Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 368 368

Chapter 368 368:- Rumors

"Sir Aditya, your strength is really admirable. Without you, winning this battle wouldn't have been easy for us." Adian was respecting Aditya even more after witnessing what he was capable of.

"Sir Adian, I can't spend any more time here. I will head to the other two remaining battlefields and help our side win the battle with the least causalities. Sir Adian, I think it would be best if you and your prime minister head back to the Capital." The current Hephaestus Kingdom was extremely unstable. Who knows, the powerful gangs might try to take over the entire Kingdom in the absence of the King. The Kingdom was full of corruption and traitors. The King cannot trust anyone.

And also, Adian isn't that powerful. He is a mage. He can be easily replaced by another Mage. Aditya felt Adian and his Prime Minister wasn't that useful on the battlefield. He was too passive and soft. He can't even control his own army.

It would be better if Adian returned to the capital. If the King were to die on the battlefield, there would be a throne succession conflict in the Hephaestus Kingdom. Even though Adian had lost all of the powers and authority that a King should have, the throne of the Hephaestus Kingdom was still the dream of many greedy people who wanted to rise in powers. This would create another big mess for Aditya.

Adian thought for a bit and nodded his head. Adian has seen that General Henry was even more capable than him. Henry is more experienced and also very powerful.


"I will send 100 Dragon warriors. You can use them to start cleaning the capital and maintain order." 100 Dragon warriors would be more than clean the capital and bring order to the capital. This would be the first second step towards rebuilding the Hephaestus Kingdom.

"Thank you." Adian thanked Aditya from the bottom of his heart.

"There is no need to thank me. I am a man of my word. I always keep my promise. And I always look out for my allies." Saying these words, Aditya teleported to the third battlefield. In place of Aditya, there was a young female Dragonian, standing there, looking completely lost and confused about how she came here.

Adian smiled before looking at the night sky which now had cleared up. Adian could see that beyond the dark sky, there was a bright blue sky waiting for him and for his people. Adian felt he had made the correct decision.

'Even if the world were to turn its backs on the Istarin Empire, I and my Kingdom will always stand beside you and support your Empire.' Adian swore in this heart.



Scene change_____

At the Capital of the Echo Nexus Empire,

The Capital of the Echo Nexus Empire, Ostrance known as the ⦉The City Above Demigods⦊ currently looked dead. It was as if the Capital of the strongest Empire had lost its glamor and its sparkle. The Ostrance City is home to 8 million people. All kinds of races lived here happily. There was no discrimination against any race.

Being the capital, the emperor made sure that Ostrance City was safe for everyone. The capital was so safe that even if a girl were to walk on the empty streets of the Capital in the middle of the night while wearing expensive jewelry, she doesn't need to fear anyone robbing her or harming her.

In Ostrance, the real power belonged to the Emperor. Lucas was so influential and powerful in the Capital, that he had everyone in his calm. He controlled the lives of the 8 million people who lived in the Capital. The people feared him and respected him. Even if he did controversial or made wrong decisions, no one in the capital would talk badly about him. Whoever talked badly about the Emperor always mysteriously disappeared the very same night and never was found again.

It hasn't been 24 hours since the War started. Contrary to everyone's expectations, every single war declaration was made, it was the Echo Nexus Empire who has been losing. The Emperor chose to give up his favorite Son who was going to become his Successor. Even with the Emperor's powers, he couldn't stop rumors from spreading throughout the entire capital. The rumors spread faster than wildfire. By now almost every citizen was aware of this.

The defeat of the Mystic Spring Empire quickly spread throughout the city. And now, the news of the Methia Empire losing its battle against the Hephaestus Kingdom had become a hot topic within every bar and restaurant throughout the Capital.

"Did you guys hear the news?"

"What news?"

"The Methia Empire has lost to the Hephaestus Kingdom."


"How could Methia Empire's troops lose to the Hephaestus Kingdom?" A retired soldier whose age was 39 years old refused to believe what he was hearing. As a soldier, he has been deployed to the Hephaestus Kingdom. He saw it with his very own eyes. That Kingdom was a horrible place to live. It was full of corruption and criminals. He knew how weak the King was in his own Kingdom. He just couldn't imagine such a weak and internally broken Kingdom defeating one of their powerful allies.

"Big brother Jordan, I am not lying. Small merchants who happened to pass by the area saw how the battle ended. The Methia Empire's army has been led by the fourth prince. The army had one mid-5th-order cultivator and the size of the army was 500,000 million. The Hephaestus Kingdom had a powerful cultivator. That powerful cultivator was so powerful that he was able to bring the entire Methia Empire's troops to its knees. Just with the wave of his hand, he created attacks powerful enough to wipe out the entire army."josei

At that moment, it was not just the old retired soldier named Jordan who was listening to this, but also the other customers who had stopped talking and focused on listening to Axel's words.

After all, everyone knew that Axel isn't the type to lie about something this big. Axel is a person who had connections in every neighboring Empire. His information always has been reliable. 90% of the time, he always has been true.

Just like Axel, many others spread the news. From one mouth to another, the news finally reached everywhere within the city. The most shaken ones were the soldiers of the Echo Nexus Empire. Hearing that the enemy had someone who is capable of wiping out an entire army, they were scared.

Within an hour or two, the news even reached the Emperor's ears.

"Philip, what the hell is happening? Who is leaking such information to the public?" Currently, the Echo Nexus Emperor was in a very bad mood.

A few hours ago, when he heard that the Mystic Spring Empire has been defeated, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. But when he heard that the Istarin Empire's troops along with the Istarin Emperor had joined the battle he was shocked. For a moment, he just couldn't believe the news. After all, he knew how costly it was to teleport 500,000 troops using a teleportation array. But after reading the report sent by the Mystic Spring empire, all of his doubts have been cleared.

Lucas tried to warn the Methia Emperor about this. But it was too late. Aditya somehow managed to arrive and change the tide of the entire battle. He, along with his 500,000 troops, destroyed the Methia Empire. The Methia Emperor even lost his 4th son.

"My apologies. I have tried to find who is spreading such news but I still haven't been able to find the source. And given the huge population of Ostrance city, it is nearly impossible to find who had spread this news." This was a problem that the Emperor has never faced before. This problem was giving him a headache.

"I don't want to hear the word Impossible. Deal with this situation as soon as possible." Philip could only awkwardly nod his head hearing the Emperor's stern voice.

"There is another thing that I would to tell you," Philip said in a timid tone. Almost as if he is scared of the Emperor's reaction after hearing his words.

"What is it?"

"Earlier, I got words from that organization. The organization has blacklisted the Echo Nexus Empire. From now on, the organization won't accept any bounty from us." Hearing this Lucas showed a surprised look. Seeing that Lucas hasn't gotten angry at him, Philip secretly sighed in relief and thanked his luck.

"But why?" Lucas frowned and asked.

Philip's face became ugly as he said the three words. "The Istarin Emperor."

"Aditya.....?" Lucas still looked confused. Lucas hoped to eliminate Aditya. If the mission was successful, then winning this war would become 100% easier for them.

"I am not sure either. We even offered to pay them a huge sum of money but they still refused to accept this bounty." The organization is known to do anything for money. Everything had a price. The organization will do anything for money and it was how they always have worked. If Aditya paid enough money for Lucas's head, then the organization will end Lucas's kill. Even if Lucas surrounds himself with 10 5th-order cultivators, he still won't be able to save his life from the organization. This made the organization super dangerous.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

Guys I have exams from tomorrow. So for the next two weeks, my updates will be a little slow. I will still try my best to find time and upload 2 chapters per day. If not I will go with one chapter.

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