Dragon Monarch System

413 Chapter 413

413 Chapter 413


Amber found herself submerged in the depths of a dream, a surreal world that defied the boundaries of logic. The ethereal surroundings enveloped her, as if she had stepped into a realm woven from pure fantasy. She stood amidst a breathtaking venue adorned with grandeur and opulence—a majestic cathedral, its high-vaulted ceilings adorned with cascading tapestries and intricate stained glass windows. Soft rays of sunlight filtered through the kaleidoscope of colors, casting a vibrant glow upon the scene.

The air was thick with anticipation, as Amber's gaze swept across the expanse of the grand hall. There, she stood among a gathering of women, each adorned in resplendent bride's dresses, their eyes filled with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. The atmosphere crackled with an inexplicable energy, hinting at the profound significance of this moment.

As Amber's eyes settled on the man who captivated the attention of all, her heart skipped a beat. He stood at the center of the aisle, his commanding presence emanating an air of charisma and authority. A regal aura surrounded him, accentuated by his immaculate attire. His features, chiseled and alluring, seemed almost too perfect to be real.

Step by step, the man approached Amber, the distance between them diminishing with each measured stride. His face, initially obscured by a veil of mystique, gradually emerged from the depths of her subconscious. Amber's breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening in profound shock as recognition coursed through her veins. For the man who stood before her, extending words of praise and admiration, was none other than Emperor Aditya himself.

A rush of emotions surged within Amber—bewilderment, fascination, and a sense of longing that defied explanation. Her mind grappled with the conflicting sensations that swirled within her, while her heart yearned for answers to the enigma that unfolded before her eyes.

The words that spilled from Aditya's lips resonated with both tenderness and familiarity, his voice a soothing melody that echoed through the cathedral. "You look so beautiful today," he uttered, his gaze filled with a depth of emotion that mirrored Amber's own turmoil. The other women surrounding them, though present, faded into insignificance as their connection forged a singular bond between them.

Amber's lips parted, but words eluded her. She remained in a state of awe and disbelief, her mind struggling to reconcile the dream-like scenario with the reality she knew. Her eyes, locked with Aditya's, sought answers, yet the secrets hidden within her subconscious remained shrouded in mystery.

In this surreal wedding tableau, Amber felt a cascade of conflicting emotions. Curiosity intertwined with uncertainty, as she yearned to unravel the threads that connected her to Aditya in this alternate reality. The sheer familiarity that emanated from their interaction was tantalizing yet perplexing, leaving her with more questions than answers.

As the dream wove its intricate tapestry, Amber's surroundings seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly luminescence. The cathedral's grandeur mirrored the grandeur of the empire itself, every detail meticulously crafted to evoke a sense of awe and reverence. Ornate pillars stretched towards the heavens, adorned with delicate carvings that depicted tales of love and devotion. The vast expanse of the hall, replete with blooming floral arrangements and cascading draperies, created an atmosphere that teetered between the boundaries of reality and fantasy.

Yet, amidst the splendor of the venue, Amber's focus remained firmly fixed upon Aditya—the enigmatic man who held her dreams captive and stirred her soul. In the midst of this surreal setting, their connection grew stronger, the allure of their shared destiny tugging at the border of Amber's waking consciousness, beckoning her to delve deeper into the mysteries that lay hidden within her own heart.

As the morning light spilled through the window, casting a soft glow upon the room, Amber's eyes fluttered open. The remnants of her dream clung to her consciousness, refusing to fade into the recesses of her mind. Sitting up with a jolt, she felt the remnants of Aditya's presence lingering in her thoughts, his handsome visage etched vividly in her memory.

Emperor Aditya—a man of extraordinary stature and power—had always been Amber's master, a figure she revered with unwavering loyalty. Yet, her relationship with him had always been one of utmost respect and duty, devoid of any romantic inclinations. Romance had never piqued her interest, not after the trials and torment she endured during her time as a slave before being taken under the protection of the Istarin Empire.

The scars of cruelty that marred her past ran deep, leaving her cautious and guarded around men in general. It was a defensive mechanism she had erected to shield her heart from further anguish. That very shield led her to appoint Ella as her vice-captain, a trusted confidante who understood the weight of Amber's history and the reasons behind her reservations.

However, Amber held no grudge against all men. She acknowledged that not every individual embodied the despicable behavior of those lowlife scums who leered at women with lustful intent. Her disdain was reserved for those who objectified and dehumanized others. It was a reflection of her own painful experiences and the unwavering determination to protect herself and those under her care.

Aditya, on the other hand, transcended the boundaries that confined ordinary men. He commanded her utmost respect, for he had been the catalyst that rescued her from the depths of despair. The mere thought of disobeying his orders was unfathomable. If he were to command her to lay down her life on the battlefield, she would willingly surrender it without hesitation. His intervention had marked the turning point in her existence, paving the way for her to rise above her circumstances and forge a new path.

Never had Amber entertained the notion of a romantic entanglement with Aditya. It had always been a realm foreign to her thoughts. Yet, after that strange dream, a subtle shift occurred within her. The boundaries that once kept her emotions at bay seemed to blur, allowing a sliver of something unfamiliar to seep into her consciousness.

Unbeknownst to Amber, the mere contemplation of Aditya's presence now ignited a warmth in her cheeks. The image of him, impossibly handsome in her mind's eye, stirred a fluttering in her heart. His smile, so radiant and captivating, quickened her pulse, betraying the calm facade she typically maintained.

As Amber grappled with these newfound sensations, a whirlwind of emotions swirled within her. She questioned the nature of her connection with Aditya, questioning the boundaries that separated duty and desire. The impact of her dream lingered, leaving her uncertain about the shifting dynamics between them, and the implications it held for her steadfast loyalty to the Emperor and the Empire he governed.

"This dream is nothing more than fanciful nonsense," Amber admonished herself, her voice laced with determination. She raised her hand and delivered a gentle but resolute slap to her cheeks, as if physically shaking off the remnants of her wayward thoughts. Aditya, after all, already had four beautiful women as his fiancées—why would he take an interest in someone like her?

Shaking off her lingering reverie, Amber rose from her bed and reached for a towel, intent on washing away the remnants of sleep from her face. Morning had arrived, signaling a flurry of activity as the troops prepared their meals and readied themselves for the day ahead.

Leaving her quarters, Amber strolled purposefully towards the water source, her footsteps marking the passage of a determined leader. As she neared her destination, a murmur of voices reached her ears, drawing her attention towards a gathering of soldiers and a group of villagers engaged in animated conversation.

Curiosity piqued, Amber approached the scene, her gaze scanning the exchange between the villagers and the soldiers. The earnest expressions etched on their faces hinted at the significance of their interaction. It was then that she noticed the farmers, their weathered hands and sun-kissed skin testament to a life of hard work.

Eager to lend her ear to their conversation, Amber quietly stood on the outskirts of the group, catching snippets of dialogue. The farmers spoke of their gratitude towards the soldiers, recounting tales of protection and security that the troops had brought to their otherwise humble villages. The soldiers, in turn, expressed their appreciation for the unwavering support and sustenance provided by the farmers.

As the conversation flowed, one of the farmers, a grizzled man with a straw hat, stepped forward, clutching a bundle of freshly harvested vegetables in his calloused hands. He approached a soldier, his voice laced with humility and gratitude. "Sir, we brought these vegetables from our humble fields as a token of our gratitude. Please accept them and share them with your comrades."

The soldier, a young man with a sturdy build and a kind smile, accepted the offering with a nod of gratitude. "Thank you, kind sir. Your generosity is truly heartwarming. We appreciate your gesture, and rest assured, these vegetables will nourish us as we continue to serve and protect your villages."

Amber's gaze shifted to another soldier, a woman with determination etched into her features, as she stepped forward to receive a basket overflowing with ripe fruits from a middle-aged farmer. "Ma'am, please accept these fruits as a token of our appreciation. Your presence here brings us hope and security, and we wish to express our gratitude."

The soldier's eyes sparkled with genuine appreciation as she cradled the basket in her arms. "Thank you, good sir. These fruits will provide much-needed nourishment to my comrades and me. Your support means the world to us, and we will continue to strive to protect and serve your villages with unwavering dedication."

A sense of camaraderie and mutual respect permeated the air as the soldiers and farmers exchanged heartfelt expressions of gratitude. It was a testament to the symbiotic relationship between the protectors and the protected, a delicate balance that fueled their shared endeavors.

Moved by the scene unfolding before her, Amber stepped forward, her presence commanding attention. "On behalf of all the soldiers gathered here, I extend our deepest appreciation to all of you."

An hour later, a formidable force consisting of approximately 50,000 troops and a hundred Dragonians, loyal warriors of the Istarin Empire, were assembled and prepared for their mission. Their departure was accompanied by a solemn decree from the Prime Minister, delivered in the form of a letter, bearing the weight of their purpose.

Spencer, the steadfast leader, entrusted Amber with a crucial task: to leave behind a contingent of several thousand soldiers and five Dragonians, dedicated to safeguarding the city of Serenesta. Their presence would ensure the protection of its inhabitants, as well as maintain stability during the upcoming transition. The letter revealed that, in the coming days, a new city lord would be appointed to govern Serenesta, further ensuring the continuity of governance and order.

Within the pages of the letter, inked with the Prime Minister's resolute words, lay a strategic directive for Amber herself. Spencer urged her to redirect her focus toward the Capital, the heart of all rebellion. It was in this city that the most significant pockets of resistance thrived, posing a threat to the Empire's harmony and peace. Spencer emphasized that, by dismantling these formidable rebellion groups, a semblance of tranquility would be restored, allowing the Empire to flourish once more.

In addition, the letter carried an intriguing mention of Aditya's involvement. Aditya, the Emperor whom Amber admired and respected deeply, had made a decisive move. The entirety of the revered Shadow Guardian Division had been deployed to the Northwestern region, entrusted with a pivotal task. Their mission entailed identifying the nobles and influential figures responsible for pilfering the Empire's wealth, and ensuring they faced justice in the Empire's courts. The Shadow Guardians, renowned for their stealth and skill, would relentlessly pursue these perpetrators, delivering them to the halls of justice where their deeds would be accounted for.

As Amber absorbed the contents of the letter, a sense of purpose coursed through her veins. The weight of responsibility settled upon her shoulders, but she embraced it with unwavering determination. The Empire needed her, and she would rise to the challenge. With Spencer's guidance and Aditya's unwavering support, Amber's resolve burned brighter than ever before.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

Bonus Chapter - 5

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