Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 112

Chapter 112: A journey to the past[2]

Chapter 112: A journey to the past[2]

I was having a very thin

understanding of 'me'.

I was barely holding onto the ego 'Noah Grey', while my astral form drifted through the infinite currents of time and space.

Before I knew it, I was teleported to a desolate land, a dry land.

But the land was soaked in crimson, like a battlefield bathed in the blood of unknowns.

I looked above. The sable sky, erstwhile an azure canvas of hope, was now rendered an inky black. It was as if 'hope' had left the world.

-"If a God exists, then he cannot change his actions to the liking of individual beings. His actions work for the entire universe equally",I heard someone speaking. The words entered my ears.

I immediately jolted to my left— from where the voice came from.

My eyes were met with a figure. He appeared slightly taller than me.

"Who is he?" I frowned.

'And that quote...my father used to say it', I thought, looking at the figure.

As I continued to gaze at him, lifeless bodies of demons and humans materialized from the ground, appearing out of thin air.

I couldn't understand what was happening.

Just then, the figure turned to look at me, but a strange blur veiled his face, obscuring it from my view.

No... He wasn't looking at me. I don't think he could actually see me.

He was gazing into the distance, past me. Like I wasn't even here.

I tried to touch his face, but my hand phased through his body.

I frowned."This place..."—I wishpered, clenching my stretched out palm.

"It feels like a memory... or a dream. I can see it, but I can't interact with it."

"Nano, analyze this place," I commanded.


But to my surprise, no response came.

It was unusual for Nano to remain silent. And before I could properly process anything, anxiety began to grow inside me.

"Na...no?" I muttered slowly, sensing that something was wrong.

Nano was not responding.

Sudden fear gripped my heart.

"Nano? Can you hear me?"

"Nano? Oe, Nano?"

Something was off.

"This is not funny."

"Nano!" I exclaimed, frustration mixing with the growing fear.

The fear I was feeling was different, though, unlike any I had experienced before— it was just that kind of feeling. I tried to calm myself and think rationally but I couldn't... I just couldn't ignore this feeling.

"Nano, what's happening?! Why are you not answering?"

Damn it! What's going on?

I tried to call out to Nano, but no answer came. With each passing moment, my anxiety only began to skyrocket.

I strained to reach Nano, but there was no response. With each passing moment, my anxiety only intensified, threatening to consume me whole.

But, alongside the rising anxiety, another emotion slowly seeped into my consciousness. It was a dreadful sensation, one I had encountered before. The only other time I had felt such dread was when I first learned about my blood disease, that ominous premonition that something terrible, something utterly wrong, was on the horizon.

It felt like the beginning of the end was drawing near.

"Shit...!" I whispered and it felt like my nerves were pulling themselves beneath my skin.

Nano was not even responding! It was like Nano was not even here.

But my panic was short-lived, my thoughts were shattered by a thunderous roar from a distance.

—"Charge!" -I heard the sound of a man's battle cry.

I looked behind me and saw a man atop a horse in the distance. His battle cry shattered the silence of the battlefield. josei

The horse he was riding neighed, his lance pointed towards us.

But his horse had wings — it was a Pegasus.

The cloud in the sky, the bleak darkness was pierced suddenly by a single beam of radiant light.

Countless neighs filled the air as an army of Valkyries, berserks, and angels descended from the sky on the backs of countless Pegasus. The extraordinary sight evoked parallels from the book of Revelation.

The heavenly host had arrived. Procuring their arms with purposeful intent, they flew forth with an eminent verdict - not to serve as a beacon of hope, but rather with the aims of executing righteous punishment upon the beleaguered figure before them.

They breezed past my astral body charging towards the man behind me, whose face was blurred.

The man raised his hand, pointing what appeared to be a large jawbone — a sword-like weapon — towards the enemy, and in an instant, hundreds of angels were beheaded.

The man with the bone weapon effortlessly broke through the ranks of the heavenly army. Lifeless bodies accumulated at his feet, yet he showed no signs of stopping. It was as if a deity had entered the battlefield, destined to obliterate his enemies from the face of the earth.

—"Holy Sword of Light!" A feminine cry emerged from the sky, and the heavens trembled as a pillar of golden light descended upon Gaia.

"What is this battle? Why are they fighting?" I furrowed my brow, confused about the whole thing.

But, my eyes were shaking with unknown emotions.

There was something about this scene that screamed déjà vu.

My trembling hands hung at my sides, and my breath quickened.

But all of a sudden, the world came to a stop.

Time itself seemed to defy its natural course as the setting sun in the west reversed its course, ascending towards the middle of the sky, and then to the east.

It was as if the very laws of nature were being rewritten before my eyes.

But it didn't stop there; with the reversal of the sun's path, the flow of time followed suit.

The once blood-soaked battleground morphed into a lush rainforest, vibrant and teeming with life.

Seasons shifted in reverse, each passing day altering the scenery like a fluid painting.

The rainforest transformed into a quaint village, bustling with activity, only to metamorphose again into a sprawling cityscape, its towering structures reaching for the sky.

And, even the city was transient, eventually fading into an expanse of endless sea.

Before I knew it thousands of years had already reversed back in time.

Ten thousand years... Twenty thousand years... Thirty thousand years... fourty thousand years... Fifty thousand years... sixty thousand years... It was not stopping. Time kept reversing back, as if an invisible hand was rewinding the clock of destiny.

I stood there, witnessing civilizations being born and crumbling beneath my feet. I observed as kings resurrected from the dead, only to be reborn as infants in their mothers' wombs. Mythical beasts, orcs, demons, gods, and angels came to life and met their death before my eyes.

I watched as the modern age turned back to information age. I watched the industrial revolution, Renaissance, Middle Ages.

I watched as man discovered Iron and invented its usage. I saw the Bronze Age, Neolethic, Stone age.

I saw as five distinct landmasses amalgamated and created one massive super-continent.

"Please, stop...", I managed to utter weakly, my body trembling with emotions of unknown origins.

My eyes tearing up for whatever reason.

At the same time, voices began to infiltrate my mind—

-"I am Vladimir, the sovereign of dragons. I stand as the first Dragoth King. And now, Gaia shall bow to my dominion!"

-"Galandrath, is it? Then you shall witness the fate of humanity with your own eyes."

-"Rejoice, my empire! Azazel, your new ruler is born!"

-"You have chosen your path, and I have chosen mine."

-"Your world? So my world means nothing? What about my family? My parents... my people..."

-"Go and tell Goddess Rebbecca, I will reduce the entire pantheon of gods into nothingness. I will tear them apart, atom by atom, until nothing remains."

It felt like information was being forced into my head.

The overwhelming influx of information caused my head to throb with pain.

"Gah!"I let out, my eyes widening as I collapsed to the ground, consumed by the intense agony.

But just as suddenly as it had begun, everything came to a stop, enveloping me in an eerie silence.

The excruciating pain in my head subsided, leaving me in a kneeling position from my previous crouched stance.

{Entity of Chaos is looking at you.}

A message popped up in my vision.

I frowned.

"Entity of Chaos?" the words slipped from my lips. "Wasn't it... supposed to be a Basilisk?" I muttered in a barely audible tone.

As if to answer me, an ancient voice resonated from all directions.


Pop!—My eardrums instantly ruptured, blood pouring out from both ears.

"Fuck!" I exhaled, gripping my ears tightly with my hands, squeezing my eyes shut as I writhed on the ground in anguish.

When I opened my eyes, I was no longer on Earth.

Instead, I was surrounded by the vast darkness of outer space.

From my vantage point, I could still make out the familiar sight of the Earth below, but what caught my attention were the colossal, unimaginably massive black pipes effortlessly floating around the planet.

"No... Th-these can't be pipes... These are..."

[???????????? ??????, ????????????.]The voice of ancient origin echoed within me once again, and this time, I could discern it more distinctly. It was a feminine voice... no it definitely was a woman's voice.

I looked behind me only to be met with... what the fuck?

The blood in my veins immediately freezed. My heart ceased to beat.

My pupils dilated.

What the he-hell am I even seeing?!

My mind was not able to process what I was seeing.

Infront of me was an astronomically huge, creature of tentacula.

It was atleast hundred times the size of Earth. One of its tentacles wrapped around the Moon while the other was near Mars.

I don't even know how I was seeing it...it made no sense for me to be able to make sense out of it's size... it's existence. This creature... This being... Actually concept of sense might not be a good measuring tool for my current situation.

"W-what are you?"—I blurted.

["????????????? '?????????',???? ???????? ?? ?????? ???? ?????????????? ???????????????"]—The creature asked, seemingly offended, its feminine voice resonating. It didn't physically open its mouth, but it was speaking.

Suddenly, the creature shifted its focus towards the... directions of the fifth dimension? And let out, ["?????? ???????????? ???????? ???? ????????????????."]

Locking its gaze upon me, it began, ["?????? ?????? ?? ???????? ??????????. ???????????? ???? ????? ?? ???????? ???? ?????????????? ???? ??????, ???????? '????????????."]

It opened its maw, which seemed to be made of a pure, blinding white that shattered the darkness of space. This white was unlike any other shade; it was like a blank sheet of paper.

I made no attempt to fight back.

Whatever this entity was, trying to escape had no meaning.

And before long, it took a bite out of the fabric of space and time itself.


"Hnfhaaaa!"—Breathing heavily, I sat down, and my heart began to beat heavily against my chest like a raging hammer.

I was out of the spirit world.

A system message popped up in my view, but I didn't pay it any attention.

The shaman was asking me something but I didn't bother to reply.

My mind was consumed with thoughts.

"Nano! Are you there, Nano?!" I asked franatically, as I remembered what had happened.

I dramatically rose to my feet..

[Affirmative Master Noah. I am here. Please calm down.]

Ignoring the shaman who was saying something, I continued walking while asking, "What was that thing Nano?"

[What 'thing' Master?]

I frowned at Nano's reply.

"So you didn't see it... "

Only now did I bothered to read the system message: [You have successfully created something new. What would you like to name your creation?]

"Mana circuits."


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Let me update you fucking trash app. Update now!

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