Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 323 323

Chapter 323 323:- Power Of Rune Monarch [V]; Next Target

"Now chose your and your family's future." These words impacted Thomas deeply. Especially the words 'your family'. Thomas was blessed with a loving family and an adorable daughter. If his cultivation was destroyed and he along with his family was kicked out of this Empire, Thomas would have no place to go.

The future of his daughter would be in danger. Here, Thomas can ensure his daughter's safety. But if he suddenly loses his powers, then his entire family would be in danger.

'Fate has given me a second chance. I am not a good husband. I am not a good father. Maybe it's time for me to change.' Thomas closed his eyes and accepted what Fate has bought upon him.

"I accept."



The next few hours, Aditya spent traveling to the other seven Shadow Islands. All the Dukes agreed to accept the contract. The contract prevented any Dukes from betraying Aditya and the Istarin Empire. The contract gave the Dukes more freedom.

The reason all the Dukes easily accepted Aditya as their King is because from the beginning none of the Dukes were happy with Liam George. Liam restricted their earning, restricted their powers, and restricted their authority. Under Liam's rule, none of the nobles had much political power. On the other hand, joining the Istarin Empire gave them all of it. Their powers and their authority had increased. They were in charge of the Shadow islands.



Scene change_____

A few hours later, Aditya returned back to Zion city. As for the other generals, they were dealing with the small bugs.

A few hours later, Amber returned to the Castle only to find Aditya waiting for her. "Your Majesty?" Amber was surprised to see Aditya return so quickly. It only has been a few hours since Aditya left Amber here.

"Amber, how is everything going?" Aditya asked.

"I have captured King Liam's family members." King Liam had 1 wife and 18 concubines. But he didn't have any children. It seems he didn't want any children.

"What should we do with them?" Amber asked.josei

"Give them 1000 Royal gold coins each and let them go. Also, return their belongings as well." Aditya wasn't the least bit interested in Liam's family. The reason he was willing each of them 1000 royal gold coins was so that these women can live a good life without needing to worry about money. But Aditya was sure that most of these women would just remarry after some time.

"Let them go? Your majesty, I don't think this is a good choice." Liam's wife and concubines will definitely hold grudge against Aditya. In Amber's opinion letting them go wasn't a good choice.

Aditya rubbed the back of his head and replied in a lazy tone. "Those women are free to do whatever they want. I don't really care. If you're worried that Liam's women will try to get revenge on me, then you can rest assured. Now that Liam is dead, no one would value these women. His wife and concubines have lost their status. Even if they want to get revenge on me, it would a dream that they can never accomplish."

"Alright. I will order someone to release them." Before capturing Liam's wife and the concubines, Amber had confiscated their belongings.


A Dragonian walked inside the throne hall. By now, Amber had replaced the previous throne where Aditya had melted Liam's body along with his throne with a chair.

The Dragonian found his King sitting on a chair while Amber standing a few meters away from him. "This humble servant greets the Emperor." The Dragonian greeted Aditya by kneeling on one knee.

"Stand up."

As the Dragonian stood up, Amber told the reason why he was called.

"Release King Liam's wife and concubines with their belongings. Also, give each of them 1000 royal gold coins."

The Dragonian was confused about why the Emperor wanted to get the wife and concubines of the enemy go. But he didn't ask any questions and did what he ordered.

After the Dragonian left, Amber looked at Aditya with a hesitant gaze. "What are you thinking?" Aditya understood that his Fox general wants to tell him something.

"Your Majesty, you will be offended if I tell you what I am thinking right now."

"Don't worry. You can speak. I promise I won't be offended." Aditya was curious to know what his general was thinking.

"Alright." Suddenly the Aura around Amber completely changed. Amber now looked very serious. Her eyes became cold. She looked at Aditya as if she was looking at her enemy.

"Your Majesty, do you have any idea how much you have made my best friend suffer while you were gone for over a month?" Amber asked while pressuring Aditya with her killing intent.

Aditya "___"

The Emperor was left speechless.

"Right now, I want to climb those stairs and beat the living hell out of you for making Julia cry all those times." Amber took a deep breath; trying to calm herself and prevent herself from making any rush move that she might regret in the future.

"Your Majesty, please don't do something like this ever again." Saying these words, Amber turned away. Her back faced Aditya while she hid her expression.

Aditya was really amused. To think Amber was willing to go as far as getting angry in front of Aditya and say these words to him in such a tone really goes to show just how much Amber values Julia. 'Julia has found a really nice friend.' Aditya thought in his mind with a small smile.

After a minute of silence, Amber faced Aditya. Lowering her head, she apologized. "My apologies for saying these words. But I have been wanting to say these words to you for a while now. Your majesty, you can punish me for my rude behavior."

"I did promise that I won't be offended. If I punish you, it would mean that I am breaking my promise. And I never break my promise. I am a man of my word after all. Besides, I am also glad to know that Julia has found such a nice friend."

Amber was really surprised. After saying those words, she was expecting to be punished by Aditya. Deep down she was even expecting to lose her position as the Captain. But nothing like that happened.

Lifting her head, Amber saw a genuine smile on the young man's face. It was the very same young man who ruled the lives of millions. It was the very same young man who was known for his cruelty. To the world, Aditya is the Dragon Monarch and the Emperor. But at home, he is a good husband. His wives and his family are his top priority. His family comes before his duties. Right now, the person smiling at Amber wasn't the Emperor, rather it was Julia's husband.



"Your majesty" All the generals returned to Zion city after 10 minutes.

"Our work here is done. The entire Shadow Islands Empire has fallen. No one knows that the Istarin Empire is responsible for this. Two more Empires left."

With the Dragonians, the entire process was extremely easy. The Dragonians were able to enter the enemy cities using the teleportation arrays that each branch guild office of the Seekers of Impurity guild had. The enemy had no idea what hit them. Using the element of surprise, Aditya was able to take down the enemy Empire within a few hours.

Aditya killed all the 5th-order cultivators, while his generals took care of the 4th-order cultivators. As for the lower-order cultivators, the Dragonians easily killed them.

"The night is far from being over. I believe before dawn we will be able to take down the other two Empires."

"I hope everyone is ready. If anyone is tired or out of Mana, use 4-star stamina recovery and 4-star Mana recovery pills." Aditya was only planning on dealing with the 5th-order cultivators and leave the rest to the generals and the Dragonians.

Till now the 7 generals have been led by Aditya. But now Aditya wanted the 7 generals to lead the Dragonians in this war.

"Alright, let's head out." Just as Aditya stood up to leave, a certain someone barged in.


"Aditya, I also want to come with you." The one who came was none other than the goddess of nature. The goddess's words left, the generals, the Dragonians, and even the Emperor in shock.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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