Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 67

Chapter 67: Unit Test [1]

Chapter 67: Unit Test [1]

Noah's POV(Point of View):

Unit Test. The unit test was scheduled to span over a period of two days, each day consisting of different subjects.

On the first day, the test focused on Botanical Transmutation, exploring how plants can affect other creatures through their transmuted properties.

As soon as the test was completed, we had to proceed to the 'scoring-based target exercise'. josei

The results of these two combined would determine our marks for test.

The second day, however, delved into the Magical Principles and Laws of Maths. This subject tested our understanding of the magical aspects intertwined with mathematical concepts.

After the test, we were obliged to participate in the battle test. In battle test, we were given three choices: either challenge someone to a duel, be challenged by an instructor, or have the teacher make the duel selection on our behalf.

Regardless of our preference, saying no was not an option.

Initially, my plan was to opt for a duel against an instructor, considering it to be a safer choice compared to the other options available.

Instructors would often hold back during duels against students, making it easier to accumulate marks based on our duel.

On the other hand, engaging in a duel with another student would entail a more challenging and intense battle.

But I had a change of heart.

I decided to challenge Nola Reinheart to the duel.

A fair and square battle, just as she had desired.

No battle mode.

No utilization of Nano abilities.

No resorting to cheap tricks.

I will give her a fair and honorable battle. 'Honor', isn't that what she wanted?

While thinking all this I began to put on my school uniform.

Being a first-year student, there were specific color codes assigned for our dresses. Second-year students followed a similar pattern.

However, the third-year students— the hero cadets, had the privilege to wear whatever they pleased.

After all, they were the ones entrusted with real-world missions and dangerous tasks. It only made sense for them to blend in with normal people by donning casual outfits, allowing them to seamlessly navigate through everyday life.

Anyway, as I was saying, ...uniforms—Arcanum Blades Academy gave us two color options for our school uniforms.

The first option was navy blue pants and a matching coat. It seemed like the majority of students opted for this color, and it had become the norm.

On the other hand, there was also the option of black pants and a coat. But a very few people chose this color. Perhaps it was due to superstitions or personal preferences?

I personally liked to style myself so I choose what suited my taste more—black.

Sporting a white t-shirt and black pants, I made my way to the class.


As I entered the classroom, I couldn't help but feel the heavy tension lingering in the air.

Everyone seemed to be in a more serious demeanor than usual.

"Hah", an involuntary chuckle escaped my mouth as I watched their faces.

These buffoons...'Well that's what happens when you don't study—but unlike these losers, I can just use Nano to answer, haha!',

"Hahaha"—ara?.. wait? I didn't even realise of when I started laughing in real as well.

No wonder some think of me as weirdo...


Walking ahead, I signed my name and rank on a piece of parchment placed on the teacher's desk, a mandatory task as the instructor sitting at the teacher's table quickly assessed my information.

Without paying much attention to the instructor's gaze, I made my way towards the left corner of the classroom, choosing a seat near a window.

For reference, the main characters were also in this particular section of the area where I decided to sit. Yeah, I know I said I am never gonna engage with the MCs - and I am not.

But here's a thing that I have been thinking about this world for some time now.

The novel that I was writing, its plot... its storyline.

Should I do anything drastic that would change its outcome? Or should I just let it be? I have given this some thought if it's okay for me to change the storyline... but then again, I was not writing a happy story where the hero defeats the demon king, gets his harem waifus, and everything ends with a happy ending.


I wasn't writing such a story.

Instead, I was writing an apocalyptic story.

The ending of the story that I set was the destruction of Earth and Aeravat losses. Main cast losses. Humanity losses. That's the ending I was planning.

I had no intention of providing readers with the happy endings they often craved.

Instead, I aimed to present them with the bitter taste of reality.

Reality that was based on me.

And what was my reality? I was dying.

So, should I let the storyline go the sameway it happened in the novel?

Should I let the plot be what it was?

Destruction of Earth? No, that would be foolish. Fuck the plot.

I'll do whatever it takes to ensure my own survival.

To hell with the MC and the protagonist.

Of course, I still won't engage with them directly and interfere with their story since it mostly revolves around them.

But I'll definitely step in when the 5 great cataclysms occur.

Whenever one of those cataclysms takes place, I'll intervene and alter the course of events and time itself.

No one is going to stand in my way.

Not even fate.

But to achieve all this, I'll need power and-"Everyone, get ready! The test begins in just one minute", Instructor Yilin interrupted my thoughts as she informed us to get ready.

Not long after, Professor Riya entered the classroom, carrying our test papers with her.

As I glanced to my left, my eyes met with James'.

I simply nodded at him, silently conveying 'good luck', and he returned the gesture.

When I looked behind me, my gaze was immediately met with Aurora, Emily and Takahashi. These three were sitting behind where I was.

'F*ck', I cursed inwardly, I never liked having a staring contest with these guys. I quickly redirected my attention forward.

9:30 AM

The test began.

[First question: Define transfugration and explain its occurrence.]

[Second question: Discuss the concepts of monsterology...]

With Nano assisting me, I started copying answers from various online websites.

Occasionally, I could hear the faint grunts of fellow students struggling with difficult questions. In comparison, the exam seemed relatively easy to me since I was just copy pasting the answers.

After approximately 25 minutes of writing, I finished the test. Admittedly, we had been given a generous 50 minutes to complete it, but I was already done.

I rose from my seat and walked towards the teacher's desk, passing my paper to Professor Riya.

Her perplexed expression caught my attention as she glanced at the paper, and she questioned, "Is everything alright, Noah?"

Confused by her question, I responded, "Huh? Yeah, everything's fine."

Curiosity glimmered in her eyes as she asked again, this time in a more quizzical tone, "Then why are you giving me your test paper?"

With a shrug, I replied, "I'm done with the test."

"Huh? You're finished already? It's only been 25 minutes", Professor Riya questioned with a frown.

"Yeah, I'm done," I replied nonchalantly.

"Well then, let's assess your target scores," Miss Riya said, motioning for me to walk out of the classroom.

Following her lead, I began to leave but...I felt a piercing gaze on my back.

When I turned around, I found Aurora's eyes fixed on me but I paid no mind to her, and left the classroom.

Well it's to be expected...Aurora is considered prodigy in studies...or atleast that's what she thinks of herself.

For me to simply have finished the test in 25 minutes might have seemed suspicious but...meh who cares.

Professor Riya guided me to scoring-based target exercise.

However, as we made our way down the corridor, she suddenly posed a question completely out of the blue, "Who were your parents, Noah?"

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