Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 80

Chapter 80: Attack on Genova [3]

Chapter 80: Attack on Genova [3]

A/N: "Vampires" and vampire-kins distinguish two separate species. While both belong to the same genus, vampires are significantly more powerful than vampire-kins, who are essentially human slaves of vampires.

At times, I may refer to them (vampire-kins) as simply 'Kins' or 'Damphyr.'

Another closely related creature to vampires is Nosferaties, which also belongs to the same genus but is classified as a different sub-species.


Third person POV(Point of View):

Choi-Iseul was quite the sensation in class A1, but not for the usual reasons. While the top students basked in glory, Choi held the esteemed title of being the absolute bottom ranker, clinching the 2000th spot without breaking a sweat.

It seemed as if misfortune had taken a liking to Choi, devising diabolical schemes specifically tailored to torment him. Whether it was encountering bloodthirsty, grey-skinned humanoid creatures hot on his tail or stumbling upon yet another perilous predicament, it was clear to him that the universe had conspired against his very existence.

In that moment, as he sprinted for dear life, curses erupted from Choi's mouth like a volcanic eruption, aimed not at the pursuing menace, but at the audacity of his own rotten luck.

Among the motley crew running alongside Choi-Iseul, or rather, ahead of him, someone dared to propose a rather audacious plan.

"Why don't we give Choi-Iseul a gentle nudge towards those Damphyrs? That way, while they're feasting on him, the rest of us might just buy ourselves a precious moment to escape!"

The audacity of the suggestion was not lost on Choi. It became glaringly obvious that this individual was dead serious about sacrificing poor Choi to the vampire-kins.

In that moment, a surge of rage coursed through our hero's veins, his knife-hungry fingers itching to sink the blade into the throat of the sadistic plotter.

But instead, in an attempt to keep a semblance of civility amidst the chaos, he responded through gritted teeth, "Well, here's a thought... How about we all just agree to not do that, hmm?"

"Prepare to engage! We need to make a misdirection before we can escape!"—bellowed their leader, a girl with gray locks. She had a strength of (F+)—Tiya Rose.

In the midst of pandemonium, the significance of their actions mattered little.

With unwavering determination, the group rallied behind their leader, acknowledging the need for one final skirmish before their well-deserved escape.

With hearts racing and adrenaline surging, they readied themselves for the impending clash, bracing for one last stand against the odds before vanishing into the night.

"Fire Ball!", With a swift and acrobatic maneuver, a member of their group leaped into action, executing a backward rotation in mid-air, conjuring a fiery fireball in the process. Fire ball was a basic level spell.

The fireball found its mark, engulfing one of the Damphyrs in its scorching embrace, leaving behind seared flesh as evidence of its impact.

Admittedly, the vampire-kin appeared to be of a relatively weaker G rank, but their situation remained dire, for dozens of more Damphyrs were converging upon their position,some of those were even E ranked.

And so, the battle ensued, an auditory symphony of swords and claws clashing, creating a tumultuous atmosphere filled with a discordant harmony of violence.

Pomb!—suddenly an eerie vibration resonated across the ground, prompting everyone to witness a peculiar spectacle unfolding before their eyes.

The stone floor —the ground cracked open beneath one of the vampire-kin, revealing an unexpected sight—a metallic hand emerged. Its appearance foreign and otherworldly.

Without hesitation, the hand firmly clasped onto the vampire-kin's leg, exerting a force that dragged it into the gaping hole with a sinister allure.

The scene was akin to that of a malevolent entity dragging its prey into the underworld.

"Help me! Help me!! Hoooooaaa!!"—The Damphyr's desperate pleas for help abruptly ceased as he was mercilessly pulled into the gaping hole, his voice extinguishing into nothingness.

Reacting on instinct, both the remaining vampire-kins and the students automatically took a few steps back from the hole, their caution overriding any notions of bravery.

From the hole, a figure emerged with pale skin complexion, as if an embodiment of evil itself had ascended from the depths of hell.

Fortunately for the students, this guy seemed to be aligned with their cause.

At first glance, he appeared human, save for his peculiar and otherworldly grey eyes, which exuded an eerie aura.

Beyond those disconcerting eyes, however, the students were left clueless as to his true identity.

The Damphyrs on the other hand, found themselves divided into two factions. One group of around a dozen kins was between Noah and the other students, while the remainder stood behind Noah.

With a solemn gaze fixed upon Tiya, Noah issued a definitive command. "You all handle them. I will personally take care of the rest."

Tiya, sensing the authority emanating from him, instinctively complied, opting not to provoke or question the intentions of this mysterious guy.

In a blink of an eye, Noah disappeared from his position, only to reappear directly in front of one unfortunate vampire-kin.

As their gazes locked, the kin's eyes widened terror, his soul shuddering under the weight of those eerie grey eyes, eyes that demanded nothing less than his very life.

The vampire-kin fiercely swung his razor-sharp claws, attempting to strike Noah.

His efforts were in vain as Noah swiftly countered, delivering a precise uppercut that left the kin's claws grasping thin air.

Continuing the motion, Noah drew forth the Desesperación dagger, its unforgiving blade found its mark on the vulnerable neck of its prey.

Noah swiftly withdrew the dagger from the Damphyr's neck only to throw it at another nearby grey humanoid creature.

The dagger found its mark with uncanny accuracy, piercing the monster's eye with a sickening crunch.

"Gah!My eye!My eye! My eye!"—the creature unleashed a searing cry of pain.

Noah remained unfazed by the cry, his attention firmly fixed elsewhere.

He extended his right hand, beckoning the Desesperación dagger, and to the astonishment of onlookers, the dagger obediently returned to his grasp as if guided by an invisible force.

Ofcourse, this invisible force was electromagnetism.

Suddenly, a sledgehammer hurtled towards Noah with terrifying speed and power, intent on shattering his skull.

In response Noah calmly extended his left palm, directing it towards the incoming threat.

As the sledgehammer approached, the air around it began to disperse, and its momentum gradually dwindled until it came to a complete halt at Noah's outstretched palm.

The same invisible force from earlier had intercepted and subdued it. A testament to the immense electromagnetic force generating from Noah's seemingly ordinary palm, capable not only of pulling objects but also pushing them.

Soon the 4th floor became the stage for a dance of death, as the vampire-kins fell one by one to their demise.

After what seemed like an eternity of relentless combat, the floor became a haunting tableau, scattered with lifeless grey bodies, casualties of the fierce battle.

Noah's visage bore the unmistakable crimson stain of blood, blood—not his, but of the Damphyrs that he slayed. It was a testament to the brutality of the encounter.

Approaching cautiously, Tiya mustered the courage to break the silence.

"Hey... are you alright?" her voice trembled with uncertainty, unsure of how to approach Noah in the aftermath of such devastation.

Noah responded to her with a smile that attempted to radiate warmth. "Yeah, I'm good. How about the others in your group?"

Warmth or not she couldn't help but feel a tad uneasy at the sight of his crimson-stained smile and those hauntingly grey eyes.

Tiya quickly reassured him, "Everyone's intact, no injuries to report."

Noah nodded, a sense of relief washing over him.

Finally, things were starting to look up.

"Just to be on the safe side, any other students lurking around on this floor?" Noah inquired. After all, relying solely on the surveillance cameras might overlook a few pesky details.

Tiya shook her head, indicating that there were no other students on the floor.

Curiosity getting the better of her, she posed a question to Noah, "Who exactly are you? Are you part of the travelling club?"

Noah hesitated for a moment, aware of the weight behind his answer. "Well... about that", he paused, swiftly retrieving a gas mask from his dimensional bracelet and donning it.

Confusion enveloped the others, their gazes fixed on Noah's strange actions.

Confused ,Tiya asked, "Why are you wearing a gas mask?"

As a response, Noah threw a pink bath bomb towards the group. "Catch!" he exclaimed.

Reacting swiftly, Tiya reached out and caught the bath bomb mid-air with a satisfying "thup". To her surprise, it turned out to be a Ypnos Ball, known for its potent effects.

With a sudden burst, the ball exploded, releasing a vibrant pink cloud of smoke that enveloped the entire group.

One by one, they succumbed to the powerful effects of the Ypnos Ball, collapsing to the ground with resounding "thuds" - thud! thud! thud! Everyone, that is, except Noah.


Noah's POV (point of view): josei

I began strolling the 4th floor area trying to find the source of where these Damphyrs were coming from.

If my guess is right there had to be a teleportation device set up somewhere. If not stopped hundreds more of vampire-kins will launch an attack.

As if the universe heard my thoughts, I found myself at a crucial intersection where two hallways intersected.

Without warning, a group of five formidable Damphyrs emerged from one side, their menacing presence apparent.

Each one of them boasting a minimum rank of (F+).

In the other hallway, countless vampire-kins spread out as far as eye could see.

Well ...not that much but I think it was close to a hundred or so.

"Catch him!"—The group of five, menacing grey humanoid monsters charged at me.

Drawing in a long breath, I exhaled.

A shimmering cloud of silvery dust erupted from my lips, swirling through the air, moving towards the oncoming Damphyrs.

Soon the dust particles entered their bodies, causing them to halt abruptly.

Suddenly they succumbed to a fit of coughs—Cough! Cough!—before finally collapsing to the ground.

Before my eyes, a repulsive scene unfolded.

A swarm of wriggling, black, snake-like worms crawled out from their bodies.

The haunting screams of the kins echoed the hallway.

The black snake like worms oozed out from their faces, through their eyes, and even crawled their way out of the trembling hands of the Damphyrs.

Blood squirted out of their skin pores, oozing and staining the floor in a horrific display.

It was a sight that could invoke triophobia in even the bravest of souls.

This was all due to an advanced variant of Nanotube poisoning.

But just as swiftly they had come, the serpent-esque creatures underwent a transformation.

Their ebony forms shifted and shimmered, morphing into a radiant silver hue.

Gradually, they disintegrated into a liquefied state, resembling a shimmering pool of molten metal.

The swarm dispersed, the nanite particles swirling and darting through the air, ultimately finding their way back to me, seeping effortlessly into my being once again.

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