Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 485 485

Chapter 485 485:- Inside The Starlight Mansion [III]

Right now, Aditya found himself ensnared in a most difficult and alluring predicament. On one hand, there was Lilith, the mother of his future wife, Sasha. But she was no ordinary mother; she was a former Succubus Empress, a creature of pure temptation and seduction. Her presence was a whirlpool of desire, pulling him inexorably closer to the edge of the forbidden.

Lilith was the very definition of seduction, an embodiment of everything sexy, hot, tempting, and divinely provocative. Her body was a masterful work of art, sculpted to perfection, every curve and angle designed to ensnare a man's mind and ignite his deepest desires. Her Aura, rich with maturity and sensual knowledge, radiated around her, wrapping him in a cocoon of wanton longing that was nearly impossible to resist.

On the other hand, there was Sasha, his future wife, the woman he had promised to cherish and love. Sasha was his anchor, his moral compass, the voice of reason that whispered in his ear, urging him to resist, to stay true to his vows, to not succumb to the temptations that Lilith was so skillfully weaving around him.

But oh, how he wanted to give in! The devil on his left shoulder, fueled by his most primal instincts, was urging him to push Lilith down and ravage her, to claim her in a way that would make her surrender completely to him.

His mind was a battlefield, torn between lust and love, desire and duty. His body was betraying him, reacting to Lilith's proximity with a fervor that was becoming increasingly difficult to control.

He could feel her eyes on him, those piercing, knowing eyes that seemed to see straight into his soul, unmasking his deepest desires. Her smile was playful, confident, a smirk that told him she knew exactly what he was thinking, exactly what he wanted to do.

Her voice was like honey, dripping with promise and suggestion as she leaned closer, her breath warm against his ear, her words a caress that sent shivers down his spine.

"What's the matter, Aditya?" she purred, her tone teasing. "Don't you want to have a little fun with me? Don't you want to know what it's like to be with a woman who knows exactly how to please a man?"

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm Her hand reached out, brushing against his thigh, her touch a spark that ignited a fire within him. Her fingers danced upward, coming dangerously close to the part of him that was betraying his inner turmoil.

He could see her lips, red and full, parting slightly as she continued to taunt him, her tongue darting out to moisten them, a gesture that was both innocent and incredibly provocative.

He gritted his teeth, clenching his fists, trying desperately to ignore her, to shut out the sound of her voice, the scent of her skin, the heat of her body. But it was an impossible task, a battle he was losing with every passing second.

He could feel himself slipping, his resolve crumbling, the line between right and wrong, love and lust, blurring into a haze of need and desire.

And all the while, Lilith watched him, her eyes sparkling with mischief and triumph, knowing that she had him exactly where she wanted him, on the precipice of surrender, teetering between restraint and release.

She was playing a dangerous game, a game that could have serious consequences. But she didn't care. She was a Succubus Empress, a master of temptation and seduction, and she was enjoying every moment of this delicious dance with Aditya, knowing that she held all the cards, all the power.

And Aditya, caught in her web, trapped by her allure, knew that he was playing with fire, dancing on the edge of a cliff, teetering between control and chaos.

And he knew that one false step, one moment of weakness, could send him tumbling into the abyss, a fall that could cost him everything he held dear.

But oh, how sweet that fall would be! How intoxicating, how exhilarating! The temptation was becoming too much to bear, the desire too strong to resist.

And he knew, with a growing sense of dread and anticipation, that he was losing the battle, that Lilith was winning the war, and that he was on the verge of surrendering to the delicious, dangerous temptation that she represented.

The room was thick with tension, charged with a palpable energy that crackled and sparked between them. The air was heavy with lust and longing, desire and danger.

And all the while, Lilith's smile widened, her eyes twinkled, and she continued to draw him in, her body and words weaving a web of temptation that was becoming increasingly difficult to escape.

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"I am back, Mom."

Aditya's heart leaped at the sound of Sasha's voice, relief flooding through him like a torrent. It was as if he had been ensnared in a dark, alluring cave with a succubus lurking in the shadows, her enchanting eyes and beguiling body poised to devour him. Just when he thought he was lost, a beam of light in the form of Sasha's presence appeared, providing a path to salvation.

Aditya attempted to extricate himself from Lilith's intoxicating embrace. But Lilith was far from ready to release her prey. Her smile turned even more mischievous, her eyes glinting with devilish delight as she tightened her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, pressing her body against his with a boldness that left him breathless.

The scent of her perfume enveloped him, the warmth of her skin seared through his clothes, and her soft, full lips were tantalizingly close to his ear. Her breath tickled his skin, and her whisper was a silken caress that sent shivers down his spine.

"Where are you going, Aditya?" she purred, her voice dripping with playful seduction. "Don't you want to stay and play with me a little longer?"

Her words were like a siren's song, tempting him, teasing him, and he found himself entrapped once again by her allure. The more he struggled, the tighter she held him, her body molding to his, every curve and angle fitting perfectly, leaving no room for escape.

Her laughter was like tinkling bells, light and melodic, yet filled with a knowing mischief that sent a jolt of desire through him. Her fingers danced along his collarbone, her touch a gentle fire that ignited his senses, leaving him aching for more.

He could feel her smile against his neck, her lips brushing his skin with a feather-light touch that was both promise and torment. Her tongue darted out, tasting him, a fleeting connection that left him gasping, his body betraying him once again.

Meanwhile, Sasha's footsteps grew closer, her presence a reminder of reality, of duty and responsibility. And yet, Lilith seemed unfazed, her actions growing bolder, more provocative, as if she relished the danger, the thrill of being caught.

When Sasha finally entered the living room, her eyes widened at the sight that greeted her. Her mother, Lilith, wrapped around Aditya, her body pressed against his, her lips dangerously close to his skin, her eyes filled with a daring challenge.

"Welcome back, Sasha," Lilith giggled, her voice laced with amusement. "Look, Aditya is here. Isn't he just delightful?"

Her words were a blatant taunt, her actions a clear provocation. And yet, Sasha's reaction was deadpan, her face a mask of neutrality that betrayed nothing of what she might be thinking or feeling.

Sasha did not even glance at Aditya. She approached them from the back of the couch. She then chopped her mother on the head with her palm.

Lilith instantly let go of Aditya. "Ouch!! My cute daughter, why did you do that to your mommy? That hurts, you know." Lilith pretended to cry. She even had fake crocodile tears on her eyes.

Meanwhile, seeing Sasha not even looking at him, he knew that his little kitten was angry for not coming to see her in two and half months time. Her angry towards him must have been further increased when she found out that he was on a date with Riya yesterday. 'It looks like I have to calm down the angry kitten.' Aditya thought in his mind with a helpless smile.

"I am going to my room to change."Sasha's voice was flat and emotionless as she announced her departure, her body stiff and her movements precise. She wore an all-black outfit, her lower face concealed with a dark cloth, a uniform that screamed danger and purpose. Her very presence was a contradiction, a blend of grace and power, femininity and strength.

Lilith already knew that Sasha was little bit mad at Aditya. She did not even look at him ever since she returned home. Seeing Sasha heading to the second floor, Lilith gave Aditya a nodding look and signalled him to follow her.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

Bonus Chapter [III]

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