Dragon Who Controls Time

Chapter 422 For The Dragon Of Eternity

Chapter 422 For The Dragon Of Eternity

I understand. Don't worry.

The great mage nodded, smiled gently, and replied.

After giving some other instructions to the alpha Tribe, garen left the alpha Tribe.

Soon, the creatures with a certain level of combat power in the lava demiplane received the news of war preparation and were ready to gather and head to the scorched flame mountain range.

But just in case, although the lava demiplane had a gem sealing spell, it couldn't be completely empty.

The mutated monsters that were infected by the original sun god had the characteristics of high recovery ability. Against creatures with such abilities, the earth elemental life forms were naturally at a disadvantage, so garen let the earth Giant spirits of Stone City maze stay and watch over the lava half-plane.

There was actually another reason.

The earth elementals were all dead, and it was difficult for the magic ship to carry them.

Fire elementals were almost weightless, and they could even shrink their size. A large number of fire elementals could even squeeze into a magic ship. Of course, this was definitely out of the scope of safe driving. If anything happened to the magic ship while passing through the crystal wall of the plane, it would be a terrible ending, where the entire team would be wiped out.

After dealing with the situation in the lava half-plane for the time being, garen returned to the northernmost ice field in the Noah continent.

The Wolfheart clan, the broken bones Tribe, the Barbarian tribe, the troll clan, the northernmost Giant Eagle ... The stronger biological clans in the icy Plains of the extreme north were now garen's subordinates. As for those who were not his subordinates, they were mostly just food in the icy Plains of the extreme north.

Not long after, the followers in the ice plains of the extreme north learned of the upcoming great battle.

The most excited of them all was the Wolfheart clan.

After conquering the ice plains of the extreme north, because garen had never agreed to let the winter Wolves invade other parts of the Noah continent, these idle and ambitious guys had always longed for new battles.

the Wolfheart clan will tear apart all enemies for you!

After receiving garen's order, lang er's face was filled with excitement.

It couldn't help but raise its head and howl.

The wolves scattered around the winter Wolves 'habitat heard the Winter Wolf commander's voice and also let out a loud howl.

For a time, the continuous howls of wolves reverberated in the sky above the icy Plains of the extreme north.

Garen did not stop the Winter Wolf's actions.

They were using their own methods to raise morale and prepare for the upcoming battle.

Time passed by in the howling cold wind and falling snow of the ice plains of the extreme north.josei

"Kara planet ... With my power, I should be able to conquer a territory that is far larger than the other true dragons."

Garen had never overestimated himself, but he would never underestimate his own strength and influence.




Lava demiplane, scorched flame mountain range.

A total of eight magic ships hovered quietly in the sky above the continuous chain of volcanoes.

The several-hundred-meter-long magic ships carved with a large number of strange runes and magic circuits were very eye-catching. They carried the most elite biological clans in the lava demiplane.

It looked decent.

However, compared to the power of the 21st magic fleet, it was very shabby.

However, with the powerful shields and strange cannons of the magic ship, as long as it could be controlled, it could exert a strong destructive power without the need for combat personnel. A magic ship could be considered a legend.

Under the spell of the alpha Tribe, the captives who were still alive surrendered.

It was a pity that the legendary-level strange machinist captives all had the dignity of legendary powerhouses. They would rather die than submit. As legendary powerhouses were not easy to control, they might find a chance to escape. A few legendary-level strange machinist captives had already died under garen's sharp claws.

Magic ships all had teleportation spells.

After everything was ready, the eight magic ships started teleportation with the immortal fortress as an anchor point.

Buzz ... Buzz ...

Violent ripples appeared in the space.

One by one, huge teleportation gates opened, and the magic ship carrying the forces of the lava demiplane activated its shield and officially set sail, entering the teleportation gate.

Not long after.

On the other side of the northern ice fields.

Under the snowy night sky, magic ships appeared out of thin air, revealing their huge bodies in the snow. The huge ships left a shadow on the ground.

Snowflakes the size of goose feathers fell and touched the magic ship's shield. They were instantly evaporated and disappeared, leaving no trace behind.

At the same time.

The creatures that belonged to the ice plains of the extreme north raised their heads and looked at the sky.

Their curious, scrutinizing, and vigilant gazes fell on the few huge magic ships.

Garen's family clans in the ice plains of the extreme north had also gathered at this time, and were located around the immortal fortress. At a glance, countless ice plains creatures were divided into biological races, and they were clearly distributed on the snow-white land.

Different smells filled the area near the ice cliff.

Among the dense pack of wolves.

The winter Wolves raised their heads and looked at the fire elementals on the magic ship, whose bodies were burning with flames.

As an ice attribute ice field hunter, even though he knew that everyone had the same Lord, he could not help but feel disgusted and hostile.

However, the winter Wolves could sense a dangerous aura from the leading fire Djinn.

The individual strength of a normal fire Djinn was similar to that of a powerful magic creature like the Winter Wolf, but the upper limit of a fire Djinn was much higher than the Winter Wolf. The elite Fire Djinn on the magic ship now had high-level combat power.

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