Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 46

Chapter 46: Learning the Nine Moves

"You want to learn the next move?" Asked Zhou Shi as he stared at Tang Wulin in shock.

It has only been a few weeks since he last taught him Dragon Shock the Earth. Zhou Shi narrows his eyes at Tang Wulin and asked him to demonstrate his mastery of Dragon Shock the Earth.

Tang Wulin nodded his head, as he stomps on the ground and sixteen mighty dragons erupted from the ground. Half of them were golden dragons and the other half were black mix with blue markings.

Zhou Shi watches in shock as they appeared prominently under him and causing him to jump up as they begin to seek him out.

'It has only been a few weeks! How did he master it and why is there sixteen of them?' Thought Zhou Shi as he quickly blocks the dragon attacks.


"So, the next move?" Asked Tang Wulin, as he knew Zhou Shi wasn't hurt from the attack. The smoke around Zhou Shi faded as he gave Tang Wulin a dry stare.

"Fine. But first, tell me why there were sixteen dragons? There is only supposed to be eighth." Said Zhou Shi.

Tang Wulin shrugs his shoulder as the only answer would be his Dragonslayer power invariably creating the other eighth.

Zhou Shi knew this wasn't the first time this had happened. His student Wu Zhankong said he felt he was being suppressed and his connection of soul power was being severed, from Tang Wulin Dragon Shock the Heavens.

'Does it has something to deal with his Dragonslayer powers?' Thought Zhou Shi. He shook his head as he begins teaching Tang Wulin the next move.

"The third style is called the Dragon Soars." Said Zhou Shi as he stomps on the ground and instantly disappeared from Tang Wulin sight.

He then reappeared next to him and then told him it was a dashing skill.

Before Zhou Shi could leave, Tang Wulin ask him if he could find him some herbs to help strengthen his body and blood essence.

"Hmm, I tell you what. If you're able to learn at least five of my divine moves. I will do that for you."Said Zhou Shi as he begins entering his house.

"Well, I guess we know what we're going to be doing for the next few months." Said Zeref.

"Yea. I already used my favor from Wu Zhankong to excuse me from class for the year." Said Tang Wulin, ignoring how outrageous that demand was.

Zeref shook his head, remembering Wu Zhankong and Shen Yi expression as Acnologia told them his unreasonable request.

"Anyway back to work." Said Tang Wulin.

For the next few hours, he has been practicing Dragon Soar when Na'er decided to stop by and see how he was doing.

"You aren't attending class!" Said Na'er in shock as she watches her brother train.

"No, I have to get stronger and fast." Said Tang Wulin.

Na'er nodded her head but inwardly felt a bit of guilt. She couldn't help, but think it was her fault he was missing class.

"Anyway, Gu Yue said she would come over every day to tell me what was going on in our group." Said Tang Wulin, causing Na'er eyes to twitch at the mentioning of Gu Yue.

"So she is coming here, huh" Said Na'er softly.

Na'er stayed with him for a considerable while before she told him she had to go. Tang Wulin focused all of his attention on mastering Dragon Soar. It was then he heard familiar footsteps coming towards him.

"Wulin." Said Gu Yue as she toward him with a box lunch. Tang Wulin voluntarily stopped for the moment and went over to her.

"I brought you dinner." Said Gu Yue with a modest smile as they both went inside the house to eat.

"Where did you get these from?" Asked Tang Wulin as he goes through the second box lunch. Gu Yue smiled at him as she gave him the next one.

"I made them." Said Gu Yue, causing Tang Wulin eyes to widen in shock. He was shocked because every second was important for a spirit master and the act of cooking could be seen as wasting time.

"You really are incredible." Said Tang Wulin as went to munch on the next box lunch. Gu Yue didn't say anything as she gently passed him the next box lunch with a smile on her face.

After a while, Tang Wulin was done with all of the box lunch and then ask how their Battle Armor plan is going.

"We're doing fine." Said Gu Yue as she passed Tang Wulin something to drink.

"We have decided to challenge the third-grade outer disciples." Said Gu Yue.

"Third year? You know what type of challenge it will be?"Asked Tang Wulin.

"Wu Zhankong told us we would have to team up with grade two. It's part of the requirement to fight the third grade." Said Gu Yue.

"Are you planning to join us?"

"No. Right now I need to get stronger." Said Tang Wulin.

"I seeā€¦"

"Don't worry, I'm still your class president. I believe you guys can win against the third grade, even without me." Said Tang Wulin, causing Gu Yue to smile and then nodded her head.

"I promise we will beat them." Said Gu Yue as she begins to get up and leave.

Tang Wulin walks with her toward the boat and then watch her get on the boat. Tang Wulin waved as her figure faded when she got farther away.

"Alright, time to master the Dragon Soar and then learn the next move." Said Tang Wulin as he went back to practice.


"Brat did you really mastered the Dragon Soar?" Asked Zhou Shi as he sees Tang Wulin in front of him. It has only been four days since he taught the kid the skill.

'Isn't your ability to learn a skill too fast.' Zhou Shi screamed hysterically in his mind.

"Do you want me to show you?" Asked Tang Wulin. Zhou Shi shook his head, already knowing his disciple is not one to lie about things like this.

"Alright, I will show you the fourth move." Said Zhou Shi with an expression of acceptance.

"This move is called 'Dragon Swings its Tail'." Said Zhou Shi as he jumps out and kicks out his leg toward the ground.

His leg turned into a scarlet dragon tail that smashed down on the ground and caused a crack on the island.

"As you can see, it substitutes parts of your body for a dragon tail. It can be used for puncturing, snaring or blowing them away." Said Zhou Shi as he begins to walk away. Already dreading when Tang Wulin comes to him again for the next move.

Tang Wulin was about to begin practicing the 'Dragon Swings its Tail' when his communicator begins ringing.

"Wulin it's me Wu Siduo, do you have time to talk?" Asked Wu Siduo on the other line.

"Depends, are you buying me lunch?"

"Yes, I will buy you lunch. Meet me at the Academy entrance." Said Wu Siduo as she hanged up.

Tang Wulin begins to make his way to his way to the Academy entrance but not before leaving a note behind for Na'er if she comes by today.

After a while, Tang Wulin saw Wu Siduo standing at the gate and she notices him too.

"Good your here. We can talk when we get something to eat." Said Wu Siduo as she begins walking outside the gate. Tang Wulin followed behind her as they made their way to the snack street.

It was a quiet walk with them not saying anything and yet it was a comfortable silence.

"So Wu Zhankong called us and told us how the fight with the third-grade will be." Said Wu Siduo as they found a food stall with a bench.

"We're trying to decide on who will do the one on one match." Said Wu Siduo.

"Hm, your wondering who I think should be in that match." Said Tang Wulin.

Wu Siduo didn't say anything as she unconsciously clenches her fist as she already knew who he was going to suggest.

"You should do it." Said Tang Wulin, as he begins to pick up the fried fish.

"What?" Wu Siduo head snaps up and looks up at him in surprise.

"Why are you surprised? Compare to everyone in a straight 1v1 fight, you're the strongest." Said Tang Wulin.

"What about Gu Yue?" Asked Wu Siduo.

"Let put it this way, Gu Yue would most likely beat you because of her extraordinary ability to abuse her control of all the elements. But in a straight fight, you have the best chance to win." Said Tang Wulin.

"That being said, you should now focus on cultivating again," Said Tang Wulin, as he remembers banning Wu Siduo from increasing her cultivation.

"Why did you even prohibit me from cultivating?" Asked Wu Siduo, as it took all of her control to not blow Tang Wulin off when he told her to stop cultivating.

"The Basics. As you cultivated more, you're likely to forget to completely master all of your skills or techniques."Said Tang Wulin.

"I wanted you to focus on learning on mastering all the skills you had and being able to use them in a variety of situations. After all, you never know when you will be at a disadvantage." Said Tang Wulin, as he advances his hand to pat her head.

"Right now, for the past months, you have been training those basic skills. In terms of skill, you wouldn't lose to anyone in our group." Said Tang Wulin as he saw Wu Siduo lower her head. She then looks up at him with fierce determination in her eyes.


"Are you kidding me!" Zhou Shi roared as he saw Tang Wulin in front of him again. It has only been a week since he thought me the last move.

"Doesn't this get a little bit old?" Tang Wulin was looking at Zhou Shi tantrum with amusement.

".... Whatever. The next move is called Dragon Solitary Destructive Divine Claw." Said Zhou Shi as he knew if Tang Wulin mastered these skills he was going have to pay up.

While he was happy, his grand-disciple was mastering these skills easily. It made him question what he would teach him later.josei

Zhou Shi right hand form a giant red scarlet claw.

"This skill works in two ways. The right claw punches and pulls." Zhou Shi demonstrates his right claw pulling a tree from the ground and punching it.

"The left claw rips the target to shred." Zhou Shi formed a red claw in his left hand and it went to go rip the tree to pieces.

"Truth be told, If you can sufficiently master these two claws. Then your option in battle would increase tremendously." Said Zhou Shi as he went to go get the herbs and rare medicine for Tang Wulin.

He had no doubt this heaven-defying monster would be able to master this skill.

"Where are you going, old man?" Said Tang Wulin causing Zhou Shi to stop and give him a dry look.

"To go get your herbs and medicine." Said Zhou Shi.

"Don't do that yet. I need you to teach me the next divine move." Said Tang Wulin.

"You haven't mastered the one I just showed you." Said Zhou Shi as he narrowed his eyes. Tang Wulin rolled his eyes as he turns towards one of the trees.

"Watch old man." Tang Wulin formed a golden claw in the right hand that was able to pull and punch the tress away. Then he formed a left claw that was able to rip the tree to pieces, just like Zhou Shi.

"...How" Asked Zhou Shi was staring blankly at Tang Wulin two golden claws.

Tang Wulin told him that the Dragon Solitary Destructive Divine Claw was similar to one of his Dragonslayer skill and he was able to instantly get the concept.

"Well if it something like that." Said Zhou Shi. From what he learned from Wu Zhankong, Tang Wulin created those skills himself. So it's somewhat believable that he would be able to under the concepts if they are similar.

"Alright, the next skill is Dragon Emission." Said, Zhou Shi. He then told Tang Wulin to punch with all of his strength.

Tang Wulin dash toward Zhou Shi thrust his fist out at him, Zhou Shi moved his hand to intercept the attack and then.


Tang Wulin was sent flying a few meters away before he was able to catch himself.

"Dragon Emission is basically a skill that borrows the force of an opponent to strike back at them." Said Zhou Shi with a smile at being able to send the brat in front of him flying away. He then started to leave to go get the herbs.

"So it basically a reflection skill." Tang Wulin went back to practicing this skill. While he was training Na'er visited him to watch him train and cheer him on.

A week passed with nothing happening until Mu Xi showed up with the news.

"Who did you say got severely injured?" Asked Tang Wulin as he was practicing Dragon Emission.

"My Uncle-master Zhen Hua was severely injured at the Blacksmith Association in Heaven Dou City." Said Mu Xi with her expression changing between worried and concern.

"By who?"

"We didn't know at first as we thought it was because of someone from the other continents. But it was later when I found out it was an evil spirit master." Said Mu Xi.

"How did you find out it was an evil spirit master?" Asked Tang Wulin but then he saw Mu Xi face turn pale.

"That monster... was draining the blood essence out of the people she captured. She was trying to draw out my uncle-master and sneak into my room to capture me." Said Mu Xi, as her expression turned grave.

"If it wasn't for uncle Ye noticing I was missing, I may not be here talking to you." Said Mu Xi

"Who is Uncle Ye?"

"Oh, he apart of the Body Sect, hehe I kinda told him about you. So don't be surprised if someone comes to you and asks you to join their sect." Said Mu Xi.

"I see." Said Tang Wulin, as he begins to add the extermination of all evil spirit master as one of his goals.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything as Mu Xi was trembling. Mu Xi wasn't trembling out of fear but righteous anger and determination.

"I swear, I'm going to wipe out those evil spirit masters." Mu Xi yelled towards to the sea.

'Or maybe not, it seems she is determined to be the one to do it.' Thought Tang Wulin.

Mu Xi left after a while and then a week passed by with Gu Yue coming toward the Sea God Island with multiple box lunches.

She told him of their victory over the third-grade and also the exchange program to Star Luo Continent six months from now. The selected student will stay there for a whole year.

Gu Yue stayed for a while to watch him train and left, as Tang Wulin was mulling over Star Luo Continent.

'I have to use these six months to strengthen my body and reach the spirit rank 50.' Tang Wulin thought.

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