Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 367 367

Chapter 367 367:- Second Battlefield [V]; End

The Emperor summoned a ring of Crimson flame around him and Mila. He then created a second ring of Crimson flame above the first ring. He then made the third ring of Crimson Flame. The ring of Crimson flame was 20 meters in radius.

'What is he trying to do now?' She has long heard that Aditya used Crimson flames. Seeing the Dragon Monarch fight with her own eyes, was very special. Even with her cultivation powers, she had begun to sweat just from being near one of the rings of the Crimson flame.

Aditya went ahead and created the fourth and fifth rings of crimson flame. Each one is bigger than the previous one. Each ring of Crimson Flame was rotating like a wheel at a very fast pace. The rotational speed kept on increasing till the crimson flames started taking the shape of something that looked like a tornado. It was a Crimson flame tornado.

'OH, My God!' Mila covered her mouth in shock. Being inside the crimson flame tornado, she can sense the true power that this tornado had.

Looking at Aditya's face, the dragon Monarch looked completely fine. He was very calm. From this Mila can guess that creating an attack of that caliber is really easy for him.

Gradually the size of the tornado increased as Aditya kept pouring more of his Mana into the Crimson flame. Around 10 seconds later, the whole battlefield had become silent. Everyone had stopped fighting and had their eyes set on the giant tornado that was over 300 feet (91 meters). 'I can't even imagine how much Mana it must have taken to create something so big and powerful.'

'So this is nothing but a fraction of the power that the Dragon Monarch possesses.' The respect that Mila had for Aditya grew. She began to Admire him even more. Looking at his back, her eyes felt attracted to the Dragon Monarch.

Even though she knew that it was wrong to have such feelings and thought for the Dragon Monarch, she just couldn't help it. She was drawn to his strength and power.

Meanwhile, others on the battlefield had a very different kind of reaction.

When the Hephaestus Kingdom's soldiers saw the giant 91 meters tall tornado in the middle of the battlefield, they began to sweat feeling nervous.

'I can't believe we tried to mess with someone who can do this. Thankfully we didn't anger him otherwise, we would have been turned to ash.' Especially Rogers and his lackeys looked really frightened.

Meanwhile, the Istarin Soldiers were feeling of pride seeing this. And as for the Methia Empire soldiers, they were terrified. Their current expressions were worth looking. A few of them directly fainted seeing this. While the rest that did not run away and instead kept fighting with the enemy instantly lost their will and courage to continue this fight.

"Methia Empire soldiers, you all have two options, give up or get turned to ash by my Crimson flame." Aditya's voice was heard all over the battlefield.

Hearing the Dragon Monarch's words, the Methia Empire's soldiers did not even hesitate a second to drop their weapons and kneel on the ground with their hands raised in the air.

Slowly the Crimson Tornado started disappearing as Aditya stopped feeding it mana. If Aditya had released this attack on the battlefield, it would have destroyed everyone, whether it was an ally or enemy no one would have been spared from the destruction of this tornado attack.

This attack was to show the Methia Empire's soldiers what they were up against. Aditya wanted to break their will and courage to continue fighting. And it worked. None of the soldiers had any will to continue fighting.

"Capture everyone" Aditya ordered Henry.

As for the troops that had fled, Aditya had taken care of them with Acid rain. Only a few or dozen have managed to escape. Even if a few thousand were able successfully escaped, it still wouldn't harm Aditya or his interest in any way. He can just kill them in the next battle.

While the Istarin soldiers captured the Methia empire's troops, the Hephaestus Kingdom's soldiers sat down on the ground and took a rest instead of helping. It was the Hephaestus Kingdom's soldiers that suffered the most in this war. Their number had been reduced to only 40,000 even though the battle only went on for less than 15 minutes. Among the 40,000 surviving soldiers, 21,000 of them had been severely injured. They had either lost an arm or leg or sustained serious injuries that had damaged their cultivation or their body to the point where they won't be able to fight anymore. Meaning their lives as a soldier was basically over from this point.

And for the other 19,000, they had suffered some minor or small injuries. But they too will need to take at least two or three days of rest to recover. As for healing them with healing pills or recovery potions, Aditya didn't even think about that option and the current Hephaestus Kingdom did not have enough funds to buy healing pills for every soldier.

'Why should I waste my healing pills and recovery potions on these useless donkeys? It would have been much better if all of them had died. Now they are nothing but dead weight.' Aditya was planning on rebuilding the entire Hephaestus Kingdom. The first step in rebuilding the Kingdom was to eliminate all of these soldiers.

These soldiers have long lost the core foundations that made them a soldier in the first place. They have been corrupted. And in the future when the Kingdom brings new recruits, they too will also be corrupted if these soldiers are allowed to remain in the military.

Why the gangs and criminals would fear the King if his own soldiers don't respect him and follow his orders?

"Now let's talk." Facing Aditya, suddenly Mila started to feel a little nervous. Her heart began to beat loudly as she looked at his face.

"I and my clan would like to serve the Dragon Monarch."

"To what extent are you prepared to serve me?" Aditya asked with an amused smile. He can see that this girl had a crush on him.

"Sorry, I don't understand your question," Mila replied.

"Never mind. I will turn you into a Dragonian later. For now, you can join the Istarin army and fight the Methia Empire." Aditya carefully looked at her expression after saying those words.

Mila seriously nodded her head without showing any hesitation or anything.

"Are you not feeling any hesitation fighting against the Methia Empire which is your homeland and also your birthland? You're going to be fighting against your friends and the people you know." Aditya wanted her to answer honestly.

As expected, Mila looked a little uncomfortable. Before she could reply, Aditya spoke. "Answer Honestly."

Nodding her head and she opened her mouth. "I don't have many friends. And in the military, I only have a few friends. If possible, I would like to try and make them surrender or bring them to this side. But I am sure it won't be easy to change their minds."

"What if your friends try to kill any Istarin soldier? What action will you take?"

Mila bit her lips. Her eyes showed struggle. But a second later, her eyes became firm and determined. "I will kill them if that were to happen." Aditya smiled before leaving Mila alone. The girl needed some time to think. It was certainly no easy to fight a friend.

Around 10 minutes later, Henry came up to Aditya to report.josei

"Your Majesty, we have captured 210,000 enemy soldiers. And after counting the dead bodies on the battlefield, I estimated that around 150,000 had died on the battlefield while the remaining has managed to flee but also has been killed by your attack." The previous attack that he used killed 81,000 soldiers.

"Good job, Henry. Now I want you to remain here till any further order. For now, I am going to focus on taking the Mystic Spring Empire and then we will focus on the Methia Empire." Aditya was planning on going after each enemy empire one by one. He was personally going to attack the Empire and bring it to its knees and take control of it.

The plan is really simple. Go to the enemy Empire, kill the soldiers who want to fight, and capture the soldiers that want to surrender and use them in the next battle. Or somewhere along the lines. As things didn't always go as planned.


"Also, there is a girl named Mila. She is an Ice Lotus Dragon." Henry followed Aditya's sight and found a young girl helping others in cleaning the battlefield. Mila looked lost in her thoughts. Compared to others, she was working very slowly. She looked like she was distracted.

"She and her clan has alleged their loyalty to me. But I don't completely trust her yet. So keep an eye on her while she is here. If she does anything suspicious report it to me immediately."

"Understood your Majesty."

"I will leave everything in your hands. I will head to the next battlefield." Henry nodded and watched as Aditya walked up to Adian.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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