Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 500 500

Chapter 500 500:- Amber's Transformation

Aditya felt a surge of mixed emotions as he looked at Lilith, who still wore that mischievous smile. He realized that expecting anything conventional from this woman was a mistake on his part. It was best to leave the matter behind, he decided, shifting his attention away from her unconventional gift.

His eyes landed on Amber, who stood quietly among the group. An idea formed in his mind, and he turned fully toward her. "Amber, why don't you consume the Nine-Tailed Fox core here? I want to see just how much of your bloodline will change," Aditya suggested, his tone filled with genuine interest.

Others in the room, still recovering from Lilith's surprise, quickly became curious about Aditya's suggestion. They looked at Amber, some nodding in agreement, but everyone's eyes held a sense of understanding. If Amber wasn't comfortable with this proposal, they would respect her decision, and no one would force her.

"Okay...." Amber's voice was soft, almost hesitant, but she nodded. A mix of anticipation and nervousness filled the room as she quickly sat down on the plush carpet. Her eyes fixed on the Nine-Tailed Fox core in her palm.

The room fell into a hushed silence as Amber began to concentrate, putting a little bit of her mana, into the core. The assembled onlookers watched with bated breath as something extraordinary began to happen.

A white energy, ethereal and pure, began to flow from the Nine-Tailed Fox core. It moved with a graceful, almost hypnotic rhythm, winding its way into Amber's right hand. The energy continued to spread, covering her entire body, encasing her in a radiant white aura. The energy seemed to meld with Amber, becoming a part of her, enhancing her very being. Amber's expression was one of deep concentration and inner peace. Her whole body seemed to glow with an otherworldly light, and the air around her became charged with a mystical energy.

Aditya could sense the change happening within Amber. Her power was rapidly growing, and the transformation was clearly visible. The soft white glow that had initially enveloped her was now intensifying, growing stronger and more dazzling with each passing moment.

"Lara can't keep staring," Lara whimpered, the first to be overcome by the intense brightness. She was just an ordinary vampire, lacking the supernatural strength of others in the room, so for her, the light was overwhelming. Her eyes squinted shut, and she raised her hand to shield them from the radiance.

The light continued to expand and grow in brilliance, its force compelling even the most powerful beings in the room to avert their eyes. Julia and Alicia, despite their formidable cultivation, soon found the brightness too much to bear. They too closed their eyes, unable to withstand the intensity of the light.

Now, only Aditya, Sylvie, Sasha, Riya, and Lilith remained with their eyes open, each transfixed by the transformation unfolding before them. Sylvie, Sasha, Riya, and Lilith, all mighty 5th-order cultivators, were still able to endure the luminous display, but even they felt a strain on their eyes.

Aditya's ability to continue watching was perhaps the most astonishing. Though he was only at the Peak 3rd-order level, his unique dragon physique and his extraordinarily high physical attributes allowed him to withstand the brilliance. He stared intently, his eyes narrowed but unflinching, as he witnessed Amber's remarkable metamorphosis.

The room seemed to throb with energy as the light reached its peak. It filled every corner, casting strange, dancing shadows on the walls and bathing everyone in a pure, white glow. The sensation was almost ethereal, as if they had been transported to a different realm altogether.

Aditya's mind was racing as he sensed Amber's transformation. 'Her Aura is nearing the threshold of a 5th-order cultivator,' he thought, a surge of excitement welling within him. Consuming the Nine-Tailed Fox core had catapulted Amber's cultivation to a whole new level. Her Aura was not merely growing; it was soaring, expanding in power and complexity, and now teetering on the brink of the 5th-order mark.

Aditya couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and anticipation. He wanted Amber to grow stronger, to reach new heights in her abilities. This breakthrough would make her the first general of the Istarin Empire to attain such a lofty cultivation rank. The thought was exhilarating.

But there was more to Amber's strength than just her cultivation level. She was a unique and extraordinary being, a dual cultivator that cultivated in both warrior and mage paths. This made her a formidable force, her stats and abilities far surpassing those of ordinary cultivators.

Being a dual cultivator meant that she could draw from two distinct sources of power, weaving them together in a harmony that elevated her capabilities. She could channel the raw, physical might of a warrior, and couple it with the subtle, intricate magic of a mage. Being a mage cultivator allowed her to use her illusion magic. And being a warrior cultivator made her body very strong.

This rare combination would enable her to stand toe-to-toe with mid 5th-order cultivators, if only she reached the beginner level of the 5th-order herself. Her statistics, her attributes, and her overall prowess would be at an exceptional level, akin to Aditya's own unique status as a dual type cultivator, because of the system.

Aditya's eyes suddenly widened, filled with a mixture of surprise and fascination. He could sense something extraordinary happening within Amber. Though she had awakened the Royal Fox Queen bloodline, and he had given her a drop of his divine Crimson Storm Dragon bloodline, making her a unique fusion of Dragon and Fox, now the two bloodlines seemed to be joining together in an unprecedented way.

This wasn't something merely magical or mysterious; it was a transformation that transcended anything anyone in this world had ever witnessed. Aditya could feel it in his very core. Instinctively, he felt his own bloodline reacting to this profound change. It wasn't an adverse reaction; it was rather a positive resonance that made his heart pound with anticipation.

With bated breath, Aditya and the others continued to watch the unfolding scene. A profound silence hung in the air, punctuated only by the occasional breaths of those who were present. Five long minutes passed, and the process showed no signs of abating. Time seemed to stretch out, and an uneasy feeling began to settle in everyone's hearts. This shouldn't be taking so long; something was not quite right.

Ahhh.....!!!!I think you should take a look at

Suddenly, a piercing scream filled the room. Amber's voice was filled with agony and torment, and everyone knew instantly that she was in excruciating pain. Concern and fear etched across their faces as they realized that something had gone terribly wrong.

Aditya's mind raced, thoughts tumbling over each other as he tried to comprehend what was happening. And then, like a bolt of lightning, understanding struck him. The two bloodlines within Amber were attempting to merge, but the process was fraught with complexity. It wasn't merely a fusion; it was a delicate dance between two different races, two different essences, trying to become one.

He realized with a jolt that a single drop of his divine Crimson Storm Dragon bloodline might not be enough for Amber's evolution. She needed more of his blood to successfully evolve and overcome the pain she was currently enduring.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Aditya as he suddenly moved towards Amber, determination etched on his face. Confusion filled the room, and Julia, unable to contain her curiosity and concern, began to question his actions.

"Aditya, what are you...." Her voice trailed off as she noticed him swiftly pulling out a small dagger from his storage ring. Without even a moment's hesitation, he sliced across his right palm, leaving a substantial vertical cut. The wound was stark and fresh, and yet, Aditya's face remained stoic, betraying no signs of pain. It was a mere scratch compared to the injuries he had endured in the past, the trials and tribulations that had shaped him into who he was.

Blood began to well up from the cut, bright red and vital. The others in the room looked on, a mixture of shock and bewilderment on their faces, unsure of what he intended to do.

Aditya's movements were quick and purposeful as he crouched down in front of Amber, his eyes filled with understanding and resolve. Instinctively, as if guided by an unseen force that knew exactly what she needed to survive and evolve in this precarious situation, Amber reacted.

With a desperation born of necessity, she began to drink Aditya's blood, the very essence of his divine Crimson Storm Dragon bloodline. The act was intimate and profound, a connection that went beyond mere physicality.

The room was filled with a tangible tension, the very air seeming to thicken as everyone watched in stunned silence. Slowly, a transformation began to take place. The intense white aura that had previously enveloped Amber began to change, the color shifting from pure white to a vibrant red.

As Aditya's blood entered her system, the red deepened, becoming richer and more profound, until it settled into a shade of crimson that mirrored the name of Aditya's bloodline. It was a color that symbolized both life and power, a reflection of the connection between the two of them.

Once Amber had consumed enough of Aditya's blood, she stopped, her body seeming to sense that it had what it needed. Aditya stood up, carefully backing away a few meters from her. Compared to the others in the room, he remained quite close, his eyes never leaving her face. He could sense that something extraordinary was about to happen.

And then, it happened. Just as Aditya's blood began merging with Amber's unique bloodline, her aura exploded with an incredible force. It broke through the limitations that had previously confined her to the Peak 4th-order and soared upwards, reaching the unprecedented level of beginner 5th-order.


A small but powerful wave of Mana erupted from Amber's body, sending a shockwave through the room that everyone could feel. The energy was so intense and extraordinary that it reached beyond the confines of the room, resonating throughout the entire Dragon Palace.

Even those who were not cultivators, the ordinary people who worked in the Dragon Palace, felt something inexplicable stir within them. Drawn by a force they couldn't understand, they looked towards Aditya's room, their faces etched with curiosity and awe. Even the non-sensory cultivators, who usually couldn't detect such energies, sensed this remarkable event. This widespread reaction was a testament to just how remarkable Amber's transformation was.

As the moments ticked by, the intense and bright Crimson Aura surrounding Amber began to dim. It was as if the energy that had been so vibrant and alive was settling into her, becoming a part of her very being. Gradually, the light faded away completely, leaving the room bathed in normality once more.

But when everyone's eyes turned to Amber's face, normality was the furthest thing from their minds. They were left stunned and in deep shock, their faces reflecting a mixture of astonishment and disbelief.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

" I made a mistake here. I thought 499 was actually chapter 500. Just today I realized this mistake. But what can I do, I already have written such a long chapter. The damage is irreversible. For today, only one chapter as I am very busy with some personal stuff. From tomorrow, I will upload two 2 chapters. And yes, I haven't forgotten about all the bonus chapters that I own you all."

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