Dragon Monarch System

414 Chapter 414

414 Chapter 414

The rebels huddled together, their apprehension palpable in the air as they anxiously awaited the arrival of Victoria Baxter, the legendary Dragonian known for her unmatched strength and ruthlessness. Among the nervous soldiers stood Commander Mick, his face etched with a mix of determination and concern. He had witnessed Victoria's devastating power firsthand, and the memory of her merciless onslaught haunted him.

As the soldiers whispered among themselves, their voices laced with trepidation, Mick decided to address their fears head-on. He gathered his troops, trying to exude an air of confidence despite the mounting tension.

"Listen up, everyone!" Mick's voice boomed, commanding their attention. "I won't sugarcoat it. Victoria Baxter is a force to be reckoned with. She's fierce, and relentless, and has left a trail of destruction in her wake. But we cannot let fear consume us. We have a cause to fight for, and it's our duty to stand against her."

The soldiers exchanged anxious glances, their hands trembling involuntarily. One young soldier, Sam, spoke up, his voice quivering. "Commander Mick, I've heard stories about her... How she tears through armies without mercy. What chance do we have against someone like her?"

Mick regarded Sam with a sympathetic gaze, understanding the weight of his concerns. He placed a reassuring hand on the young soldier's shoulder. "Sam, it's true that Victoria is a formidable opponent. But we have something on our side that she doesn't: unity. We fight for a cause, for our freedom. And together, we can overcome even the strongest adversaries."

As the conversation continued, the soldiers shared their own stories, their voices laced with fear and admiration for Victoria. Some recalled witnessing her in action, describing her lightning-fast strikes and the sheer power of her Dragonian abilities. Others spoke of the rumors that had spread like wildfire, exaggerating her feats into legends that bordered on the supernatural.

Private Rachel, her voice trembling, shared her encounter with Victoria during a skirmish a few days prior. "I saw her, charging through our lines, her eyes filled with a kind of intensity I've never witnessed before. She tore through our ranks like a whirlwind, leaving nothing but chaos and despair in her wake. I've never seen such brutality."

A seasoned soldier named Henry, his voice gruff with experience, interjected. "You think that's brutal? I saw her rip through an entire battalion, singlehandedly. The screams, the blood... It was a nightmare. We need to be prepared for the fight of our lives."

The soldiers nodded, their faces etched with a mix of determination and fear. They knew the odds were stacked against them, but the cause they fought for resonated deep within their hearts.


Amidst the conversations, a young recruit named Emma, her voice barely above a whisper, asked the question that lingered on everyone's minds. "Do you think we can win? Against someone as powerful as Victoria?"

Mick surveyed the soldiers, his gaze filled with conviction. "Emma, victory isn't guaranteed, but we fight not just for ourselves, but for our families, our homes, and a future free from tyranny. We fight with everything we have, and we fight for each other. That's what gives us a chance, no matter how slim it may seem."

As the soldiers took in Mick's words, a hush fell over the group. Their fears still lingered, but a flicker of determination sparked within each of them. They knew that facing Victoria Baxter would be a trial like no other, but their resolve remained unyielding.

In the distance, a rumble echoed through the air, growing louder with each passing moment. The ground shook beneath their feet, sending tremors of both fear and anticipation through the soldiers' bodies. Victoria was drawing near, her relentless pursuit inching closer to their ranks.

With their hearts pounding and their legs still trembling, the rebels braced themselves for the inevitable clash with the unstoppable force that was Victoria Baxter. It was a battle they couldn't afford to lose—a fight for their lives and for the freedom they desperately craved.

The rebel soldiers stood frozen in place as Victoria Baxter descended from the sky, a radiant golden light surrounding her. The sight of her filled the air with an eerie tension, causing their grip on their weapons to tighten involuntarily. Fear gripped their hearts, and their minds raced with thoughts of the impending doom that awaited them. The presence of a Peak 5th-order cultivator was enough to strike terror into even the bravest of souls.

With her feet hovering above the ground, Victoria surveyed the rebel soldiers and their commander with an air of superiority. Every eye was fixated on her, and the soldiers' breaths caught in their throats. Some mustered the courage to pray, seeking divine intervention, while others looked for any opportunity to escape, their cowardice revealing itself in their desperate gazes.

The Dragonian's voice pierced through the silence, commanding attention and sending shivers down the spines of those present. "I have come with a Message and an Order from My Lord," she declared, holding the flag of the Istarin Empire in her right hand.

As her cold gaze swept over the crowd, her words hung in the air like a dreadful omen. "Oh, People of the former Uzacan Empire, your Empire now belongs to the Istarin Empire. My master, the Istarin Emperor, wishes for you all to lay down your weapons and surrender yourselves to the Istarin Empire while you still have a chance for redemption."

Her voice turned icy, freezing the hearts of those who listened. "Or if you dare to stand in my master's way, then I will have to end your lives. The choice is yours."

The rebellion soldiers exchanged anxious glances, uncertainty etched on their faces. The weight of the decision bore down upon them heavily. Suddenly, one soldier dropped his sword and discarded his armor, falling to his knees in surrender. The sight of his capitulation acted as a catalyst, igniting a chain reaction among his comrades. One by one, they followed suit, relinquishing their weapons and submitting themselves to Victoria's authority.

Upon witnessing the surrender of his soldiers, the rebellion commander, Mick, turned pale with anger and disbelief. He spun around and shouted at his troops in a desperate attempt to rouse their spirits. "What are you doing, you fools? Why are you surrendering?"

One soldier, unable to contain his fear, found his voice and spoke up. "Why shouldn't we surrender? If I surrender now, I might have a chance to join the Istarin Empire's military in the future. There are rumors that they accept surrendered soldiers who prove their loyalty. If I follow you, all it will bring me is death, and I can't bear the thought of my family suffering because of it."

The soldier's words echoed through the hesitant crowd, sparking a glimmer of hope in the hearts of others. The realization that surrender might offer a way out fueled the growing number of soldiers opting to submit to the Istarin Empire. Observing the scene unfold, Victoria remained stoic, silently observing the crumbling resistance.

"Former General of the Uzacan Empire," she addressed Mick with an unwavering gaze, "you had the option to surrender, yet you chose to lead an army of 100,000 and incite rebellion. Your actions have caused chaos and shattered the order. As such, I am ending your life right now."

Mick's protests were cut short as Victoria flicked her hand, a slender, needle-like beam of light shooting forth with deadly accuracy. It pierced Mick's skull, leaving a gaping hole before he crumpled to the ground, lifeless. The brutal efficiency of Victoria's attack sent shockwaves through the remaining soldiers, their faces drained of color as the true extent of her ruthlessness became apparent.

As the last of the soldiers surrendered, a wave of relief washed over Victoria. She was silently grateful that she didn't have to resort to taking their lives, as she had been forced to do countless times before. These past two days had been a relentless pursuit, moving from one rebellion group to another, methodically dismantling their resistance. The weight of her actions had taken its toll, but she knew that her mission was necessary to restore order to the Uzacan Empire.

Victoria's presence alone had been enough to strike fear into the hearts of the rebels. She had single-handedly decimated nearly 60% of the rebellion within a span of just two days. Each city she had visited fell under her indomitable might, as she confronted the rebellion groups head-on. Unlike other Dragonians who relied on the support of armies, Victoria possessed an unmatched strength as a Peak 5th-order Dragonian. She stood as a formidable force, capable of facing any challenge alone.

With each city she subdued, her determination grew stronger. She understood the importance of her role in quelling the chaos that had gripped the Uzacan Empire. Once her work was done, she would signal the Istarin Empire, requesting the deployment of additional Dragonians to assume control of the cities and establish law and order.

As Victoria stood amidst the surrendered soldiers, the gravity of her actions weighed heavily upon her. She couldn't help but reflect on the lives she had extinguished and the families left shattered in her wake. Though her duty demanded it, the toll it exacted on her conscience was undeniable. However, she remained resolute, knowing that her actions were necessary for the greater good.

Her gaze swept over the defeated rebels, now stripped of their weapons and reduced to mere captives. The once-proud soldiers stood in defeat, their spirit broken. The scenes of devastation and destruction were etched into Victoria's memory, a constant reminder of the price that rebellion exacted.

With a sense of duty and determination, Victoria knew her mission was not yet complete. She would continue her relentless pursuit until every last trace of resistance was eradicated. She had become a force of reckoning, a harbinger of the Istarin Empire's authority, and a beacon of hope for those who craved stability.

The journey ahead was arduous, but Victoria would not waver. She would carry out her duty, no matter the personal toll it took. For she was the strongest Dragonian of the Istarin Empire, and her resolve burned like an unquenchable flame, ready to purge the rebellion and pave the way for a new era of peace.

Victoria let out a sigh, a mixture of exhaustion and anticipation, as she surveyed the subdued rebels before her. Her mind drifted momentarily from the task at hand, thoughts consumed by what lay beyond this relentless campaign. The culmination of her efforts would bring her closer to a long-awaited destination: the Dragon Palace.

As her thoughts turned to the Dragon Palace, a flicker of defiance ignited within Victoria. It was there, in the heart of the palace, where she hoped to receive the recognition she so fervently desired. The man who had stolen her heart, the one she had once considered her enemy, now held the key to her future.

Aditya, the Istarin Emperor, was the figure whom Victoria referred to as her master. Their complicated history had seen them on opposite sides of a conflict, their paths entwined in a dance of enmity and respect. Yet, despite their differences, Aditya had managed to captivate Victoria's heart, forging a connection that defied logic and reason.

With a mix of determination and a touch of playful stubbornness, Victoria pondered the rewards that awaited her in the Dragon Palace. She had dedicated herself tirelessly to her duties as the strongest Dragonian of the Istarin Empire, her unwavering loyalty driving her actions. She had waged war against the rebels, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake, all in service of her master's cause.

However, her thoughts turned defiant, as a hint of skepticism crept into her voice. Her master's acknowledgment of her efforts, and the rewards she longed for, became a source of uncertainty. Victoria's eyes narrowed a subtle challenge underlying her words. If her master failed to recognize her contributions, if he overlooked the sacrifices she had made, there would be consequences.

A silent determination settled over Victoria as she continued to address the rebels before her. The battle was not over, and she knew there was still much to be done. But deep within her heart, there was a flicker of anticipation, a flame fueled by the promise of returning to the Dragon Palace and the man who had stolen her heart.

With a resolute gaze, Victoria refocused her attention on the present, leaving behind her thoughts of rewards and recognition for the moment.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

Bonus Chapter - 6 [This is the last of the Bonus Chapter. My apologies for not uploading yesterday. Don't worry, I will upload extra chapters today for that.]

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