Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 37

Chapter 37: Preparation [1]

Chapter 37: Preparation [1]

3:00 AM

A boy with a pallid complexion and tenebrous locks could be observed tinkering with something on a wooden desk.

The tools arranged meticulously on the table were illuminated by the warm radiance of an electric lamp emanating from the side.

With his left hand firmly holding a small piece of PVC pipe, he wielded a stainless steel cutter with the dexterity of a surgeon, in the other hand.

The sharp blade penetrated the pipe and moved with remarkable precision to create a myriad of small notches, which appeared to be the foundation of a rudimentary trigger mechanism.

The quiet sshhh- of steel slicing through plastic could be heard as he meticulously worked on his creation; scrupulously avoiding any haphazard mistakes.

The shavings of plastic fell off the table with a faint clatter, like the sound of unsteady footsteps on a cobbled pavement. josei

Barely visible delicate beads of perspiration adorned his forehead, but he paid them no heed as he focused solely on his task.

Grabbing a slender stainless-steel pipe, he slid it with a deliberate, slow-motion, into the PVC tube, ensuring it fit tightly with a reassuring -thuk.

Once again, he diligently inspected his handiwork, frequently gazing up from the desk to scrutinize the various components strewn about the workspace.

Every fraction of an inch mattered, and he knew that precision was paramount in the success of his final creation.

Finally, he began to attach the stainless-steel components, threading a series of springs through the PVC pipe to create the necessary tension for the trigger button to work.

The intricate network of switches and strings began to take shape, and the boy's eyes gleamed with a sense of determination as the trigger mechanism came to life.


4:00 AM

I diverted my gaze towards the clock hanging on the wall.

It was 4 AM

"It's already been an hour since I started", I muttered to myself.

Gazing back at my creation, my eyes scrutinized the sleek and slender form of the trigger mechanism.

"Shuk!" -- with a bizarre sound, the table drawer was opened.

It revealed its hidden treasures, containing three well-crafted steel darts, a small tubular vial of Fentanyl, a pair of white furry gloves, and Co2 canisters.

Without wasting any time, my hands reached for the furry glove and nimbly made a cut into it to slip it over my hand.

I could see blue digital dots floating around my vision -- Nano's augmented reality field.

The dots guided me through each meticulous step and warned me of potential risks.

With the Co2 canister firmly placed into the piston pipe, I delicately pulled the glove all the way up to the wrist.

The trigger mechanism was the final piece of the puzzle and my hands worked with surgical precision to secure it in place.

Rings were strategically placed to support the mechanism, tethering it from the base of the glove to the index finger. Every detail was crafted with a calculated sense of perfection.

The furry glove had a minuscule hole at the index finger, where the piston pipe was firmly attached.

With unwavering precision, I entered a small dart into the trigger mechanism, and carefully began to sew up the entire glove -

Yes, I knew how to sew.

"Huh, it's complete!" I muttered with a sense of satisfaction as my eyes took in the details of my creation.

The glove that lay before me looked completely normal, except for the straightened out thumb finger, middle finger and index finger -- each carefully modified to accommodate an array of steel pipes.

Pleased with my accomplishment, I slipped the glove onto my right hand and admired my handiwork.

"Looks pretty nice," I said to myself with a smile.

Extending my arm, I aimed the glove like a weapon and pushed my thumb finger, just like how kids play with their hand as if it's a gun.

Tung! -The trigger was immediately activated and a tiny dart propelled out of the glove at high velocity, propelling my hand back.

Shwoosh!- The dart hit the wall with a faint thud.

'Huh-nice', a faint smile, I gazed at my creation, admiring it with a sense of pride.

I reopened my drawer and picked up the injection tubular vial containing Fentanyl in my fist.

Despite its reputation as a highly potent piperidine opioid drug capable of causing nausea, vomiting and unconsciousness, depending on the dosage, I remained unfazed.

In the past, I would have never imagined myself doing something as reckless as this, but in this new world, my moral compass had shifted.

I couldn't care less about violating moral protocols or engaging in unethical activities - it simply didn't matter anymore.

"Now I just need to rub the darts with fentanyl and it should be done", I muttered, my voice low and determined.


10 A.M- The Attendee Checkpoint

As I walked into the hall, my heart racing, the sight of at least two thousand students made me feel more nervous than ever before.

"Fuu-this is the first time I am ever doing something like this", I muttered to myself, trying to calm myself down.

Scanning the area, my eyes fell upon a duo. James Reeves and Anastasia Smirnova. I walked over to them, examining the surrounding area.

"Oh Noah, you are here," James greeted me with a nod.

"Yes, so you guys prepared?" I asked, taking note of their attire.

Both were clad in tracking clothes - long cargo pants, long sleeve shirts to protect from insects and scratches, lightweight waterproof rain jackets just in case, and comfortable sturdy hiking boots.

Almost everyone in the crowd was dressed similarly, including myself.

Tracking clothes like these were typically used by adventurers during hunting trips.

Of course, those who were a little wealthier opted for more extravagant gear like leather protection and chainmail armor.

For reference, I too had a leather jacket and chainmail armor - I wasn't exactly poor anymore.

By the time the dungeon trials were over, I was sure to be the richest kid in the school; my chess app had started generating funds.

But that was a thought for later...

"So, do you guys have any dimensional bracelets?" I asked, examining their backpacks.

"No - as you can see from our backpacks," Anastasia replied, gesturing towards their backpacks.

"Don't worry, I've got you covered", I replied with a bright smile, lifting my right arm to reveal the dimensional bracelet gifted to me by my friend Edward with open hearts, signifying our bond of friendship.

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