Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 284 284

Chapter 284 284:- Zombie

Aditya just lay there. A few minutes after the monster left, the storm clouds that Aditya had previously summoned turned into snow clouds. And it started to snow.


"It would be a pain in the ass to defeat this monster." Aditya didn't feel like getting up. Strangely he started to feel very lazy and also very tired. He felt like lying there for a few years.

10 minutes later, Adam came from behind.

"Are you alright, son?" Adam asked in a worried tone. In times like this, the Wild Lion hated when someone younger than him fought for him. Yet he did nothing but watch. Adam wanted to increase his strength again for the first time in years.

Although Adam would never say it, to Aditya or anyone, this 19-year-old young man was someone whom Adam had come to like a lot. Adam truly believed that his baby can find happiness with him. But one thing that Adam hated about Aditya was his harem life. Adam had one wife because he was perfectly satisfied with one wife. Adam is unsure if he can give equal treatment and love to both of his wives. Adam previously thought that Aditya won't give the same attention and love to his girl. This is why he took him time to come and live with Aditya. But he was proved wrong. Aditya treated the three girls equally.

Besides this reason, Adam had countless other reasons. Adam wanted Aditya to live a long happy life.

When Adam called Aditya's son, Aditya was slightly touched. He can feel Adam's corner. "I am alright, Father. I am just feeling slightly exhausted and tired. But I believe soon that will go away as well."


"That's good to know." Adam sat next to Aditya in the snow. The snow cannot affect them. Both of them felt lost. They were lost in some random world. They had no idea where they were. Their only hope of exiting this world is to kill that monster. But the monster seems to have ridiculous healing powers.

Adam and Aditya sat together in silence for more than 20 minutes before Adam broke the ice. "I am sorry Father. I shouldn't have bought you here with me." The more time passed, the more guilty Aditya began to feel. If he hadn't bought Adam here, then Adam wouldn't have gotten stuck in this world. Now Adam's life is in danger because of Aditya. Aditya felt that Adam owed him an apology.

"There is no need to apologize son. You didn't know that this would happen. This isn't your fault. But I, on the other hand, would have to say sorry for not being able to help you." Adam is a man of pride. He is a battle junkie. Ever since he was just 14 years old he has been fighting enemies besides his father. Whenever he faced an enemy, he never ran away. He fought his enemies till he lost his consciousness.

But this battle was very different. For the first time in Adam's life, he faced something that is soo strong that it made him fear. For the first time, he feared his opponent. The fact that he did nothing but stand and watch while his son-in-law fought that monster made him guilty and also made him feel that he needs more strength.

"Please don't apologize. Next time when I see that monster I will be sure to defeat it." Adam nodded his head before both of them went silent again.

Strangely enough, both of them started to like this silent atmosphere. Neither Aditya nor Adam taught that sitting on the snow in an unknown world could be this peaceful.

After another 20 minutes of peaceful silence, Aditya broke the ice with his question. "Father, how did you meet Julia's mother?" Aditya was curious.

Hearing his question, the wild lion laughed. "Hahaha! I could write an entire book on the first day we met each other."

"Our first meeting wasn't romantic or anything. Back then, battlefields used to be my second home. I spent countless hours soaked in my opponent's blood. Back then, the only thing that I loved was fighting. But one day, I met this girl. On the battlefield, she has a fierce personality but when she was not fighting, she was the most gentle person I had ever met."

"Julia's mother fell for me when she saw me fighting. Whereas I was totally clueless about my feelings. I liked spending my time with her. I liked to watch her cook. I liked listening to her talk. I wanted to spend more time with her. For the first time, in my life, I found something that is even more interesting than fighting. I found something that I loved besides fighting. I would say that I love Sophia more than fighting."

"Sophia is a bold girl, unlike my very shy daughter. Sophia confessed her feelings. A month later, we held our weddings. That was the best decision of my life. Even though some say that I changed to a chicken after I got married. I never regretted my decision. Now I have a wonderful family. I have a successful social life. I have two precious children. What more can I wish for? Not everyone is blessed with all these kinds." Aditya nodded his head in agreement.

Listening to Adam, Aditya wondered if he should also marry. But he quickly shook his head. Aditya did not plan on marrying till he finished what he had set out to do. And that is to become the Emperor of the strongest Empire in the whole world.

'Besides, from my meeting with one of the origin dragons, I have learned that I will have to face some enemies in the future. I will start preparing as soon as I get back.'

"It's rude to listen to other people's conversation without their permission."

"Who are you talking tooo.....?" The words on Adam's throat got stuck as he saw a 5 feet 10 inches tall woman wearing white kimono appearing behind them. Seeing this Adam instantly stood up and looked at the woman in caution.

The woman had long black hair. There were two mini horns on two sides of her head. She wore a white Kimono. She had a large chest and a small waist. She was fair-skinned. The woman was no doubt a top beauty but when looking at her face, one would feel either disgust or fear.

The meat on the woman's face was rotten. In some areas, the bones of her skull could be seen. She had no eyes. In place of her eyes, there were two green orbs.

"Father, calm down. I have been sensing this woman near us for a while now. But she did not attack us. I can't sense any killing intent from her." Adam nodded. Adam slightly lowered his guard. This woman had a cultivation base of Peak 3rd-order.

"Are you going to speak or should I just kill you?" Seeing the woman not speaking, Aditya asked while releasing a bit of his killing intent.

Feeling his killing intent, the woman shivered. "I don't have a name. I am a servant of the great Starry Sky Empire."josei

"What Empire again?" Aditya and Adam both looked at each other in confusion.

"The great Starry Sky Empire." The woman repeated again. This time she looked slightly panicked as well.

"Father, did you ever heard of any Empire named The great Starry Sky Empire?" As far as Aditya knew, there was no such Empire on this planet. In his spare time, Aditya spends at least a few hours in reading books. Especially history books. As the Emperor, Aditya needed to have knowledge and information about the Empires of the past and the present. Aditya didn't just know their names. He also knew how each empire or Kingdom fell or how a Kingdom was born. With his sharp memory, Aditya can perfectly recall anything that he has seen or read.

Of course, the history that he read lad limited to a certain time period and to a certain area. Anything beyond the Dying Isle continent is out of Aditya's knowledge. So Aditya asked Adam since Adam was more experienced than Aditya.

However, Adam also shook his head. "When I was little, my old man made me study about all the great Empires on this planet. But in my studies, I have never come across any Empire that is named the great Starry Sky."

"No way....." The woman looked quite shocked. She took a few steps back while repeating the same words.

"This means..." Her hands began to shake. Soon her face was drowned in sadness. She began to grieve.

Seeing this Aditya and Adam looked at each other once again. Both of them began to communicate with each other without any words.

Aditya - 'Father, why does she look so sad?'

Adam - 'How would I know kid? I can't read people's minds.'

Aditya pointed at the woman - 'Why don't you ask her?'

Adam rolled his eyes - 'I am not interested. You ask her.'


"Miss, can you please tell us why are you suddenly looking so sad?" Aditya asked

The woman wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and replied in a heavy tone. "Before I reply let me tell you something. The time of this world flows differently from the outside world."

Aditya and Adam both instantly frowned. "What do you mean?" Adam asked in a serious tone.

"At first I thought His Majesty was only joking but I guess he wasn't. One hour in this world is equivalent to 24 hours in the outside world. I and the Maneater along with her Highness sent to this world more than 19800 days ago. Calculating the time difference, to the outside world, we have been in this world for 1,301 years ago."

This female zombie's reply only created more questions for Aditya and Adam.

"We have been stuck in this world for almost 30 hours already. That means to the outside world more than 30 days have passed." Realizing this both Aditya and Adam looked at each other in shock.

The female zombie did not speak as they can see that both men were in deep shock. After a while, Aditya looked at the female zombie. He still can't bring himself to believe that time flows differently in this world.

"Are you telling the truth?" Aditya suspiciously asked the woman.

"I have no reason to lie. You're the first living being that I have seen in 1301 years. If you don't want to believe in my words then there is nothing I can do about it."

Indeed this woman had no reason to lie to them. "You spoke something about the Emperor? What was that? How did you, this Maneater or whatever thing come here?" Aditya was still confused about many things.


"Around 1500 years ago, a great man built an Empire. Within 100 years that man's Empire became one of the strongest Empires on the Grassy Plains."

"Grassy Plains? What's that?" Aditya asked.

"The Grassy Plains used to be the name of the Beast continent. Around 700 or 900 years ago, the name was changed. Before humans and other races also used to live in the Beast continent. But for some reason, the beast race and the other races living on the continent had a big fight. The beast race won the fight and forced every other race to leave the continent. From them, they named themselves the beast continent."


"I clearly remember all the Empires that fell in that war. But I never heard of the great Starry Sky Empire." Adam said while looking at the woman.

"This probably means that the great Starry Sky Empire did not last till the great fight. Something else must have destroyed it."

"This could be possible. The books in my library have records of all the Empires that existed 1000 years ago. Before 1000 years, history is kind of messed up. It is filled with theories and speculations. So I never bothered to read anything before 1000 years ago."


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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