Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 60

Chapter 60: Mystery of solaris Amulet [4]

Chapter 60: Mystery of solaris Amulet [4]

Third Person POV:

Emerging victorious from the Dungeon Trials, Aurora's heart brimmed with joy.

She harbored a desire to commemorate this triumph by throwing a celebration for her comrades.

With great anticipation, she extended invitations to her inner circle.

This exclusive gathering included the notable figures from the main cast—Aeravat, Takahashi, Emily, Sophia, David Smith—and a handful of side characters, such as Kai Lee, Nola Reinheart and Luke Armstone.

Additionally, a select few members from class A1, who had achieved top 50 rankings in the Dungeon Trials, were also invited to partake in the revelry.

And where did she choose to host this after party?

A fu**ing private yacht! where pristine waters of the Gdlipyuor River would bear witness to their jubilant camaraderie.

The majestic yacht was an astounding 150 meters in size, a true marvel of engineering.

Its opulence knew no bounds, boasting a remarkable array of amenities like a grand ballroom, a state-of-the-art bowling alley, a gourmet restaurant, multiple swimming pools and hot tubs, well-equipped gyms, a cinema theatre, and countless other luxurious offerings.

Hailing from one of the most esteemed and influential families, arranging such a grand affair proved to be a mere trifle for Aurora.

Within the bustling bowling alley the beats of music permeated the air.

The room glowed with the ethereal illumination of violet LED lights, accompanied by Nanoleaf Rhythm light panels and vivid neon lights, creating a captivating kaleidoscope of colors throughout the space.

Amidst the captivating ambiance, the delightful sound of bowling balls colliding with pins resounded— "Tututututut-Clup!"

A continuous backdrop of energetic, funky music filled the room, fostering an atmosphere of carefree enjoyment.

In the midst of this lively spectacle, a girl possessing golden orbs of talent could be seen effortlessly scoring goal after goal.

With each accomplishment, she gracefully performed a little cherry dance, celebrating her victory.

"Wow... every single time?" Takahashi's words escaped his lips, a mix of awe and envy as he witnessed Emily's flawless performance. The defeat in his voice was evident, overshadowing any genuine excitement he might have mustered.

With determination etched on her face, Emily extended the challenge. "Ow! Let's go for another round!"

Takahashi, clearly bewildered, stammered, "How did–how did you even...?"

Amid the buzzing excitement, whispers of amazement circulated through the onlookers in the bowling alley.

Observing the scene unfold before her, Aurora couldn't help but let out a soft remark, "I can't believe it..."

Aeravat nodded in agreement, replying, "I know, right? Surprisingly,she's good at bowling."

"Heh.."—Aurora's chuckle revealed a mischievous undertone. "While that is indeed newsworthy, no..." Her words hung in the air, teasingly leaving Aeravat curious.

He raised an eyebrow, munching on a handful of peanuts, wordlessly hinting at Aurora to continue her revelation.

With an air of anticipation, Aurora continued her revelation, her words taking on a nostalgic tone. "Just a few days ago, I didn't even dare to imagine that we would come out victorious in the dungeon trials."

Her eyes glistened with a mixture of gratitude and wonder as she glanced at the table's glossy surface, which reflected her own beautiful face, illuminated by the shimmering light.

Aeravat's playful smile persisted as he responded, his voice laced with appreciation. "But we did it, didn't we? And now, here you are, gracing us with this incredible party."

Aeravat absentmindedly munched on another peanut, not so much for the taste, but rather to keep himself company in the moment.

As if on cue, Emily joined their conversation, closely followed by Takahashi, who appeared uncharacteristically cheerful, wearing a radiant smile instead of his usual angry bird expression.

Aurora couldn't help but remark on this unexpected change— "Well, isn't this a different sight?"

Her playful smile directed toward Takahashi hinted at the positive transformation she observed.

Curiosity piqued, Takahashi raised an eyebrow, questioning, "A change? What do you mean?"

Aeravat playfully interjected, pointing directly at Takahashi's face. "She meant your face, dude."

Confusion filled Takahashi's innocent expression as he questioned, "My face? What's so special about it?", His tone shifted slightly, adopting a narcissistic flair. "Do you mean I look even more handsome than usual?"

Aurora couldn't help but roll her eyes at his self-absorbed behavior, fully aware of the predictable path the conversation was taking.

Takahashi remained unfazed, continuing his soliloquy with a stroke of his chin.

"Seriously, what can I say? I seem to be blessed with beauty. There are times when I worry that people might become depressed just by glancing at me, realizing they can never reach my level of sheer good looks."

With an air of self-satisfaction, Takahashi concluded his monologue, nodding approvingly at his own reflection.

David's voice chimed in, his hand holding an expensive beverage in a Bordeaux glass. "Guys, wanna go to the ballroom? It's really fun that everyone joined in the celebration."

The rich, sparkling liquid inside the glass hinted at the presence of champagne, adding an air of luxury to the scene.

Emily, quick-witted as ever, responded with a hidden message laced in her words. "Well, apparently, not everyone ."

With a quizzical expression, Aurora raised an eyebrow. "Who? Did I unintentionally leave someone out of the invitation?"

Emily replied matter-of-factly, her tone suggesting that she held a crucial piece of information,"Yes, there was someone. A certain someone who was also in the dungeon trial. It seems like everyone forgot about him." josei

There was no need for further explanation. They all understood exactly who Emily was referring to—just an average guy who did play an integral role in their success during the dungeon trial.

He was neither their friend nor foe.

Sophia, ever the peacemaker, chimed in to shift the conversation away from the unimportant topic. "Let's not dwell on that." Her voice carried an optimistic tone. "Instead, why don't we make our way to the ballroom and enjoy the celebration?"


Weeeiiiiio!—Weeeiiio!—Weeeiiiio!—The ceaseless chorus of cicadas and croaking frogs—Dtrrroog-Dtrrroog-Dtrrroog!—enveloped the jungle, creating a symphony of natural melodies.

Amidst the darkness that draped the forest like a cozy blanket, a few rare blue flowers adorned the branches, emitting a soft luminescence akin to a gentle bulb.

The midnight aura was further enhanced by clusters of yellow plants that radiated a subtle glow, illuminating the surrounding ambiance.

The once mundane water pools, now transformed by the moonlight, showcased a mesmerizing display of vibrant blue jewels dancing upon their surfaces.

The dense foliage of the forest was adorned with an array of captivating and mystical plant species, captivating the senses with their enchanting allure, a true spectacle of herbological wonders.

Trekking through the wilderness, one might even sight unique horned desert lizards gracefully navigating the vine-laden trees, a distinct species that had found solace in the depths of this verdant jungle.

In the midst of this enchanting yet chaotic tapestry of nature, a peaceful clearing emerged, embraced by the lush forest.

At its heart stood a weathered stage, crafted from green stone that bore the marks of time, its surface dusted and tarnished like an ancient relic.

Aligned around the stage were ten vibrant red sticks, unmistakably mosquito repellents, indicating an attempt to hold back the persistent onslaught of the tiny bloodsuckers.

Amidst it all, a young man sat cross-legged, his bare torso exposed to the night air.

His skin possessed an ethereal, pristine whiteness that seemed to glow under the gentle touch of moonlight, elevating him to an otherworldly presence.

Deep, midnight-black hair cascaded around his head, reminiscent of the darkest night itself.

With closed eyes, he remained engrossed in his meditation, undeterred and unperturbed by the harmonious symphony of nature unfolding around him.

To an observer, gazing upon this scene, one might surmise that a wise sage was in prayer, seeking divine blessings or enlightenment.

Yet, upon closer inspection, it became evident that the figure in meditation was none other than a mere teenager; a young soul, seemingly on a journey of self-discovery amidst the captivating embrace of the mystical forest.

His meticulously sculpted muscles glistened, drenched in a sheen of perspiration, as his body glowed with an iridescent brilliance, enhanced by the ethereal moonlight.

Noah had been rooted in his meditation for close to twelve hours, his commitment unwavering and his purpose shrouded in mystery.

What was he seeking?

Was it the ancient wisdom of the universe itself?

Almost as if in response to the unspoken queries, the idol of the sun, situated a mere four meters away, affixed to a prominent stone, burst into a radiant blaze of white luminescence.

In an instant, the encompassing veil of darkness was consumed by the magnificent radiance emanating from the sun-shaped idol.

The brilliance was so intense that, for a brief spell, the night was brilliantly displaced, giving way to a transient period of daylight within this enchanted domain.

Delicate tendrils of shimmering white smoke, reminiscent of the very essence of time, gracefully encircled the tranquil figure immersed in meditation.

With each passing moment, the luminous mist intertwined, manifesting into a ethereal entity that seemed to hover weightlessly in the air.

Its body, resplendent in a divine white radiance, illuminated every inch of its surroundings.

A being from a realm beyond the confines of time and space had descended upon the earthly realm within this jungle.

A deity, the epitome of divine existence, had manifested.

"Open your eyes, Noah Grey", a celestial sound resonated, as if originating from the very light itself.

The voice possessed a melodic quality, reminiscent of the ambrosial nectar of sweet elixirs.

With a gradual slowness, Noah unsealed his eyes, only to be greeted by the captivating form of the deity—an apparition resembling the presence of God himself.


Noah's POV:

Present before me stood a luminous entity, composed entirely of pure, radiant light.

Moving with an ethereal grace, it floated towards me, drawing its hands closer to mine.

I could feel the touch of its hands, vibrant with the essence of light, as they clasped mine and directed them towards itself.

Placing a Greyish amulet, resembling a stone-like artifact, onto my right hand.

"I have already bestowed upon you the knowledge of its usage", the celestial being spoke, his voice resounding with a tone of profound wisdom.

"Take heed, for whenever the unbreakable armor is touched by the Sun's rays, your powers shall be augmented by one-tenth of their original potency. Such is the boon granted unto you."

"All beings, descendants of the Sun Dynasty, shall bow in reverence to your presence", the words flowed from the ethereal being, awe-inspiring in their significance.

"Ah-",an exclamation, almost involuntarily, escaped my lips, momentarily interrupting the sanctity of the moment.

Clearing my throat with a subtle —"Ahem"— I dared to voice the question that had struck my consciousness.

"Are you...?" My voice trailed off, leaving the inquiry hanging in the air, awaiting a response from the divine figure standing before me.

As if perceiving the thoughts within my mind, interjected with his response, "No, my son, I am not God, nor am I a celestial being. I am simply a manifestation of the universe's laws, an abstract entity akin to the concept of numbers themselves."

As his radiant light slowly dimmed, signaling his imminent departure, I realized that time was running out.

Determined to seize this fleeting opportunity, I hastily posed one last unrelated question, hoping against hope that he held the answers I sought. "IS IT POSSIBLE FOR ME TO RETURN BACK TO MY WOR-"

"I am sorry, my son, this is as far as my influence extends",the being replied with a sorrowful tone, his voice tapering off into silence.

In the ephemeral moment that followed, the majestic figure vanished, leaving me enveloped once again in the encompassing night.

A profound sadness settled within my being, as if a connection to some unfathomable truth had been severed, and I was left longing for the knowledge that was now out of reach.

Bowing my head in disappointment, my gaze fixated upon the treasured Greyish stone artifact, cradled delicately within the palm of my right hand—the [Solaris Amulet.]

But amid this overwhelming emotional turmoil, a single desperate question escaped my lips, my voice barely a whisper, "Is it not possible for me to go back.. "


Tears welled up in my eyes, betraying the despair that washed over me, as a solitary tear trickled down my cheek, a poignant symbol of my heart's anguish.

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