Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 486 486

Chapter 486 486:- Inside The Starlight Mansion [IV]

With a look of annoyance, Sasha opened the door to her bedroom, her movements revealing her displeasure. She stepped into the room, her eyes briefly scanning the surroundings as if seeking comfort in the familiar space. But before she could close the door, Aditya followed her inside, his presence uninvited but determined.

Seeing Aditya, Sasha's frown deepened, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. "What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice edged with irritation.josei

"Little Kitten, I came here to talk," Aditya replied, his voice gentle but firm. He took a moment to look around Sasha's room, finding himself unexpectedly captivated by its design.

Contrary to what he had anticipated, Sasha's room was far from the chaotic, weapon-filled den of an assassin. Instead, it was designed like a traditional Japanese room, exuding an air of tranquility and simplicity. The floors were covered with tatami mats, their texture inviting and warm. The walls were adorned with delicate paper screens, their design intricate and beautiful. Sliding doors separated the spaces, their lines clean and uncluttered.

Furniture was sparse, with only the essentials present. A low wooden table stood in the center of the room, surrounded by cushions for seating. A futon was neatly folded in one corner, waiting to be used. Everything was arranged with careful precision, each item placed with thought and purpose.

On the other side of the room, there was a small window that offered a stunning view of the sea. The sound of the waves could be faintly heard, a soothing backdrop to the room's quiet elegance. Next to the window, a small pile of books lay on the floor, their covers worn and pages well-thumbed. They were a surprising addition to the room's decor, hinting at a hidden depth to Sasha's character, a love for literature that contradicted her deadly profession.

"You can wait outside then......." Sasha's voice interrupted Aditya's observations, her tone impatient. But before she could say anything more, she felt a hand pulling her, a sudden force that sent her tumbling to the floor.

The world spun for a moment, and then she found herself on the floor, Aditya beneath her, his eyes wide with surprise. The impact jarred her, but the shock of the fall was quickly replaced by a different kind of awareness, a realization of their positions, and of their closeness.

Sasha's eyes narrowed as she took in their current position, her body atop Aditya's, their faces mere inches apart. Her voice was cold, her expression steely as she demanded, "What are you doing?" The stern tone of her question was a clear signal of her displeasure.

"Little Kitty, I am sorry," Aditya replied, his voice tinged with genuine regret. His eyes met hers, filled with sincerity and a touch of longing. The surprise in his apology caught Sasha off guard, causing her rigid expression to soften slightly. But she was not so easily swayed.

"Hmph! Apologies won't get you anywhere," she retorted, turning her face away, her eyes glistening with a mix of anger and hurt.

Aditya's gaze lingered on her profile, taking in the delicate curve of her cheek, the proud set of her jaw, the vulnerability hidden behind her defiance. "I know," he admitted, his voice soft but firm. "To be honest, these two and a half months I have been so busy that I couldn't find time to come here and visit you. Just yesterday, I had a holiday and I went out with Julia, Lara, Riya, and Alicia; each of them getting 3 hours allotted private time with me."

"Hmph! Then why are you here? Stay with them," she snapped, her voice filled with bitterness. She began to struggle, attempting to free herself from his grasp, her movements desperate but futile.

Aditya's hands were firm but gentle as they held her waist, refusing to let her go. "Because you're also very important. So that's why I am going to spend the whole day with you," he declared, his voice filled with determination and warmth.

With those words, he raised his head and captured her lips in a kiss. It was a brief connection, a mere brush of their mouths, but it was enough to send a jolt of electricity through Sasha's body. She blinked, her eyes wide with shock, her mind reeling from the intensity of the sensation.

The world seemed to stop for a moment, the room fading away as they lost themselves in each other. The soft rustle of the paper screens, the distant murmur of the sea, the whisper of the wind - all were forgotten in the background.

Sasha's body had relaxed, her tension dissipating as Aditya's sincerity penetrated her walls. The softness in her eyes was a clear indication that she was willing to let him in again. The room, adorned with traditional Japanese simplicity, felt warmer now, filled with a sense of intimacy and understanding.

"I wrote you letters very often. Did you receive those letters?" Aditya asked, his voice gentle, filled with the concern and love that had been conveyed in those handwritten words. Despite the overwhelming duties that consumed him as the Emperor of the Vast Istarin Empire, he had found time to pour his thoughts and feelings onto paper, sending them to her like a series of delicate bridges connecting their hearts.

"I got them," Sasha replied, her voice soft but tinged with lingering resentment. She had treasured those letters, reading and rereading them, feeling the touch of his hand in every stroke of the pen. Of course, she wasn't going to say these to him. For her that would be very embarrassing. But she had not written back, her anger and hurt preventing her from responding. It was a silent protest, a way to make him feel the distance that had grown between them.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

Aditya's eyes searched her face, seeking understanding, probing the depths of her emotions. "You know this problem can be easily solved if you and your mother come with me to the Dragon Palace," he suggested, the hope in his voice unmistakable. The idea of having Sasha, Julia, Riya, Lara, and Alicia together, living with him even though they were not his official wives yet, was tantalizing. He wanted to bridge the physical distance that separated them, to have them close, where he could protect and cherish them.

The question seemed to catch Sasha off guard. She looked away, her eyes focusing on the window where the sea was visible, its waves reflecting her uncertainty. The pile of books lying on the floor by the window seemed to mirror her thoughts, a collection of unspoken words and emotions. Her voice was hesitant as she answered, her lack of confidence evident in every word. "I don't think others will accept me."

ραndαsΝοvεl ƈοm Aditya's arms wrapped around Sasha's slender frame, holding her as if he could shield her from the world's judgments and fears. Her body fit perfectly against his, and he could feel the tension in her, the worry that gnawed at her very core. He knew why she was feeling this way, the underlying reason for her insecurity.

"Sasha, no one in the Dragon Palace is going to judge you," he whispered, his voice soft yet firm, resonating with the conviction he felt. Her current profession, being the number one Assassin in the entire world, weighed heavily on her. The burden of her occupation, the label of a killer, was like a shadow that followed her, darkening her thoughts and shaping her fears. Sasha was worried that her unique skills and the life she had chosen would alienate her from others, create a barrier that would make acceptance impossible.

But Aditya knew better. He knew the hearts and minds of those who dwelled in the Dragon Palace. He knew their capacity for understanding, compassion, and acceptance. He knew that they would see beyond her profession, beyond the killer's facade, and recognize the incredible woman beneath.

"Others will be more than happy to accept you in the family. Everyone will accept you and your mother as a part of the family," he reassured her, his words gentle yet unwavering, like a soothing balm for her troubled soul.

He could feel her relax slightly, her body yielding to his embrace as she laid her head on his chest, seeking comfort and security in the steady beat of his heart.

"I will think about it," Sasha finally murmured, her voice low and filled with uncertainty. But Aditya heard something else in her words, a glimmer of hope, a crack in the wall she had built around herself. He knew that she was avoiding the topic for now, but he also knew that she was willing to consider his words, to ponder the possibility of a life where she could be accepted and loved without judgment.

A gentle silence had enveloped the room as Aditya and Sasha simply enjoyed each other's presence, the sound of the waves adding a soothing melody to their shared moment.

However, the tranquility was broken when Sasha raised her head, her eyes locking with Aditya's as she voiced a concern that had been troubling her. "Recently I have heard that a few Elders, including Riya's own Aunt in the Celestial Terrain, are mad at you for officially declaring Riya to be your 3rd fiance." Her words were laced with concern, her eyes reflecting a hint of worry.

Aditya's heart skipped a beat as he processed her words. Around three months back, he had held a Grand Gathering of all the nobles of his Empire, proudly introducing Riya as his 3rd fiance. In his heart, he had felt nothing wrong with his declaration; he loved Riya, and she loved him. But the ripple effects of his decision had reached the ears of the Elders of the Celestial Terrain.

He could see the gravity of the situation in Sasha's eyes. The Elders were not just displeased; they were furious. And their anger wasn't just a distant threat; it was a looming storm that could escalate into something much more serious. "You're going to face another troubling issue once you head to the Celestial Terrain. I heard if not for Riya's mother holding back the Elders, the Elders would have sent the Celestial Terrain's army to take Riya back even if it meant by force," Sasha continued, her voice heavy with the weight of her words. If the Celestial Terrain's army were to come to take Riya by force, then it would surely mean that a war between both sides are going to be waged. He felt grateful towards Riya's mother for suppressing the elders. But her actions also showed that she was somewhat alright with the engagement otherwise why she would stop the elders. Or Maybe Aditya was just thinking too much into it and Riya's mother could have other motivation behind this.

Aditya's mind raced as he realized how serious the situation had become. He understood that his well-intentioned declaration had unwittingly created a complex political quandary. At that time, he should have taught more about this actions. But at that time, Aditya's mind was filled with so many other matters.

He sighed heavily, feeling the burden of his mistake. "At that time, I introduced Riya to be my 3rd fiance because in my heart, I already saw her as my 3rd fiance, and Riya also loved me. Neither of us had any problem with it. But now it seems doing that was a mistake from my part. I should have visited Riya's mother at least once." His voice was filled with regret, the realization that he had inadvertently stepped into a hornet's nest weighing heavily on him.

Aditya could feel a headache building, a gnawing sense of concern that he had to deal with this delicate situation with the utmost care. Sasha's revelation made it clear that this was not a matter he could ignore or take lightly. He had to address it, to find a way to appease the Elders and honor Riya's family without compromising his and Riya's love.


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