Dragon Who Controls Time

Chapter 423 For The Dragon Of Eternity

Chapter 423 For The Dragon Of Eternity

The Dragon vein Winter Wolf was a lot weaker than it.

Like the winter Wolves, the fire elementals that had come to the icy Plains of the extreme north on the magic ship were naturally disgusted by the cold environment of the icy Plains of the extreme north.

In this place, fire elemental life forms were unable to unleash their full potential.

If not for the magic ship's shield, their auras would have gradually weakened with the passage of time. Ordinary elemental life forms could not stay in the environment of the main material plane for long, or their lives would have been in danger.

On a magic ship that was three-hundred yards long.

Some of the spellcasters of the alpha Tribe looked around, their curious gazes constantly falling on the scenery around the ice plains of the extreme north.

To these Alphans who were born and raised in the lava demiplane, the snow White environment of the icy Plains of the extreme north was a completely different world. Of course, this was indeed another world.

this is the Prime Material Plane ... We're back!"

An ya closed her eyes and took a deep breath of the cold air of the Northern Ice Field with an intoxicated expression.

As she breathed, elemental energy of different attributes rippled slightly and flowed in the air, exuding a variety of elemental lights that could not be seen in the lava demiplane.

The alpha had left the Prime Material Plane for too long.

From the knowledge left behind by his ancestors, alpha knew what the Prime Material Plane should look like.

The main material world, where elemental energy was balanced, would have a rich variety of creatures and races. There were all kinds of colors, unlike the monotonous half-plane of lava.

Almost every alpha had imagined leaving the lava demiplane one day and returning to the main material plane, and at this time, their fantasy had come true. They had come to the main material world in person. All the alpha on the magic ship were curious and excited at the same time.

They belonged to the Prime Material Plane.

The lava demiplane wasn't the hometown of alpha.

The land of origin was very important to normal intelligent creatures and could not be separated from it. In order to return to Faerun, in order to return to their own land of origin, the second Empire of imaska had to invest countless resources every year, and they had no hesitation in this.

thank you, great dragon of eternity.

Anya raised her head and her gaze fell on the silver Dragon standing silently on the top of the fortress.

Garen turned his neck, his Platinum Dragon eyes reflecting the clan of his followers that had gathered together.

The fire-attribute creatures from the lava half-plane and the ice-attribute creatures from the ice plains of the extreme north were not compatible in terms of attributes. However, this was not important. Garen did not need his family clan to get along with each other in the form of a loving family. Appropriate conflicts and competition were more beneficial for the development of his family.

Garen looked down at his followers from above.

His gaze swept across the room.

Fire elemental lifeforms, alpha spellcasters, fire dwarf Warriors, lava pythons ... These followers were distributed on the magic ship. There were not many of them, only about 1000 of them, but they were all individually powerful. They were mainly middle-level combatants, but there was no lack of high-level combatants.

There was a magic ship floating in the air.

Under the magic ship, on the silver-covered land, there were a large number of Noah continent's native creatures.

It was almost impossible to see the end.

Winter Wolves, ogres, northern barbarians, minotaurs, kobolds ... The strength of garen's followers varied, but there were more of them, more than 100000 of them. This was not the total number of the biological clans in the icy Plains of the extreme north.

Garen had no intention of bringing all his family business to Kara planet.

He had brought this group of followers to planet Kara because after dealing with the mutated monsters, the new territory could not be separated from the construction and management of intelligent creatures.

If these followers were to be brought to Kara, it would cause the power of the ice plains in the extreme north to become empty.

However, garen's Dragon Nest and territory were protected by the maze domain, so this was not a big problem.

On planet Kara, there were almost no normal living things.

Nehemiah had specifically instructed garen to bring more followers over. Using extraordinary divine power under the suppression of the main material world was quite taxing on the gods, and the metal Dragon God's large teleportation portal would only open once.

If there were too few followers, they would not be able to care about their territory and it would be difficult to bring enough followers to Kara planet.

Garen had a magic ship, and with the coordinates of the plane world, he could bring his followers back and forth on a large scale.

However, the magic ship was not driven for nothing. Traveling across planes required a huge amount of energy.

And where did the energy come from?

It was a strange magic ship built by the imaska Second Empire. There was an energy conversion furnace inside, which was the core of the magic ship.

Almost anything could be thrown in and converted into energy, but there was a problem with the conversion efficiency. The energy provided by ordinary materials was not enough, and the efficiency was not good. Only magic gemstones, as well as magic resources such as Mithril, flame steel stone, and elementite, were the main materials to provide energy for the magic ship.

Garen was rather poor now, so he could not bear to start the magic ship again and again.

After the initial chaos, the followers from different worlds slowly calmed down as time passed.

At the same time.

The Dragon's might burst forth.josei

Like a hurricane, the Dragon's might spread in all directions, quickly sweeping through the bodies of each of its followers.

In the almost tangible Dragon's might, they raised their heads and looked up at the silver Dragon standing in the snow with reverence.

my loyal followers, it's time to show your power to the outside world.

you will fight for me, open up new territories for me, clear obstacles for me, and let the name of the Dragon of eternity resound in the other world!

Garen looked around and said in a deep voice.

Immediately, under garen's command, a portion of the followers of the icy Plains of the extreme north boarded the magic ship.

The spellcasters of the alpha clan left the magic ship, and under the command of kriqins, these spellcasters began to draw complex teleportation circles on the land of the ice plains of the extreme north.

The magic ship couldn't fit all of its followers.

There was still a considerable distance between the ice plains of the extreme north and the southern sea. With the speed of garen's followers, it would be difficult for them to reach their destination in time if they were to travel by themselves.

In the material world, it was much easier to teleport without crossing the crystal wall.

Hundreds of spell casters worked together, including a large number of middle-ranked and five high-ranking spell casters. They would spend a certain amount of time and energy to build a large-scale teleportation circle, which would allow garen's remaining followers to reach the southern sea.

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