Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 499 499

Chapter 499 499:- Exchanging Gifts [III]

Carefully placing the 'Eclipse Blade of Shadows' inside his sword ring, Aditya's gaze shifted to Alicia. A warm smile spread across his face as he addressed her, "Princess, this is for you." His voice held a hint of excitement as he reached into his pocket, producing a small, exquisitely wrapped package.

Alicia's eyes widened in surprise, her curiosity piqued. Aditya's gifts were always something special, crafted with care and attention to detail. This particular gift had been in the making for a few months, a project Aditya had embarked on in his spare time. Instead of giving it to Alicia earlier, he had decided to refine it further, perfecting it to his satisfaction.

Aditya's prowess as a 4-star runemaster was well-known, but he never rested on his laurels. Always pushing his skills to new heights, he continually sought to create innovative rune spells to benefit both himself and those close to him. His mythical class, The Rune Monarch, further augmented his abilities, increasing his learning and comprehension speed. While he was undoubtedly one of the world's foremost experts in rune mastery, Aditya never proclaimed himself the best, maintaining a humble attitude.

A soft request broke Alicia's reverie, "Turn around first," Aditya instructed, his voice gentle but firm. With a mixture of anticipation and trust, Alicia complied, feeling Aditya's fingers deftly fasten a delicate pendant around her neck.

As the pendant settled against her skin, Alicia sensed its unique properties, a blend of energy and elegance that resonated with her very soul. Her voice trembled with awe as she asked, "What is this?"

Aditya's reply was filled with pride and affection, "This is the 'Twilight Embrace.' It's a Peak 4-star artifact and probably one of the best artifacts I have ever crafted to this date." His eyes sparkled with accomplishment, for he had poured his heart and soul into creating this beautiful piece specifically for Alicia.

Alicia's hands reached up to touch the pendant, her fingers tracing its intricate design. Its beauty was breathtaking.

『Name - Twilight Embrace』

『Rank - Peak 4-star Pendant (☆☆☆☆)』

ραΠdαsΝοvel.cοm 『Description - The Twilight Embrace

History - In the Empire of Eldoria, there exists a legendary pendant known as the Twilight Embrace. This exquisite artifact was crafted centuries ago by the renowned elven artisan, Elysia Starweaver, who was renowned for her mastery of enchantments and intricate jewelry.

The pendant was originally created as a symbol of harmony and balance, representing the delicate equilibrium between light and darkness in the world. Elysia poured her heart and soul into the pendant, infusing it with the essence of twilight itself, a shimmering blend of dusk and dawn.

For many years, the Twilight Embrace remained a cherished heirloom, passed down through generations of the Starweaver family. It became a symbol of wisdom, protection, and unity among the elven people. Stories were told of its ability to enhance one's magical abilities and provide guidance in times of uncertainty.

However, as time wore on, a great conflict erupted in Eldoria, plunging the land into chaos. During the chaos, the Twilight Embrace was caught in the crossfire of a fierce battle between rival factions. The pendant suffered severe damage, its delicate enchantments shattered and its once-glowing gemstone cracked.

Though the exact age of the Twilight Embrace is uncertain, it is believed to be over a thousand years old, with the damage inflicted upon it occurring several centuries ago. The pendant now carries the scars of its past, a testament to the trials and tribulations faced by the elven people.

Despite its damaged state, the Twilight Embrace still retains a glimmer of its former power. Legends whisper that those who carry the pendant can still tap into its residual magic, though its abilities are diminished compared to its original form.

Today, the Twilight Embrace is a relic of history, a symbol of resilience and the enduring spirit of the elven lineage. It is carefully preserved within the Starweaver family vault, a reminder of the sacrifices made and the strength found in the face of adversity. The elven elders ensure that the pendant's story is passed down, keeping alive the memory of Elysia Starweaver and the legacy of the Twilight Embrace for generations to come.

Through ingenious enchantments, the Twilight Embrace has been endowed with new faculties and its abilities have been modified.

The Twilight Embrace pendant is specifically attuned to its proprietor; once acknowledged, no individual other than the chosen bearer can avail of its functions or don the pendant, as it customizes its size to conform to the finger of the rightful owner. Should anyone attempt to wear the pendant forcibly, its functions will cease, and it may fracture if a 5th-order cultivator endeavors to exploit the Twilight Embrace's attributes.』

『Function 1 - «Emberstorm» - Emberstorm is an enchantment that harnesses the elemental power of fire to create a swirling vortex of fiery embers. When activated, the enchantment forms a visible aura of dancing flames around the wielder or the object it is imbued upon. Emberstorm is a captivating enchantment that combines both offensive and defensive aspects, harnessing the fierce power of fire to create a mesmerizing display of swirling embers. It grants the wielder a versatile tool for combat, as well as a deterrent against adversaries who would dare to approach the blazing inferno it creates.josei

- ⸢Offensive Capabilities⸣: Emberstorm provides potent offensive capabilities. The swirling embers can be launched as projectiles toward enemies, striking them with searing heat and causing burn damage upon impact. The intensity and velocity of the projectiles can be controlled by the wielder, allowing for precise and targeted attacks.

- ⸢Defensive Shield⸣: The swirling vortex of embers also functions as a defensive shield, providing protection against incoming attacks. The flames act as a barrier, deflecting or neutralizing projectiles, and absorbing the energy of magical spells or elemental attacks. It offers a temporary layer of defense, buying the wielder time to plan their next move.

- ⸢Area Denial⸣: The Emberstorm enchantment creates a danger zone around the wielder, making it difficult for enemies to approach. The intense heat emitted by the swirling embers acts as a deterrent, forcing foes to keep their distance. Stepping into the range of the Emberstorm can result in immediate burns or ignite flammable objects in the vicinity.

- ⸢Duration and Activation⸣: The Emberstorm enchantment typically has a limited duration, as it requires a significant amount of Mana to sustain the swirling vortex of embers. It can be activated by a command word, gesture, or a specific trigger.

- ⸢Enhanced Fire Manipulation⸣: Emberstorm grants the wielder increased control over fire-related abilities. It amplifies existing fire-based spells or allows the wielder to manipulate flames with greater precision and finesse. This additional fire manipulation can further enhance the offensive and defensive capabilities of the wielder.』

『Function 2 - «Essence Reservoir» - The Twilight Embrace harbors the capacity to reserve Mana, possessing a storage potential of approximately [650+]. When its other functionalities are inactive, the pendant gradually extracts Mana from the ambience and surroundings, conserving it for the owner's utilization.』

『Function 3 - «Agility Boost» - Adornment of the Twilight Embrace augments the wearer's agility by a magnitude of [350+], consistently.』

『Function 4 - «Molten Armor» - The Twilight Embrace constructs a protective encasement of ephemeral molten armor in a solid state around the bearer, diminishing the impact of both physical and magical incursions. Upon activation of Molten Armor, it expends [10+] per second to maintain the molten shield. This armor is robust enough to thwart the offenses of a Peak 4th-order cultivator. Utilizing the entirety of the stored Mana, the wearer can fashion molten armor sturdy enough to endure a solitary assault from a beginner 5th-order cultivator. However, subsequent to this usage, the Molten Armor function enters a cooldown phase lasting 72 hours.』

Alicia's eyes widened, her mouth falling open in pure disbelief as she read the description of the Twilight Embrace. She looked back and forth between Aditya and the paper, struggling to grasp the reality that such an extraordinary artifact could even exist in their world. The functions detailed were beyond anything she could have imagined, putting this 4-star pendant on a level that seemed to rival some beginner 5-star artifacts.

"Wow, Aditya, this is amazing!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with awe. "I can't believe you created something so powerful. How did you even do it?"

Aditya's face broke into a proud smile as he began to explain, "Originally, I wanted to add even more functions, but I reached the limit of what I could do as a 4-star rune master. The space on the pendant just ran out, and I couldn't draw any more rune spells. It's like trying to write a really long equation on a small piece of paper; there's only so much room."

He paused, searching for the right words to make it simpler for Alicia to understand. "Think of it like learning advanced math formulas," he continued. "Each of these rune formulas were created to take up less space. Instead of writing out the entire spell, If I write the formula on the artifact, It saves room and lets me put more complex runes on small objects. However, with my current level, I am unable to do it. It will take practice and lots of dedication."

Alicia nodded slowly, absorbing his words. The world of runes was vast and complex, and she knew that Aditya had only scratched the surface of what was possible.

"But even turning those long runic spells into formulas is extremely difficult," Aditya added, his voice tinged with a mix of excitement and frustration. "To be a 5-star rune master, I'll need to do that and much more. It's like a thousand times harder. Becoming a 5-star rune master isn't just about shortening spells. It's an entirely new level of understanding and skill."

Alicia's eyes sparkled with joy as she handed Aditya a finely crafted envelope, her smile revealing her excitement. "I have obtained something truly amazing for you," she declared, her voice filled with happiness.

Aditya, intrigued by the unexpected gift, carefully took the envelope and looked at Alicia. "What might this be?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Just read it," Alicia replied, her smile widening as she anticipated his reaction.

Aditya slowly opened the envelope and pulled out an ornate piece of parchment, inscribed with elegant handwriting. He began to read aloud:

『Royal Edict of the Ethereal Empire!』

『Be it known to all and sundry that the ownership of the Province of Tempest's Tear, situated at the furthest reaches of the Western borders of our esteemed Ethereal Empire, is hereby granted in perpetuity to the sovereign lands of the Istarin Empire. The Istarin Empire shall henceforth have complete and unfettered authority to govern the Province of Tempest's Tear as a territory within its dominion. No levies, tariffs, or impositions of any kind shall be charged upon the lands or the peoples of the Tempest's Tear province. This decree shall stand unbroken and inviolate, executed with the full weight and authority of the Ethereal Empire.』

Aditya's eyes widened as he read the words, and he raised an eyebrow, his face reflecting a mix of surprise and awe. It seemed that Alicia's father, the Emperor of the Ethereal Empire, had chosen to bestow the Tempest's Tear Province upon Aditya, the ruling Emperor of the Istarin Empire, as a gift for his birthday.

Aditya's face lit up with a genuine smile as he digested the magnitude of the gift. "Please thank your father for me," he said to Alicia, his voice warm with gratitude. "This is an incredible present, and I like it very much."

A deeper understanding crossed his eyes as he considered the motive behind Ronnie's, the Emperor of the Ethereal Empire, choice of this specific province. Of all the lands within the Ethereal Empire, Ronnie had chosen to give him this Province, strategically situated at the Western borders.

The Ethereal Empire was nestled among several large and powerful neighboring Empires, and relations with them had been tense lately. Particularly since an invasion from aggressive mutant fire ants, attitudes toward the Ethereal Empire had soured. Envy had festered in the hearts of these surrounding Empires, jealousy of the Ethereal Empire's prosperity and success.

Ronnie had taken measures to keep these envious neighbors at bay, but the threat of possible attacks always loomed. This gift, Aditya realized, was not just a mere present. It was a brilliantly devised move in the complex game of politics.

By bestowing a province on the Western borders to the Istarin Empire, Ronnie was strategically placing a powerful ally at a critical point. The Istarin Empire would now have an official presence on the Westnia continent, and this fact would not be lost on the neighboring Empires.

Aditya could see the wisdom in this move. If these envious Empires ever considered attacking the Ethereal Empire, they would now have to think twice. With the Istarin Empire officially in place at the Western borders, it would be ready to deploy troops to aid the Ethereal Empire if need be. The mere presence of the Istarin Empire would act as a deterrent, keeping these aggressive neighbors at a respectful distance.

Everyone was well aware of the deep connection between the Ethereal Empire and the Istarin Empire. Alicia, the Ethereal Empire's princess, was officially engaged to Emperor Aditya. This engagement had already bound the two Empires in a close alliance, and now, with this gift, the ties were even stronger.

"This was a gift from my father," Alicia began, her voice trailing off mysteriously as she reached into her storage ring. "But this is a gift from me." Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she pulled out a set of clothes. It was a black suit, and even at a first glance, Aditya could tell that it was made from very special materials.

The suit seemed to capture the essence of elegance and sophistication, its fabric glistening with a unique sheen. It looked delicate and exquisitely crafted, the work of a master tailor.

"This black suit is custom made from Gossamer Silk," Alicia explained, her voice filled with pride. She paused for a moment, allowing Aditya to take in the full beauty of the garment.

Delicate and translucent, Gossamer Silk is incredibly light and airy. It's a luxurious material often used for ethereal clothing and elegant accessories. Craftsmen also use it for beautiful decorative items like dreamcatchers, and it has a reputation for being one of the most exquisite and the most expensive textiles in the world.

Aditya's eyes widened as he touched the fabric, feeling the smooth and almost weightless texture between his fingers. "Thank you for such a gift," he said, his voice tinged with genuine appreciation. "I really like it."

He couldn't help but try on the blazer, and as he wore it, he was amazed at how perfectly it fit him. It was as if the suit had been created specifically for his body, molding to his form with grace and elegance. The feeling of the Gossamer Silk against his skin was like a gentle caress, soft and luxurious.

Alicia's smile broadened as she watched Aditya admire himself in the suit. She had put a lot of thought into this gift, wanting to give him something that would not only look beautiful but feel special as well. The suit was a symbol of her affection, and she knew she had chosen well.

Aditya's eyes twinkled with affection as he handed Julia, his first fiancée, a stunning bracelet. It was a Peak 4-star artifact, crafted with precision, and it gleamed with an otherworldly charm. Similar to the pendant he'd previously given her, this bracelet was more than just a piece of jewelry; it was a magical item imbued with special properties.

The bracelet's capacity to hold more than [650+] of mana within it was remarkable. Designed to increase her agility, it was specially tailored for Julia's needs as an alchemist. The supportive functions of the bracelet were meant to aid her in her craft, providing her with additional resources and flexibility. This bracelet can also store items in it.

Julia's eyes widened as she examined the beautiful artifact, and her heart swelled with gratitude. In return, she presented Aditya with a pair of black gloves that she had lovingly made with her own hands. The gloves were simple, yet the personal touch made them incredibly meaningful.

Aditya was truly touched by the sentiment behind this gift. He carefully wore the gloves. He looked at her and nodded his head, his face glowing with a happy smile. Julia smile in response. She was really happy that he liked her gift. Originally she couldn't decide what to give Aditya. He had everything. Being the Emperor of the Istarin Empire, there wasn't a thing that he lacked. So she decided to make something for him with her own hand.I think you should take a look at

Next, it was Riya's turn. Aditya's third fiancée watched as he revealed a pair of dark emerald earrings, sparkling with enchanting runes. These weren't ordinary earrings; they were magical artifacts, each capable of storing more than 400 units of mana. Together, they had a total storage capacity of over 800 units.

Since Riya's powers were connected to nature, Aditya had carefully selected runic spells to enhance her defense and agility. He had thoughtfully crafted the earrings to resonate with her natural abilities, making them the perfect accessory for her.

Riya's face lit up as she admired the stunning earrings, feeling a deep appreciation for Aditya's consideration. In return, she handed him a bunch of 5-star magic fruits. These weren't ordinary fruits but magical ones that could instantly recover mana when consumed. Riya had spent a great deal of time creating these magical fruits using her powers. Though she never told him, but just making one fruit consumed all of her Mana multiple times. Also, she couldn't just grow magic fruits out of thin air even if she is the goddess of nature. She had to sent someone to find magic fruit plants in the wild. In the end, her servants found a small tree that was still in its baby stages. Using her power to manipulate plants, she accelerated the growth the plant and then she had to pour a huge amount of her mana to force the magic plant to make magic fruits. Normally, it would take several centuries for a such tree to grow a ripe magic fruit.

Aditya's eyes sparkled as he looked at the unique fruits, understanding the effort and care that had gone into making them. He was truly grateful and delighted to have such wonderful gifts from someone he loved so deeply.

Next Lara, Julia had awakened Lara a little while ago.

Lara's heart was pounding in her chest, her small and soft hands fumbling nervously with the small, wrapped package she held. Watching the others exchange such extraordinary gifts with Aditya had left her feeling uncertain and overwhelmed. Her eyes flickered between her big sisters, each of them having presented something unique and valuable to Aditya.

Big sister Alicia's gift was a rare treasure, something she could never hope to match. Big sister Julia had crafted something with her own hands, imbuing it with love and personal touch. Big sister Riya had used her incredible powers to create a gift that was both beautiful and functional.

And then there was Lara, standing there with a simple handmade item, feeling a pang of inadequacy. She wasn't skilled in crafting gloves or sweaters like Julia, and she didn't have any special powers like Riya nor she was ridiculously rich enough to buy something really expensive like big sister Alicia has done. Her heart ached with uncertainty, fearing that her gift would be a disappointment.

Her maid and her big sisters had encouraged her, telling her that it was the thought that counted. They had convinced her to create something herself, assuring her that Aditya would appreciate her effort. But now, as the moment approached, doubt gnawed at her heart.

Aditya, meanwhile, seemed oblivious to her inner turmoil. He had just finished putting a pendant around her neck, his fingers deft and gentle. His eyes met hers, serious and intense, as he spoke, "Make sure to wear this all of the times."

Lara's eyes widened at his words, absorbing the meaning behind the beautiful pendant. It was more than just a piece of jewelry; it was a protective artifact, imbued with powerful magic.

"This artifact will protect you even from Peak 4th-order cultivator's attacks and has the capacity to block three powerful attacks from Beginner 5th-order cultivators. Also, this artifact lets me know your location. So if you're in danger, I can instantly know your location and come to save you," Aditya explained, his voice firm and reassuring. He had made this artifact with defensive runic spells. Even if Lara wasn't a cultivator, using the magic storage function, the artifact will have enough mana supply to use other functions and protect Lara.

Lara's heart swelled with emotion, understanding the thoughtfulness and care that had gone into selecting this particular gift. Unlike her big sisters, Lara was just a normal Vampire. She wasn't a cultivator, and she didn't have the power to defend herself. Aditya's choice of gift was a manifestation of his concern for her safety, a token of his desire to protect her at all costs.

Aditya's eyes sparkled with a childlike excitement as he looked at Lara, his smile warm and genuine. "So do you have anything for me?" he asked, his voice filled with anticipation. The look on his face was so open, so sincere, that even a simple stick would have filled him with immense joy.

Lara's heart ached at his question, her insecurity and doubt suddenly magnified. She couldn't bring herself to meet his penetrating blue eyes, those eyes that seemed to see straight into her soul. Instead, she lowered her gaze, biting her lip nervously, feeling a surge of shame and uncertainty.

"Lara...doesn't have anything....." she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. Her hands clutched the small, wrapped gift she had hidden behind her back, her fingers trembling. She had spent hours in the kitchen, pouring her love and effort into making something special for Aditya, despite her weak and ill body. But now, she felt paralyzed by fear, convinced that he wouldn't like her gift.

"Is that so....." Aditya's voice trailed off, a flicker of surprise crossing his face. He looked at Lara intently, his keen eyes noticing the slight bulge of the wrapped gift behind her. Since Lara was a normal vampire, she couldn't use a storage ring, and her attempt to hide the gift was endearingly transparent.

The room seemed to hold its breath, the other fiancées watching with wide eyes, sensing the tension in the air. Lara's head remained bowed, her body language conveying her sadness and depression. It was a stark contrast to her usual demeanor.

Lara was well known for her sweet and kind nature. Though shy and timid, she had always been open and honest with Aditya, never hesitating to share her feelings, no matter how embarrassing or vulnerable they might be. Her lie was so out of character, so unexpected, that it left the others stunned and confused.

Aditya, however, seemed to understand. His eyes softened, his smile turning gentle and understanding. He stepped closer to Lara, his movements slow and deliberate, as if sensing her fragility.

"Since when did my cute wife learned to lie?" Aditya bent down a little bit and met her eyes. Finding herself staring at his eyes, Lara looked bitter and defeated.

"Husband won't like Lara's gift. Lara better throw it away. Lara will give Husband another gift later." Lara admitted the truth. But saying these words, she looked sad.

"Can I see your gift?" Aditya asked with a small smile. Lara weakly presented her gift to Aditya.

Opening the gift, Aditya was surprised to find a heart shaped chocolate in it. The chocolate was little bit burned. Seeing Aditya staring at her chocolate, Lara felt embarrassed. "Lara will make husband something even better than this...."

The rest of her words got stuck in her throat as she watched Aditya eat with her chocolate. Lara widened her eyes. Aditya calmly ate the chocolate without showing any emotions. Once he was done then he turned to Lara. Seeing his gaze, she panicked thinking that he was going to criticise her but instead she found herself pulled into his embrace. Before she could understand what was happening, she found both of cheeks tenderly kissed by him.

Aditya gently bent down a little, bringing his face closer to Lara's level. His eyes met hers, filled with both concern and amusement. "Since when did my cute wife learn to lie?" he teased, his voice soft and affectionate.

Lara's eyes widened at his words, and her face turned bitter and defeated. She looked like a child caught doing something wrong. "Husband won't like Lara's gift. Lara better throw it away. Lara will give Husband another gift later," she admitted, her voice trembling with sadness.

Aditya's heart ached at her words, and he gave her a small, reassuring smile. "Can I see your gift?" he asked gently, his hand reaching out to take the small package she weakly presented to him.

As he carefully opened the gift, a look of genuine surprise crossed his face. Inside was a heart-shaped chocolate, slightly burned around the edges. He looked up to find Lara's eyes on him, filled with embarrassment and fear. "Lara will make Husband something even better than this...." she began, but her voice trailed off, her words stuck in her throat.

The room was filled with silence as everyone watched Aditya lift the chocolate to his mouth. Lara's eyes widened, her breath caught in her chest as she saw him calmly eat the chocolate, his face betraying no emotion. She could feel her heart pounding, fear and anticipation swirling within her.

Once he had finished, Aditya turned to Lara, his eyes soft and filled with love. Lara's heart skipped a beat, panic rising within her, as she braced herself for criticism. But instead of words, she found herself being gently pulled into Aditya's warm embrace.

Before she could comprehend what was happening, she felt his lips tenderly kissing both of her cheeks. The kisses were soft and loving, filled with genuine appreciation and affection. Lara's eyes filled with tears of joy, her body trembling with emotion.

"Thank you, Lara. I really love your gift. You must have worked so hard for this." Aditya's voice was gentle and filled with genuine appreciation. As he looked into Lara's eyes, his face lit up with a warm and loving smile, reflecting the deep affection he felt for her.

Lara's heart swelled with joy at his kind words, and a feeling of immense luck washed over her. She felt truly blessed to have someone like Aditya as her husband, someone who understood her and cherished her just as she was. But then, realization struck her like a bolt of lightning, and her entire face turned a bright shade of red.

She had just been kissed by her husband in front of others! The thought sent a wave of embarrassment coursing through her, yet it was tinged with an undeniable sense of happiness. Her heart was full, her emotions a complex mix of joy, gratitude, and shy mortification.

Meanwhile, Riya, Sasha, and Alicia watched the scene unfold with a mixture of emotions. They couldn't help but pout a little, feeling a twinge of jealousy as they saw Aditya kissing Lara. They too had given him gifts, and yet he hadn't kissed them.

But as they looked at Lara's radiant face, her eyes sparkling with happiness and relief, they understood why Aditya had acted the way he did. Lara had needed that gesture, that tangible expression of love, to restore her confidence and to reassure her that she was not inferior.

They knew that Aditya's actions were not a reflection of favoritism but rather a demonstration of his sensitivity and understanding of Lara's unique needs and feelings.

Aditya turned his attention to Sasha, his eyes twinkling with anticipation. "Little Kitten, this is for you." He extended his hand, offering her two black curved daggers, both of Mid 5th-order. They gleamed ominously, their unique curvature adding an extra layer of intrigue.

Since Sasha was an Assassin, specializing in stealth and precision, Aditya had carefully chosen this gift. He figured that these daggers, crafted with the utmost skill and imbued with special properties, would be incredibly useful to her in her line of work.

"What do you think? Do you like them?" Aditya asked, his voice laced with hope, a warm smile dancing on his lips.

Sasha's eyes widened as she took the daggers, her hands exploring their exquisite craftsmanship. The cold metal felt alive in her grasp, resonating with her very essence. These were not just ordinary daggers; they were made from higher quality materials and enchanted with runic spells that could increase her agility and flexibility.

However, instead of expressing her delight, Sasha's face twisted into a scowl, and she snapped, "Hmph! I don't like them. I have much better daggers." Her words were harsh, her tone dismissive.

But those who knew her well could see the faint blush coloring her cheeks, the way her fingers lovingly caressed the daggers' curves. They understood that Sasha was acting as a "tsundere," a term often used to describe someone who is outwardly cold or hostile but inwardly affectionate or loving.

Though she was too embarrassed to say thank you or admit that she loved these daggers, her actions spoke louder than words. Even the daggers she currently used were only of beginner 5th-order, far inferior to Aditya's thoughtful gift.

Sasha's contradictory behavior was not lost on Aditya. He could see through her facade, recognizing the genuine appreciation hidden behind her brusque exterior. Her reaction was endearing in its own way.

He knew that Sasha's pride and independent nature made it difficult for her to openly express her feelings. But that only made the moment more special, more intimate.

Aditya finally approached Lilith, his eyes narrowing slightly as he caught her grinning at him with a teasing smile. Something in that grin sent a shiver down his spine, as if she were plotting something. Shaking away those unnerving thoughts, he extended his hand, presenting her with a beautiful bracelet adorned with glittering diamonds. The bracelet wasn't just a pretty piece of jewelry; it was enchanted with runic functions that allowed it to store items within.

"Hehe! Little Emperor, thank you for your gift," Lilith's voice was full of mischief, her eyes twinkling with unspoken secrets. She handed him a small, folded round piece of cloth. Its plain appearance contrasted sharply with the elegance of the bracelet he'd just given her.

Aditya's brow furrowed in confusion as he looked at the cloth. "What is this?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity and uncertainty.

"Hehe! Why don't you open it?" Lilith's laughter seemed to dance in the air, and her eyes sparkled with anticipation.

Feeling a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, Aditya pinched the side of the cloth, holding it up in the air. Gravity did its work, and as the cloth unfolded, the room fell into stunned silence. It turned out that the white piece of round folded cloth was nothing but a white panty.

Aditya's face went blank, his right eye twitching uncontrollably as he stared at the garment. Others in the room wore strange expressions, their faces a mixture of shock, amusement, and disbelief.

Lilith's laughter rang out, pure and mischievous, filling the room with her joy. "Hehe! This is my freshly worn panty. This is for you. I hope you like this, Little Emperor," she said, her voice dripping with playful wickedness.



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