Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 38

Chapter 38: Preparation [2]

Chapter 38: Preparation [2]



│ S t a t u s W i n d o w ?


Name: Noah Grey

Age: 16 (+23?)(=39?)

Class: None

Rank: G+



│ Health: F- │ 200/ 200(+10?)

│ Mana: G- │ 105/ 105

│ Strength: F │ 250/ 250(+45?)

│ Dexterity: F+ │ ( )

│ Intelligence: ??? │ ( )

│ Mana Capacity: │ 0




│Armor: G- │ 1

│Resistance: E- │ 20

│Stamina: F │ ( )

│Charm: E │ ( )

│Durability: F │ 12

│Flexibility: B │ ( )



-Momentum Transfer [Allows user to...]

-Perception[Allows user to...]





Propensity: None


[Mystery of Teleportation]


[Legendary Achievment! Acquired the mystery of Teleportation!]


I squinted at my Stats window, feeling my eye twitch involuntarily.

My stats were easily high enough to force a breakthrough from G+ to F-.

But it did not increase.

I suspected there was 'something' preventing my progress. josei

And I knew exactly what that 'something' was.

Here's the thing: in this world, all physical enhancements and special abilities are derived from Mana.

The higher your Mana rank, the stronger you are in every respect.

Even so-called 'superhuman' abilities are really just the product of a higher Mana rank.

The only beings that are physically formidable without significance of Mana are the Orcs and Beasts.

There are some rare exceptions, of course, but they are few and far between.

And I am not one of those exception.

With a mana rank of G- I should have been decaying in low ranks but my physical ability and other attributes are still increasing.

'It must be because of Nano',as the thought crossed my mind, my brows furrowed automatically.

'That would also explain the abnormal secondary stats I have. If this keep going...then my rank will forcefully breakthrough to F- even with a rank G- mana'

I frowned as I thought about this possibility.

What will happen when a person's rank increases despite the constraints of the System?..I don't know, but something tells me it won't be pleasant..

To put it more bluntly, while others gained their strength due to rigorous training and increase in Mana, my physique on the other hand was a result of Nano.

Nano had caused a structural overhaul of my bones and muscles, granting me superior strength than that of an average human, one which would take decades of hardwork to build.

Yet, according to Nano, this was only the beginning, as I had yet to reach the 'pinnacle' of human physique.

The subsequent goal was to augment my physical abilities even further through genetic disposition of animal genes. Once the Super Soldier program initiates, my genetic makeup will change, imparting me with the physical prowess,reflexes and abilities of other organisims.

For example Consider the overwhelming strength akin to an elephant, the blazing speed reminiscent of beetles, propelling me through space with unmatched velocity. The piercing eyesight inspired by dragonflies, bestowing upon me an unparalleled visual acuity that sees beyond the ordinary.

It would be more appropriate to call it metamorphosis, instead of super soldier program.

Lost in my musings, my attention was suddenly broken by a gentle tap on my back.

Startled, I turned my gaze towards the voice calling out my name.

"Noah?" James called out, his thumb pointing to someone nearby.

"Yeah?" I responded, my curious eyes following his gesture.

Soon enough, my gaze locked onto a striking figure approaching me.

With vibrant orange hair and piercing blue eyes, it was none other than Luke Armstone.

He was accompanied by an unfamiliar individual, his presence exuding a palpable aura of strength.

Casually sizing up the situation, I couldn't help but assume that the other person was likely ranked F-, while Luke himself held the rank F.

"What's up? Ahem, Takahashi has summoned the entire class to assemble," Luke informed us, his eyes scanning our small group with a hint of scrutiny.

"I'm afraid we'll have to decline," I firmly stated.

"The three of us have decided to venture on our own path, separate from the rest."

"Three weaklings like you going your own way?" the accompanying stranger retorted, scoffing at our decision.

"Yeah," I replied nonchalantly.

"Don't make me laugh! Takahashi has summoned everyone, so follow our lead," the guy declared, taking a few steps.

However, he soon noticed that we weren't following suit and abruptly halted in his tracks.

"Hey, didn't you hear what I said?"

Before I could respond, Luke stepped in, his voice calm yet commanding. "Let him be."

"Luke, we've been instructed to gather the entire class. Perhaps a little lesson in humility would adjust his attitude," the other guy chimed in, suggesting a physical confrontation.

'What the fuck? He wants to beat me over something so trivial?' I thought to myself, a mix of annoyance and disbelief coursing through me.

Well, it's not like he could actually defeat me, but the audacity!

With thoughts of retribution dancing in my mind, I watched as Luke intervened, his voice cutting through the tension. "I said let him be, they have the right to make their own choices."

"Eh? What are you talking about, bro?" the guy retorted, confusion evident in his tone.

"When the previous group wanted to go solo, you were the one who beat them. Why are you protecting him?"

Before he could finish his sentence, Luke swiftly grabbed hold of his collar, his grip firm and unwavering. "Listen here, you moron," Luke asserted, his voice dripping with authority.

"I'm not saving him. I'm saving you. Now do as you're told."

With a swift push, Luke sent the guy stumbling backward, his message clearly delivered.

"Sorry about that," Luke exclaimed in a slightly raised voice as he and his companion made their exit.

"I'll make sure to inform the class about your decision!"

"What was that all about?" James murmured, a perplexed expression on his face. "That was pretty awkward."

Anastasia turned her face to me, asked curiously, "Is he your friend?"

"Uh, Luke?" I queried, slightly taken aback. "No, he's not my friend."

Observing our surroundings, a sense of determination washed over me.

"Well, now let's go and retrieve our smart bracelets", I declared, eager to move forward with our own plans.


The smart bracelets, enchanted artifacts born from the fusion of engineering and magic, held within them a trinity of functions.

First and foremost, they served as a meticulous tally, keeping track of the wearer's hard-earned points.

These points were garnered through the valiant and perilous task of plowing through dungeons, eliminating the menacing monsters that lurked within.

Secondly, they acted as communication amulets, connecting wearers effortlessly with their trusted comrades.

Similar to the convenience of a smartwatch, these bracelets bridged distances and facilitated swift and efficient coordination within our group.

But perhaps the most intriguing aspect was the third function.

Each smart bracelet shared a mystical bond with a rare relic safeguarded by the academy.

In the face of elimination, this bond would be conjured, instantly whisking the student back to a safe haven while simultaneously summoning a temporary D ranked shield, shielding them from harm for a fleeting yet crucial period of time.

Yes, the rare relic possessed a fascinating ability akin to the enigmatic power of teleportation, reminiscent of the legendary [Mystery of Teleportation].

However, a significant difference distinguished the two.

The rare ranked relic, intertwined with the smart bracelets, had its limitations firmly rooted within the specific region of the academy.

Its teleportation capabilities were confined solely to this designated area, adhering to the inherent nature of teleportation relics.

On the other hand, [Mystery of Teleportation] held a far more versatile and boundless potential. This mystical power had the remarkable ability to transport its user to any desired location, unhindered by spatial boundaries or mana consumption. Its unlimited number of uses granted an unparalleled freedom of movement.

Nevertheless, this extraordinary power came with a caveat. The limits of [Mystery of Teleportation] were intrinsically tied to the user themselves, requiring them to possess the necessary skill and knowledge to wield this incredible gift.


"Next, please," the receptionist's voice abruptly pulled me back to reality, jolting me awake from my daydreams.

With a determined stride, I made my way to the front of the line, the anticipation of what lay ahead heightening my senses.

"Please hand over any food rations you may be carrying, as well as any relics or contraband", the receptionist instructed, her voice firm but not unkind.

"No problem", I responded, retrieving my dimensional bracelet.

This nifty device held an assortment of essential items, neatly tucked away within its mystical confines.

However, I knew all too well that the most important item of all resided on my right hand, concealed in a glove.

Carefully, I extended my hand and handed over the dimensional bracelet to the receptionist, observing as she began to unpack its contents one by one.

The anticipation grew with each item she revealed.

"Here you go," the receptionist announced, her voice tinged with a hint of professionalism.

She handed me the smart bracelet, its presence tangible in my hand.

Examining the white-colored bracelet, I slipped it onto my right arm, securing it firmly in place.

Its sleek design boasted a small, multifunctional monitor reminiscent of a smartwatch.

For instance, we were also assigned a red band on our arm to indicate that we belonged to class A1. However, it seemed unnecessary as it would became quite apparent when encountering students from other classes that they are not part of our class. Instantly, we could distinguish them without needing to inspect their bands or smart bracelts

I uttered under my breath, "Nano, Hack."

[Affirmative, initiating hacking sequence]

"What did you say?" James inquired, his curious gaze fixed on me as he approached from the side.

With a quick recovery, I feigned nonchalance.

"Oh, nothing important. Did you manage to get your own smart bracelet?"

James nodded, a glimmer of excitement lighting up his eyes. "Yes, indeed. Ready to step into the battlefield?"

A grin crept across my face as adrenaline coursed through my veins. "Absolutely."

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