Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 68

Chapter 68: Unit Test [2]

Chapter 68: Unit Test [2]

Professor Riya's POV:

Glancing at the test paper in my grasp, I couldn't help but wonder if Noah had really attempted all the questions.

Maybe he didn't study?

But then again, one glance at the test paper was enough to reveal that he had indeed attempted every single question, completing them all in an astonishingly short span of 25 minutes.

"Hah"—a soft sigh involuntarily escaped my lips, as I couldn't suppress the mixture of surprise and skepticism that arose within me.

Redirecting my gaze toward the young boy who now returned my stare with an almost expressionless face, his deep, obsidian eyes devoid of any discernible emotions - no glimmer of joy nor hint of sadness.

'I have looked up Noah's past', —Stamp!, while thinking, I stamped his test paper as a sign of it being recorded as 'done'.

'Well, I tried to ,...at least that was my intention...' I motioned for him to follow me towards the door, taking the lead myself as we made our way to the designated area for the Target-based exercise.

'The strange thing is, there seems to be no trace of his past. It's as if it's been completely erased' I mused.

As we continued down the hallway, the thought crossed my mind: Who exactly were his parents?

Without much consideration, I blurted out the question, unable to suppress my curiosity.

"Who were your parents, Noah?"

The boy abruptly stopped in his tracks, causing me to turn around and see.

"Why do you ask?", he asked, yet again his face devoid of any discernible emotions.

"Just a mere curiosity, that's all", I replied, gesturing for him to follow me from behind. Understanding my unspoken acceptance of his silence, he complied and trailed after me.

After a brief minute of walking, we reached a door bearing the label 'Test Session'.

"Go on in; the instructors will guide you from here," I instructed, leaving him with those parting words before making my exit from the premises.

Noah's POV (Point of View):


With Professor Riya's departure, a sense of relief washed over me, prompting me to involuntarily let out a sigh.

Regarding the inquiries about 'this Noah's' parents, ..well, the truth to be told I don't know.

I have tried to remember but the memories are like wisps of fog, dissipating the more I attempt to recollect them, becoming increasingly elusive with each passing moment...

'Forget it..it's not important', I thought letting out a sigh—"Hah"

Stepping into the room, my eyes were greeted by a vast expanse covered in a lavish carpet of grass, adorned with an array of intriguing magical instruments and contraptions.

A diligent instructor made their way towards me, swiftly jotting down my name and roll number in the register. Taking a moment to explain the upcoming proceedings, he ensured that I was fully informed.

The test itself appeared simple— a huge contraption that almost resembles a flat cannon, most likely a magical device. josei

Its purpose was to propel polyfibred discs at rapid speed, in a fan-shaped area.

My objective was to obliterate as many of these discs as possible before they made contact with the ground.

The resulting score would determine my performance.

Sounds easy...so I began.

Even after constantly swinging my machete with all the strength I had ,I wasn't able to destroy even half the projectiles which came my way.

My machete proved inadequate in demolishing even a mere 40% of the incoming onslaught.

It became glaringly obvious that a close-range weapon like a machete was ill-suited for a test of this nature.

After having done with the test I immediately left the campus and began taking strides towards my hostel room.

Technically speaking I was the first person to complete the test...welp, not exactly a feat worth boasting about.


After taking a refreshing shower and eating something for energy, I began to wear a brown cargo pant and a comfortable long-sleeved black t-shirt.

Such casual outfits had become my customary attire.

Ensuring that my machete and other essential tools were safely stowed in the dimensional bracelet, I swiftly readied myself to go.

Where was I going?

Dyrne Alley.

Glancing at the clock, it indicated 10:55 - a timely reminder that, should I opt for a taxi ride, I would reach my destination in approximately thirty minutes.


Dyrne Alley, a clandestine haven almost like a notorious black market, where the exchange of goods transcended the boundaries of legality.

In this shadowy realm, one could not only buy but also partake in the art of selling.

And not just items, information, knowledge, potions anything goes hand in hand.

Derived from old English, the term "dyrne" signified hidden, a fitting descriptor for this place.

As I boarded the taxi, a profound sense of relaxation washed over me, triggering an involuntary yawn that eased the tension in my muscles.

"Where to?", the driver asked.

With a composed demeanor, I responded, "Eston Highway."


Getting off of the taxi at Eston highway I made a small U turn and made a small detour towards a quaint rural expanse nestled alongside the bustling highway.

Continuing on my path, I stumbled upon a small Wine Shop named 'Imzon's Old Vodka'.

Click!—Jinngle-Jingle—As I opened the door, the melodic chime of a small bell at the top of the door resonated through the air.

From the exterior, the shop appeared modest in size, dedicated primarily to the sale of alcoholic beverages.

The shop owner eyed me curiously before inquiring, "What do you need?"

Confidently, I responded, "A retractable ball pen."

It was a stupid request to come and ask for a ball pen in a wine shop, of course. But that's exactly why this was set as one of the steps to enter Dyrne Alley.

Dyrne Alley had numerous entry points scattered across the human domain, with this wine shop being one of them.

The old man soon gave me a click ball pen, his grizzled features etched with a knowing smile."There, anything else?" he asked while emphasizing the words 'Anything else'.

'Anything else', the guy was asking for the password.

So, I soon started clicking the pen in a particular pattern. It was a Morse code, a series of dots and dashes, decipherable only by those familiar with its cryptic language.

Observing my actions with a nod of understanding, the shopkeeper rose from his position and proceeded to swiftly lock the door, simultaneously flipping the sign to read 'Shop is closed'.

The shopkeeper turned and met my gaze.

"Come, follow me," he gestured, and without hesitation, I complied, trailing closely behind him.

Navigating through a cramped and narrow corridor within the shop, the shopkeeper guided me towards an inner chamber.

The chamber exuded an aura of antiquity, littered with dusty and weathered relics.

Positioned in the very heart of the room towered a formidable brick wall—a grand construction woven with enchantment, crafted by skilled mages.

"You know the spell?", the old man asked with a quizical look.

With an affirming nod, I acknowledged, "I do."

Stepping forward towards the imposing brick wall, I positioned myself a mere few inches away.

I chanted the incantation, my words resonating with the ancient spell—"Seledorius revelaris ego willanum ingressium!"

Almost instantly, the solid bricks of the wall began to stir and shift, as if driven by an unseen force.

Slowly, they rearranged themselves, forming a doorway, an entrance to a world beyond.

Gently pushing open the newly formed door, I found myself greeted by a sight that stole away my breath.

Unintentionally, a hushed word slipped past my lips, "This..."

Although my expectations were well-founded, witnessing it firsthand brought an entirely new level of awe.

In front of me stretched out a town that looked as if it were from the medieval era.

Also, even though it was currently day, beyond this door, the town was completely engulfed in night.

Elves, Dwarves, and beastmen all walked around in the streets, while street vendors and shopkeepers were lined up in rows.

There were hovering lamps that floated in the air, shrouding the streets with light.

I felt the excitement within me building...

This was Dyrne Alley!

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