Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 77

Chapter 77: Attack on Genova

Chapter 77: Attack on Genova

Aurora's POV(point of view):

Chew—Chew—Chew, "Mfftis are realny goond mff", Chew—Chew—Chew. I continued to savor the delicious mammoth meatball I had in my mouth.

Takahashi glanced at me with a hint of annoyance and quipped, "Okay why don't you try saying that before you stuff your maw with food? Your muffled speech is hard to understand."

Caught between bites, I mustered a response, though it came out as garbled as ever, "Whant canh ei do, mmhhh"—Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew.

"Tsk",Takahashi scoffed, his gaze filled with disdain, as if he were observing a pig in its element.

"You eat like a pig, Aurora", he blurted out, unable to contain himself.

I raised an eyebrow in response, motioning towards my lower hip, "Oh, you think so? Well, I'm even 'fat' down there, just like a pig."

His eyes followed the direction of my gesture, lingering for a moment before quickly averting his gaze. "Ahem, I should be on my way", he stammered.

"So soon?" I queried, feeling somewhat disappointed. Lately, he hadn't been very talkative at all.

"Yeah...uh, you want to come?" he asked, glancing back at me over his shoulder.

"Sure!" I eagerly replied, placing my plate back on the table.

Well, I had already devoured a satisfying three-course meal, so I wasn't particularly hungry at the moment. But, as we made our way out, my eyes involuntarily lingered on the magnificent mammoth meatball, causing my mouth to water uncontrollably.

Gulp!—'Control, Aurora', I reminded myself, trying to resist the temptation.

Leaving the buffet behind, we started ascending the stairs. I refrained from bombarding him with too many questions about where we were going ; after all, this was the first time he had shown such enthusiasm in the past few days.

As we strolled along the first-floor corridor, an abrupt section loomed ahead. It was shrouded in darkness, devoid of any illumination from light bulbs. The peculiarity of this sight struck me, especially since it was nighttime and this mansion oozed luxury, which typically involves keeping every corner well-lit.

"Why is it so dark in this hallway?" I inquired aloud, more to myself than to Takahashi.

Following my gaze, he gazed where I was pointing but suddenly let out an alert cry, "Aurora, duck down!"

In the blink of an eye, a beam of vibrant red light engulfed both of us, catching us off guard before we could react.

As the intense beam of red light engulfed us, it felt as though my entire skin was being scorched. I couldn't help but let out a pained groan, "Anh!"

Takahashi, on the other hand, was sprawled on the ground, but he kept his gaze fixed on the direction from which the beam had originated.

With deliberation, the sound of measured footsteps echoed through the now-empty hall that only contained us.


"Oh, you guys survived?" a voice taunted, resonating throughout the space.

In that moment, I could somewhat gauge the attacker's strength to be around D+.

"Why did you attack us?!" I demanded without expecting a response. The motive behind his assault was quite clear, and the question could wait until later. I asked merely to buy myself some time to catch my breath, as my body was still suffering from the intense pain.

My inquiry seemed to have triggered a response as he chuckled, "Why indeed?" Stepping closer into the light, he revealed his unusual gray skin complexion.

"A vampire kin!" Takahashi exclaimed, his voice laced with disdain.

Reacting swiftly, I reached inside my dimensional bracelet and retrieved [Aegis], a defensive relic that I rarely used.

Within seconds, eight triangular green shields crafted from shimmering green light materialized around both Takahashi and me. They hovered in the air, forming an invisible barrier for our protection.

"Call the others; we can't confront him alone", I commanded, redirecting my gaze towards Takahashi.

He nodded in agreement, swiftly producing his smartwatch.

However, as we prepared to summon reinforcements, muffled screams of pain erupted from both the ground and upper floors.

"What's happening?!" I exclaimed, bewildered by the unfolding events.

As if in response to my question, the Vampire kin lunged at us with his claws, only to have his attack halted by the impenetrable barrier.

No matter how he tried to break through, it was futile.

I only expecter it since only a C+ ranked individual stood a chance against Aegis.

Realizing that his efforts were in vain, a creepy smile twisted across the Vampire-kin's face.

He began to walk away, heading towards the lower floor.

"Why did he leave?" Takahashi inquired, and I deactivated Aegis once he was out of sight.

I didn't reply to Takahashi's question, as the answer swiftly presented itself.

From opposite ends of the corridor, tens of vampire kins charged towards us, ready to engage in a confrontational clash. All of their strength could be felt around F.


Third Person's POV(point of view):

Three Vampire-Kins lunged forward, their sharp nails poised to draw blood from their prey. Their strength appeared to be around E-.

In a counter move, the individual with long, flowing black hair conjured a peculiar golden round shield from his dimensional bracelet, leaning forward to anticipate their clawed attacks.

In his other hand, he held a Talwar sword, firmly gripped.

Clang!—A resounding clash reverberated through the air as the force of the vampires' assault caused Aeravat to stagger back slightly.

As one of the vampires attempted to launch another attack, he found himself unable to move. Gazing downwards, he discovered that both of his legs had been encased in a thick layer of ice. To his surprise, the other two vampires were in a similar predicament.

When did this happen?! They didn't even have time to process the situation as a sharp cry escaped from Aeravat's mouth, "DESTRUCTIVE RUSH!" Holding his shield hand open, a vivid purplish light emanated from it, sending the three vampires hurtling through the air.

Aeravat had now achieved a rank of D-. For him, handling a couple of ill-trained vampire-kins was a piece of cake.

But Aeravat wasn't here to simply handle them; he will exterminate this bastards.

He wouldn't allow these vampire-kins to escape. As he knelt down on one knee, he forcefully slammed his right palm onto the floor, crying out, "Gate!"

In an instant, a magnificent golden gate materialized between Aeravat and the vampire-kins, adorned with strange, ancient runic letters. It was one of his most formidable skills, known as [Gate].

? ?

System Log Info ? josei

Skill name: Gate / Skill rank: S

Description: Allows user to summon the

gates of personal hell, unleashing chains

to bind and drain the mana of others.

Simultaneously, the user can also

absorb and replenishe their own mana.

? ?

It must be noted that individuals below the rank of B- typically cannot utilize an S-ranked skill due to the significant amount of mana consumption. However, [Gate] was a unique skill, as its potency depended on the amount of mana utilized. Thus, even someone like Aeravat, ranked D-, could use this skill. However, its power was undoubtedly not as great as a true S-ranked skill, but rather comparable to a C-ranked skill due to the ammount of mana.

As the golden gate doors swung open, an abyss of pure darkness was revealed inside, making it impossible to discern anything within. Suddenly, chains shot out from the darkness, made of iron, wrapping themselves tightly around the vampire-kins.

"What is this?!" one of the vampire-kins managed to muffle out, their voices heavily restricted by the chains constricting their limbs and mouths.

Frustration and confusion filled the air as the vampires' futile attempts to scream were met with only muffled cries, their voices entirely smothered by the chains wrapped tightly around their mouths, rendering them helpless.

Aeravat rose from his position, his Talwar sword wreathed in searing flames.

With a single fluid motion, he propelled himself towards the vampire-kins.

Slash!—Three heads severed from their bodies, landing with a thud on the floor. The battle was swiftly brought to a merciless end.


The atmosphere within the imposing walls of ???????????? mansion had swiftly transformed from one of vibrant liveliness to a grim pit of despair.

An onslaught of vampire kins had abruptly descended upon the premises, leaving its occupants bewildered and fearful.

The exact timing and cause of this calamity remained shrouded in mystery. No one could provide any answers.

As the chaos unfolded, an army of hundreds of F-ranked vampire kins, accompanied by a few more formidable D-ranked vampire kins, now prowled the once serene halls.

The inhabitants of ???????????? mansion and the unsuspecting students of traveling club found themselves thrust into a relentless battle against this unyielding enemy.

Amidst the pandemonium, the mansion's security personnel were preoccupied with combating a frenzied werewolf that rampaged through the main hallway.

Meanwhile, a vampire lady emerged from the shadows, brandishing an xbow and mercilessly shooting down innocent victims.

Amidst the chaos, a handful of brave individuals ranked D, found themselves amidst the distressed crowd.

But, they were ill-equipped to withstand the relentless onslaught posed by the maniacal duo.

While the fierce battle raged on the ground floor, an unfortunate student from the travelling club found himself crawling desperately on the blood-stained floor of the third level.

Two of his companions lay injured nearby, their bodies sprawled on the ground in pain and agony. With every agonizing moment, the student struggled to crawl away from the approaching horde of vampire-kins.

His wounded leg oozed crimson, staining the once pristine golden tiles with a macabre hue.

"Ankh!" he screamed, his voice desperate and raw.

With sheer determination, he resorted to using the hilt of his sword to drag his weakened body along the ground.

Tears welled up in his eyes, a mixture of pain and despair.

The loss of blood was taking its toll, draining his strength and clouding his consciousness. He realized that at any moment, he could succumb to the darkness that threatened to engulf him completely.

The vampire kins, cruel and sadistic, reveled in his suffering.

With their haunting laughter and mocking sneers, they slowly closed in on him, relishing the sense of impending doom that hung heavy in the air.

Was this his final moments?

He didn't know.

Exhausted and battered, his weary eyes began to flutter shut, surrendering to the weight of fatigue and uncertainty.

Just as his weary eyes were about to close, a peculiar metallic ball flew over his head, landing on the ground with a resounding thud.—Tang-tang-trrrrr!, it rolled.

His hazy vision caught a glimpse of this enigmatic object before everything faded away.

He had no way of knowing who had thrown the ball, as he was confined to crawling helplessly on the ground. Its purpose eluded him entirely.

Soon, wisps of smoke began to emerge from the mysterious ball, casting an eerie atmosphere in the vicinity.

The vampire kins, ever alert, sensed a shift in the situation.

Who could have possibly thrown the ball? Could it be the CU, arriving just in time to quell the chaos?

With no control over his fate, the boy relinquished his destiny to the whim of the unknown.

As his tired eyes closed for the last time, the only sound he heard before losing consciousness was screams. Not the screams of fellow students, but the screams of the vampire kin. Screams of pain and agony. He couldn't help but smile one last time as he lost consciousness.

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