill.'

Tang Wulin fist went straight past Gu Yue face and pulled her into his embrace.


"That is enough." Said Tang Wulin, as he let her go and begin patting her head. Gu Yue body trembles as he felt Tang Wulin hand on her head.

"I heard from Na'er, that you're trying to save the spirit beast by yourself. Let me help you with it."Said Tang Wulin.

"Why? Are you telling me you actually care for the spirit beast" Asked Gu Yue as she felt herself breaking from not understanding why he would still try to help her, even when she tried killing him.

"No. I don't care for the spirit beast, in fact, I wouldn't even blink an eye if they got wiped out." Said Tang Wulin, causing Gu Yue eyes to widen.

"Then why?"

"Because of you. I know you will try to carry the burden of saving your whole race on your own. But Gu Yue I fear it will be too heavy of a burden for you to carry alone."Said Tang Wulin as he lifted Gu Yue face up as he saw the tears streaming down her eyes.

"We're are friends Gu Yue. I will help you." Said Tang Wulin.

Gu Yue didn't say anything, as she felt her emotion overpowering her sense of duty. Na'er and her memories of Tang Wulin were rapidly flashing through her mind.

Gu Yue dived back into his embrace, for once in a while she allowed herself to be vulnerable. Tang Wulin continues rubbing her hair as she cried on his ripped up shirt.

'To carry the burden of being a whole race only hope and you have no one to call a friend. What a pitiful existence.' Zeref thought as he stood behind Acnologia and Gu Yue.


Tang Wulin was sitting down as Gu Yue was laying her head down on his lap. After she had calmed down, she fell asleep in his lap.

Tang Wulin stayed near the shore with Gu Yue for a while longer. He was thinking up ways and saving the spirit beast from further prosecution.

Tang Wulin and Zeref already talked about what they could do after Na'er told him about her and Gu Yue goals. But they knew they couldn't go any further without either being strong enough or knowing the future.

Then there the fact that he doubts the spirit beast would be keen on listening to him when he was pretty weak.

Well, it wasn't like he was going to appeal to them in the first place. After all, a good beating should do the trick.

"Welp the first hurdle is over." Said Tang Wulin, as he begins lifting up Gu Yue in a bridal pose and then begins to walk back to the worker dorm.

It was a slow walk, as Tang Wulin felt the urge to enjoy the starry night and the cool breeze. Zeref appeared next to him as he was giving him a smile.

"So have you come to accept it yet?" Asked Zeref, causing Acnologia to roll his eyes but not say anything.

They were approaching the worker's dorm, and Tang Wulin raised a brow when he saw everyone standing at the entrance. It seems they were all waiting for him and Gu Yue to arrive since they were the last one.

They all started to ask the question on what happened with Gu Yue, why was his shirt messed up and why did he look so dirty. He told them she fell asleep after watching him train for too long.

Tang Wulin ignores Yue Zhengyu comment about the feeling of carrying a beautiful girl. Sadly, it took a while before everyone calms down in the worker dorm.

The new school term had officially begun, and the morning was packed with classes while the afternoon was filled with students cultivating on their own.

Everyone had set their own goals and as usual, the atmosphere at Shrek Academy was as tense as always.

"So that all you and Na'er talk about?" Said Gu Yue as she turned to Tang Wulin, while they were in class. Tang Wulin nodded to Gu Yue, who has been trying to understand what Na'er told him.

"Why aren't you mad that I tried to kill you?" Asked Gu Yue.

"I could tell you were conflicted, plus Na'er already warned me you would react something to similar to that." Said Tang Wulin as started to recall Na'er warning him what would happen if Gu Yue found out.

Gu Yue didn't say anything as she lowered her head.

"If we're going to help the spirit beast, we are going to need to get stronger." Said Tang Wulin as he knew he wouldn't be able to beat a Title Douluo in a straight fight.

Gu Yue nodded her head but cast a suspicious glance at Tang Wulin.

"Are you sure you can do this? You will be branded a traitor if you try to help me." Asked Gu Yue, causing Tang Wulin to pinch her cheeks.

"Stop questing my promise." Said Tang Wulin as Gu Yue was squirming under his pinch.

Tang Wulin let go after a while and Gu Yue just glared at him for the rest of the class. Shen Yi dismisses the class and was heading out but stop when she saw who was in front of her.

"Good day teacher!" It was a peerlessly exquisite silver-haired maiden that was respectfully saluting Shen Yi.

Shen Yi was surprised at seeing Na'er who usually stayed on the Sea God Island and questioned why she was here.

Instead of answering, Na'er begins to skip towards where Tang Wulin was causing everyone followed her movements.

Everyone was shocked as they saw Na'er who was too beautiful, skip into their classroom and went towards Tang Wulin to give him a hug.

What was even more shocking was that Tang Wulin reciprocate it by hugging and patting her head.

This was the same guy who didn't show any care in class and was excessive brutality in combat.

Gu Yue glared at Na'er and forcibly split the duo apart. She then pulled Tang Wulin behind her and glared at Na'er.

"Excuse me, don't you see I was busy hugging my big brother." Said Na'er with a radiant smile on her face, even while Gu Yue glared down on at her.

"Quit acting, he already told me about what you said." Said Gu Yue with a fierce glare. Na'er blinks her eyes in shock and then smiles even more.

"Seeing as how you're still being protective of him even when he knows our secret. That means you must care about him." Said Na'er, causing Gu Yue face to twitch at her words.

"Shut up and leave." Said Gu Yue moving her face close to Na'er, who just rolled her eyes.

"It doesn't matter because he is mine." Said Na'er as she begins moving Gu Yue out of the away but Gu Yue wasn't letting that happen.

The class descended into awkwardness as they saw Na'er and Gu Yue staring each other down. Then they saw the classroom shaking and the wall cracking.

Shen Yi didn't know what to do, while Xie Xie kept on looking back and forth in shock.

Xu Xiaoyan was pouting but then begin laughing as she saw Tang Wulin ignoring Gu Yue and Na'er as he starts to take out his steamed buns.

Ye Xinglan raises a brow at this spectacle, Xu Lizihi jaw drops at the duo glaring at each other and Wu Siduo gaze at the scene with coldness on her face.

"You guys are sisters. You shouldn't be fighting." Said Tang Wulin, as he munches down on the black steamed buns he took from Zhou Shi house.

"She is not my sister!" Both Na'er and Gu Yue yelled out at the same time. They both went back to glaring at each other.

Tang Wulin didn't seem to notice the air around Na'er and Gu Yue growing colder. As he was lost in thought on how he could raise the speed of his cultivation.

'I guess it's about time for me to pour all my time into cultivating." Tang Wulin thought as he was at the moment at rank 42.

"I guess we should go back to Sea God Island and learn the rest of the nine divine moves." Said Zeref. Tang Wulin nodded his head, as needs to get stronger if he wants to get Fairy Heart.josei

"You also should stop them from killing each other." Said Zeref, as he turns back to the duo glaring at each other.

'Its fine, Dad said if I saw two girls glaring at each other in front of me. I should leave them alone.' Tang Wulin thought as he remembers his dad talking to him about his youthful days.

Zeref just chuckles dryly at Tang Ziran's advice.

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