Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Mystery Of Teleportation [1]

Chapter 7: Mystery Of Teleportation [1]

A teenage boy lay motionless on a bed.

His stillness would deceive a casual observer to think that he is dead.

Like a lifeless body, the boy had held his gaze open, fixated on the void without any shift for over three hours.

Noah, consumed by a weird sense of emptiness, merely existed within the confines of his bed—devoid of any movement.


Noah's POV(Point of view):

'Why do I feel this way?'....

'I don't know'

Idk or maybe I do know?—but the reality...the reality. It felt like reality and dream switched places.

Today the fine line between nightmare and reality was blurred.

"Kuhum"— a dry cough escaped my throat.

But I didn't move. I felt like there was no purpose.

I didn't felt any strength in me to get up.

A tiny sense of regret crept in me as slowly the remorse of the years I had spent enduring a life I no longer desired settled in

In this moment, I found myself grappling with the overwhelming sense of losing myself that had overshadowed my existence.

'What happened to them?', I thought about my family.

I don't even know if I'll ever get to meet my family ever again.

My vision began to blur until the sensation of tears trickling down my cheeks made me realise why.

I detested my being and loathed this world.

Since the day I was born, I have been plagued with the unusual golden blood disease, causing fleeting, excruciating pain and recurrent, fatal episodes.

With my life always hanging by a precarious thread of fate, I never knew when my end would come.

I gritted my teeth.

My existence was a question which always kept my mother worried.

How must she have felt, watching her son slowly die over the years?

It was a feeling I could somewhat relate to.

Death followed me like a constant companion, having claimed my fami, no— I am not exactly sure about if they are alive or not..

I don't know what exactly happened during that... burst of light..but ..it felt like a nuke and when I opened my eyes...

The Alpha nanite, Nano, alerted me

[User's emotions are displaying abnormal patterns]

I heard the monotonous mechanical voice resonate in my head.

[As an SAI-nanite, I am incapable of feeling emotions like a living organism], Nano explained.

[However, my purpose is to ensure your survival.]

[Therefore, my advice to you, Master Noah, is not to squander this opportunity at life. Your grandfather, Dr. Hope Reynar and your father, John Grey, have made tremendous efforts to keep you alive.]

Though I was feeling somewhat lifeless, I knew that Nano was right.

My family had made tremendous sacrifices to keep me alive, and I shouldn't waste this opportunity.


Rising from my bed I surveyed the room, I noticed its simple décor. Simple but effective.

Basic necessities comprised the space—a simple white bed, an old wooden desk, a towering wardrobe, and a petite bathroom tucked in the corner.

My eyes fell upon an archaic smartphone resting on the desk. josei

I an effort to unravel the mysteries of my predicament, I made my way to the desk.

The last thing I remembered was a blinding flash of light that lit up the sky..

When I opened my eyes, I found myself surrounded by a clear blue sky, unlike the usual red-orange sky that I was accustomed to on Earth.

I wasn't exactly able to understand what happened- the world felt different..like .

I had a feeling from within me that I wasn't in my own world.

And, to further confirm my doubts I had checked the 'status' window.

As I was walking a strange sensation trickled my brain; I felt a discontinuity between my movements.

At first I wasn't able to grasp what was going on because according to nano my body condition was perfect.

It almost felt like I was lagging.

But as I gradually moved more the time of lag disappeared.

I don't know what it was.

I reached for the smartphone, my brow furrowed subconsciously.


The reflection of my face on the screen appeared altered.

Although it was still my own reflection, it resembled that of my 16-year-old self rather than my current 23-year-old appearance.

I had a hunch of what was going on so I went to the bathroom to confirm it.

Looking in the bathroom mirror, my reflection resembled my 16-year-old self.

Strangely, I appeared slightly shorter than my usual height of 6 feet, measuring around 5'7 inches tall.

I also noticed that my body was thinner than usual and my face seemed pale.

My hair and eyes remained consistently dark.

As I leaned closer to the mirror, I realized that my eyes were not the familiar dark brown I was used to seeing.

Instead, my iris was entirely black, giving my gaze an intensity.

The white outer layer of my eyes only made the blackness more distinct, creating a stark contrast.

I tried to open the smart phone looking for answers.

To my surprise, the phone did not had any lock ;I was easily able to open it.


Information one after another started appearing before me .


User Id: Noah Grey


Picture:(An image of myself)

Program : Hero program 1st year

School rank :1872/2000

Profession : none


"What is this Hero program?", I asked, feeling like I was being cast in some kind of production.

Confused and curious, a rush of memories flooded my mind - memories of someone named 'Noah Grey', but not me.

This Noah Grey was from this world, and I couldn't help but notice that we shared the same face.

The only difference was that he was six years younger than me.

It was a strange coincidence to come across someone who looked so similar, yet belonged to a world that was so different.

Further researching I found that the 'Hero Program' was created to train the younger generation in the art of combat, preparing them to deal with the monsters and demons.

The Central Union, which was akin to the government, implemented this program to ensure that they had capable soldiers in times of crisis.

What was even more surprising was that the institution where...er?... this 'Noah Grey'? was enrolled.

It was called Arcanum Blades Academy— the same name as the academy I had chosen for the protagonist in my novel.

After a few moments of thinking a realization dawned on me.

I have been transported into my own novel...

I furrowed my brow in disbelief.

'How is this even possible?'

The idea of being transported into a 16-year-old version of myself from another world defies all logic.

I already understood that I was no longer on my world.

The foreign surroundings, coupled with the strange recollections I had of a 'Noah Grey'.. who belonged to this world, confirmed my suspicions.

The "Status window" which appeared earlier, only added to the evidence that I had been transported to a completely different world...where magic seems to exist..

The craziest part is that the world I am in could possibly be the one I created within the pages of my novel.

As for the previous owner of this body?—...I couldn't care less.

I'm too preoccupied with trying to figure out how to navigate this new reality.

"That brilliant burst of light...when I was... inside the train seemed to be the cause.."

But Noah Grey? I never created a character named 'Noah Grey' in the novel. Why would I create a character named after me in my novel?

Yet, here .... I am.

"Is it possible that the people of my world also got 'transmigrated' into this world?"

Something told me that wasn't the case.

As I tried to make sense of my situation, I realized there were only two possible explanations for what was happening.

The first was that the burst of light had somehow transported me into the pages of my own novel.

If that were the case, then perhaps there was a chance that the people from my original world had also been brought here along with me.

Maybe even my own family.

However, a nagging feeling told me that this was unlikely.

The second possibility was far more ominous.

Perhaps the burst of light had been something much more destructive, like an anti matter explosion.

If that were the case, then I must have died and been reincarnated inside the body of Noah Grey, in this alternate world line.

It was a terrifying thought,...

The second idea was quickly dismissed as I remembered that I had been injected with nano machines, which meant this body was definitely my own.

However, the memories that flooded my mind about the life of Noah Grey in this world line were still perplexing.

The paradox was eating away at my thoughts, and I couldn't ignore it.

After some more contemplation, I finally came up with a new explanation that could explain my current situation.

After pondering for a few more minutes, a new theory dawned on me.

It was possible that my body and the body of Noah Grey from this world line had been switched, and our lives went with them.

In other words, his memories and accomplishments were now mine, and vice versa.

This also meant that his family, friends, and social hierarchy now were mine as well.

It was a strange and unsettling thought, but it was the only explanation that seemed to make sense given my current situation.

As my stomach let out a fierce growl, I realized how hungry I was.

The paradox I found myself in seemed like it would take more than a day to unravel, but right now my priority was nourishing myself.

I headed towards the corner of the room where the freezer was located.

With a quick motion, I opened the door and rummaged through the contents.

Two water bottles caught my eye, tucked away in the upper corner.

I grabbed them and unscrewed the cap of one bottle.

The water gushed into my mouth, instantly quenching my thirst.

I assessed the contents of the freezer and retrieved only some jam, ketchup, a bottle of milk and two eggs.

Once I had taken what I needed, freezer and retrieved only some jam, ketchup, a bottle of milk and two eggs.

Once I had taken what I needed, I shut the freezer door and began to explore.

I spotted a packet of bread on the top shelf of the cabin and immediately knew what to do.

Utilizing my culinary skills, I whipped up an omelet and toast, which I eagerly devoured while sitting on my bed.

This world is a world filled with magic and monsters.

If I want to survive, than I will have to become strong.

The problem is the current academy I was supposed to attend is Arcanum Blades Academy, where the main protagonist of my novel Aeravat is supposed to attend for 3 years.

Its no surprise that wherever the protagonist will go problems will follow.

I cannot become strong enough to ensure my survival within a week.

After emptying the milk bottle, I felt somewhat refreshed. "Hah."

With the bottle of milk still in my hand, I began to think of a way to guarantee my survival.

'In this world, magic, skills, sword arts, and family arts are the usual means of becoming stronger.'

While these are excellent ways to gain strength, one needs a lot of money and effort to acquire even a single sword art or skill.

There are other items that can ensure my survival, such as high-grade items, potions, and elixirs.

However, the greatest way to survive is to be able to escape.

I remember mentioning eight mysteries in this world while writing the manuscript.

Mysteries are like cheat codes in a game.

I had planned to add 15 mysteries, but I never got around to finalizing my work.

Of those eight mysteries, one mystery can allow the user to teleport.

I placed the empty bottle down with a 'thump' and fixated my gaze onto the ground.

"Then it's settled," I declared. "I'll go after the mystery of teleportation."

Out of all the mysteries available, I selected this one for a particular reason.

It was located on the outskirts of Krenada city, the same city I am currently in, making it a convenient option for travel. However, locating it might prove challenging.


Setting my foot outside of the apartment complex ,I headed towards the Train station.

The academy should be starting a week. I believe at this point the MC was already rank E+ borderline D , which was leagues above a rank G- like me.

So I have got to use this week in hopes of catching up with the protagonist.

Why was it important for me to become nearly as strong as that monster?

Because the challenges which will appear in the story will gradually increase based on the growth of the MC.

If I am nearly as strong as him then atleast I can escape when danger arises.

Right now my first priority was to get [Mystery of Teleportation].

With this mystery no matter what danger arises I will always have a escape.

In order to find [Mystery of Teleportation] I must head towards Avalonia forest which is in outskirts of Kandra city.

"Here's my card"

Passing the card to the lady in the ticket office, I checked the map of the station.

"Where to?"

"Avalonia" I replied.

"That will be 5 Den" she handed back my card.

Thinking about this and that I sat on my seat.

As the train slowly started to take its pace I saw two teenagers heading for the seat before me.

My eyes widened in shock,.Cause I know those two.

Red eyes and Black Hair -Aurora Lewis,also known as queen of thunder and the other one bully of the school and rival to Aeravat- Takahasi Aoi

They were the leading characters who will fight side by side with Aervat and help him in the story.

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