Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 285 285

Chapter 285 285:- Pocket Dimension World

"I clearly remember all the Empires that fell in that war. But I never heard of the great Starry Sky Empire." Adam said while looking at the woman.

"This probably means that the Great Starry Sky Empire did not last till the great fight. Something else must have destroyed it."

"This could be possible. The books in my library have records of all the Empires that existed 1000 years ago. Before 1000 years, history is kind of messed up. It is filled with theories and speculations. So I never bothered to read anything before 1000 years ago."

"It's quite sad to know that the Great Starry Sky Empire fell this quickly." The zombie woman looked saddened knowing that the Great Starry Sky Empire fell.

"Do you mind telling us more about this Great Starry Sky Empire?" Aditya gently asked. He had become very interested in this Great Starry Sky Empire. Maybe Aditya can find out why she was trapped in this place.josei

"The Great Starry Sky Empire used one of the strongest Empires in the Grassy Plains. The Emperor who was a very powerful Vampire King had 8 children. All of the Emperor's children were born very talented. Each of his Majesty's children was a genius. However, there was one child that was born with a mysterious illness."

"What Illness?"

"Her Highness is the 8th child of the Great Starry Sky Empire. Her Highness is the 4th Princess of the Great Starry Sky Empire. Unlike Her Highness's other siblings who were born very strong, since birth Her Highness was really weak. Her Highness had a mysterious illness that made her very weak. Because of this mysterious illness, Her Highness couldn't drink any human or any other being's blood."

"His Majesty invited countless alchemists, healers, and many other famous people of that time's era. But no one was able to find what sort of illness Her Highness had. The head alchemist of the Great Starry Sky Empire came up with a theory that if Her Highness starts to cultivate then her Highness will become stronger and live a normal life."

"So at the age of 5, Her Highness was forced to cultivate. But whenever she cultivated all of Mana that she would cultivate would be sucked by something that is inside her body. As a result, Her Highness became even weaker than ordinary humans. Even the Mana that flowed within Her Highness's body was being sucked. Alchemist spent years trying to find out what exactly was sucking all of Her Highness's Mana. But No one was able to find the exact reason."

"When Her Highness turned 10, the head Alchemist of the Great Starry Sky Empire discovered another strange thing. The more Her Highness aged, the weaker she became. At the age of 8 and 9, Her Highness was able to play like normal human children but one year later, she could no longer do any of that. Instead, most of her time was spent sleeping. Her Highness's sleeping period started increasing with her age. At the age of 16, Her Highness slept for more than 22 hours and would remain awake for 2 hours at most. By then, she had become so weak, that she couldn't even properly stand. She had stopped coming out of her room."

Aditya and Adam looked at each other. Both men felt pity for this Princess. Both men can't imagine something like this happening to their children. It must have been very painful for the Emperor to watch his own daughter suffer like this. Even though he had all the powers in the world, he still couldn't save his daughter.

"Watching Her Highness suffer, His Majesty and Mother Empress was really saddened. As they knew that if things continued like this, in a decade or two, their daughter might never even wake up from her sleep. For them watching their daughter grow this weak was worse than death. Mother Empress was willing to spend any amount of riches just to cure her Highness but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find a solution to this."

"It was also during this time, that the 6-star runemaster of the Great Starry Sky Empire came up with a solution. As if luck is shining on the Great Starry Sky Empire. His majesty found a pocket dimension world."

"Wait. What is Pocket dimension world?" This time Adam asked the question.

"A Pocket Dimension world is a small world that is located within Primal Planet. There are many Pocket Dimension worlds. But most of them are not discovered. Finding a Pocket Dimension World is extremely tough. His Majesty was able to find one because he was lucky. Each Pocket Dimension World is different and unique. Some Pocket Dimension Worlds are completely filled with Lava. Some are filled with water, some are endless deserts, and some are thick forests."

"The Runemaster suggested building a special type of array that will stop the Her Highness from aging and put her into a deep sleep state."

"So this world is a Pocket Dimension World that the Emperor discovered. This means the Princess is sleeping in this world?"

"Yes. The plan was to put the Her Highness into a deep sleeping state and stop her from aging. While the Her Highness slept, the Alchemists of The Great Starry Sky Empire could research and find a cure for her. Even if the process took a century or even 1000 years it won't matter since Her Highness had stopped aging and others had very long life spans. This is supposed to be the original plan but things clearly did not go the way His Majesty had planned."

"I and the Maneater were put into this world to stop any intruder. At first, I was able to freely enter and leave this world and meet His Majesty from time to time. The last time when I went out of this world, His Majesty told me about some changes that he has made to the Pocket Dimension World. His Majesty didn't give me many details but I clearly remember him jokingly telling me that the time of the Pocket Dimension World works differently. At first, I didn't believe his thinking that he was joking as His Majesty has a habit of joking with others."

What this woman was saying was too much for Aditya and Adam to digest at once.

"That giant monster is the Maneater?"


"So what about the trial that we and many others faced?"

"To be honest I really don't know much about it. The illusion world and the world of floating Islands were both built to stop intruders from coming to this world. Whenever any strong being stepped inside, the defensive arrays of the world would activate. This is why you two had to face trials. In case, some weak intruders entered, the 6-star defensive array would activate and trap the intruders into a world of illusion."

'So this defensive array is so advanced that even though I suppressed my powers and bloodline, it was able to sense that I am a threat. Impressive. I wonder if I can learn more about this 6-star runemaster. Before us, the Rogue cultivators and the adventurers that entered thinking that this is a ruin were trapped inside an illusion.'

"Do you why the portal appeared in the southern region of the Dying Isle continent?" The portal to this world appeared a few months ago. Aditya wanted to know why this happened.

"I don't know. But a few months ago, I did sense the presence of a very strong being. Maybe that being's presence has something to do with this." Aditya instantly knew that she was talking about the Great Sage Snake.

"A Pocket Dimension World is not restricted by the laws of the Primal Planet. Here the power of the 6th order is not suppressed. A 6th-order can attack a lower-rank cultivator." Now everything is starting to make sense.

"Since you have told us this much, can you please......."

The woman gave Aditya a helpless smile and replied. "I can't. The only way that we can leave this world would be to wake up Her Highness from her deep sleep and defeat the Maneater. If I could I would have gone out of this world a long time ago."

The next moment the woman kneeled right in front of Aditya. She lowered her head and started begging Aditya. "Please save her Highness."

​ "What?" Aditya was perplexed. How can he save her? Maybe Julia would be able to find a cure for her Princess. Aditya wanted to why this woman was begging him. What made her think that he can save the Princess?

"When you were fighting the Man Eater, I sensed that you have Divine Crimson Storm Dragon blood in you. Even in our time, there wasn't any being with Divine grade bloodline. I think Her Highness could be saved if you let her drink your blood." Aditya can tell that even she wasn't certain if his divine Dragon blood could help the princess.


"Why are you so desperate? Also, please stand up." Aditya asked.

The woman stood up and replied in a sobbing tone. "Now that The Great Starry Sky Empire no longer exists, there is no one in this world that will come to save Her Highness. This means Her Highness will be trapped in that array for the end of times. I don't want this to happen to her. Please I beg of you. Take Her Highness with you."

"You're the strongest person I have seen in the last 54 years of being trapped in this world. You might be the last person who will be able to pass all the trails and come here. I don't want Her Highness to keep sleeping for eternity in this place."

'If I want to leave this world, I will have to break the array in which the Princess is currently sleeping.' Aditya had no other choice.

'Maybe Julia and Riya can find a cure.'



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