Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 76

Chapter 76: Impending Doom

Chapter 76: Impending Doom

"So this is the famous '????????????' Mansion?"

The ???????????? Mansion, as it was often referred to, was no ordinary mansion.

No, it possessed a unique and fascinating history.

According to ancient accounts, during the era when Genova was called by a different name, its residents were renowned for their thirst for discovery.

One adventurous explorer, in particular, roamed the entirety of St. Sebastin, gathering a vast collection of manuscripts, legends, history, and tales.

To preserve this valuable treasure trove, the explorer constructed a magnificent library within these very walls.

Through the passage of time, the memory of the builder was lost but the library in itself endured as a testament to their legacy.

Amidst the second wave of the Halfling era, as the city of Genova finally acquired its name, a peculiar decision was made by the city's mayor. A madman, some might say, who had the audacity to construct a restaurant directly connected to the revered library.

Initially met with strong opposition from the locals, as time wore on, it became an inseparable part of the place's identity. As the years rolled by, this site witnessed the emergence of countless structures, ranging from hotels to libraries, and even dairy farms.

The area itself sprawled over an impressive expanse, spanning a length of 1200 feet and a width of 1400 feet.

Within the premises lie monuments, statues, and a fascinating assortment of artifacts that transform the mansion into a veritable museum.

However, the most intriguing aspect lies beyond the confines of the interior.

If one were to peer out of the window, they would be met with the sight of cows leisurely grazing upon grass—Yes, there was even a dairy farm attached to this eccentric place.

Truly, the Mansion was a melting pot of wonders and madness. The ???????????? mansion.

"Wow, so this is the '????????????' mansion?"—Emily exclaimed, her gaze fixed on the colossal gray stone structure standing just 20 meters away.

Water fountains adorned the entrance garden, offering a delightful sight as tourists roamed about, guided by their knowledgeable escorts.

Indeed, Geniva was more than just a mere spectacle; it was a place where one could actually pay to live here, temporarily.

Considering Arcanum Blades Academy's influential and prestigious stature in St. Sebastin, booking over 80+ rooms for their students was hardly a daunting task.

However, instead of opting for such a mundane arrangement, the academy went one step further and secured the entire mansion for a day, adding an air of exclusivity to the occasion.

"A little enjoyment while we still can before the no-rest training period starts", Aeravat remarked, appearing from Emily's side.

At Arcanum Blades Academy, the first-year students were subjected to intense 10-hour training programs following the mid-year exams.

Fortunately, they had a bit of time left before that relentless period commenced.

Without delay, Aurora and Emily swiftly entered the mansion, while Aeravat took his time, leisurely strolling and appreciating the enchanting surroundings.

Takahashi followed suit, venturing inside shortly after them.

As anticipated, the interior of the building was nothing short of monumental.

Luxurious paintings, statues, and various decor pieces adorned the entrance, some even enclosed within glass showcases.

The floor boasted tiles made of pure gold, while the high ceiling appeared to be constructed with pristine white tiles.

Observing Takahashi, Emily turned to Aurora, her curiosity piqued. "You haven't been talking to him much lately, have you?"

Aurora glanced over her shoulder, expecting to find Takahashi nearby, but he was nowhere in sight.

With a sigh, she responded, "It's not me who's not talking; it's him."

"Why, did you guys fight?" Emily asked, posing the question more out of curiosity rather than expecting a definitive answer. They ascended to the upper floor in unison, their steps echoing on the grand staircase, a magnificent structure crafted in an old-fashioned, pristine design. josei

The stairs themselves were composed of a material that appeared to be brass, its shine so dazzling that one might wonder if it were made of gold.

"We didn't fight, per se", Aurora responded, her voice tinged with concern. "He's just been acting strangely lately. He's become quieter, unlike his usual self."

Takahashi Aoi had always been known for his somewhat aggressive demeanor, but he had never been one to keep his thoughts to himself. However, those close to him, like Emily and Aurora, had undoubtedly noticed the change in his behavior.

"Well, I'll catch up with you later. I'm feeling rather weary, and I'd prefer to go to my room and rest a little", Emily replied, increasing her pace and striding ahead.


Noah's POV (Point of View):

I brought four items from Dyrne Alley.

The first is the Securus Mask, a remarkable creation that can shroud one's identity before the eyes of others.

With its enchantment, it allows the wearer to exist incognito, their true self hidden beneath an impenetrable disguise.

Next in my possession is a 'Ypnos Ball', resembling a vibrant pink bath bomb.

And as for what it does? Later about it.

The third item I bought holds both value and menace. Purchased from the infamous Blacksmith Alley, it is known as Desesperación —a desolate dagger of despair.

A weapon capable of instilling fear in the stoutest of hearts.

It cost me about 30000 Dens.

This dagger was no ordinary weapon, no. It possessed a special quality that allowed it to breach a vampire's defenses and inflict true damage.

However, it would only work on upto minister-level vampires.

Thankfully, my enemies belonged to the minister level.

Minister-level vampires, while formidable in their own right, were only as strong as C+ ranked heroes.

Above minister-level vampires were the grand minister vampires, comparable to the strength of B+ ranked heroes.

And at the apex of this twisted hierarchy are the king-ranked vampires, boasting an A-ranked strength.

Surprisingly, the might of vampires pales in comparison to that of humans.

So, one may ask, why don't humans eradicate all vampires?

The answer lies within the corrupted individuals who hold influential positions of power. These nefarious figures secretly desire the existence of vampire threats, leveraging their presence for hidden ulterior motives.

While demons loom as a collective threat to humanity, vampires possess a different mindset.

They value their individual existence and do not perceive themselves as a unified species.

The same can be said for humans, who do not view vampires as a common enemy, although there are certainly disturbed vampires who delight in causing chaos.

It is no secret that many yearn for the eradication of these malevolent creatures.

However, the course of events takes an unexpected turn later in the story.

Anyway, it was 4 PM, and my preparations were complete.

The incident will occur at 7 PM if my calculations are correct. I had a bit of time to spare before the appointed hour.

I was currently at the bustling North Krenada train station, my eyes scanning the crowd for a certain someone.

Navigating through the bustling crowd, my attention was caught by a figure perched on a station bench.

His impeccably styled hair swept back, jet-black strands gleaming under the station lights.

A neatly groomed beard accentuated his defined cheekbones, adding a touch of rugged charm to his overall appearance.

Amidst a sea of ordinary commuters, this man's choice of attire distinguished him effortlessly. A true connoisseur of fashion.

Approaching him confidently, I couldn't help but greet him with a friendly—"Yo!"

Yet, his response was far from warm.

He met my cheerful expression with an emotionless, aloof gaze. Well, I couldn't expect much warmth from a man I had blackmailed into working under my command.

Edward Wilson extended a black bag towards me, his voice calm and collected. "There are a total of ten smoke grenades in there."

A smirk spread across my face as I couldn't help but appreciate his exceptional knowledge of chemistry. These grenades were built by him. I did give him the blueprints and recipe but he was the one to build them.

"You never fail to amaze me with your expertise. You are truly skilled, you know that?", I remarked.

In response to my compliment, he shot me a piercing glance that made me sigh. Nonetheless, I accepted the bag from his grasp.

Curiosity got the better of Edward as he propelled an unexpected question my way. "Do you mind me asking why you need smoke grenades?"

Raising an eyebrow, I decided to answer his inquiry. "I need them to eliminate a couple of vampires," I replied matter-of-factly.

He scoffed at my response, seemingly not believing my words, "Tsk, alright don't tell" he muttered dismissively.

I couldn't help but smile at his reaction. "Don't you believe me?" I inquired, genuinely curious.

He locked eyes with me, his expression a mix of confusion and frustration.

"You ask me to create peculiar gadgets and contraptions based on blueprints and machines that I have never seen before. You drag me to random places to do arbitrary tasks out of the blue. It's all rather perplexing. But I have no choice but to comply with your requests, considering you've held my past hostage against me" he said, his gaze filled with indiscernible emotions.

Held hostage... Well, technically Edward Wilson, you're not my hostage, but then again...

As I started to walk away, I couldn't help but propose a solution. "I understand it's difficult for you to trust me completely. How about we both take an unbreakable oath?" I suggested, turning back to face him.

Confusion painted his features as he stood there, puzzled by my words. Without stopping, I continued, "Just take some time to think about it."

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