Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 81

Chapter 81: Attack on Genova [4]

Chapter 81: Attack on Genova [4]

Noah's POV (point of view):

Before me, in the wide passage of the 4th floor, wide enough for trucks to move freely — a sight unfolded. A legion of hundred grey-skinned humanoid creatures stood. Staring at me.

Staring. Sneering. Walking. Slowly.

It was a creepy sight.

I could gauge their strengths ranging from (F+) to (G). There was some solace in the fact that there were no vampire-kins who ranked higher than (E) in their midst.

Fun fact: Unlike Vampires who have hierarchical titles of Nobility, Minister, Grand Minister, and King; Vampire-kins or Damphyrs have human rankings like A, B, C, D, E, F, G...etc.

Now, I cannot fight hundreds of vampire-kins alone, that would be suicide.

But I 'have' to fight through this horde.

If I am not wrong then the teleportation device must be hidden within one of the rooms at the far end of this corridor.

But a machete won't be a good choice to fight so many.

With a swift motion, I retrieved my recurve bow from my dimensional bracelet. Accompanying it was a quiver brimming with Enhanced arrows.

As the Damphyrs sensed my preparation, their pace hastened towards me, their threats unheeded by my resolute focus.

Without wasting a moment, I deftly positioned the quiver on my back, a ready arsenal within my reach.

In a calculated move, I hurled four smoke grenades down the length of the hallway, each landing with a resounding—Tung-Tung-Tung, the sound reverberating through the air.

In an instant, the entire expanse was enveloped in a dense, impenetrable cloud of obsidian smoke which was hard to see through.

Hard to see through for them, not me.

Activating my infrared vision, I teleported further away from the approaching hoard and began to load my bow with an arrow.

Not a normal arrow, an enhanced arrow.

Each of these remarkable projectiles came at a hefty price of 500 Den, and I intended to make every single one count.

Krrrrk!— sound resonated through the air as I pulled the bowstring taut, feeling the tension build within.

My focus sharpened every fibre of my being honed in on the imminent release.

Chuck!—I let go of the string and the arrow straight hit one of the Vampire-kin. But the arrow didn't stop there; it continued to surge forth, bursting out from the kin's torso and seamlessly striking another kin behind.

Not content with its dual conquest, the enhanced arrow pressed on, tearing through flesh before finding its twisted finale in a female damphyrr. A gruesome sight unfolded—her torso transformed into a grotesque void, blood seeping forth in a macabre display.

This was the power of the enhanced arrow.

Currently, I was in battle mode, I wasn't the driver of the unfolding massacre.

Three arrows were loaded at once in the bowstring with a Mediterranean draw as my steps continued to retreat, but the aim was poised on the horde of coming vampire-kins. Each of the three arrows rested between my fingers.

With a controlled release, the string was set free, and a scene reminiscent of the previous encounter materialized once more. In an instant, nine Damphyrs were struck down, the impact of my arrows proving devastating.


The relentless charge of the vampire kins led to an alarming escalation in the number of casualties. Undeterred, Nano seamlessly transitioned between different archery techniques.

A swift thumb-draw and release—Swiiissh! josei

Japanese draw and release—Swisssh!

Pinch draw and release—Swisssh!

Two-finger draw, half draw, full draw, Nano was changing techniques faster than the reloading of bullets in a gun.

Some of these techniques were beyond my wildest imagination, pushing the boundaries of what could be achieved with a bow.

'Dafuq is this?'

Suddenly a system notification popped up—


The message flashed on the screen:

[Excellent archery! 40% mastery achieved in consecutive archery! New technique unlocked!]



[First form of consecutive archery: Fired arrow can transform into 10 deadly mana projectiles based on the mana used.]


Before I could even understand what had happened, Nano began to utilize the said technique by sending out 10 blue mana projectiles towards the incoming horde.

I was abruptly interrupted as three menacing red laser-like projectiles, resembling curved claws, materialized, hurtling towards me.

In a stunning display of acrobatics, my body instinctively executed a mid-air flip, navigating through the narrow gap between the claw-like energy projectiles with precision and grace.

As my feet hit the ground, a Damphyr stood before me, the very same one who had unleashed those deadly projectiles.

His glowing red claws, ominously radiating power, were poised to lacerate my face.

Just as his claw was about to strike me, I swiftly planted my right foot on his chest, forcefully pushing him back. Using his momentum to my advantage, I shifted my upper body dodging away from his claw.

At the same time, my hands moved, placing my recurve bow around his neck, like a garland.

The riser of the bow acted as the jewellery in this unusual arrangement.

With a firm grip on the bow, held in a reverse grip, I pulled back the bow to its maximum. Utilizing the stability provided by my footing on his chest, I released the tension, causing the riser of the bow to impact his face with a resounding —Thak!

The limp body of the Damphyr collapsed onto the cold floor, crimson blood trickling from his damaged nose.

But the insatiable drive within me urged me to take things further.

I retrieved the last remaining Enhanced arrow from my quiver and forcefully thrust it into the blood sucker's skull, penetrating his forehead.

The enhanced arrow remained lodged in his lifeless head as my hands deftly manoeuvred, preparing myself for the next attack.

With swift movements, I repositioned the arrow on the bowstring, despite it still being embedded within the skull of the fallen kin.

Not wasting a moment, I pulled back the string and released, aiming at another vampire who was leaping towards me in mid-air.

This was some crazy fighting... One vs hundred and my body didn't seem to care one bit about the overwhelming numbers.

Grey bodies kept piling up on the cold floor staining gold in crimson.


Third Person POV(point of view):

~In ground floor.

In the gruesome scene, a creature resembling a half-man and half-wolf viciously tore into the temple of a security guard, causing his skull to rupture.

It was a werewolf, a creature not driven solely by mindless instincts, for it soon revealed its capacity for speech. "I'll take great pleasure in breaking you", he snarled, directing his malevolent gaze towards Instructor Liya, who clutched a deep claw wound on her torso.

Instructor Liya glanced upwards, her eyes filled with horror and sorrow, taking in the sight of the grand lobby. The once majestic space was now littered with lifeless bodies, both humans and Vampire-kins, a chilling testament to the devastating chaos that had unfolded.

Why did these bastards attack them?!

What did they want?

Instructor Liya, although skilled in combat arts, was not an expert in magic.

Her lack of expertise made her C+rank status somewhat futile in the current dire circumstances.

From a distance, she could see her students, bravely battling a powerful vampiress, despite their injuries and waning strength. The vampiress seemed far from succumbing to her demise.

With her daggers rendered useless, Liya swiftly retrieved another pair of weapons, determined to confront the menacing werewolf. However, before her attack could land, a Damphyr intercepted her, landing with a deafening impact that echoed through the vicinity.

His ranked was judged to be at D+. He was the same Damphyrr who attacked Aurora and Takahashi previously.

"I'll take care of her, finish off those scoundrels", he declared, his eyes fixed on Liya with determination.

"Good luck, Kaiselius. That human feline is rather fiesty", the werewolf retorted, a taunting tone in his voice as he sprinted towards Areavat and the others, moving on all fours with impressive speed.

Meanwhile, Takahashi lay panting heavily on the ground, his body in a state of exhaustion. He had made the grave error of engaging the powerful vampiress in close combat, resulting in a merciless battle. His clothes were tattered and stained with blood, bearing witness to the intensity of the fight.

Frustration filled his thoughts as he regretted not bringing his other treasured relic, [Adapt's Loop], with him. If he had it in his possession, he would have had a greater advantage in battling the vampiress. Adapt's Loop was a glaive, a precious relic gifted to him by his father.

A short distance away, Emily Reed relentlessly shot arrows with her [Wind Breaker] bow. However, the vampiress effortlessly nullified her attacks with swift counterattacks. Soon, Emily started taking damage herself.

Just as things looked bleak, a bolt of lightning struck the vampiress, providing a momentary distraction. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Areavat swooped down from above, ready to strike. However, a ferocious claw came at him with an overwhelming force, but he quickly raised his golden shield, which mitigated 80% of the werewolf's attack. His shield, known as [Last Stand], was yet another remarkable relic.

In a grim turn of events, the odds were stacked against the main cast, now facing a daunting 2v4 battle. It was a desperate fight that risked not only their defeat but also their very lives.

Even with the use of four powerful high-level relics, they found themselves unable to overcome a single vampiress who held the esteemed rank of minister. The main cast members were battered, bruised, and plagued with injuries all over their bodies, gasping for breath.

In stark contrast, the vampiress appeared relatively unscathed, her resilience seemingly unyielding. To make matters worse, she now had the support of her partner, intensifying an already precarious situation.

Their grim realization settled in - today could very well mark their imminent demise.

And perhaps no one was gonna come to save them.

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