Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 324 324

Chapter 324 324:- Power Of Rune Monarch [VI]; End

"Aditya, I also want to come with you." The one who came was none other than the goddess of nature. The goddess's words left, the generals, the Dragonians, and even the Emperor in shock.josei

For a moment the whole place fell into silence. No one spoke a single word. Everyone was looking at Aditya and Riya in silence.

Aditya looked at Riya for a few minutes before sighing.


"Why do you want to come with me?" Aditya asked after failing to guess why the Goddess of Nature suddenly wants to join him.

The goddess's cheeks turned slightly red as she replied. "Because I want to spend time with you."

'Lady Riya is so straightforward.' One of the female Dragonians thought in her mind.

'Maybe I should also become more aggressive like Lady Riya.' Thought another Dragonian.

'Lady Riya is so cool.'

Every Dragonian had a different thought hearing Riya's words.


"Alright. Come here." Aditya just accepted. Since Riya was already here, sending her back was useless. Especially with her strength, Aditya won't have to worry about her safety. In fact, with her help, things might become even easier for them.

After the goddess walked in front of Aditya, the Dragon Monarch did something that surprised everyone. Under everyone's gazes, he patted his lap and signaled Riya to sit there.

Seeing this the goddess was more than happy. As she came in front of Aditya, he made her sit on his lap while leaning her back against his chest. He also wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to his body.

'This is kind of embarrassing but I love it.' Riya thought as she felt her cheeks heating up. Aditya generally refrains from being intimate with his wives in front of others. In fact, this was the first time he was doing something like this in front of the generals and the Dragonians.

Riya sat on his lap and remained quiet like a little girl. Aditya resumed his meeting without showing any emotions. He gave out several orders before everyone was dismissed.

The plan was simple but very effective. The surprise element was the Sapphire barrier.

The 4-star barrier that Aditya learned after becoming a 4-star runemaster. The Barrier was just a simple 4-star defensive barrier. Aditya then added another feature within the barrier. Before the barrier is formed, the four cubes release a mana wave that prevents anyone from using teleportation magic or a teleportation array within the barrier. The name of this barrier is the Sapphire barrier. Unlike normal defensive barriers, the Sapphire barrier can be activated using the four cubes.

The four cubes act as a battery by holding a large amount of Mana within them. When the four cubes ran out of Mana, the cubes can be recharged with Mana from mana stones or Mana provided by cultivators.

The four cubes allow the Istarin Empire to create a protective barrier in any place. Unlike traditional defensive domes that can only protect cities, the Sapphire barrier can be set up in any place or in any region. This gives the Istarin Empire more flexibility and more defensive powers.

After everyone left, it was only Aditya and Riya in the throne hall. "Today, you're oddly romantic." Riya asked with a smile. Aditya is not the type who shows affection in public. It's not that Riya hated it. It was the opposite. The goddess really liked this side of Aditya.

In response, Riya felt his strong and muscular arms tightly holding her waist. He buried his face in his right shoulder. "I always have been romantic. Today I just felt like hugging you. Am I not allowed to do that?" In response, the goddess giggled.

"You're tired, aren't you?" Aditya opened his eyes.

"What made you assume this?" Aditya asked in a soft tone.

Riya held Aditya's arms and replied in a calm and soft tone. "I am not assuming anything. I can feel it. What kind of wife I would be if I can't even feel my Husband's exhaustion?" She didn't realize that her words shocked him.

At this moment only if Riya had seen his shocked face. She continued....."To us, you have been gone for over a month but in reality, while you were stuck in that world, you have been fighting. Even before you went to that world, you were working very hard. I very rarely saw you take a break. Now after coming back, you're back to work once again. First, the Dragon Slayer guild, second the Shadow islands empire, and now this. A day later, you will be facing the Echo Nexus Empire, and a week later, you will go to the Deep Sea Palace to help Laura."

"Even for a cultivator, this is just too much. Sometimes you need to take a break. Right now, you might not feel fatigued. But over time this fatigue will slowly grow into something big. Even cultivators need to give their bodies rest." In a way Riya was right. Aditya did more than fight the Man eater Monster. His visit to the Icy Shattered Ruin had resurfaced some painful memories. He met one of the Origin dragons. He found a sleeping Princess. He even met the sleeping Princess's parents. And all the new information that was given to him. All of these facts did make him a little exhausted.

For a moment Aditya didn't know what to say in response. He was really lucky to have Riya and others by his side. Otherwise, he surely would have fallen a long time ago.

Aditya lifted Riya. He made her turn around facing him. Without saying a single word, he buried his face in her chest. Riya smiled and gently caressed his head.

"I am not tired yet. Right now, I have to do this because I need to ensure my family, my friends, and my people's safety. After dealing with the Echo Nexus Empire and after helping Laura, maybe then I will take things a little easy."

"Please do."

For a few minutes, both remained like this. "You know, this is the first time I am hugging you like this. I like it when you let go of your worries and lean on me."

"Someone is jealous....."

"I can't help it you know."

"When all of this is over, I will take you out somewhere."

Suddenly Riya couldn't help but feel excited. "Where are you going to take me?" The goddess asked like a little child.

"You will just have to wait."

Seeing Aditya being mysterious, Riya gave up. "By the way, this Sapphire barrier that you came up with is really awesome. As far as I know, the Istarin Empire is the only Empire in the whole world that has something like this. The Sapphire barrier can be used in so many ways."

"Thank you for the compliment. There are still many ways for me to improve the Sapphire barrier. For example, I can add Mana gathering arrays on the four cubes. So when the Sapphire barrier is activated, the barrier will gather Mana from the atmosphere. The people who are inside the Sapphire barrier will be able to cultivate much faster. Or I can add an illusion array that would not only hide the barrier itself but also trap anyone who tries to break the barrier in a powerful illusion."

"Hehe! As expected of my husband." The goddess couldn't help but give a kiss on his lips.

"I should return the favor." Saying that he held his cheeks with his palm and started kissing her.


The goddess moaned as his hands went down and squeezed her ass cheeks.



Scene change______

Around 5 hours later,

All the generals had returned to Zion city. The generals also bought some prisoners with them.

"Good job everyone." Aditya smiled looking at the prisoners. Riya was standing behind Aditya. Her cheeks were red. Her breathing was ragged.

'It seems we interrupted them.' Amber thought while observing Riya.

Aditya did not cross the line yet. Both of them played around a little bit before everyone returned.

"Aditya, what's the meaning of this?"

"Why did you suddenly attack our Empires? We didn't harm you in any way."

Among the prisoners, there were two individuals who stood out from the rest because of their unique features.

The first still had a half-broken crown on his head. He was an old man who had white hair and a big white mustache. The old man was 6 feet 4 inches tall. Despite looking old, he had a muscular built body. The name of this old man was Elio.

Aditya coldly looked at Elio and the other Emperor named Gian. "There is no need to pretend, old fox. I already have ended Liam's life. Now it's time for both of you to pay." Hearing Aditya's words, both Elio and Gian's bodies stiffened. Both of them struggled to get away from Aditya. But doing that only earned them two kicks in their stomachs.

"Now, let's talk."


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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