Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Cataclysm [1]

Chapter 6: Cataclysm [1]

I was on my way back to Myria City.

My home.

As I was looking out the window of the train, my brows knitted.

The colour of the sky was ...strange.

Purple and Yellow-a change of colours one usually did not see.

And Yet I felt like I had seen this phenomenon somewhere before.

'What's happening?'—I thought to myself.


Jolted back I glanced down at my mobile device.

My eyes landed on the caller ID displaying the name 'Mother'.

An involuntary skip of my heart followed suit as I was struck with a profound premonition of what was occurring.

The once lively atmosphere within the train suddenly shifted into an eerie chill.

A stranger's voice broke through the silence with a haunting murmur, "Another disaster...", his words trailed off, but their weight lingered in the air.

An inundation of emotion surged through me as I apprehensively answered the phone, anxiously asking— "Are you alright?"

There was a nervous tremor in my mother's voice as she responded in a frantic tone, ["Noah! Where are you?!"]


In that single moment, as if frozen in time, my heart ceased its rhythmic beat.

A rush of inexplicable emotions swept over me, drowning me in a profound sense of helplessness.

["I don't know what is happening, the building is trembling violently"] she gasped, her frantic footsteps audible through the speaker.

—"Stop the train! Stop the train!"

—"We need to get out of here!"

—"Oh God...Oh Lord..Creator of heaven and earth. Have mercy on my soul. "

Panic ensued as the passengers aboard the train succumbed to terror, filling the air with their screams.

With a choked voice, she continued, ["I called your sister, but she's not answering the phone. I don't know what's happening."]

It was in that moment, amidst the chaos, that everything was abruptly engulfed by an intense, blinding flash of light.

The world around me transformed into a blinding expanse of white, and I felt my consciousness slipping away, gradually fading into darkness.

Thoughts echoed inside of me at that moment: 'Is this... the end?This is how I die? Meaninglessly?'

'Is this why I suffered, surviving all this years?Just to die like this?'

At the face of death, my fading consciousness began to fight back. But I was too weak to do anything.

The last thing I felt was..

Rage. Pure rage.


The world was cloaked in eternal darkness.

The only light came piercing as green glow that emanated from the very earth itself, lay the Demon realm.

The atmosphere reeked of sulfur and decay, while the sky seethed with swirling storm.

Clouds of purple, charged with crackling bolts of lightning. Kra-kra—!!

In the heart of this ethereal realm loomed an imposing palace: the domain of the Demon King.

It stood as a colossal edifice crafted from black stone, appearing to writhe and contort in a macabre dance.

Inside its sinister halls, deformed and contorted demons went about their grotesque tasks, their bodies twisted into nightmarish forms.

Seated upon a throne composed of bones, Azazel gazed upon his dominion with an icy and calculating stare.

Within the grandeur of the demon kingdom's throne room, three other demon prince stood before Azazel, their presence eagerly awaiting the decree of their king.

The chamber itself exuded an aura of darkness and foreboding, with torches flickering sporadically, casting eerie shadows that danced along the walls.

"Something is off", Azazel's voice broke the silence, his gaze shifting towards the vast windows that overlooked his kingdom.

"The mana is acting strange. I feel a disturbance... something of immense power", Azazel muttered, not to anyone in particular.

The other prince ranked demons exchanged uneasy glances, their eyes betraying traces of unease.

-"What do you suspect might be the cause, my liege?" ventured one of the prince, his voice laced with nervous anticipation.

Azazel redirected his piercing gaze towards his courtiers, his eyes blazing with an unwavering intensity.

"I cannot tell with certainty", he growled. "Yet, it is as though an 'outside' force is trying to breach the barriers, seeking entry into our world. Something that doesn't not belongs here."


A sprawling landscape unfolded, adorned with towering mountains that reached toward the heavens, and deep valleys that echoed with mystic whispers.

Within this place, the air danced with a trace of smoky aroma, a testament to the fiery breath of mighty dragons, while the mere beat of their wings shook the very ground beneath.

Gazing out over the vast fields where his disciples engaged in rigorous combat, Zephyr, the dragon king, felt a surge of pride surge through his veins.

His people, as fierce as the dragons themselves, would inevitably bestow their dominion upon all corners of this ancient world.

But, amidst all this, a disturbance stirred in the air, its pulsations causing the earth to tremble beneath his feet.

Zephyr sensed something immense, something 'strange'.

"Halt!" he bellowed, his thunderous voice reverberating far and wide, capturing the attention of the perplexed disciples.

"What troubles you, my lord?" a disciple asked, unable to conceal her curiosity.

Zephyr closed his eyes, focusing his senses to pinpoint the origin of this ...whatever.

After a moment of profound concentration, he opened his eyes and turned to face his devoted followers.

"The flow of mana, is acting a bit off" he spoke with a grave tone.

"Whatever this is, I don't think it's good. Stand prepared."

"An adversary, my lord?" a second disciple inquired, his voice tinged with apprehension.

"I don't know," Zephyr admitted with a hint of uncertainty. "But, we must ready ourselves for any potential encounter."


As Goddess Rebecca rose from her meditative state, she could feel a sense of unease in the air.

Her followers quickly approached, their faces twisted with worry, informing her about the oracle tree burning - the very tree that held the fate of their world.

Rebecca closed her eyes and delved into her inner thoughts, searching for answers. She could sense something off, something that did not fit - almost like a piece of a puzzle that just didn't make sense.

"Aether is acting strangely" she let out. "Something is ..., I cannot discern what it is."

Goddess Rebecca clenched the pendant around her neck tightly, a mythical-grade object known as [Twilight Bead], which granted its user the ability to witness fate.

"Oh great God, I implore you for assistance. Light my path," she whispered, hoping for divine guidance.

As if in answer, a series of visions flooded her mind, depicting a potential future that left her breathless and awestruck.

In her mind's eye, Rebecca saw a dark storm brewing on the horizon; a tempest that would rival any she had ever witnessed before.

But it wasn't the raging weather that had her worried. There was a man in this vision, a being not of this world, his dull grey eyes were lifeless - devoid of any emotion or humanity.

As Rebecca watched the vision unfold before her, she felt a sense...dread.

For the first time in a millenea a godess felt dread.

As she opened her eyes, the pendant in her fist turned to dust.

"The cataclysms are beginning"—She let out.


Noah's POV:

I opened my eyes to the sound of chirping birds and the warmth of sunlight engulfing my body.

I remembered that I was in my cozy bedroom, and it felt peaceful.

But my peace was short-lived when a floating window appeared in front of me.



│ S t a t u s W i n d o w ?


Name: Noah Grey

Age: 16 (+23?)(=39?)

Class: None

Rank: G-



│ Health: G- │ 100/ 100

│ Mana: G- │ 100/ 100

│ Strength: G- │ 100/ 100

│ Dexterity: F+ │ ( ) josei

│ Intelligence: ??? │ ( )

│ Mana Capacity: │ 0




│Armor: G- │ 1

│Resistance: G- │ 1

│Stamina: G- │ ( )

│Charm: E- │ ( )

│Durability: G- │ 1

│Flexibility: B │ ( )



- None





Propensity: None




I was confused as the window displayed my stats.

It showed my mana and status, but I didn't understand what it meant.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the window again.

It was still there, hovering in front of me like a ghost.

At this point, I started to panic.

'Am I having some sort of weird dream?'

'Am I in a game?'

'How could my home suddenly change like this?'

Questions flooded my mind as I tried to process what was happening.

As I tried to make sense of my situation, the Nano in my body greeted me.

[Good Morning, Master]

A mechincal tone.

Before I could reply I remembered what happened.

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