Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 59

Chapter 59: Mystery of Solaris Amulet [3]

Chapter 59: Mystery of Solaris Amulet [3]

Author's Note: I understand that many people tend to overlook notes like these, but this one is particularly significant.

I have made the decision to switch from using the Webnovel mobile application to uploading content through the Inkstone chrome webpage. I hope that this transition will not result in any issues. Moving forward, I will only be updating chapters and will not be actively engaging on the app for a period of time. I will not be responding to any queries and will provide only essential information.


Without a second thought, I teleported through the steel fence.

I did not bothered to check on the security gaurd or the office— teleporting right into the jungle.


My stay here was destined to span the entire night, afterall.

Maybe even one more day..

Who would let a stranger like myself the privilege of wandering unrestricted within these woods?

This particular area was off-limits during the night time, for reasons that I simply didn't care to know.

Casting a fleeting glance over my shoulder at the fence I had just bypassed, I propelled myself forward—deeper, into the heart of the forest.

Chrukh-Churkh-Churkh—the ground beneath me seemed to whisper with each resolute step, its mysterious melody luring me further still.

Lush emerald vines cascaded from the majestic, green-splashed trees, as the view unfurled before me— a sight straight out of a long-forgotten fairytale.

Though this forest was located in midts of a literal desert , it was quiet greeny.

It was a sight to behold, with lush vegetation thriving in stark contrast to the barren desert that surrounded it.

Amidst the symphony of colors, delicate pink-violet flowers bloomed upon the branches of the 'Lutkraka' trees—essences of their sweet fragrance gently caressed the air, infusing the forest with an enchanting aroma.

But I wasn't here for Lutraka flowers.

I was currently looking for a particular species of small tufted plants that sprouted purplish leaves from the forest floor.

Deeper into this wilderness, I pressed on, knowing that the answers I sought lay hidden amidst its heart.

In herbology—an intersection between study of mundane plants and fungi which was magical—the enigmatic plants I sought were known as the 'Eldritch Barilants.'

And for a very good reason.

When I shifted my gaze to the earth beneath my feet, I noticed a remarkable shift in the terrain— the soil had transformed, presenting itself in a deep shade of black, unlike what I had encountered beyond the confines of the fence.

In this forest, peculiar egg-shaped mushrooms sprouted alongside the neighboring banana trees.

Swiftly, I wielded my machete, carving a path through their midst, clearing the way for my progress—Slash!Slash!

I was pretty sure that there weren't any monsters in the forest.


While writing about mysteries, I had established unbreakable rules—no monsters, no natural disasters, no unseen accidents. These principles served as an ironclad rule.

My reasoning behind such precautions was simple—the mysteries were rarely bound by a singular form or shape.

They manifested as rocks, trees, or even monumental structures. Any presence of lurking monsters would certainly disturb and inadvertently dismantle the surroundings.

I ventured further into the forest, my eyes fell upon a bizarre sight—oversized pumpkins, resembling small cars scattered amidst the foliage. Yet, my focus remained unwavering—I sought the Eldritch Barilants, not these colossal gourds.

Bzzz! — Thap! "Damn it, bloody mosquitoes!" I exclaimed in frustration as I swatted at the pest, which had landed on my neck in an attempt to satisfy its thirst for blood.

Yes there were mosquitoes in here.

Unlike the dungeon trials, where the jungle was meticulously engineered, this was an authentic, untamed wilderness.

Here, nuisances like mosquitoes thrived in abundance. However, I had come prepared.

As these thoughts passed through my mind, my attention was drawn to a row of purplish leaves sprouting from the ground at a distance.

"Heh, there you are!"— Bzzz! - Thap! "Damn mosquitoes!" I couldn't help but mutter under my breath as yet another mosquito attempted to plant its unwelcome kiss on me.

Nevertheless, I approached the remarkable plant, retrieving a bluish bottle from my dimensional bracelet.

It contained a thick liquid - DO2, a substance that the Eldritch Barilants liked alot, thanks to its naturally sweet taste.

As I bent down, my fingers instinctively wrapped around the purplish leaf resting on the ground, ready to pluck it from its roots.

With a swift tug—Trskhhh!—a peculiar sight unfolded before my eyes.

Instead of roots, a weird creature emerged.

Its body appeared to be constructed from the very essence of the tree. Yet, there was a curious contradiction in its form, for it possessed the stature of a human baby, yet a face that bore the countenance of a mature adult.

Its limbs were diminutive, while its torso, strangely enough, held a substantial weight. The creature was no more than a foot in length—Eldritch Barilants.

I splashed the creature's —what I supposed was its face, with DO2.

The liquid splattered across its features, and without hesitation, I doused several nearby purplish leaves as well—Splash! Splash!

And just like that, the atmosphere shifted.

A whispering chorus of enchantment filled the air, as the bizarre creatures began to articulate their desires in a peculiar voice that seemed to meld the tones of a feline and a human infant, blending into an eerie adult melody.

"SWEET!","SWEET!","SWEET","SWEET","SWEET", "SWEET","SWEET!", "SWEET!"-they exclaimed in unison, their voices echoing with anticipation.


"Alright, alright, everyone will get, but first, answer me", I asserted firmly.

""Yea!""~exclaimed a chorus of voices, combining the syllables into a sweet melody—"Hyuman, ask! More! Sweet!"

The overlapping voices were becoming increasingly irritating, making it difficult to discern a single coherent thought.

"Shut up!", I snapped, directing my gaze towards the Eldritch Barilant firmly nestled in my hand,"You"

"Tell me, do you know where the hidden ruin is in this jungle?" I inquired in a demeanor that oozed politeness and courtesy.

"First, provide us with the sweet nectar", the Eldritch Barilants replied in unison, their voices was accompanied by a distinct sound of buzzing wings—BZZZ!

A persistent mosquito landed on my cheek, poised to extract its blood toll.

Thap!—I swatted the pesky insect.

'This is getting annoying..', I frowned.

"Huff"~ josei

"Alright, I am willing to offer you the sweet water, but before that, could you please tell me the exact location of the ruin?" I inquired softly, adopting a tone laced with anticipation.

In response, the Eldritch Barilant nestled within my grasp calmly extended —what seemed to be its hand, pointing towards a particular direction, as if guiding me.

My curiosity piqued further, I pressed on, seeking more specific details about the location.

"Can you provide me with intricate descriptions of the surroundings and landmarks?" I requested.

With the assistance of Nano, I mentally crafted a detailed map within my augmented reality by merging the knowledge imparted by the Eldritch Barilant with my own navigation instincts.

Finally a detailed map of where the [Solaris Amulet] possibly could was formed.

After I was done—

I released the Eldritch Barilant from my grasp, allowing it to find its rightful place, back on the dirt.

I started walking towards my goal.

But before I could take a step forward, an outcry—filled with a mixture of impatience and anger—stung my ears.

"Hyuman, where is my sweet water?!" the seemingly vexed little creature raged, demanding the fulfillment of our agreement.

"You want sweet water?!" I asked with a tinge of anger seeping through my voice.

"Too bad, you should have revealed it", I started taking assertive strides towards the Eldritch Barilant, "when I initially asked"

"I was already pissed due to the mosquitoes and I had to tolerate your nonsense too?" I muttered under my breath, feeling the frustration mounting.

"What?-" the startled Eldritch Barilant began to speak, but I abruptly lifted it into the air, leaving its words unfinished.

With swift motion, I kicked it like a football sending it hurtling away from me.

"Go to hell"

Strangely enough this gave me a little satisfaction.


I followed the map.

After half an hour of walking my footsteps led me to a small clearing within the forest.

Here broken pillars stood stoically, their steps melding into the ground over time. The remnants of a forgotten structure were consumed by the flourishing vegetation, Nature reclaiming what was once man-made.

At the center of the clearing stood an idol resembling a deity, its presence striking against the surrounding environment.

Surprisingly, it remained untouched by dirt or decay.

With anticipation, I reached into my dimensional bracelet, retrieving ten mosquito repellents.

Each repellant had cost me around 100 Den, but such expenses hardly bothered me.

Money was not an issue anymore,"Heh," I chuckled softly.

I am rich.


The mosquito repellents I held resembled large, crimson sticks, measuring about 30 cm in length.

A thread protruded from their mouths, ready for use.

Channeling some mana from within me, I activated all ten mosquito magic repellents, strategically placing them around the stage of the ancient ruin.

Satisfied with my preparations, I removed my shirt and settled into a cross-legged position in front of the idol, resembling a radiant sun.

Addressing Nano, I provided some final and crucial instructions, ensuring it understood, "Nano, do not heal my chest when..."

With everything in place and my intentions made clear, I closed my eyes tightly, entering a state of deep meditation.

This would an entire night, but by tomorrow, I would finally have mystery of [Solaris Amulet].

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