Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 113

Chapter 113: Training

Chapter 113: Training

'Maybe if I open my eyes, that system prompt will disappear.'

"Ugh... Who am I kidding?"— I spat my assertion to thin air, and sat up on the bed.

I just woke up, so my mind should have been empty of any thoughts, but I couldn't stop thinking about what happened two days ago.

"Let's check it... Status."



│ ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?


????????: Noah Grey ? ????????: (??-)

??????: 16 +(24?)= 40?

??????????????: Homosapien

??????-??????????????: [Meta-Huma...]

??????????????????: [Technokine...]

??????????: Marksman

■?????????????? ?????????? →

? ?

Health: D 550/ 550(+20)

Mana: E 380/ 380

Strength: D 565/ 565(+45)

Dexterity: (D-)

Intelligence: ???

Mana Capacity: Undefined

? ?

■?????????????????? ??????????→

? ?

Armor: E 27

Resistance: (D+) 50

Stamina: D

Charm: (B+)

Durability: (D+) 50

Flexibility: B

? ?


Momentum Transfer [Info...]

Perception [Info...]

????????????: None


Consecutive Archery ┃Bronze ?


????????????????????: None

???????? ???????????????? [Info... ]

??????????????????????????????: 0.1% [Info...]


[Mystery of Teleportation]

[Solaris Amulet]


[3x Legendary Achievements!...]


Other than the fact that today was my birthday—which I didn't care much about, the only system prompt taking my attention was the 'synchronization' prompt.

It wasn't there two days ago.

It just popped up out of nowhere, after I finished those mana circuits.

When I first got that Amber from Master Seraphina, I thought in it was some fancy Basilisk horns or fangs.

I mean, she did say it was a Basilisk's body part, so why wouldn't I believe her? But turns out, it wasn't what I thought it was.

During that spirit world journey, it became clear that the two fangs I used for mana circuits were not from a Basilisk, but body parts of another entity all together.

'The entity of chaos...'

I tried to talk with Master Seraphina regarding this but she didn't really know any 'entity of chaos'. Of course I didn't mention to her what I did with the mythical beast parts or any of that.

I even checked Remains sanctum once again if there were any other parts of the 'entity of chaos', with the help of Nano but there was nothing.

'My mana circuits are working... and I can easily absorb atmospheric mana.'—I thought, still seated on the bed.

I opened synchronization info.

? ???????? ?

Once fully synchronized, you shall

gain access to the memories of

chaos. The deeper the

synchronization, the greater

mastery you shall possess over

abilities of mana circuits.

? ?

'Entity of chaos... She did mention the source wall, and even referred to me as the 'author.' She knows who I truly am...'

"Huh, strangely enough, I am not panicked about this whole thing- "

-????????...??????? ???? ?

????-?????? ?????????????? ?????????????????????

"Uh?"— I involuntarily blurted out, interrupted by the unexpected sound. My thoughts were shattered, replaced by the ethereal melody of the girl's hum.

I was currently in the guest wing of Darkthorn estate.

'Whose voice is that?' I wondered. 'It sounds so... beautiful.'

-????????...??????? ???? ? ????-??????

?????????????? ?????????????????????

Entrapped in the humming euphony, I followed its trail and made my way to the private veranda.

Stepping through the elegant French doors, I found myself in the courtyard, adorned with greenery and vibrant flowers. Still donned in my plain long black sleeve shirt, I made my way.

I glided across the courtyard, my senses tuned into the captivating humming, drawing me in like a bee enticed by the enticing scent of flowers. The melody embraced me, intertwining with the warmth of the sunlit morning.

Through the pathway of ornate fountains and flowers I finally found myself in a garden.

And there, kneeling gracefully on a single knee, was a vision of beauty herself.

Her flowing onyx hair cascaded down like a majestic waterfall. Framing her angelic face was a stylish short haircut.

Each note that left her lips seemed to carry a piece of her soul, filling the air with otherworldly ambience.

Her flawless, snow-kissed skin was accentuated by luscious, rosy lips. Just above her chin, to the right, a delicate mole added a touch of charm.

Unlike usual, she didn't wear any blindfolds. Her lapis lazuli eyes bore into mine as our gazes met.

"You gardening?"— I asked Svetlana, observing her muddy hands.

"Ah, yes" she replied with a faint serene smile.

"Honestly, I didn't think you'd be into gardening," I admitted my honest thoughts.

She tilted her head in a playful manner and brought her muddy hand to her cheek, flashing a fake frown. "Why did you think that?"

"A-ah, well... You were always in bed, sick. I just didn't imagine you having such a hobby. Figured you'd be more of an indoor girl," I stammered.

She softened her frown, transforming it into a gentle smile that could melt even glaciers. Rising from her kneeling position, she got dangerously close to my face before fixing her stand and bidding me farewell. josei

"I used to be an indoor girl, that's true. But I've always had an interest in flowers. Now that I'm properly healed, I can do whatever I please," she declared, clasping her mud-stained hands behind her back, slightly dirtying her black frock.

I raised my hand and pointed towards my own cheek, commenting, "You... got a little mud on your cheek."

"Ah?"—She gasped.

She instinctively reached out to wipe away the stain with her hand before realizing it would only make matters worse.

With a mischievous grin, she presented her muddy palms to my face and directed her irresistible gaze towards a conveniently placed handkerchief tucked into her Waist-Stay, asking, "Think you could lend a hand?"

Returning her smile, I took hold of the handkerchief and gently cleaned away the smudge from her cheeks.

"By the way," Svetlana interjected, "Ma is waiting for you."


'Today is the first day of class.'


Having freshened up, I strolled down the corridor of the grand manor.

I couldn't help but feel a burgeoning sense of excitement, a smile teasing at the corners of my lips.

'Why is my breath so rapid? Is it the excitement of the first day of class, or...'—my gaze landed on the scorching sun at its peak.

As my hand instinctively reached up to touch my flushed cheeks, realization struck. "Ah of course, it's the weather."

I picked up my pace and quickened my steps until I arrived at the training hall.

Before long, my eyes locked onto the figure of Master Seraphina.

I sidled up beside Seraphina, finding her engrossed in a book, diligently flipping through its pages.

"Master," I called out, catching her attention.

"Before we dive into the teachings, Noah, there's one unwavering rule I want you to remember," she began, momentarily pausing her perusal.

"You don't have to spill every secret when I ask you something. We all have our secrets—propensity, artifacts discovered in hidden dungeons, or a heritage passed down. But, here's the most important part," she paused, meeting my gaze.

"Never, ever lie to me. Trust is the foundation of the bond between a master and a student, and lies only lead down a treacherous path."

Taking in her resolute expression, I met her eyes and replied, just as seriously, "I understand."

"Now!" she declared, taking a step closer to me. "Here's the thing: almost every living being in this world has a mana core. Monsters, humans, Elves, Dwarves...even your ordinary house cats."

"But, every once in a while, there have been these rare instances in history when people are born without a mana core. It's not the norm, but it's not impossible either," she explained, her gaze piercing into mine as if searching for something.

'I knew it... she was aware. But this notion of people without mana cores... even I was in the dark', I silently mused.

Seraphina motioned for me to follow as she continued, "I can imagine it must've been tough for you, keeping this secret under wraps."

I obliged, trailing after her as we moved.

"You're unable to use magic spells, am I right?"

"Yes. I tried but it never worked."

Seraphina shook her head gently. "It's not a matter of talent, Noah. It's simply that you lack a mana core, which is essential for spellcasting. See, the mana core acts as a vessel, binding the magic formula necessary for casting spells."

"So, does that mean I'll never be able to use any spells whatsoever?" I asked.

Seraphina nodded solemnly. "Unfortunately, that's the reality. Without a mana core, your options for magic arts are limited to Curses and Disruption magic, in the realm of General magic."

'Curses and Disruption magic... Again mention of those two.. '

In theory of magic people say there are six way or arts to use magic.

1)Elemental Conjuring: You can create weapons using elements by channeling your mana in a certain way. For example, you can conjure a sword of ice or a mace of earth. Using elemental conjuring is hard, and you have to be a genius to do it. It also heavily depends on your mana core affinity I have only seen Professor Riya and Aeravat do it.

2) Mana Augmentation:You can augment mana to strengthen your limbs and perform superhuman feats.

3)Spells: Shooting fireballs, ice blizzards, etc. from your hands.

4)Man-Armis: Coating an invisible armor of mana around your body. It can help you tank heavy shots.

5)Enhanced Perception: Using mana to enhance your five senses.

6)Scutums: Create shields using pure mana or elements.

A total of six arts. But Master told me there are eight arts of magic... The extra two being disruption magic and curses.

"What do you mean by 'General Magic Master'?"—I asked.

Seraphina nodded, ready to provide more insight. "Ah, yes. Well, despite what most people know, there are actually five different types of magic, Noah. Firstly, there's Primordial magic, the very essence of magic itself."

"But here's the thing, nobody in this entire world knows how to use Primordial magic. A handful of people knows that Primordial magic is a thing, and even they donot know how to use it."

With a graceful motion, she lifted her left hand, revealing a vibrant green mandala disc that materialized around her wrist. "Secondly, there's Deviant magic, the kind that I personally use," she explained, a touch of pride in her voice.

Seraphina carried on,"Moving on to number three, we have Arcane magic. This one is typically used by mana beasts, giving them their unique abilities and powers."

"Then there's General Magic, the kind that almost everyone on this planet uses," she continued, her tone tinged with sympathy.

"Unfortunately, Noah, since you lack a mana core, you won't be able to tap into any of these magic. It's just the way it is. As for Primordial magic, well, I'm not even sure if anyone out there possesses the knowledge of how to use it."

Our footsteps resonated in the training room as Seraphina halted beside a meticulously set calligraphy table. "And finally, we have runic magic," she announced, her gaze shifting back to me over her shoulder. "The interesting thing about runic magic is that you don't actually need a mana core to make use of it."


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Let me update you fucking trash app. Update now!

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