Dragon Monarch System

419 Chapter 419

419 Chapter 419

In a distant continent beyond the shores of the Dying Isle, the remaining members of the Oracle Alliance convened for a crucial meeting. These empires, hailing from different lands, had no territories in the war-ravaged Dying Isle continent. During the Battle of the Factions, they were prohibited from directly assisting their allies. However, they were permitted to offer indirect support in the form of financial aid, equipment, magical artifacts, battle formations, strategic plans, and any other means that did not involve direct involvement in the conflict.

Initially, the majority of the nine members, apart from Reese Gilliam, the Emperor of the Mystic Spring Empire, had been reluctant to engage in what they perceived as an unnecessary war. They believed that their Leader was using their powers merely to satisfy his ego. However, the undeniable might of Lucas and his empire instilled a sense of fear and hesitation in everyone, preventing any objections from being raised.josei

Expecting a protracted conflict, no one anticipated that the war would conclude in such a swift manner. With the defeat of six Oracle Alliance members, including their Leader, the very existence of their alliance now hung in the balance. The purpose of today's meeting was to address this pressing question and determine the future course of action for the remaining members.

Upon a secluded island, the five remaining members of the Oracle Alliance gathered alongside their Prime Ministers and armed forces. Unlike their previous meeting, where troops and bodyguards were absent, this time each emperor arrived with a contingent of soldiers and loyal guards. The heightened security presence underscored the escalating tension among the remaining members, revealing a deep-rooted lack of trust. They had come prepared for the worst, fully aware that unity was wavering.

This shift in attitude highlighted the delicate equilibrium that had been maintained under the rule of Emperor Lucas. Each emperor possessed an immense ego, making cooperation between two such individuals exceedingly difficult. However, under Lucas, who wielded superior power, they were compelled to put aside their differences and work in unison. Lucas's presence had enforced a sense of order, and no member dared to challenge it.

But now, with Lucas's absence, the delicate balance had been shattered. The remaining five members found themselves in a state of suspicion and mistrust. The disappearance of their common ground left a void, exposing the true nature of their individual ambitions and desires. The absence of a central figure to unite them had dissolved the bonds that had been tenuously forged.

ƥandasnovel.com The meeting room exuded an air of gravity and anticipation, its atmosphere charged with the weight of the decisions to be made. At its center stood a round table, crafted from rich mahogany, its polished surface reflecting the dim light cast by flickering torches adorning the walls. Five chairs encircled the table, each one meticulously designed to accommodate an emperor of great stature.

The chairs, upholstered in sumptuous velvet and adorned with intricate carvings, awaited the arrival of their occupants. Positioned behind each chair, the Prime Ministers stood in staunch support, their expressions a reflection of the gravity of the situation. Dressed in formal attire, they projected an air of unwavering loyalty, ready to fulfill their duties at their respective leaders' behest.

The room itself exuded an aura of timeless elegance. Elaborate tapestries, depicting scenes of ancient battles and heroic triumphs, lined the walls. Gilded sconces bathed the space in a warm, golden glow, casting intricate patterns of light and shadow. The air carried a subtle scent of aged parchment and incense, lending an air of reverence to the chamber.

As the emperors entered the room, their footsteps echoing softly against the stone floor, they cast solemn glances toward the table. Each emperor approached their designated chair, its imposing presence serving as a visual reminder of their individual power and authority. With measured grace, they settled into their seats, their Prime Ministers standing steadfastly behind them, their unwavering support and counsel ready to be offered.

The round table, a symbol of equality and collaboration, provided a focal point for the forthcoming discussions. Its smooth surface, devoid of embellishments, emphasized the need for open dialogue and the search for common ground. Here, decisions of great consequence would be deliberated upon, alliances forged or broken, and the fate of the Oracle Alliance determined.

In this hallowed space, surrounded by opulence and encumbered by the weight of responsibility, the remaining members of the Oracle Alliance prepared to confront the challenges that lay ahead. The room stood as a testament to the past glories and the uncertain future that awaited them.

And thus the meeting started --

"It seems you have become quite skinny, Your Majesty Cassius," Emperor Layton Valentine of the Mountain Light Empire sneered, his gaze scrutinizing Cassius Ironwood of the Socotra Land Empire. Cassius, known for his laziness and corpulent figure, had left the majority of his responsibilities to his trusted subordinates, indulging in a life of uninterrupted sleep and lavish meals. Despite his indolence, Cassius had managed to attain a formidable cultivation level, reaching the peak of the 3rd order. His talent for cultivation was undeniable, but his apathetic approach hindered any further progress. After all, why exert effort when he commanded Peak 5th-order commanders?

"Haha! Instead of squandering ten million royal gold coins like a certain someone, I prefer to use my wealth to satisfy my insatiable appetite," Layton Valentine retorted, his right eye twitching at the mention of his past actions. Cassius's words struck a chord of truth, however. When the war had erupted, Layton had generously donated 10 million royal gold coins, a sum equivalent to 100 million gold coins, to the Queenstown and Uzacan Empires combined. This indirect support was intended to assist the alliance members, as per their agreement. Little did he anticipate that the war would abruptly end mere hours after his contribution. Consequently, the funds he had given were never returned, finding their way directly into the coffers of the Uzacan and Queenstown Emperors. When Layton attempted to retrieve his money, both emperors callously rejected his pleas. Frustrated and humiliated, Layton found himself in a predicament where his significant investment had seemingly vanished.

Had the sum been negligible, Layton might have shrugged it off, but this was a considerable amount. Moreover, with the Istarin Empire now in control of the Uzacan and Queenstown Empires, he dared not risk sending his troops or generals to retrieve the funds. Layton was no fool; he understood the overwhelming power wielded by the Dragon Monarch, and he had no desire to provoke the ire of the empire.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

Cassius's mocking words elicited laughter from the others, exacerbating Layton's shame. As an emperor, it was unprecedented for anyone to laugh at him, let alone in his presence. Glaring at the raucous group, Layton's gaze carried a silent warning, yet the laughter persisted, unrelenting in its mockery. In that moment, Layton felt a pang of deep embarrassment, a stark reminder of the diminished respect he commanded within the alliance.

"Enough of this banter. Let us not waste any more time," declared Emperor Logan Hussain of the Vermillion Empire, seeking to redirect the focus of the meeting. His gaze shifted towards the other four emperors, his tone firm and serious. "Now, what plans do you all have moving forward? We receive numerous letters from the families and people of our fallen allies, pleading for our assistance and support. The Oracle Alliance stands on shaky ground, and it is uncertain if our alliance can survive. This may very well be our final meeting as members of the Oracle Alliance."

The weight of the situation settled upon the room, a somber atmosphere enveloping the gathered leaders. The existence of their alliance hung in the balance, and their responses would shape the destiny of the remaining members. The delay in convening this meeting had already demonstrated their lack of concern, further eroding the once unwavering unity among them.

"I have grown disillusioned with the affairs of the Dying Isle Continent. The fate of the Northwestern region holds no interest for me anymore. From the very beginning, I voiced my opposition to this war. Now that Lucas has fallen, it is clear that the Oracle Alliance has crumbled. I believe you understand my sentiments," declared Emperor Lucius Veridian of the Sunfire Empire, his voice tinged with resignation.

"I echo your sentiments, Lucius. I, too, am finished with the Oracle Alliance. I no longer wish to be entangled in its web. It is time for me to forge my own path," chimed in Cassius, the Lazy Emperor, his apathy replaced with a newfound determination.

Lucius Veridian turned his gaze to the other emperors, seeking their input. The weight of their decisions hung in the air, each member contemplating their role within the defunct alliance. Silence settled upon the room as their eyes met, each emperor grappling with their own thoughts and convictions. The disintegration of the Oracle Alliance had left them adrift, their future paths uncertain.

Emperor Layton Valentine of the Mountain Light Empire was the first to break the silence. "I, too, have grown weary of this alliance. The events that have unfolded have left me disillusioned. It is time for me to pursue my own goals and ambitions."

Logan Hussain of the Vermillion Empire nodded in agreement, his expression resolute. "The Oracle Alliance was meant to unite us, but its demise has only served to divide us further. I shall chart my own course and prioritize the well-being of my empire."

The room fell silent once again as the remaining emperors pondered their own choices. Each weighed the benefits and drawbacks of severing ties with the alliance, considering the impact on their respective empires. The bonds that had once held them together had frayed, and the path forward seemed clear.

"I, too, have reached a decision," declared Emperor Viktor Skyrunner of the Azure Kingdom. "The Oracle Alliance has served its purpose, but it no longer aligns with the aspirations of my empire. I shall pursue a future that is independent of its influence."

With unanimous agreement, the once-mighty Oracle Alliance dissolved before their eyes. The emperors, once united in purpose, now stood at a crossroads, their destinies veering onto separate paths. The grand meeting room bore witness to this pivotal moment, its walls echoing with the weight of their choices and the repercussions that would follow.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

Due to having some important work I won't have time to write any other chapters for today. My apologies.

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