Dragon Monarch System

418 Chapter 418

418 Chapter 418

"You can enjoy your stay at the Dragon Palace until your new home is arranged," Aditya graciously offered to Patriarch Stanley and the Ice Lotus clan. Recognizing the sacrifice they had made to come and serve the Dragon Monarch, he was determined to provide them with a suitable place to settle down and call their own.

Patriarch Stanley, his eyes filled with gratitude, pondered the question before responding with a humble request. "Your Majesty, if it pleases you, I would be grateful if my clan could settle in a location outside the bustling Capital. We are the Ice Lotus Dragon clan, and we have a deep affinity for water. Therefore, if it is possible, a home near a water source would be ideal for us."

Aditya nodded, his mind swiftly navigating through his vast knowledge of the empire's geography. He closed his eyes, visualizing the land and considering the various possibilities. After a moment of contemplation, he opened his eyes and spoke with a sense of certainty.

"Approximately 11 kilometers west of Azure City, there lies a magnificent lake, encompassed by a small yet majestic mountain chain," Aditya explained, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. "To the best of my recollection, that particular area remains untouched and uninhabited. Within a 10 kilometer radius, there are several small villages, fostering a sense of community and connection. Would such a location be amenable to your clan, Patriarch Stanley?"

Patriarch Stanley's eyes widened in astonishment. The prospect of a serene lake surrounded by lofty mountains resonated deeply with the spirit of the Ice Lotus Dragon clan. It was as if Aditya had intuitively understood their desires and presented them with a perfect option.

"Your Majesty, that sounds like an ideal place for our clan to settle," Patriarch Stanley replied, his voice filled with gratitude. "Being near the tranquil waters of the lake and surrounded by the protective embrace of the mountains would be a true blessing for us. We are immensely grateful for your consideration."

Aditya smiled, a genuine warmth radiating from him. "Consider it done, Patriarch Stanley. I will personally ensure that the necessary arrangements are made for your clan to settle in that location. It shall become your new home, where you can thrive and continue to honor the legacy of the Ice Lotus Dragon clan."

Patriarch Stanley and the members of the Ice Lotus clan bowed deeply, expressing their heartfelt appreciation for the Dragon Monarch's generosity. The sense of relief and anticipation filled the air as plans were set into motion to create a haven for the Ice Lotus Dragon clan, a place where they could forge new beginnings and carry their traditions forward.

As the meeting came to a close, Aditya reflected on the significance of this exchange. It was not merely about providing a new home, but about fostering a sense of belonging and unity within his empire. The Ice Lotus Dragon clan, now entrusted with a new chapter in their history, would forever be connected to the Istarin Empire and the Dragon Monarch himself.

Aditya sat solemnly upon his illustrious throne, the grandeur of the throne hall serving as a stark reminder of his weighty responsibilities. The hall, typically bustling with courtiers and officials, now stood empty, allowing him a moment of solitude to reflect upon an important matter that had eluded his attention during his earlier meeting with Spencer.

As he gazed into the distance, his eyes fixed on an ornate tapestry adorning the chamber wall, his mind delved deep into the quandary that lay before him. The expansion of the Istarin Empire had bestowed upon him vast new territories, fertile lands teeming with resources and ripe with potential. However, with this growth came the inevitable need for a stronger military force to maintain order and security throughout the empire.

"Now that our Empire's territories have expanded," Aditya contemplated, his fingers gently massaging his temples in a gesture of contemplation, "we find ourselves faced with the pressing concern of insufficient troops. Our current standing army of nearly 4,000,000 soldiers pales in comparison to the demands of our newfound domain. To ensure the stability and prosperity of every corner of the empire, we shall require a force of no less than 10,000,000 troops, if not more."

Aditya's furrowed brow betrayed the weight of his thoughts as he considered the gravity of the situation. The Empire's borders had stretched far and wide, encompassing vast swaths of land that demanded vigilant protection and steadfast control. His duty as the Dragon Monarch necessitated swift action to fortify the empire's defenses.

A resolve crystallized within Aditya's eyes as he reached a decision. It was imperative to relay this matter to Spencer and set in motion the necessary measures to recruit and bolster the ranks of the imperial army.

"Spencer," Aditya's voice reverberated through the empty hall, carrying with it a sense of authority and purpose, "I must convey an oversight from our earlier discussion. With the expansion of our territories, it is evident that our current military strength is inadequate to ensure the peace and security of our realm. I hereby instruct you to issue a royal decree, initiating a widespread recruitment effort to bolster our forces."

As the words resonated in the silent chamber, Aditya's gaze shifted to the far end of the throne hall, where a grand wooden door stood sentinel, ready to carry his message to the realm beyond. The responsibility of safeguarding the empire's prosperity and the welfare of its people weighed heavily upon his shoulders. It was a duty he would fulfill with unwavering determination, ensuring that the Istarin Empire stood resolute against any threat that dared to challenge its sovereignty.



Scene change_____

Aditya sat regally in his seat, his eyes sparkling with genuine warmth as he welcomed Kane and his daughter, Jennifer, to the meeting. The grand chamber was adorned with opulent decorations, befitting the significance of the occasion. Across from him, Kane exuded an air of wisdom and dignity, a testament to his years of ruling the now-incorporated Skyline Kingdom.

"Kane, my old friend, it brings me great joy to see you once again," Aditya greeted, his voice carrying a note of genuine affection. His attention momentarily shifted to the delightful sight of Jennifer, the young girl relishing the sweet treats offered by the palace maid. Her innocent and radiant smile tugged at Aditya's heart, kindling within him a longing for a child of his own. Though a mere 19 years old, Aditya possessed a maturity well beyond his years, his mind attuned to the weighty responsibilities that came with his role as Dragon Monarch.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

As the conversation turned to more pressing matters, Aditya's gaze met Kane's steady and experienced eyes. It was time to extend an offer that could benefit both the Empire and the respected former ruler.

"And now, Kane, I extend to you a proposition," Aditya began, his tone measured and earnest. "I offer you a position within my Empire, bestowing upon you the noble title that befits your esteemed stature. With your wealth of experience as the previous and final ruler of the Skyline Kingdom, I believe you are more than deserving of a role in governance."

Aditya leaned forward slightly, his eyes conveying his sincerity. He recognized the value of entrusting the governance of a province to someone with the wisdom and understanding of the land's history.

"You shall have the opportunity to govern a province, Kane, within the embrace of the Istarin Empire. Your insight and expertise will prove invaluable as we continue to shape and strengthen our dominion."


As the proposal hung in the air, Jennifer's eyes sparkled with a mix of delight and curiosity. The sweets she held in her hands seemed to transform into a symbol of the possibilities that lay before her father and their future within the empire. Her infectious joy radiated, encapsulating the innocence and hope that filled the room.

Aditya observed Jennifer's radiant expression, a flicker of warmth crossing his own features. It was moments like these that reminded him of the profound impact his decisions could have on the lives of those around him. With each step he took to shape the empire, he aspired to create a realm where happiness and prosperity flourished, not just for himself, but for all its inhabitants.

"I accept with utmost gratitude, Your Majesty," Kane replied, his voice filled with genuine appreciation and excitement. The opportunity bestowed upon him was a chance to prove his loyalty and dedication to the empire.

Aditya's presence commanded the room as he stepped forward, his voice resonating with authority. "Kane Welsh, henceforth, you shall be appointed as the Governor of the esteemed Skyline Province. By my decree, I grant you the distinguished rank of marquess. Your duty shall be to serve the Istarin Empire faithfully, working tirelessly for its greater good. I entrust you with the responsibility of upholding the empire's interests and welfare."

Kane humbly dropped to one knee, bowing his head in a display of reverence and acceptance. Emotions surged within him, overwhelming him with a sense of fulfillment. The Skyline Province held immense sentimental value for Kane, for it was his former kingdom that he willingly relinquished to the Istarin Empire in the face of pressure from the Southern Fire Dragon Empire. Never did he anticipate reclaiming his birthplace and having the privilege to govern it, even if he no longer bore the title of king. It was a moment of profound gratitude and realization for Kane.

Aditya stood tall, his gaze fixed upon Kane, as he elaborated on the responsibilities that accompanied his newly appointed position. "As the Governor of the Skyline Province and a noble of the Istarin Empire, you shall hold significant responsibilities. Your primary duty is to ensure the welfare and prosperity of the province and its people. You must govern with fairness, justice, and efficiency, maintaining law and order within your jurisdiction. It is imperative that you foster harmonious relations with neighboring provinces, promoting unity and cooperation for the betterment of the entire empire."

pandasnovel.com Kane listened attentively, his eyes locked on Aditya. "Your Majesty, I understand the weight of the responsibilities entrusted to me. I will dedicate myself to the service of the Istarin Empire and its people. I shall strive to administer the province with integrity, addressing the needs and concerns of its inhabitants. The prosperity and progress of the Skyline Province shall be my utmost priority."

Aditya nodded, acknowledging Kane's determination. "I have faith in your abilities, Kane. Remember, you are a representative of the empire, and your actions should reflect the values and principles we hold dear. Ensure that the province's resources are effectively utilized, promoting economic growth and development. Uphold the empire's laws, and should any challenges or conflicts arise, handle them judiciously and with diplomacy."

Kane's eyes sparkled with resolve. "Your Majesty, I shall endeavor to fulfill these duties to the best of my abilities. With your guidance and the support of the empire, I shall strive to govern the Skyline Province with honor and dedication."

Aditya offered a reassuring smile. "I believe in your potential, Kane. May your tenure as the Governor of the Skyline Province be marked by progress and prosperity. The empire stands behind you, and I trust that you will lead with wisdom and compassion."

Kane bowed respectfully, his gratitude evident in his voice. "Thank you, Your Majesty. I am truly honored and grateful for this opportunity to serve the Istarin Empire."


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

While writing this chapter, I remembered about Kane from John Wick 4. What a cool character is he.

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